For Fallon

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Authors: Soraya Naomi

BOOK: For Fallon
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For Fallon

Copyright © 2014 by
Soraya Naomi

Published by
Soraya Naomi



First digital edition published by
Soraya Naomi.

Book 1 of Chicago Syndicate


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief and correct quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, businesses, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.


Top Cover Photo by Sandy Manase

Cover design by
Soraya Naomi.


For more information about the novel and author:







Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Fallon

Chapter 2: Luca

Chapter 3: Fallon

Chapter 4: Fallon

Chapter 5: Luca

Chapter 6: Fallon

Chapter 7: Luca

Chapter 8: Fallon

Chapter 9: Luca

Chapter 10: Fallon

Chapter 11: Luca

Chapter 12: Fallon

Chapter 13: Fallon

Chapter 14: Luca

Chapter 15: Fallon

Chapter 16: Luca

Chapter 17: Luca

Chapter 18: Fallon

Chapter 19: Luca

Chapter 20: Fallon

Chapter 21: Luca

Chapter 22: Fallon

Chapter 23: Fallon

Chapter 24: Fallon

Chapter 25: Fallon

Chapter 26: Luca

Chapter 27: Luca

Chapter 28: Luca

Chapter 29: Fallon

Chapter 30: Luca

Chapter 31: Fallon

Chapter 32: Luca

Chapter 33: Fallon

Chapter 34: Luca

Chapter 35: Fallon

Chapter 36: Luca

Chapter 37: Fallon

Chapter 38: Luca

Chapter 39: Fallon

Chapter 40: Luca

Chapter 41: Fallon

Chapter 42: Luca

Chapter 43: Fallon

Chapter 44: Luca

Chapter 45: Luca

Chapter 46: Fallon




“Moral wounds have this peculiarity – they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.”
~ Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo.



Love. It heals people as much as it can break people. In all its intensity and power, it’s one thing we all have in common. It can make you exquisitely happy or tremendously sad. However, without the sad, would we still feel the intensity of the happy?

Everyone fantasizes about it, everyone dreams about it, everyone wants to feel it, everyone cries about it.

Some want to control it, some distrust it, some fear it, some lie for it, but everyone secretly still craves it.

How can such a simple word have so much supremacy over the human mind and heart?

Falling in love causes emotional ecstasy. Falling out of love has the power to provoke unimaginable sorrow and despair.

Love makes our face smile, our eyes light up, our heart glow, and our body fiery.

Love makes our face frown, our eyes cry, our heart blacken, our body ache.

Is there any other word which elicits so many contradictive emotions?

Love is hard work. It requires communication and trust.

Love is one big imperfection. Perfect love does not exist.

Without trust, what is love? Without trust, love is painfully insecure, and it will not endure the obstacles life throws at you.

Love must not suffocate but breathe on its own.

But none of this matters when love is based on a lie. Based on a lie, love will never have a chance to survive. Based on a lie, love dies before it can ever blossom.






“I’m staring right back,” I comment defiantly while keeping my eyes focused on the tall man across the room. The club lights are flashing around me - purple and soft red - as the loud music engulfs the room in a deep bass. I tap my fingers on my lips and seductively trace the line of my lower lip with the pad of my thumb, not moving my gaze from mystery man.

Teagan looks at me, shaking her head, and hands me a compact from her purse, as she chokes on her laugh.

“What?” I ask, amused and annoyed.

“Fallon, woman, check your mouth.”

Snatching the compact out of her hand, I hold it up to my face.
. I forgot about the red lipstick I’m wearing, which is currently smeared all over my mouth, giving me a crazed clown look. I can’t contain my laugh at my own ridiculous attempt at seduction and yank Teagan toward the bathroom in the back of the club. Thankful that there’s no line for the ladies room, I duck inside with Teagan on my trail.

She’s clutching her stomach in glee. “You’re incredibly cute.”

“Thanks a lot. Because I was going for
,” I mutter sarcastically, turning my attention to the floor-length mirror. After removing the remnants of my ‘candy apple red’ lipstick and adding just some nude lip gloss to my dry lips, I finger the knots out of my long mahogany hair that flows down my lower back and tuck my side-swept bangs behind my ear. I take my black eye pencil out of my purse to line my amber-colored eyes.

It’s safer for me to have the focus on my eyes instead of my lips

My mind wanders back to mystery man. “No! Did he see that, you think?  He must’ve seen my clown lips.” I mentally face palm myself while adjusting my bra strap under my champagne short-sleeve cocktail dress.

Teagan, still laughing, tries to calm herself, to no avail.

“Get a grip, will you?” I throw her a mocking stern look and toss my eye pencil back in my purse. “I’m glad my nonexistent seduction skills crack you up. Seriously, did he notice?”

