Following Love (15 page)

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Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

BOOK: Following Love
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“You need to see this,” Gaylord said, following and pulling a fat file out of his briefcase and handing it out to her.

She didn't take it. Instead Adel walked over to the bar and poured herself another drink then sat down on the plush sofa. “What is it?”

“I did the standard background check on Dena again,” he began.

“So what? You did that when she married my son.”

“Yes and she was clear, no police record, no unusual hits.”

“Is there a point to this?” Adel asked impatiently.

“Yes, after you left this morning I did another check, expecting to find exactly what I found before. But this time I got flagged.”

“Flagged. What does that mean?”

“It means that Dena had contact with the police since her marriage.”

“Get to the point, or is that it?”

“The point is Dena filed a police report after her marriage.”

Adel turned with interest. “What kind of police report?”

“It appears that she was attacked in her home approximately forty weeks before her son was born. Forester…”

Adel smiled and laughed. “He knew about it, didn't he? That slut had an affair and she was trying to pass her bastard son off on my son as his.”

“She was attacked and raped…” Gaylord continued.

“So she says,” Adel said relentlessly, interrupting as she stood and headed back to the bar. “How perfect is this. Once this gets out, all her innocent victim petitions can finally end. She'll get nothing from the Graham estate, not the Graham trust and not Forester's personal insurance.”

“Adel, she was attacked by her husband, by Forester,” Gaylord said, then waited for the reaction he knew would come.

Adel swung around, her eyes blazing wild and furious. “What kind of lies are these?” She spat the words. “My son never touched that woman, at least not the last few months of their sham marriage.”

“Adel, Forester voluntarily confessed to assault, he even called emergency services to take Dena to the hospital that night. There's a voice-match tape recording.”

“What? That's impossible, it's all a lie.”

Gaylord riffled through the file and found the paper he was looking for. “Here, his written confession, signed by the detective, the assistant D.A. and his attorney.”

“His attorney?” she asked.

“Nelson represented him,” Gaylord said, offering her the paper.

“Why didn't I know about this?” she hissed, snatching it from his hands.

“Here's the full workup.” He handed her the file again.

Adel snatched that, too, then tossed it down on the coffee table as she sat. “What does this mean? Get to the bottom line, Gaylord.”

He sat down beside her. “Bottom line, Forester Graham confessed to assault and rape of his wife forty-one weeks before their child was born, a child obviously conceived that night.”

Adel went stoic. “What happened to the charges?”

“Forester was arraigned then released on his own recognizance the next morning, then Dena dropped all charges a few days later. Apparently she and Forester decided to make a clean start. That was three days before the accident.”

“This is impossible. I would have known.”

“No one knew except…”

“No, I don't believe any of this,” Adel said quietly.

“I'm still working on getting the photo and also a DNA sample of Dena's child, just in case.” He stood and picked up his briefcase. “I'll be in touch.” Adel nodded silently as he walked out. Her evening had just taken a desperately wrong turn.

Chapter 14

nees bent, waist tucked, she fit perfectly into the concave of his body. Dena lazily opened her eyes and looked around. It was still dark, so she relaxed and snuggled deeper. Waking up in a man's arms always felt good, waking up in Julian's arms felt like heaven. The dream of last night was still fresh in her mind. They'd made love and then they'd made love again. Hot and exciting, their appetites were ravenous; they couldn't get enough of each other.

It seemed like both of them were making up for time lost and opportunities missed. Whatever it was, it was good, real good, but now the dawn would be approaching and she needed to get back to her aunt's house. Sneaking in after a night out was one thing, sneaking in after a night out to an audience of her aunt, Mamma Lou and Dillon was something else.

She had all intentions of getting up and leaving, but the comfortable bed begged her to stay and being wrapped in Julian's arms didn't hurt. But still she needed to go. It was the morning after and she knew that the night before would either be seen as a wonderful moment between two consenting adults or a horrible mistake between coworkers. She had no idea what to expect.

She felt his body stir behind her and tensed.

Both naked, he was hard and she instantly moistened.

He kissed her neck and her shoulder, and his hand rubbed her stomach and stroked down the length of her hip. “Hi,” he whispered, nuzzling in her ear. She smiled, knowing this is how they started the second time they'd made love.

“Hi,” she responded softly.

“Sleepy?” he asked.

“No,” she said, feeling his hand travel up her body to her breasts.

“Thirsty?” he asked.

“No,” she repeated.


“What do you have in mind?” she questioned.

“Roll over on your stomach,” he requested, then sat up. She did, positioning her head on her folded arms. “Close your eyes,” he added.

She did, not knowing what to expect.

