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Authors: K. B. Webb,Hot Tree Editing

Follow You Down (17 page)

BOOK: Follow You Down
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“Lucas, I love you too.”

I kiss her already swollen mouth. That is why I love her, because she can find the words for me when I can’t.




I can’t sleep. I’ve been sitting on the couch watching
for hours while Lucas sleeps in the other room. I keep wondering if Lucas is right and Molly will end up hurting Logan. God knows the last thing either of them need is another heartbreak. Mainly, I keep thinking of what Lucas told me about his dad. How does a man beat his own son, his own wife, like that? Why the hell did Dolly stay for so long after she knew how bad things were? I just can’t fathom growing up like that.

I was lucky; my parents always put my wellbeing first. I hit the fucking lottery when it came to them. Even when I did things that I know let them down tremendously; they never turned their backs on me. I didn’t have to raise myself. I got the chance to be a young kid and make terrible mistakes without worrying about the consequences. Lucas never got that. He went from child to adult overnight.

I glance at the clock, it’s seven a.m. For a moment, I think work tonight will be miserable, then I remember the call I got from Geo earlier saying Ricky’s was going to be closed for at least a few days. I don’t know if it is because of Molly’s attack or because it was a crime scene, or if it is because they still need to clean up the mess from when Brian was shot.

Thinking of how Molly must feel knowing she killed her daughter’s father sends a shiver up my spine. I think the worst part is knowing that she doesn’t have a mother to turn to, or a father. Yes, she has Wynee and her mom, but that’s the only family she has. My heart breaks for her.

I decide to go ahead and call my mom. I need to hear her voice.

I grab my laptop and call on her Skype, not knowing if she is even awake yet.

She connects the call almost instantly.

“What’s wrong, Dani Gail?”

“How did you know something was wrong?”

“It’s a mom thing. You’ll get it one day. So what is it?”

I breakdown crying and tell her everything. Molly. Brian. Lucas being scared for Logan. Lucas’ father and what Dolly did to him. I spill my guts out to her. When I finish, she is crying too.

“I feel so guilty, Mom. Everyone around me has been through these horrific childhoods and I didn’t have that at all. I had an amazing one because of you and Dad. It’s like I feel bad that my life was so good.”

“Dani Gail, don’t do that to yourself. Everyone is dealt a different hand in life. You can’t feel guilty just because yours is better than most. I won’t let you feel bad for that. Your father and I worked very hard to give you the kind of childhood that others dream of.”

“But, Mom, Lucas has been through so much. Seeing his mom get beat by his dad, then witnessing her shoot him. And on top of everything, having to basically raise Logan. He said he did it because Logan needed a father figure and I can’t help but wonder who was there for Lucas when he needed one.” I wipe away tears from my eyes. “My heart hurts for him, Mom.”

“That’s because you love him, baby. His pain is your pain; that’s how it’s supposed to be.”

I smile thinking of our encounter in my shower yesterday. He may not have said the actual words, but Lucas Wade loves me. He doesn’t need to speak the words for me to know it.

“I do love him, Mom, and he loves me.”

She smiles over her coffee. “I know, honey, and I couldn’t be happier that you found someone who you love and who loves you back. That, Dani Gail, is a feeling like no other.”

“Who the hell do you love, young lady?”

Shit. My dad. He knows I’ve been dating someone, but unless my mother has told him more, which is unlikely, that’s all he knows.

He picks up the laptop off the kitchen counter and walks away with it so I can no longer see my mother.

I stare at him, wide-eyed, not sure how to respond.

“I’ll ask you again, Dani Gail; what is all this love business about?”

“I, um, well, Dad, I’ve been dating a guy named Lucas for a while, and I, well, and I love him.” I close my eyes and brace for the negative comments that are sure to come.

“Is he a good man?”

“Yes, Dad, he is amazing. I promise.”

“I still need to meet this boy before you’re allowed to love him, understand?”

I hear my mom yell at him. “What, Gail? We can’t just let her fall in love with strangers. That is unacceptable. I am her father. She needs my approval before all this love stuff happens.” He returns his attention to me. “I mean it, Dani.”

“Yes, Daddy, I promise to stop loving him until you meet him and approve.”

“You inherited sarcasm from your mother’s side of the family. They always did get on my nerves.”

“Damn it, Mark, give me my daughter back!”

I can see my parents fighting over the computer and I laugh for the first time in twenty-four hours.

“Ugh, your father is an ass. I’m back.” Mom sits back down at her stool and places the computer on the kitchen counter. “Ignore him. You can love whomever you want, and sarcasm is an admirable trait. He’s just jealous that he’s an old stick-in-the-mud.” I hear my father’s voice in the background, “I heard that.” My mother chirps back, “I meant for you to.”

“If I didn’t know better, I would really think y’all didn’t like each other.”

“You know I adore
your father, Dani. He’s just a pain in my ass. That’s what love is, knowing someone annoys the shit out of you and staying with them in spite of that.”

“Well, thanks for the sage advice, Mom. I think I’m gonna go for a run now.”

“Carry your pepper spray!” My dad reappears in front of the screen. “I’m going to contact the police department there and find you a self-defense class, too.”

“Okay, Dad.” Arguing with him is useless. When Mark Hartley sets his mind on something, there is no changing it.

“We love you, Dani. Be happy. And despite what your father says, be in love. It’s the best feeling in the world.”

“I love y’all, too. Come visit soon!”

I blow them both kisses and close my laptop. I head to my room, creeping around so that I don’t wake Lucas up. I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom to change. I walk into my workout room to get my shoes and see the pole in the middle of the room.

