Food Cures

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Authors: Carol Svec

BOOK: Food Cures
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“I have nothing but the utmost respect for Joy and her work. For many years she has helped me and my family with dieting and nutrition. She is forever searching for new ways to improve health and wellness. She is a star in my eyes.”

—Tommy Mottola, music mogul, former chairman Sony Music Entertainment

“When it comes to questions about nutrition, Joy Bauer is your go-to source. She’s got all the facts, with great tips for healthy eating and living with a totally sensible, and more importantly, realistic outlook on all of it. In my experience, this is the woman—and now the book—with the answers.”

—Bobby Flay, chef/owner Mesa Grill, Bolo, Bar Americain, and Bobby Flay Steak, and author of
Grilling For Life

“While reading
Joy Bauer’s Food Cures
, I felt like I was visiting with Joy at her office. The book captures her real life persona…one of encouragement, humor, resiliency, support, genuine concern…and, above all, her ability to present realistic and practical options in achieving your personal goals and objectives!”

—Paul Carlucci, publisher,
New York Post

“This is an easy-to-read, absolutely comprehensive, medically accurate guide to food as a body fuel. This book is a real contribution to the field—it explains the principles of nutrition, and lays out the practices of eating for health and well being. It is a gem.”

—Orli R. Etingin, MD, professor of clinical medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York Presbyterian Hospital

“Joy Bauer has somehow made the impossible, possible. She makes smart eating, weight loss and now, in this book, preventative and curative health a reality. Joy’s simple and practical steps are easy to follow, even for those who feel challenged in this area. Our family knows firsthand that success is inevitable when you listen to Joy.”

—Jessica Seinfeld, author and founder/president, Baby Buggy, Inc.

“Joy has written a superb, readable, and tremendously useful book that distills all her expertise into a volume I will use personally and give to all my patients. It’s uniquely valuable.”

—Marianne J. Legato, MD, founder and director of the Foundation for Gender-Specific Medicine, Inc.; professor of clinical medicine, Columbia University; and adjunct professor of medicine, Johns Hopkins

“Joy brings the same thoroughness and understanding of nutritional needs to this book as she does to our high-performance dancers. Her expertise makes her an integral part of our wellness team at New York City Ballet.”

—Ken Tabachnick, general manager, New York City Ballet

“Wow! Joy has finally given us what we need. She has written a comprehensive, well-researched, easy-to-use nutritional guide for people who want to protect their vision from cataracts and macular degeneration.”

—Paul T. Finger, MD, FACS, clinical professor of ophthalmology, New York University School of Medicine, and author of
The Macular Degeneration Network

“Joy Bauer has been the ‘go-to’ nutritionist in New York for many years. This easy-to-read book captures her warmth, her humor, her clinical wisdom, and her vast experience, and gives sensible advice about managing your diet and staying healthy. It is a most-welcome resource!”

—B. Timothy Walsh, MD, Ruane Professor of Psychiatry, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University; director, Eating Disorders Research Unit, New York Psychiatric Institute

Food Cures
is like having an extended session with Joy herself. She offers intelligent, doable, and new solutions to the age-old question: What should I eat? Anyone who has ever held a menu, read a cookbook, or tried a diet will benefit from her wisdom.”

—Lucy Danziger, editor-in-chief,

“Joy is exactly what you want in a nutritionist: compassionate, insightful, and incredibly knowledgeable about the latest diet research. Her new book,
Joy Bauer’s Food Cures
, is just like having a much-coveted one-on-one session with Joy; and she offers smart, effective and, best of all, easy-to-implement advice for every goal—from weight loss to beautiful skin to improved digestion. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants a step-by-step action plan to better their diet and get results without starving or sacrificing taste, thanks to several delicious recipes.”

—Caroline Schaefer, deputy editor,
Us Weekly

“Joy’s book serves up heaping portions of useful nutritional and general health information, coupled with lots of common sense advice and guidance. She spices it up with great anecdotes and recipes, written in a conversation style that makes this book a joy to read. I thought I’d just glance at the Weight Loss and Radiant Skin chapters, but each chapter was filled with so many goodies I could not put it down.”

—Marsha Gordon, MD, clinical professor, dermatology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Joy Bauer’s Food Cures
offers a welcome addition to my shelf of trusted books. It is a well researched guidebook for helping select the foods that will make and keep you healthy.”