He removed the sheet, leaned in and stroked the full length of her body. First her temple, then her neck, then her shoulders to her back, then over the bump of her rear and then down her legs. The sensuous feel of his hands ignited a fire inside of her. He slowly reversed then his hand stroked the smudged bruise on her bottom. He remembered their first meeting, smiled and kissed the hurt and continued touching, ending up back at the nape of her neck.

Dena moaned by the time his hands came to her neck. The soft gentle touch was too tantalizing. He ran his hands down her body again, following the same path he'd taken before but this time his touch was more enticingly intimate.

Her body responded when he paused on her rear again, drawing large circles over her buttocks then sweetly massaged her curves. He remembered the first time he'd seen these perfect cheeks. Half wrapped in a towel and soaking wet, he was instantly hooked then. All he'd dreamed about since that brief moment was touching her here and feeling the round fullness. So his hands continued to explore her, touching everywhere.

Dena moaned, reeling in the ecstasy of his touch.

“Does that feel good?” he asked softly.

“Mmm,” she hummed. “Yes.”

He continued stroking and caressing her body, then leaned in and kissed her temple, her neck, her shoulder, then moved lower repeating the action his hand had just taken. Dena shuddered inwardly when he got to her waist. Her body responded to his lips instantly.

She rolled to the side and smiled at him. He lay down beside her as their mouths connected. This kiss, unlike the last ones, was slow and measured, sweet and all-consuming. Unhurried and deliberate, they devoured each other as hands touched, teased and tantalized, converging in all directions.

She pushed up, reversing their positions. Within seconds she sat on top of him, her legs straddling his hips. Sitting up, she looked down onto her conquest. The magnificence of his broad muscular chest and detailed abs never ceased to amaze her.

She reached up to his neck then ran her hand down his body, feeling the hard outline of his form. He was rock-solid. She felt her way down his arms and to his hands, resting firmly on her waist then back up to his shoulders. He groaned, obviously pleased by her touch. She pressed her hands to his nipples and slowly circled them with her palms. The tiny studs pebbled. He moaned and held her waist tighter.

She leaned in and up, then kissed his shoulder then his arm and then bit, licked, kissed and sucked the pebbled studs. She felt his throbbing hardness pulsate, seeming to search for her entrance.

“Does that feel good?” she asked softly as she grabbed a condom from the nightstand.

“Mmm,” he hummed, closing his eyes. “Yes.”

“Open your eyes,” she requested. He did. She tore open the plastic covering, eased up and back then slowly covered him. Feeling the hard length of him renewed her anticipation to nearly unbearable. She maneuvered up closer, hovering just inches from him. With ease she let gravity take over, and in a restrained measure she impaled herself onto him.

Completely engorged, she closed her eyes and sat still, reveling in the fullness of her body. Then she felt his hands come up to cover her breasts to encircle her back and bring her down to his mouth. His tongue licked her nipples to harden, then kissed and suckled each breast in turn.

A blazing fire burned through her as she sizzled, wiggled and moaned. She rolled up then down, filling and refilling her body with his hardness. Tight and rigid, wild and fierce, she began moving excitingly. Kisses pecked and prodded at every part of her body and the burn of his mouth on her was ecstasy. She closed her eyes, experiencing everything all at once.

She sat back as his hands came to her waist again, holding her balanced and in place. Rocking in and out, her body arched as he sat up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Hugging close, she rose up as his lips delved into her neck, kissing her mindless.

His mouth descended lower, crossing her shoulders, down her arms then back up again. The taste of her was exhilarating. He lowered dipped and kissed her nipples, suckling each sweetness as she held on tight. Already taut and sensitive, she moaned as he ravaged the two perfect mounds. He brought her breasts together then dipped his mouth between the swell of cleavage. Dena gasped and arched back farther as hot passion shot through her each time she impaled herself on him. She closed her eyes, reveling in the sensuous feeling of his mouth and his hardness. The soft suckling pull turned to sweet kisses as she quickened the pace, eager to feel the surging climax.

In fervid bliss she rocked wild and hard, feeling her swell of pleasure come. She moaned and held tight each time she rose up and released. Thick, hard and throbbing, she sat on him and he refilled her until the pinnacle of orgasmic pleasure eclipsed and took her to rapturous ecstasy. They came together, holding tight as each climax repeated through shudders of passion.

He lay back, bringing her to lie on top of him. Both exhausted and satisfied, they lay there silent, catching their breath, feeling the last remnants of pleasure pass between their bodies. He reached over and grabbed the sheet to cover her body sprawled over his. Then a gentle sleep took them for a short time. She was the first to awaken as she moved off his body.

“Good morning,” he muttered close to her ear while holding her tighter.

