For Fallon (3 page)

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Authors: Soraya Naomi

BOOK: For Fallon
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I shift in my seat to let my legs brush against his, and while my entire body is slowly igniting, he doesn’t flinch or recoil. “Five? I think we saw each other four times.” I distinctly remember seeing him when I still had on my red lipstick, then bumping into him, then he got me away from Nick, and lastly, at the exit.

“No, no, Fallon.” Luca traces his cup with his fingers and changes his posture, trapping me tighter in his legs. “I saw you at the entrance. I saw you with your red lipstick on the first floor; when you flirted with me.” He doesn’t even attempt to hide his grin. Every movement of his body is presented in such a controlled manner that has me hypnotized.

I try to hide my smile.

He’s direct - please don’t remind me of that moment.

“I saw you when you couldn’t get away from a guy fast enough, and you accidentally copped a feel of me.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively. Evidently, he’s enjoying mentioning that little fact to me. “I had the pleasure of having you up-close and personal to get you away from that same guy. And I watched you swaying on the dance floor with your friend.”

There goes my futile attempt to hide my smile. My phone that has been lying on the table interrupts us, and we both glance at my screen. I’m surprised when I see Danny’s name appear. Danny was my first serious boyfriend. We dated when I was seventeen for two years, and we’ve barely had any contact since we broke up, so I let it ring and shift my attention back to Luca.

“I actually saw you six times,” he remarks while brushing his legs ever so lightly against mine. “Let’s not forget I put you into a cab.”

Blood is rushing to my face from our simple touch. The intimacy isn’t registering with him. Either that or he’s highly smooth because I can’t identify his expression.

I lean in closer just to have our lower bodies touch more and feel his warmth seeping through his clothes. “Lucky you,” I tease and notice a guy standing in front of the window stealing glances at us. “Is that a friend of yours?” I indicate toward the guy. I’m not positive if it’s the same friend that accompanied him at the club.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, he sighs. “Yes, he’s waiting for me. I should go. It was a pleasure seeing you again, Fallon.” He brushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Again, such an intimate gesture that doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable. With his coat back on, he bends and places a feather light kiss on the inside of my hand.

I close my hand, sealing his kiss in my palm. His chivalrous behavior is setting the butterflies loose in my stomach. For the third time, I’m stunned by him.

His friend doesn’t seem to be happy with him. Luca keeps his focus on me until they round the corner, and my eyes follow Luca until he’s out of sight.




At home, I throw my keys and purse on the kitchen table and drop myself onto the couch next to Teagan.

She turns off the television and grabs a magazine from the coffee table. “Someone was shot, found dead, nearby the club we went to last night.”

I distantly acknowledge her news as I remove my jacket.

Teagan opens her magazine, and without looking up, she sarcastically states, “And?”

“And what?”

“What did he say?”

“Not much. He had to leave right after you,” I inform. We see each other, flirt, and then nothing.

She turns the pages in rapid speed. “That guy I would do.
Just saying.”

ignore her comment. “I actually want to continue our conversation. How long until you leave?” Teagan follows me when I go into the kitchen to start the kettle.

She hands me two mugs and my favorite tea: Lady Grey. “I’m going to accept the offer tomorrow. My boss told me that if I do accept, they’ll arrange all the documentation quickly and want me on a plane to London

After pouring water and then the teabags into the cups, I stand opposite my friend, pinning her with a look of disbelief.
“How long?” I emphasize.

“Within two weeks,” she mutters, turning away from me to throw the teabags in the sink.

“Two weeks?” I shriek while I take the bags from the sink and throw them in the trashcan. “That’s so soon! Although I’m not going to miss cleaning up after your butt. Just
the bags in the trash when you’re finished. It’s not that difficult.”

“Yes, Mom,” Teagan replies
, rolling her eyes. “Tomorrow I’ll know more, okay? I’ll fill you in about everything, I promise. Let’s watch movies and order in tonight. I
be feeling a little hung over.”

As we take
our teas back to the couch, Teagan lies down, and I cover her with a blanket. “I was wondering how long it would take for you to admit it.” I laugh and get my phone from my purse, and when I see the missed call from Danny, I update Teagan. “Guess who called me today… Danny.”

