Food Cures (72 page)

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Authors: Carol Svec

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Aladdin Low-Carb Wheat Wrap

*La Tortilla Factory Low-Carb, Low Fat Original Tortillas

La Tortilla Factory Whole Grain Wraps

*Mission Garb Balance Whole Wheat Tortillas

Mission Multigrain Tortillas

Thomas’ Sahara Wraps, 100% Whole Wheat


In the list below, I’ve noted which brands contain artificial sweeteners. Also, the serving sizes for yogurt can vary from 6 ounces to 8 ounces, so keep an eye on the number of calories per serving.

Dannon All Natural

*Dannon Light & Fit, Non Fat with artificial sweeteners—all varieties

*Dannon Light & Fit, Crave Control with artificial sweeteners—all varieties

Dannon Fruit on the Bottom, all varieties

FAGE Total 0%

FAGE Total Light

Horizon Organic Fat Free

Horizon Organic Lowfat Blended, all flavors

Stonyfield Farm All Natural Fat Free, all flavors

Stonyfield Farm Organic Lowfat, all flavors

Trader Joe’s Organic 1% Low Fat Vanilla


WEIGHT LOSS, Chapter 3

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