Flying Backwards (21 page)

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Authors: Jennifer W Smith

Tags: #training, #dating, #love, #career as flight attendant, #multi-cultural travel, #aircraft, #travel, #flying, #second chance, #St. Petersburg Russia, #Rome, #career change, #London, #adventure, #female protagonist, #new adult, #Contemporary Romance, #debut author

BOOK: Flying Backwards
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Chapter Fifteen

It was only four weeks since Nora and Bree were last in England. As the girls steered their roller-bags through the crowded London airport, they smiled at each other, anticipating a great weekend. Ashley picked them up and took them to a coffee house in the city. They sipped coffee and chatted the afternoon away. Of course, the first topic that came up was Bree’s transfer to international flight training. Ashley insisted on calling everyone to tell them. Bree convinced her to wait.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Bree said to Ashley. “I talked to Evan. He wants to take us out on the town tonight.” Ashley’s eyes widened above her freckled cheeks. “And I want to tell him myself.” Bree gave Ashley a coy look, suggesting things were getting more involved with her brother.

The girls stopped at Ashley’s to freshen up and drop off their things. Her London flat was a modest yet spacious two-bedroom walk-up. Her building overlooked a busy small-business district that suited her perfectly. They met Evan at a quaint pub for dinner. He was pleased with Bree’s news and ordered a round of drinks to celebrate.

The next morning Nora heard Ashley making coffee in her small, modernized kitchen. She sat up from the sofa, inhaling. “Mmm, that smells good.”

“Good morning. Coffee will be ready in a few minutes,” Ashley said as she spooned level scoops of dark crystals into the coffee filter.

“Morning! I could definitely use some.” Nora rubbed her eyes, still groggy from the time change.

Ashley was handing Nora a container of cream at the table when Bree emerged from the bedroom. “Do I smell coffee?” She gratefully accepted a mug from Ashley. After a few quiet moments sipping caffeine, Ashley fixed her eyes on Bree.

“So–what is going on between you and my brother? Is it finally happening?” Ashley pursed her lips in a knowing way.

finally happening?” Nora looked from Bree to Ashley. Bree peered over the rim of her coffee mug, appearing to be in a stare-off with Ashley. “What are you talking about?” Nora prodded.

“Well,” Ashley began, “when we were girls, Bree used to chase Evan. It was a game of chase all of us would play, but Bree always went after Evan. One day, she chased him into the stables and slipped and fell. Evan stood over her, laughing and teasing. Bree’s clothes were covered in mud and horse manure. Bree stood up, stomped her foot, and yelled, ‘This is the last time I’ll chase you, Evan Andrews. Someday you will be chasing after me!’” Ashley nodded slowly. “It was quite a declaration.”

“Really, so he’s finally chasing after you? Why has it taken so long?” Nora inquired.

“Timing,” Bree answered, and Ashley nodded.

“Bree was a dorky American kid.” Bree made a face at Ashley’s description.

“Yeah…‌when I was nine,” Bree said defensively. “I think I told you some of this, Nora. The summer of my junior year in high school I came for a visit. Evan would have asked me out, but he had a steady girlfriend. When I came back a year later, I was dating this musician, so Evan knew I was into someone else. Now…” Bree fiddled with a strand of red-gold hair, “we are both unattached, and he’s finally been calling me.
Chasing me
. So here we are.” She opened a palm. “Ta da!”

“I guess becoming an international flight attendant will make seeing him easier? Right? Don’t you come to London often, Nora?” Ashley poured herself a second cup of coffee.

“Yes, London flights are easy to pick up,” Nora confirmed. She found it hard to believe that Bree was attracted to Evan, who was clearly a decent, although somewhat nerdy, guy, the opposite of the bad-boy type she normally went for. Maybe this was the kind of relationship Bree needed to turn over her new leaf. Nora was glad for her friend, but she could not help feel a pang of jealousy. Her own relationships were stretching in too many directions.

“I’m so excited you’ll be an
jetsetter now.” Ashley’s raspy voice squeaked as it went higher. “Too bad you couldn’t transfer here to London.”

Bree glanced heavenward and shrugged her shoulders.

That “who knows what could happen in the future” shrug alarmed Nora. If Bree left Philadelphia, Nora could not afford to stay in the townhouse on her salary, even with a roommate. Bree’s father paid for the expensive residence. She pushed the thought out of her mind. It would be crazy. They’d just got settled. They’d only been flying for about five months. Besides, Bree wasn’t even flying internationally yet. Still, the thought was disturbing.

