For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love (29 page)

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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“You’re pushing your luck.”

But she didn’t say no. So Astrid pushed more.

“Have you ever been with a woman?”

Kinsey’s cheeks pinked beneath her freckles. “What?”

Astrid took a hard swallow. “I asked if you’ve ever been with a woman.”

The other girl’s flush grew even deeper. “No.”

Astrid’s stomach lurched. She was right. Straight girl. She should’ve listened to her gut and she should leave.

“So you’re straight?” Hammer the nail in deeper, make it hurt enough so she could walk out the door with no regrets. At least she wouldn’t have gotten herself in too deep.

. “I don’t know? I mean, I’ve only been with guys but I’ve been attracted to women before. I just didn’t do anything about it.”

“Why not?”

Kinsey shrugged. Astrid knew she should stop interrogating the poor girl but she had to know. Because she was selfish. Because there was a tide of hope coming in and she wanted to get carried away on it.

“Because it seemed…dishonest somehow. It’s such a cliché at women’s colleges, right? Dyke until graduation? Then at your twentieth reunion almost everyone’s in cardigans and pearls towing their husband and two-point-five kids. I didn’t want to be that. I never wanted to be with someone because they were my only option.”

“But now…?”

“But now…” A bewildered expression crept over Kinsey’s face, like she was discovering something she didn’t expect. “You’re not my only option, Astrid. I’ve dated a lot of guys since I moved here and if I wanted to get fucked tonight all I’d have to do is walk a few blocks to a bar and I could pick up some dudebro.”

Jealousy seethed in Astrid’s stomach. The thought of some drunk guy—or girl for that matter—pawing at Kinsey made her so angry her fists curled. Not that Kinsey couldn’t handle herself, but she deserved better than a fumbling drunk fuck. So much better.

“I don’t want to. I want you. It’s been a long time since I…” Kinsey’s slender throat constricted and she blinked away before she met Astrid’s gaze once more. “Since I was this attracted to anyone. There’s something about you—no, more like a million things about you, that just do it for me.”

A hot pulse of pleasure coursed through Astrid. Sure she presented as being this uber-confident person but that didn’t mean it didn’t feel really fucking good when someone told her she pushed all the right buttons. She wanted to close the gap between her and Kinsey and kiss her again. Would she still taste like bourbon? Astrid wanted to find out. Instead, she held back.

“So you’re bi?” Bi would be fine. Bi was good. She could work with that. Or queer or heteroflexible or any of the million ways people could identify. Just, not

Kinsey wrenched her mouth to the side and hugged her arms tighter. “This is going to sound stupid, but…I don’t know? I’ve never been with a girl before. Don’t I need to do that to be, like, a card-carrying member of the Bi Brigade?”

Didn’t that break Astrid’s heart even as she laughed at the joke. “No, Kins. You don’t. Even if you’ve never been with a girl, even if you’re never going to be with a girl…you still get to be bi if that’s how you feel. Or queer or whatever you want. Nobody gets to decide your sexuality but you.”

“You did.”

Guilty. She’d made assumptions about Kinsey based off the way she dressed, the way she acted. And projected her lingering hurt from bad experiences onto this girl who hadn’t made her feel anything but desired.

“You’re right. And I owe you another apology for that. I’m sorry. If you say you’re bi, I believe you. You don’t have to prove it to me.”

“What if I want to?”

Her saucy question was accompanied by a sweet, wide-eyed look, one that made Astrid mentally bite her fist. Kinsey was going to give her another chance. And hell yes she was going to take it.

Astrid’s heart started to beat so hard it echoed in her ears. “What did you have in mind?”

Chapter Five

insey took a
hesitant step and then reached up to the top button of her own dress. She fingered it, stroked it. Enjoyed how Astrid’s gaze was glued to her fingers, like she wanted to tear the dress open, send the buttons scattering so they’d plunk to the floor. “I was supposed to keep this open, wasn’t I?”

They both knew the moment Astrid had walked away that agreement had become null and void but she was making it valid again.

Astrid’s eyes snapped to hers, momentarily surprised before putting on the cool guise that made Kinsey so very hot. “That’s right. You’ve misbehaved.”

“Then I should probably be punished,” Kinsey dared, feeling her face grow warm as she made the suggestion. “Maybe spanked?”