Her body whisks around.
“When? What did he want?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t answer; I was with Luca.” I’m hesitant to return his call because I have nothing to say to him. We didn’t have a bad break-up, I just rarely think of him. “If it’s something important, I’m sure he’ll call again. I’m not interested in calling him back.”

“Good,” she agrees. “That guy was so boring. Most boring first boyfriend award goes to Danny.”

“He was not boring,” I defend while sliding onto the couch.
“Just not memorable.”

My phone chimes in. I see my mom’s name and number flashing across the screen.
“Hi, mom.”

Teagan chuckles.
“It’s the same, you weirdo.”

I mouth, “Shut it.”

My mom’s always happy to hear my voice. “Hi, sweetheart. Your father and I are planning a vacation, but I didn’t know when you would come visit us.”

“Where are you going?”

“Your father found a six-week round trip from Australia to North Asia. It’s a cruise from Sydney to Japan and China.”

My parents travel at least twice a year, so I’m not surprised that they’re already searching for new trips after just returning from Mexico. “That sounds wonderful. I haven’t made any plans to visit. You guys can book the trip. I’ll come before or after your vacation.”

My father is mumbling in the background. “Okay, sweetie. I’ll call you later. We’re going to check when the best time to visit Australia is.”

“Bye, mom.”

Teagan and I enjoy the rest of our lazy Sunday by hanging out on the couch and watching movies.






If it was up to Teagan’s boss, she would’ve left within a week, but the legal documentation wasn’t ready until a few days ago. Now I’m standing at O’Hare International Airport, reluctant to let my best friend go. I take her hand in mine. “You call me any time you want to talk, day or night. Any time you need positive reinforcements, you call me.”

“I will, promise. I’ll call you when I land.” She pauses to look around. “I’m excited and scared at the same time.”

“That’s good. It’ll keep you sharp the first few days. Don’t ever doubt yourself. I’ve never been more proud of anyone as I am of you today. You’re chasing your dreams. You’re seizing opportunities, living the life.”

“Stop it. You’re going to make me cry.” She peers around at the hundreds of people all going to different places in the world.

When I notice her teary eyes, I squeeze her hand reassuringly. “You have to stand in line. Get some American treats to eat on the plane.”

She winks with a sad, yet hopeful smile. “I’m on it.”

We hug it out one more time before Teagan collects her hand luggage and walks through customs. She turns and blows me a kiss. Amused, I catch her kiss and wave. She motions for me to turn and go away. I mock salute her. Then turn to go home. Alone.

I take a cab back to The Loop, and instead of going inside the apartment, I walk to the coffee shop around the corner to treat myself to a pastry. It’s probably busy this Saturday afternoon; I hope they still have warm muffins.

To my surprise, the shop isn’t crowded and my usual spot by the window’s free. After ordering my usual – muffin and Lady Grey tea - at the counter, I happily pace to the table. Sometimes the simple things in life can bring me unimaginable joy. I want to delay going home to my empty apartment as long as possible, so I get my e-reader out of my purse because it’s time for my romance novel. Nothing enlightens my life more than reading about fictional love in all its intensity, drama, and beauty.

The waitress comes over with my order, but I’m consumed by my novel already. Without blinking away from my reader, I reach for my tea, and I retreat quickly when I touch a hand and look up into green, powerful eyes that have been popping up in my thoughts for the past two weeks. In the same
spot as last time, touching my teacup, is Luca. I palm my chest, “You scared me,” I say, expelling my breath loudly.

He looks upset. “What has you so highly oblivious to your surroundings, Fallon?”

I was just kidding when I said he scared me. Well, he did scare me a little, so I should look upset, but I’m also pleased to see him again. I hold up my reader. “My book.”

He tilts his head to read the title. “I saw. You’ve been engrossed by that book for ten minutes. I couldn’t get your attention.”

Just as I remember, he exudes this raw, intense charm. His hair is slightly in disarray, which only adds to his masculine good looks. He leans his muscular body closer to hand me my tea. I’m aware of his every move; the gentle touch of our hands evoke the tiny hairs along my arms to rise. “Let me greet you properly. Hi, Fallon. I’ve been hoping to run into you again, and I believe my luck has changed for the positive.” He rubs his hand leisurely over his mouth, hiding his smile in a sensual motion. Crossing his long legs in front of him, he looks around and then holds up my phone in his left hand.

