For Life (12 page)

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Authors: Lorie O'Clare

BOOK: For Life
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Yeah, he would tell her that. Soon. Josie reached his own den and let the change move inside him. His human body shook miserably from the cold as he struggled with the door to his den and then closed himself into darkness. Slowly he untied his clothes from his neck, feeling empty inside.

All he heard in his mind were the soft, drifting thoughts that he’d heard early this morning when he first woke up. It was as if she slept nearby, so close that her scent wrapped around him, calling him to her. Her dreams were peaceful, disjointed and medicinal to his distraught brain.

Josie walked barefoot to his fireplace. He would get a fire going, warm the place up, then crash and deal with everything tomorrow. As he squatted next to his timber box, grabbed the poker and stirred embers that hadn’t quite gone out, it struck him as odd that his fire managed to burn all day long, unattended. Just as it seemed peculiar that Maura’s thoughts drifted in his mind and her alluring aroma wrapped around his naked body—as if she were right here with him.

He dropped a few logs into the fire, got it roaring, which cast hard shadows across his dark living room, and quickly dried the sweat on his naked flesh. Then standing, he stood still and focused on her nonsensical dream thoughts. His gift was strong, powerful, but it wasn’t that damned good.

Josie walked through the living room, down his short hall and into his bedroom. He stared at the small figure buried under his blankets in his bed.

Fucking Nicolo—he would beat the crap out of the werewolf. Why the hell did he allow Maura to return to Josie’s den, where she now slept unprotected? If another werewolf had entered this cabin before he returned…

Not that any werewolf would dare violate his space, and Nicolo knew that.

“Well, hell.” He scowled at his bed, then breathed in deeply and filled his lungs with everything that was Maura.


For Life

The fire would warm the cabin quickly, but crawling under those blankets next to her soft body sounded even better. Her long blonde hair drifted over her bare shoulder, and her soft breathing held a simple rhythm, unlike her rambling dream thoughts.

Josie dropped his pile of clothes on the floor and pulled back the blankets, feeling the warmth wrap around his chilled body before he even crawled into his bed.

Maura shifted, rolling over when he stretched out next to her. She murmured

something unintelligible and then pressed her hot flesh against his chilled skin. Her thoughts shifted, growing more coherent for a moment.


s been out all night again

t wake up

t check to see if another bitch

s scent
lingers on his dick

Josie wanted to shake her, force her to wake up and see that it was him next to her and not Pete. But then there would be questions, discovery and acceptance of the truth.

He relaxed slowly next to her, listening quietly until her thoughts returned to their disjointed state and her breathing deepened and slowed. If he didn’t get any sleep tonight, at least he could enjoy how her breasts felt pressed against his chest and how her warm legs tangled around his. Her hair was like silk, and her breath tickled the flesh below his collarbone. Even if it were just for one night and the truth forced them to part ways tomorrow, he would lay here and enjoy this.


Lorie O’Clare

Chapter Seven

It took Maura a second to respond to the odd smell that she inhaled. Coming to slowly, the events of last night returned to her. Sleeping with Heidi and Nicolo in the next room made her uncomfortable. There was no leaving their den without both of them knowing instantly. And after almost an hour of arguing, they both escorted her back over here. Josie’s bed had looked so comfortable, and it called out to her to come snuggle. It surprised her she managed to fall asleep and not wake up when he returned to his den.

One of his arms was underneath her, providing a cushion for her neck. She turned, resting her cheek on his shoulder, and breathed in the smell of his run the night before.

A mixture of dirt and pine, sweat and something else that she feared might be blood lingered on his body. And what a fucking body!

Her eyes adjusted to the dark room and she pulled the thick blankets that covered both of them down just a bit so she could admire his broad chest. Unlike Pete, Josie rippled with well-developed muscle absolutely everywhere. His body was harder than stone, every inch of him. Including his cock, which created a tent in the middle of the bed. Her mouth watered while her gut fluttered from need and a craving to climb on and ride him.