“That is what happens to naughty girls who don’t follow directions,” Astrid agreed. Her tone was wry and almost bored, and god, did that turn Kinsey on.

Before the dapper girl could change her mind or say they needed to talk or anything other than put her hands all over Kinsey, she slipped a hand into Astrid’s and tugged her down the hall. Her bedroom was painted a renter’s beige but she’d added homey touches like a fluffy rug and a deep purple comforter spread over the bed, heaps of silver pillows piled at the headboard. She hoped Astrid liked it.

Even though it was her room and she ought to take some modicum of control, she was grateful when Astrid led her to the high bed and told her, “Bend over.”

Kinsey could feel herself turn red before doing as she’d been told, laying her head and arms down on the bed and closing her eyes.

And then Astrid was dragging the hem of her dress up her thighs and over her ass. For a moment, Astrid’s hands left and she wanted to plead for them back. But before she could protest, the other girl was peeling the silk and lace of her underwear over her hips and Kinsey sighed as the fabric came to rest at the juncture between her ass and thighs.

She expected the next touch to be a spank, a crack of palm against her butt. What she got was the coasting of Astrid’s hand over her flank in an almost reverent gesture that made Kinsey want to purr. And when Astrid’s hand left her skin, Kinsey prepared herself. She wasn’t disappointed.

Astrid’s stiff hand met her behind with a force that didn’t hurt but was hard enough to echo through her. She wanted Astrid to do it again and again and the other girl didn’t stop, just kept up a slowly increasing volley of blows that made Kinsey press her hips back in an invitation because oh, did she like this.

She could have begged for more, harder, but there’d be time for that. She hoped. Astrid seemed to have managed her indecision and Kinsey was glad for it. She’d like to see what shade of pink Astrid’s new-found certitude had turned her ass. Before she could meditate longer on the idea, the blows had stopped and Astrid was caressing where seconds before she’d been striking.

“Okay?” Astrid murmured.

Kinsey tried to match her confident tone, but when her words came out, they were breathy. “Oh, yes.”

“Then spread your legs.”

Kinsey squeaked, but obeyed, inching her thighs apart, her underwear digging into her flesh, reminding her exactly how exposed she was. The thought sent a pleasurable chill down her spine.

She’d felt Astrid step away and she turned her head to watch as the other girl removed her coat and draped it over the wooden desk chair, peeled off her sweater vest that she placed on top, followed by her tie.

Then she unbuttoned and rolled up her sleeves, taking her damn sweet time. Apparently she liked how Kinsey stared at her. When her sleeves were rolled up, she stood behind Kinsey and slipped a finger into her.

The penetration of even the single digit felt amazing and it forced a moan out of Kinsey’s throat. Astrid stroked in and out a few times before adding a second and Kinsey moaned again because she couldn’t even help it. It felt so good and she was greedy for more. Astrid pressed inside her over and over, driving her insane with want until Kinsey was pushing back with every thrust and chanting under her breath, “Please, please, please.”

“All right, girl.” Kinsey tightened around Astrid’s fingers and she hoped the other girl could feel the bodily evidence of how much being lovingly objectified turned her on. “Face up on the bed.”

Kinsey scrambled up and rolled onto her back, not even caring how ridiculous she must seem in her eagerness.

“Spread your legs.”

. She shimmied out of her underwear and kicked them to the side. Astrid slipped off her shoes and then climbed between Kinsey’s thighs, studying her for a moment before spreading her folds so she could see even further into Kinsey’s core. Feeling so on display made her back arch. Even though hot pleasure twisted inside her at the thought, she was glad when Astrid levered onto her stomach and dragged Kinsey’s thighs apart.

And then all she could see was the glossy black hair crowning Astrid’s head as she dipped her face and…licked. The contact was gentle but the sensation was not. It rocked through her body and it was all Kinsey could do to keep her hips pinned to the bed.

Astrid worked her tongue slowly and gently before sucking at Kinsey’s clit. And that…oh,
. Kinsey whimpered and threaded her fingers through what there was of Astrid’s hair.

“Fuck, Astrid. That feels amazing.”

Astrid responded by kicking it up a notch, going at Kinsey with the same intensity as Kinsey suspected she did everything else. It wasn’t long before Kinsey was so crazed with lust that she was pleading with Astrid for more and writhing against her face. And in short order, the sensations that had gathered in her belly pulled unbearably tight before breaking loose in a small gush of wetness and the delicious throb of an orgasm.