The girls spent the morning shopping at Harrods, London’s well-known department store. Bree tried on several outfits before deciding on a shirtdress. Then they tried on shoes. With a mountain of open shoeboxes stuffed with tissue paper surrounding her, Bree chose a pair of strappy sandals to complete her outfit.

It was a beautiful summer day, not too hot. After they left Harrods that afternoon, they sat outside in the sunshine eating ice cream cones. Bree took a call and then hung up her cell phone and smiled at Nora. “Evan got us reservations at Bernard’s tonight, and Corrine and Ben will be driving down to join us.” Bree ate the ice cream off the top of the cone and then tossed the cone into a nearby trashcan. Nora paused for a moment, thinking she should toss her cone too.
I don’t need the extra calories
. But she didn’t.

Nora cautioned herself not to overreact because she would be seeing Ben. “Cool. Sounds great.” She thought she sounded nonchalant.

“Good! Are they staying the weekend? It’s been ages since they stayed.” Ashley finished her last bite and dusted off her hands.

“Yes. Evan said he invited them to stay with him.” Bree was applying lip gloss and checking her hair in her compact mirror. Watching Bree, Nora reached into her purse, bypassing her everyday lip balm for the new lip gloss Bree had insisted looked gorgeous on her in Harrods. They’d stood at the makeup counter for forty-five minutes, playing with the many samples. Nora thought Harrods was like Macy’s on steroids. It was huge and had so many fun things to look at. The prices were well out of her spending range, but she could swing for the thirty-dollar lip gloss.

Bree gathered her shopping bags and stood. “We better get going.”

Ashley grabbed the smaller Harrods bag that contained the cosmetics she’d bought.

That evening they met outside Bernard’s restaurant. Corrine and Ben gave hugs all around. When it came time for Nora to hug Ben, she closed her eyes and inhaled his masculine scent. “It’s really nice to see you again, Nora.” He smiled as he appraised her.

“You, too, Ben. So you’re staying for the weekend?” She was not flying home until Monday and hoped to see more of him.

“Yes, I’m taking a little break from work for a few days. It’s been a long time coming–or so everyone tells me.” His smile was lopsided and his dimples evident.

Ben took the seat next to Nora; they chatted easily. Just after the waiter delivered their drinks, Ashley dug around in her bag for her buzzing cell phone.

“Oh, bloody hell!” After listening to a phone message Ashley hung up. Ben and Nora paused to hear what was wrong. “I’m going to have to go into work tomorrow. Those idiots have messed up everything, and now I have to go in on my day off.” The smattering of freckles across Ashley’s face made her look like a pouting child.

“Welcome to the real world,” Evan taunted his little sister.

“Bugger off,” she whispered venomously to her brother in an unladylike manner. Evan just chuckled.

“Oh, Ashley, we were just talking about shopping on Mayfair tomorrow.” Corrine looked disappointed.

“Just go without me. Maybe I can meet up with you,” Ashley offered. Then she focused on her glass of beer like her life depended on it.

Nora spoke up. “I was thinking about visiting Westminster Abbey tomorrow. I’ve been dying to go each time I come to London, but I can never fit in all the sights I want to see.” She apologized. “I’m afraid I’m a little shopped out.”

“That’s a London classic,” Ben replied, “one of my favorites, in fact. I’ll take you if you want. Evan told me after I got here that he’ll be working tomorrow as well. So I’m free.” He took a sip of the amber liquid in his glass.

“Really, I’d love that. I love history, and I’ve read a lot about English history. My favorite story is King Edward and Elizabeth Woodville.”

“A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse.” Ben’s odd comment made Nora lift her brows, and he chuckled. “In Shakespeare’s play, King Richard III, King Edward’s brother, uttered those words before he died. Of course, because it’s horse related it stuck in my mind.”

“Ah, King Richard, King Edward’s younger brother, the last of the York kings,” Nora said to impress Ben. “I have never seen Shakespeare’s
King Richard III
.” Nora confessed; she made a mental note to see the play. The waiter returned to take their orders. Nora chose a dish Ben recommended. They continued talking to each other for some time.

“What are you two talking about?” Bree asked as the waiter approached with their dinners. “It sounds like a soap opera.”

“It is like one. We are talking about the English court. The war between the Yorks and Lancasters.” Nora received admiring looks from her British friends until they were distracted by the meals set before them.

“Nora and I are going to Westminster Abbey tomorrow. Would anyone like to join us?” Ben sliced into his roast beef.