His body was warm and every inch of her front side burned where they pressed against each other. She dared to move her hand over his chest. Black, coarse curls tickled her palm and his scent grew riper, muskier. She quickly glanced up at his face.

Josie was quite possibly the deadliest-looking werewolf she’d ever lay eyes on, but at the moment his expression was so relaxed. Long, thick lashes made it hard to see his eyes. Tiny black stubble covered his jawbone. She spotted a couple white hairs under his bottom lip and itched to run her fingers over them, feel how rough they might be.

Imagining his mouth between her legs, that stubble brushing over her sensitive flesh, made moisture seep from her insides and soak her inner thighs.

Are you in my mind
wolf man
Do you want me to mount you and drain that throbbing
cock of yours

A muscle twitched in his arm. For a moment she thought he would grab her and yank her on top of him. But he didn’t. His breathing remained slow. But there wasn’t any hiding the lust she smelled growing between them. And it wasn’t coming

completely from her.

Play the dominating
always in control werewolf
But know now
I don

t beg
If I see
something I like
I take it

Again muscles twitched, this time in his chest. Maura grinned and slid her hand under the covers. Josie was as naked as she was. And his cock was harder than rock, 60

For Life

long and thick and smooth like velvet against her hand. She wrapped her fingers around his thickness and began stroking, watching his face for the slightest indication that he was awake.

A tiny muscle twitched at the corner of his mouth. She grabbed his cock, using force, tugging while keeping her attention on his face. Josie sucked in a quick, hard breath. Maura grinned triumphantly. He wouldn’t ignore her.

“So you want attention, do you?” he growled, barely moving his mouth.

Hell yes
! She didn’t mean to answer him with her mind as much as she just sang her own praises for getting him to acknowledge her.

Josie’s arm came around her like a brick wall. She slipped down him, stopping when he gripped under her arm. She straddled him but then looked up when he

stopped her. His expression remained relaxed, almost lazy, like one waking from a satisfying slumber. But his dark eyes, hooded by thick black lashes, pierced deep into her soul, building the pressure that already grew and tortured her insides.

“Did I say I wanted attention?” Again his mouth barely moved. His hoarse

grumbling sent shivers over her flesh.

“Let go of me and we’ll find out what you want,” she whispered, feeling her insides twist with anticipation the longer he held her arm, preventing her from getting closer to his cock. “And maybe I’ll find something that I want while I’m at it.”

He didn’t say anything. Damn him for being so hard to read. She wasn’t wrong about his scent though. There was definite interest.

Maura grinned, determined to melt his rough, dominating exterior if it was the last thing she did. Far in the back of her mind, she wondered if his run last night had anything to do with his quiet, determined look. If Pete did still live, then her actions now made her no better than him. She pushed that thought out of her head quickly. The itch deep inside her pussy was impossible to ignore. Her fingers stroked his hard-as-rock cock. Once she had her fill of him, rode him until both of them were drained and satisfied, then she’d sniff out the truth about what he did last night.

“Not up for the ride, wolf man?” she teased, squeezing his shaft and then running her fingers up and down its length.

Silver sparked in his black orbs. “Climb on. But the ride ends when I say it ends.”

He released her arm and she rubbed her breasts over his rough, dark skin, teasing her nipples into hard pebbles. Electric currents pierced her insides, racing from her nipples straight to her clit. The pressure inside her built even more. God. What a perfect male to devour and gain her satisfaction from.

Her senses heightened as blood raced in her veins. The urge to change, to attack and demand that he fill and pound her until the pressure subsided burned her alive inside. She growled and crawled over him, her hair falling over her face as she gazed into his virile stare.


Lorie O’Clare

Josie stretched his arms, then placed his hands behind his head, looking cockier than he had moments before. Even without touching her, making a show of giving her free rein, she still felt he completely controlled the situation. She would run the show though. And she would take him on if he tried to stop her. Maybe he was a hell of a lot stronger, but his lusty scent let her know her seductive manipulation wasn’t that out of practice.