Kinsey’s hands fisted in Astrid’s hair as the sensations rolled through her and she couldn’t stop moaning. Her climax started to dissipate, the pulses coming like the ripples following a rock being tossed in a pond, her grip close to Astrid’s scalp turned to stroking. When she’d stopped, Astrid kissed the inside of her thigh before pulling back.

She wiped Kinsey’s wetness from her face and righted her glasses which had been knocked askew, and then sat up with a satisfied smile on her face.

Chapter Six

oly fuck. That
was, by far, the best head I’ve ever gotten.” Kinsey’s legs were still splayed and her hair was strewn all over her heap of pillows. She looked gratifyingly well-fucked.

“Glad you enjoyed it.”

She flopped down next to the woman, loving the way Kinsey turned toward her to rest a hand on her stomach and hitch a leg over Astrid’s thigh.

They lay there for a few minutes and Astrid wondered what would happen next. Not that she was one to trade orgasm for orgasm, but she’d like some acknowledgement that Kinsey didn’t expect Astrid to eat and run. Just as the cold was starting to settle into her stomach again, Kinsey scratched at her shirt lightly.

“Could I…could I touch you?”

Though she went stiff for a split second, hot want doused the prick of cold. “Yeah. I’d like that.”

Kinsey started at the top of her shirt and Astrid closed her eyes while the other girl worked button after button open. This was the moment of truth. Well, one of them. Her breasts were small and high but there was no way to mistake her for a man. When Kinsey had tugged her shirt out of her pants and undone the final button, Astrid held her breath and waited. Then the cotton parted and Kinsey’s fingers were on her stomach, grazing up to her chest. She wanted to look, but she couldn’t.

“You’re…” The hesitancy in Kinsey’s voice made her wary but only until the girl finished her sentence. “You’re beautiful, Astrid.”

That’s when Kinsey’s soft hand cupped her breast and squeezed. It was better than she could’ve hoped for and got better when she felt the warm heat of lips, first kissing around her areola and then sucking her nipple inside the liquid furnace of Kinsey’s mouth.

At that, Astrid opened her eyes because she couldn’t stand to miss the show. Fuck all was that hot. She threaded her fingers through the hair at the nape of Kinsey’s neck and when the girl’s green eyes popped open, a question there, she reassured her. “That feels good, girl. Really good. Keep going.”

Kinsey issued a happy hum and continued to suckle, stopping only to switch to the other breast. Astrid could feel the wetness pooling between her thighs and wondered if she’d be getting off tonight. She wouldn’t push but she didn’t object when Kinsey’s hand skimmed down her stomach and fumbled at her fly. It didn’t take long for her to figure out the hook-and-button clasp, followed by an easy pull of the zipper. Then her hand was sliding between the twill of Astrid’s pants and her underwear.

Her cotton boycuts weren’t as sexy as Kinsey’s lingerie, but it didn’t seem to bother the redhead. Then air wafted cool over the nipple Kinsey had been attending as the other girl looked at her.

“I’m not quite sure what to do now.”

Astrid smiled, but not too wide because she didn’t want to embarrass Kinsey. Not even close. So she covered the small hand over the twill and pressed.

“This is good. Do you like how it feels?”

“Yeah.” Kinsey’s eyes drifted to where Astrid was rubbing herself against their stacked hands, fascinated. “I do.”

When Kinsey seemed to realize Astrid didn’t expect anything else of her, she lowered her head to Astrid’s breast again, this time with more intent and less exploration. Heavenly. Astrid could get off from just this.

But Kinsey didn’t stop there, oh no. She nudged Astrid’s underwear aside and slid a couple of fingers over her swollen clit and then inside of her.


Kinsey paused her ministrations and looked up at Astrid. “Is this okay? I thought…”

“More than okay. Awesomely more than okay. I just wasn’t expecting…”

“What? It’s not like I’ve never been knuckle-deep inside a pussy before.”

Astrid barked a startled laugh. The sound slid into a moan as Kinsey curled her fingers into just the right spot of Astrid’s slick inner walls. Add Kinsey’s adorably defensive words and the image that brought up—the redhead sprawled against her silver pillows, pinching a nipple with one hand while she thrust the fingers of the other inside herself—fuck.

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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