Coming closer behind me, Teagan sprays some perfume behind her ear. “It’s dark in the club. I don’t think so. Let’s go back out and see if he’s still there, okay?” She’s relentless; still chuckling. “Fallon Michaels, don’t be a baby. Come on, don’t be shy. It was funny, nothing more.” She nudges my shoulder encouragingly and takes my hand in hers. “Let’s finish this the correct way.” 

Not wanting to be petulant, I plaster on my smile and head back out first. While going directly to the purple illuminated bar, I suggest
, “Let’s get some drinks because I’m in desperate need to get drunk.” But when I turn my head, Teagan’s not following behind me. I swiftly scan the room in search of her, but she’s lost in the masses of people. Still feeling a bit stupid, I continue on to the bar and order two vodka shots. My phone is in my hand to find out where she’s disappeared to. It’s midnight - we haven’t even been in this bar for an hour, and I’ve already lost my friend. 

Suddenly, I feel a warm hand on my ass.  Shocked and angry, I spin around to stare into Teagan’s bright grey eyes. Relieved that it’s her, I motion to our shots.

She throws her hands in the air, wiggling her fingers in excitement. “Are we getting drunk? I love drunk Fallon!”

In my twenty-five years, I’ve never known anyone else who can handle liquor better than Teagan. Teagan’s the friend who makes me loosen up. The friend who’s so brash, fun, and constantly adventurous that she can’t help but to rub off on you. I tend to be timid at first, but when I‘ve gotten to know people, I can loosen up quickly – thanks to Teagan. Even though in Teagan’s mind I’m still too demure, we’ve always remained close. She’s the kind of woman who makes you want to enjoy the present. Her daily outgoing behavior is very contagious, and she’s one of the few people I’m this close and carefree with. I was raised to be somewhat formal, but my friendship with Teagan has opened me up to enjoy everything life has to offer.

Handing her the shot, I toast. “Yes, my friend, start loving me more.” And I swallow the alcohol down in one gulp, causing me to grimace. “More shots?” 

“More shots?” she yells sarcastically. “Is that a question?
Hell, yes!
Always, and I do mean
, more shots.”

My friend’s already well on her way to
Drunkville. Teagan catches my hips with both hands and dances behind me while I order more shots. I take two more shots, and Teagan downs three as she continues dancing provocatively behind me and eyes the room for - I’m sure - a hook-up.

I glimpse around hoping to spot mystery man. Unfortunately, there’s no one staring at me anymore. It’s the first time I’ve come to this establishment - the stylish purple décor with brown seating areas gives it a luxurious and cozy feel. Glancing up to the second floor, I observe that we can sing karaoke here.

No, thank you.

I’m appreciating the bar when I spot Nick walking toward Teagan and me. He and I kissed once when I was drunk at one of our office parties. Nick works in the same building as me, different company. It was
a memorable kiss, so I tentatively smile at him when he joins us. He’s a nice guy, and we used to joke around a lot, but after the kiss our relationship changed, and I’ve been avoiding him like the plague ever since.

Teagan frantically looks back and forth between the two of us. I know she recognizes him and that unsettles me. I’ve told her about Nick.

“Nick, this is my friend, Teagan.” I know full well I’ll regret this little introduction. Normally, Teagan tends to have no mouth filter; drunk Teagan blurts out everything that’s on her mind.

Teagan and Nick shake hands, and Teagan makes the monumental mistake of uttering, “Hi, so
the infamous Nick. I’ve heard a lot about you.” No mouth filter. And she has the audacity to wink at me.

“Nice to meet you, Teagan.
Well, well. I didn’t know I was
,” Nick retorts arrogantly to me, arching his eyebrow and flashing me his white teeth.

Why, oh why would she say that? This is even worse than what I anticipated for her to blurt out. I need to have a chat with this woman about girl code. I
have mentioned Nick a few times. This was prior to the kiss, but Teagan knows very well that I’ve regretted that kiss.

Teagan starts to saunter away, beaming at me, leaving me alone with Nick, and Nick takes Teagan’s comment as his cue to make his move. Wanting to get out of this situation immediately, I turn around and hurriedly move away, only to directly collide into another guy. And I do mean collide into - face
hand. My face is pressed against a well-toned chest and my left hand is lodged between us, inadvertently touching his balls.

For the love of god!

I’ve reached the highest level of mortification because I’m definitely copping a feel here. This guy - dressed in an impeccable suit - is either well-endowed or maximally packing. A fresh, intoxicating citrus scent washes over me and neither of us moves. He’s still as a statue except for the brushing of his chest against mine, which I’m too aware of. I have to look up since he towers over me, and I feel his minty breath sweep over my face. Eyes in a deep shade of green rimmed with the blackest eyelashes stare back at me.

People walking past us force us closer, bringing us face to face. This guy is tall, but my nude stilettos have given me some extra height. His light stubble caresses my soft cheek
, and we both take a deep breath from the contact. My hand comes around to rest on his taut bicep as his face tilts downward so that he can continue to gaze into my amber irises. A crooked grin tugs at the corner of his lips, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Strands of his wavy, dark auburn hair fall attractively over his forehead. His controlled gaze is questioning, yet surprised. I can still hear the music pumping, but no voices are audible.