“God, no!” Corrine looked at her brother. “Dad used to take us all the time when we were kids. We’d come to the city to visit our aunt, and she would always mention the Abbey. I never understood why you liked it so much.”

“It never gets old.” Ben grinned at his sister and then took another mouthful.

“Ben, I’m so glad you’re here, for her sake.” Bree pointed her salad fork at Nora. “She is a big history buff, like you.” She swung her fork between herself and Corrine. “We’re going shopping. So Nora is all yours. You can be Tour Guide Ben.”

Nora knew that Bree understood she had a threshold for shopping, plus now her friend wouldn’t have to feel guilty about dragging Nora into overpriced shops she was unable to resist.

Everyone laughed, and Ben shrugged. “Fine by me.”

After they’d finished eating, they continued drinking and socializing. Nora looked around the table and realized that just a few weeks ago these people had been strangers to her. Now they were becoming her dear friends. Nora discovered that Corrine was a Madonna fan; they both loved the same 1980’s hits. They sang song lines together across the table, the rest of the group were practically in tears from laughing. Evan apparently had a pool table at his house; he beamed at Nora. “You play!”

They split the bill six ways and headed out into the balmy summer night. Ben slowed to walk alongside Nora. “I’ll pick you up after breakfast, around nine. The Abbey doesn’t open until ten, but I thought I’d drive you around and show you some points of interest if you’d like.” Nora nodded, delighted. Corrine told Bree she would catch a ride over with Ben in the morning.

Ashley offered her car to the girls. “It’s no bother to take the tube to the office.” Then the group dispersed.

The next morning Nora was ready and waiting for Ben on the sidewalk. The sky was cloudy and ominous. She wore a sweater to keep warm and hoped it would help if it ended up raining. England’s weather was unpredictable at best. She had not packed an umbrella.

Not many businesses were open at that hour, and the street was quiet for a Friday morning. Ben pulled to the curb in a compact car, not the same vehicle he drove in the country. She was already feeling nervous about being in a tiny car, driving on the
side of the road, in London traffic. That was probably why she could feel butterflies in her stomach.

Corrine got out the passenger side and waved hello as she hoisted her bag over her shoulder. “Have a good time, you two.” Ben waited for Corrine to disappear behind the entry door that led to Ashley’s apartment.

Ben turned to her, his hands buried in his pockets as he squinted at the sky, “Looks like we’ll get rain today. Not to worry. I always have an umbrella in my car.”

The bright, cloud-covered sky reflected in his green eyes, casting them in a cool, minty shade.
His eyes are so beautiful…
Nora thought she could stare into them all day.

Nora made herself comfortable in the small vehicle. Ben, a tall man, looked cramped. “So what happened to your Land Rover?”

He said with a grin, “This is my city car.” He came to an intersection and edged into and around traffic. They motored around the city for half an hour or so before they found parking near Westminster Abbey.

She pulled out her wallet. “How much are the tickets?”

He waved her money away. “I got it.”

“No, Ben, I don’t expect you to pay. I should be paying for you.” She didn’t want this to be like a date. He was just a friend.

He laughed. “Our tour is starting.” He tipped his head in the direction of the Abbey.

Nora was delighted with the short, round, eccentric tour guide. The matching plaid pants and jacket he wore did not say much for his fashion sense but fit his personality perfectly. As he began the tour, his pronounced British accent flowed from beneath his drooping mustache, and his blue eyes widened with every point he made.

Nora swiveled her head, feasting her eyes on the stunning architecture. She could sense the history within the abbey walls. She flashed Ben a brilliant smile and mouthed “Thank you.”

Throughout the tour, Ben added a few points that the tour guide failed to mention. When the tour was over he showed Nora where he liked to sit inside the ancient church. He said it was the best view. They sat together, quietly taking in the grandeur and noticing the tourists passing by with cameras around their necks.

They exited Westminster Abbey and crossed the road so Nora could take some snapshots. “Ben, let me get a picture with the both of us.” She held the camera at arm’s length, faced it toward her, with Westminster Abbey behind her, and motioned him in closer. They pressed their cheeks together, and she snapped the picture. Their heads remained close while they viewed the shot. “What’s next?” She peeked up at him and blinked as a fat rain drop landed on her cheek. Ben’s thumb traced the wet trail down her cheek. Then
splat …‌splat… splat
… Nora held her breath.
Is he going to kiss me?
Ben pulled an umbrella out of his back pocket, and they huddled together under it.
No, he wasn’t going to kiss me
, she chided herself.

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