Maura shoved the thick quilts off his body. The chilly air in his room simply added to her arousal. She slid to the side of him and took in the view of his incredible body.

His cock looked swollen and dangerous as it stretched into the air. Her mouth watered as she ran her finger over his swollen mushroom-shaped head. It was dark, a deep purple, while his shaft was thick and almost black with blood-filled veins twisting around it.

“I’ve never seen a more perfectly shaped cock,” she whispered, moving her face closer and breathing in his thick, musky scent. It intoxicated her, made her feel wild.

Fighting the change so that her teeth wouldn’t extend and hurt him, she moistened him with her tongue. His entire body jerked, giving her a sense of power that she quickly took to her advantage as she straddled his legs. Though she wasn’t strong enough to pin him in place, the sensation of being in charge as she held his cock in her hand and stared into his glassy gaze filled her with more confidence than she ever experienced in the past during sex.

Before with Pete, the act of fucking simply meant enduring him touching her, penetrating her, until he came. Then she could go to sleep. But now, here, with Josie stretched out before her, every inch of her was on the verge of exploding when she wrapped her lips around him and sucked him as deeply into her mouth as she could.

Josie growled at the same time that his cock twitched inside her mouth. Up until this moment, Maura would call a bitch a liar to her face if she said she enjoyed the act of giving head. But watching his muscles flex across his chest and abdomen, like waves creating a tide on an otherwise calm sea, the power, the control and lust that grew inside her matched the pressure she swore would break her in two.

She hummed with delight, situating herself so she straddled his thick, powerful thighs. His leg hair tickled exposed, tender flesh. Maura rubbed her body over him, feeling like a bitch in heat while she sucked and licked his cock. His salty taste filled her mouth, and he swelled and twitched until her lips felt numb.

Looking up at him, Maura breathed in his rich scent. His expression was so intense, his mouth forming a thin line of concentration while his eyes were pressed closed. He was so beautiful, so perfect, his dark features and coal-black hair lying straight around his face and against the white pillowcase underneath him. His chest rose and fell with deep breaths while muscles constricted and contracted in his arms when he fisted and then relaxed his hands. Such a powerful and dangerous-looking werewolf, and she had him at her mercy. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that all he focused on that very moment was her mouth and what she was doing to him.


For Life

Knowing she had that kind of power made her so damned wet she could hardly

stand it. It was a high and a pleasure that surpassed any incredible feeling she’d ever experienced before in her life. Her insides twitched, aching for him. And it was a curious thing that as much as she loved knowing what she did to him, every inch of her craved mounting his dick. She wasn’t immune to the lustful control that smelled so thick and rich around them.

If she didn’t slide him inside her, she would die. Rising over him, her lips trembled and her body shook as she straightened and braced her arms on either side of him. Josie opened his eyes, staring at her with more appreciation than any other male had ever bestowed on her. Something shifted inside her while staring into his black as night orbs.

With such thick lashes surrounding them, and his dark skin, he looked so different than any male from her past. But that wasn’t why he distracted her. That wasn’t what made her insides tighten and then flip-flop. It was how he looked at her, the way he burrowed deeper into her mind than she dared go herself. Josie focused on her as if she were better than any other bitch. She almost came just drowning in his attention.

The smallest of smiles played at his lips, her only indication that he probably followed her thoughts word for word. Blushing, Maura looked down quickly, giving the muscles in his chest her undivided attention.

“Fuck me, little bitch,” he ordered, his voice breathy and hoarse.

“Exactly what I had in mind.” She was grateful for her long hair falling over her face. Although she reminded herself that her thoughts were as clear to him as her words, her thick strands still offered her just a bit of privacy as she fought to recover from her embarrassment.

Her heart pounded so hard she could hardly catch her breath. Yet she moved over him, feeling the heavy pulse throb in her pussy when she pressed onto his swollen cock.

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