His hand shoots out to steady me by my hip. His warm grip heats my body slowly from the point of contact. A hint of recognition, or possibly amazement, flickers across his face. He doesn’t push me away nor do I push him away.

Seems like he’s waiting for me to speak, but I’m distracted from his touch. In my inebriated state, I belatedly realize that
is mystery man and my big round eyes expand more. His clean citrus scent in a club full of people has me absorbed.

Then, just as suddenly as we met, he releases me like I burned him and leaves with a few determined strides.

My head is spinning from all the shots Teagan and I consumed. I look around for my friend as I head back toward the bar to come eye to eye with Nick again. He whispers something incoherently in my ear, and I’m immediately irritated because Nick’s smell of liquor and a nauseating cologne is overriding the lingering appealing citrus scent.

When he grabs my waist, I instantly push his hands away. “Yes,” I say, distracted, while continuing to search for Teagan. I see her floating on the dance floor and turn back to Nick to say goodbye. He looks amazed by my answer. I need to stop saying ‘yes’ and  ‘no’ out of habit to people to avoid prolonging conversations and start asking, ‘What did you say?’ like a normal person. 

“Okay!” Nick screams in my ear now.

Confused, I probe, “What, okay?”

He grins broadly. “You can’t back out now. You’ve already agreed to a date.”

Why can’t this guy read body language? I’m definitely not acting interested, am I? He has me questioning myself now. One too many shots
have diminished my assertiveness.

The second Teagan notices me, I wave her back over. She obediently heads my way - probably knowing she has some making up to do after leaving me hanging with Nick - and jumps into my arms.

“I accidentally agreed to a date. You better help me get out of it, or you’re going on that date with me,” I whisper in her ear quickly with my arms around her neck.

“I…I’ll handle it,” she slurs but covers her mouth with her hand as her eyes become huge. She holds up her forefinger, signaling for me to wait a second.

Is she going to be sick? “Do we need to go to the bathroom?”

Teagan swallows dramatically.

“That’s disgusting, Teagan.” My nose shrivels up at her repulsive behavior.

“No, I wasn’t sick. I just wanted to mess with you.” She throws her arm around me. “I have to use the bathroom now.”

As she goes, I grab her upper arm to stop her. “You were going to help me?” I twitch my head toward Nick.

Teagan chews her bottom lip. “Yeah… I got nothing now. When I come back, I’ll have a devious plan to get rid of
Dicky.” She laughs ridiculously hard at her own joke.

I glance back at Nick over my shoulder, checking to see if he overheard. Since he’s still flashing me his teeth, odds are he’s oblivious. Teagan leaves for the bathroom, and I’m still stuck with Nick. We stand awkwardly together at the bar. Nick constantly touches my arm and hip as he talks to me, and I gently ease his hands off
of me every time. When I peer over Nick’s shoulder, I’m met with a set of familiar alluring green eyes at the end of the bar. He’s transfixed on my every move with Nick, observing it all.

His gaze is piercing through me. He tilts his head and arches one brow in silent question,
Need any help?

I almost imperceptibly nod my head.

Mystery man speaks to his company, who’s leaning with his back against the bar. The other guy whips his head around to look at me and is obviously not agreeing with mystery man’s intention to intervene. He disregards his friend’s comment and comes over to Nick and me. He walks right up to us to place a secure arm around my waist, tucking me gently into his side and turning slightly so that I’m immersed in his one-arm embrace. His breath strokes over my temple while he speaks. “I’m taking her for a dance.” His deep and throaty voice, which exudes sensuality, fits him perfectly. The guy glowers at Nick, daring Nick to defy him. His intimidating stance has Nick backing off instantly, and he leads us both away with his arm firmly holding my middle.

I don’t even look back. My eyes are glued to this
man, and my mouth quirks up in a smile as he shows me an enthralling sidelong grin.

Just as I’m about to ask his name, he halts. “You’re welcome,” he whispers the words against my ear. And again, he strolls away.

Everything in my world is currently happening in slow-motion because of the alcohol partying in my system. He strides away again, and I didn’t even get his name. He cleverly brought me to Teagan, who’s exiting the bathroom and drags me back to the bar. No Nick in sight, luckily.

“I say
we need one more shot.” Teagan is practically hanging over the bar counter. “Two more vodka shots, bartender.” She holds up two fingers, and the guy immediately prepares the shots for her.

“I hope we remember this night tomorrow.” I clink my glass with hers
, and we toss them back simultaneously. The liquid caresses my insides, making me lose the last of my inhibitions.

Teagan rushes me to the dance floor to show off her moves. After that one dance we both feel nauseous. I look over to my friend, and my nose shrivels up in distaste. “I don’t think that last shot was our best idea.”

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