—Evelyn Attia, MD, associate director, The Eating Disorders Clinic, New York State Psychiatric Institute, and associate clinical professor of psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

“Whether you are trying to lose weight, manage a chronic medical condition, or just feel better, nutrition expert Joy Bauer has detailed and targeted advice that will help. Grounded in the latest medical science, clearly explained and illustrated, and rounded out with dozens of user-friendly recipes,
Joy Bauer’s Food Cures
is highly recommended not only for clinicians, but also for anyone pursuing a more healthful lifestyle.”

—Michael J. Devlin, MD, associate professor of clinical psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons; and associate director, Eating Disorders Research Unit, New York State Psychiatric Institute

Joy Bauer’s Food Cures
is an extraordinary detailing of profoundly easy nutrition programs that yield dramatic results. Joy doesn’t just play with generalities, she boldly details the way specific foods relate to specific medical conditions and diseases.
Joy Bauer’s Food Cures
is a fun and easy-to-read book that delivers the critical facts for everyone!”

—Carlon M. Colker, MD, FACN, chief executive officer and medical director, Peak Wellness, Inc.

“Joy Bauer’s new book is well-written, easily read, and is a great guide for eating properly. Her style and 4-step outlines make it easy for anyone to understand and to follow the programs. It is a great recipe for all of us to learn.”

—Phillip Bauman, MD, orthopaedic consultant for the New York City Ballet

“In a world crammed with crack-head nutritionists, Joy Bauer is a beacon of sanity. No joke—she saved my life.”

—Dany Levy, founder and editor-in-chief of

“As Joy says, ‘Eating is a piece of cake.’ What she fails to mention is that it is only that easy if you have a clear, articulate, authentic, and authoritative guide like
Food Cures
. Joy makes eating and healthy living carefree and enjoyable. Dig in.”

—Deanna Brown, general manager, Yahoo Health

“Joy Bauer is an amazing food coach!
Food Cures
will connect the dots between eating well, feeling healthy, and really enjoying your life.”

—Vicki Wellington, associate publisher,

“The most comprehensive, easy-to-read book on life-changing nutrition, with the most up-to-date science. An extraordinary book, which will be a must-have for every one of my patients. Joy has changed how I eat, as well as how I treat.”

—Dr. Lorenzo Gonzalez, MD, faculty at the University of Miami School of Medicine, department of physical therapy

“Fantastic! A comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to live better and feel better. With topics ranging from having beautiful skin and a great smile to handling migraines or celiac disease, it gives realistic advice for everyone. Plus, the recipes and shopping lists remove all guesswork and are simple enough for anyone to follow.”

—Jeff Wellington, vice president, group publisher,

“Never before in history have we humans been able to shape our destiny—for good or for bad—to the degree we can today. With this liberating potential come responsibility and choice, what we do, how we live and, yes, what we eat. Joy Bauer has written a remarkable book. It outlines with clarity and caring professionalism a road map to better health. It is easy to read and amazingly easy to live by—all one needs is a touch of discipline—and that seasoning is under your control.”

—Maurice Tempelsman, chairman of the board/director at Lazare Kaplan International, Inc.,

“It never ceases to amaze me that Joy continues to make it easy and clear for me to understand the world of nutrition. She simply knows how to keep it real.”

—Laura Geller, renowned makeup artist, working mother, and educator




This book is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical manual. The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical help.

Mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities in this book does not imply endorsement by the publisher, nor does mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities imply that they endorse this book. Internet addresses and telephone numbers given in this book were accurate at the time it went to press.

© 2007 by Joy Bauer, MS, RD, CDN
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bauer, Joy.
    Joy Bauer’s food cures : easy 4-step nutrition programs for improving your body / Joy Bauer with Carol Svec.
       p. cm.
    Includes bibliographical references and index.
    ISBN: 978-1-59486-466-7
  1. Diet therapy—Popular works. I. Svec, Carol. II. Title.
  RM217.B38    2007


Distributed to the book trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers

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This book is dedicated to health and medical researchers everywhere.

Their brilliant, behind-the-scenes work allows me and other wellness educators to
improve the health of millions of people.

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