“Morning,” she said, moving away slightly. “I'm gonna grab a quick shower.”

“Okay, I'll put some coffee on.”

Dena nodded, moved the sheet away and hurried to the bathroom. Once inside she closed the door and turned on the shower. Already naked she stepped inside and let the water pour down her body.

The urgency of their passion was exhilarating. She'd never before been with a man who was so attentive to her needs and her pleasure. Julian was the perfect lover. No woman in her right mind could walk away after spending a night with him.

After a cool shower she dried off then wrapped the towel around her body and went back into the bedroom. The room was dark and quiet. She could hear Julian's gentle breathing; he had apparently fallen back to sleep.

Hesitantly she began gathering her discarded clothing. She put on her panties and snapped her bra front. She slipped her arms into her dress and was just about to fasten it when she heard him behind her.

Julian stirred restlessly, then awoke when he reached out and Dena wasn't there. He leaned up, seeing her dress quickly. “So, do we need to talk?” he asked.

She turned, seeing him leaning up on his elbows in the rumpled bed they'd just shared. Half covered and draped in the white cotton sheet, he looked like the perfectly posed nude model.

“Talk about what?” she asked, walking back to the bed.

“I don't know, you tell me. You look like you are making a run for the door.”

“Do I?” she asked.

“Yes, you do.” She sat down beside him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and dipped his chin to her shoulder. “Regrets?” he asked.

“No, you?” she asked.

He kissed her neck and shoulder while drawing his hand up and down her back. “Never,” he whispered.

“This is going to be awkward, though, isn't it?” she asked.

“It doesn't have to be…” he began.

“At work, I mean. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea. Maybe I shouldn't have come here last night,” she said.

“Maybe you should have come sooner,” he answered.

She smiled; that was exactly what she needed to hear. He coaxed her to lie back as he wrapped his arms tighter. “I won't lie to you, Dena, I don't know where this is going, but I know that I want you in my life.”

“Really?” She smiled happily.

“Definitely,” he said, kissing her shoulder.

She'd heard her share of horizontal promises. Forester made dozens, hundreds. Like Julian, she wasn't sure what would happen next. All she knew was that living in the moment felt good and being here wrapped in Julian's arms felt right.

“I have to go, it's getting late.” She paused and looked out the window. “Make that early.”

“When are your aunt and Dillon coming home?” he asked.

“This afternoon,” she said.

“Then stay with me this morning,” he said as he pushed aside her opened dress and covered her breast. “I'll make you breakfast in bed,” he whispered in her ear as he licked and sucked her earlobe. His fingers busily went to her bra, unsnapped the clasp then he tweaked her nipple to harden between his forefinger and thumb.

She shuddered as he leaned in to tickle her nipple with the tip of his tongue. A shocking sensation shot through her instantly. She gasped and giggled, moving away playfully. He held her in place right by his side. “Stay with me,” he repeated.

Dena shook her head, smiling. “You are too tempting.”

An hour later dawn had come and gone, breakfast had come and gone. It was time to leave, at least for appearance's sake. And if she didn't leave now she was sure they'd be making love for the fifth time.

A sudden heat swept over her. Julian was unreal. Every time he touched her she burned for him. Over breakfast he rubbed his hand over her rear and she nearly jumped on top of him. She'd never experienced such climaxes with spasms of ecstasy one right after another. He not only found her G-spot he'd claimed it as his own and she'd given it to him willingly.

Julian was still upstairs finishing getting dressed, so Dena decided to step out and get the newspaper tossed in the front driveway. She opened the front door and jerked back. Stephanie stood on the other side.

Woman to woman, the meeting was obvious, one leaving and one arriving. Stephanie was immediately insulted. “Who the hell are you?” she asked indignantly.

“Excuse me?” Dena asked.

“You're excused. Again, who the hell are you?”

Dena shook her head and walked away, then stopped when Stephanie called after her.

“Look, I don't know who you are and what you're doing with my husband, but his son and I don't want to see you here again.”

“His son?” Dena asked, surprised to hear that Julian was a father.

“That's right, his son, and our child, or didn't you even bother to ask before you slept with him?”

Dena walked away.

Stephanie stood at the open door. She smiled.

“Stephanie,” Julian said behind her.

She turned instantly and smiled, delighted to see him. “Good morning, Julian,” she said, walking inside and closing the door soundly.

“What do you want, Stephanie?” he asked coldly, opening the door.

“I need to talk to you.”

“I'm busy,” he said, looking around outside for Dena. He spotted her walking to her car parked in the driveway.

Standing in the great foyer, she looked him up and down, licking her lips with pleasure. He was even better than she remembered. The calm medical doctor she once married was now a buff muscled-toned wealthy businessman.

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