Maybe I don’t need a run to clear my head. Maybe I need to dance my stress away. I slide my shoes and socks off, and then put my phone on the iPod dock, turning on my Imagine Dragons playlist.

“Radioactive” comes on and I dance my heart out, my stress out. I let my body do all the work while my mind relaxes. My body knows these moves so well that I don’t even have to think about what step comes next. Dancing is like riding a bike, once you learn how, you never forget. The songs run together. After “Demons” plays, I don’t even pay attention to the music, focusing instead on my breathing and the amazing feeling that comes over me when my body wraps around the shiny metal pole.

“Wow.” I see Lucas standing in the doorway in just gym shorts. His eyes are wide and his mouth is partially open in shock.

I stop mid-step and turn off the music. I’m drenched in sweat. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to know that my girlfriend is a fucking badass.”

“Ha ha. Very funny.”

“I’m not trying to be funny at all! Seriously, your pure muscle strength is insane. Watching you dance is like fucking art or something. Don’t get me wrong, it’s sexy as hell, but still, it’s sexy art.”

“Well, I hope you enjoyed the show, sir.”

“Red, watch your mouth. You know what that word does to me.”

I stride to him, doing what he likes to call my stripper walk. “What are you gonna do about it? I’m drenched in sweat right now anyway.”

He closes the space between us, peeling the sports bra off my sticky skin. My breasts bounce as they’re freed. He dips down and licks the sweat off my neck. “Even your sweat tastes sweet, Red.” He walks us backwards until I am pressed against the mirrored wall. He pushes my arms up, holding both wrists above my head in one hand. He leans down and licks both of my breasts, sucking and biting at my nipples.

I should care that I am sweaty, but I don’t. Something about his skin against my wet flesh is a turn on.

“Turn around and put your hands on the mirror.”

“Yes, sir.” I do as I’m told. I face the mirror, holding eye contact with him.

He pushes his shorts off in one quick motion, freeing the part of his body that brings more pleasure to mine than I ever knew was possible. Pulling down my shorts, I step out of them when they hit the floor.

He steps behind me, placing his hands on top of mine, still holding eye contact. He grinds his dick against my ass, then leans down and bites my shoulder.

He drops one hand to my pussy and runs a finger along my slit. “Lucas.” My head drops back and his name rushes out in a breathy moan. He works me over, bringing me to the brink of ecstasy, but stops short. He works his dick with the hand that is now wet with my juices, covering himself with me.

He places a hand on each hip and works himself inside me. Our connection physically
is beyond anything I have ever known. It’s like our bodies were made for each other.

I feel my orgasm building inside me, and I know soon, I will break around him. I let my neck go slack and close my eyes.

He grabs my ponytail, directing my head toward the mirror. “I want you to watch yourself come, Dani. Watch yourself come around my dick.”

I shudder at his domineering words. I love it when he takes control of me.

I look at his reflection in the mirror; his face is flushed and his jaw his locked. I can tell he is close to coming and that drives my orgasm even more. A short time later, I stare at my reflection as I let go, screaming Lucas’ name. My face is flushed, my mouth open, and my eyes only partially open, fighting the urge to close due to the immense pleasure.

When we are both drained, he carries me to the bathroom, setting me down in the shower. He turns the water on, and then steps in behind me, washing me and bringing me to orgasm once more. By the time we are both clean, I am physically exhausted from lack of sleep and phenomenal sex.

He lays me down on my bed, pulling the covers over me. My eyes are half-open, but I see him sliding on jeans and grabbing a clean shirt from his bag. “Red, I’m gonna go check on Logan and Molly. You stay here and sleep, okay?” He leans down and kisses me on the forehead, swiping my wet hair out of the way.

“Mm-hmm.” I’m already asleep before he is even out of the room.




I walk into the hospital and am instantly flooded with an ominous feeling. Something isn’t right; I just can’t put my finger on it. I try to shake off whatever it is and head to the elevator to go see Molly. Well, to see Logan. Don’t get me wrong, I adore Molly, but I need to look out for Logan, make sure he doesn’t get hurt again. I doubt I will be able to save him from the heartbreak I’m certain Molly is going to inflict on him, but I’ll be here to pick him up when it happens.

I step out of the elevator, onto Molly’s floor and head for her room.


My blood runs cold at the sound of her voice. Nikki. What the fuck is she doing here?

I turn around and face her. She looks how she always does, dressed way too slutty for a hospital, every dyed blonde hair in place, and way too much makeup. Seeing her face makes me miss Dani’s. With her freckles and flawless skin, she has no real need to wear makeup.

“Nikki.” I don’t want to talk to her. The quicker this interaction ends, the better. I don’t want anyone to see me talking to her because I don’t want it getting back to Dani. She still doesn’t know about my night with Nikki, and if I have it my way, she never will.

“What are you doing here?”

“My brother’s girlfriend is here. Why are you here?”

“The one who killed her kid’s dad? I heard about that. Oh, Lisa is having some complications from the tubes she got in her ears last week. She’s staying here for some tests and a few rounds of IV antibiotics.”

“Lisa’s here?” I haven’t seen her in three years, since the day I found out she wasn’t mine. I didn’t want to walk away from her, but I didn’t have a choice. If I would have kept hanging around even though she wasn’t mine, I would have just ended up hurting her eventually. At some point, I would have had to walk away from her, and in my mind, it was better to do it when she was too young to even remember who I was.

BOOK: Follow You Down
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