Shocked, my eyes roam the table, and I realize he took my phone before I even looked up to notice him. I was so immersed in my novel that I didn’t even see it happen. My hands charge forward to grab my phone from him, but he’s quicker and pulls back.

He raises his brows. “You need to be more perceptive of your surroundings, Fallon. If I had dishonorable intentions, I could’ve stolen your phone.”  He smiles gently and unlocks the screen to type - his number, I presume and hope - into my phone.

“I think you’
re the only person who has any interest in it.” I lean forward to check what he’s typing. “What are you doing?” Unless he’s typing in his information, I want it back now.

His eyes shoot up to mine for a second, surprised, before he continues handling my phone. “You never know. Since I was stupid enough to forget to ask for your number, I’m now programming my number in here.”

“Do add
your info. Facebook, Instagram,
…” I ramble and inquire his age without actually asking. I turn off my e-reader and store it in my purse.

“I don’t have Facebook - I have an aversion to social media,” he replies without looking up.

“How can you have an aversion to social media?”

“Never bothered to make accounts.”

“Wow, there are still people without a social media account. Who would’ve thought?” I muse.

“I’m twenty-nine, Fallon.” Looking back at me confidently, he announces, “I’m calling myself.” And he holds my phone up again suggestively.

“By all means.” I motion my hand toward him, but he isn’t waiting for approval.

I thought he’d be twenty-seven or twenty-eight. Although when he came up to me, clearly displeased, he looked older. I was not met by his deep green eyes - they seemed even darker, giving him a perturbed edge.

Taking a bite of my muffin, a moan escapes me. This food is deliciously buttery. I look up and freeze when I notice that he’s sitting eerily still.

Luca speaks quietly. “Please stop moaning.”

“You have no idea how good this is.” I take another tasty bite.

“I’m getting the idea.” And finally his legs entrap mine just like the first time we met here. I’ve been secretly waiting for him to touch me.

“Here, take a bite and tell me that’s not scrumptiously good,” I dare him, holding out my muffin.

To my surprise he leans forward, grabs my wrist, and takes a bite. Keeping his long fingers secure around my wrist while he chews unhurriedly, his eyes hold mine. I was expecting him to take the muffin out of my hand before having a bite. Now it’s his turn to moan.

I beam. “Good, right?” And wait expectantly for his answer.

“You do know good food,” he concedes. This time the intimacy of our interaction
register to him. Slowly, he releases my wrist from his hold. He’s quiet and looks outside for a moment, lost in his thoughts.

I finish the last bites of my muffin and drink my tea. The lack of conversation feels remarkably relaxed, and we’re both obviously not searching to fill the silence with meaningless talk.

When I finish my tea, he asks, “Another tea?”

“No, thanks.
I should go home.”

“I do believe we have established to have an unconventional relationship,” he mentions suddenly.

He uses the word relationship fleetingly and without flinching. This guy is constantly in control of his movements. It’s challenging to ascertain whether he’s pleased or not about our ‘relationship.’


“Yes,” he replies. “You went to third base the first time we met, before we ever had a date. We’re doing things backward.” Now he’s obviously pleased, with that grin being directed at me.

“Is this a date?”

“Yes,” he answers resolutely. Luca leans toward me. “But I will take you out on a proper date, Fallon.”

I wait for him to continue, but the actual asking me out on a date doesn’t follow. “I need to go home.” Before I have time to open my wallet, Luca has already settled the check.

He holds out my coat for me to wear. “Are you here often, Fallon?”

“I am.” Turning around to move my arms into my coat, I don’t elaborate. Let him call me for a date. “Bye, Luca.” I offer him my sweetest sidelong smile and leave.

He halts me with both hands on my shoulders, pulling me back to his honed chest, and I get a smirk in return. Bending his head, his lips graze the shell of my ear. “I’ll see you soon, Fallon.” And he slides his hands down my arms before releasing me.

A warm, agreeable shudder ripples through my frame. I take the two-minute walk home with a smile plastered on my face.

Faced with a lonely apartment, I sigh, looking around the house and missing Teagan’s presence. I look at my phone to check the time. In a couple of hours, Teagan will be landing.


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