For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love (73 page)

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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Once Jaxon was out of the car and walking up the steps toward the front door, he took note of several more limos pulling up. The door was opened by a big, burly man. The man nodded in acknowledgment and stepped to the side, opened the door wider for him.

“Welcome, Mr. Caldwell.”

Although Jaxon had never gone to these things, had never met any of these people, they would know everything about him. It was a security measure, one that was also in place to make sure the women on auction tonight were safe.

He was led down a long ornate hallway, and when he entered the massive, darkened room, the first thing he noticed was the large stage in the center, the lights fixed on it. Velvet drapes hung like dripping black ink on either side of that stage as if teasing the potential buyers with what was to come. An attendant showed Jaxon to his seat.

His watch showed the auction would start momentarily. More men came inside, took their seats, and after about ten minutes, the lights finally dimmed, the auction about to proceed.

The first virgin to step on the stage was a beautiful woman with mocha colored skin and large breasts that were barely restrained by the thin, almost transparent, white robe she wore. The room was silent, and he knew the woman on stage wouldn’t be able to see their faces, not with the lights shining directly on her.

The woman stopped in the center of the stage, her head lowered and her hands clasped behind her back. When the attendant finished displaying the young woman’s assets to everyone, the bidding started. The auction was silent, with prospective buyers entering their bids into the small panels attached to the armrests of their seats. Although the woman was undeniably beautiful, she was not the one he had come for.

Woman after woman graced the stage. When the announcer finally said
name, the girl he’d been waiting for, he felt his blood rush through his veins, felt his arousal slam into him like a fucking freight train.

Rose Jonathan.

She stepped tentatively onto the stage. Her head was lowered and her hands held in front of her. The men around him started shifting on their seats, but no way was he getting outbid. He’d come here for Rose alone, had set it up so she’d be here tonight, as well. There would be no other man that claimed this woman, or popped her cherry, but Jaxon.

Rose’s measurements were announced to all. The attendant stepped beside her and untied the robe. When the material dropped to the ground, Jaxon leaned forward, his gaze fixated on her. He hated that these other men were seeing her nude, although he might very well have been able to have her if he’d just brought it up with her, without making her resort to this; he figured he was helping her brother, as well.

He never said he was a good guy, especially when it was something he wanted.

The area between her thighs was waxed, and as he let his eyes take in the gentle sweep of the cleft of her pussy and the creamy peach-colored hue of her flesh, he felt himself grow hard. His dick punched forward, wanting to be covered in her cream and virgin blood.

Despite her petite frame, her breasts were generous, with a natural slope and rosy red nipples. His cock grew even harder, and he needed to shift in his seat to relieve the discomfort that was quickly settling in behind his fly.

As the attendant started speaking about her pussy in a clinical manner, stating she was certified a virgin, with her hymen intact, he found himself running his fingers over the panel, wanting to bid.

She was sweet and shy, and the knowledge that the men surrounding him were getting to look at her in such an intimate manner had fury building swiftly inside of him. She was told to raise her head. His pulse quickened as he stared into her light green eyes. Rose swept her eyes back and forth, as if trying to see who was in the crowd. She’d find out soon enough who had bought her. He wasn’t about to let any other man have her.

As soon as her display was complete, the men were informed they could place their bids. Right as the bidding was to cease, he entered his amount, which surpassed even the most astronomical figure currently holding the lead. If someone did exceed his bid, well then, they didn’t know that the lengths Jaxon would go to ensure Rose was his.

Jaxon stared at the small screen on his armrest, watching the seconds tick down. Once the counter ended, there was a collective whisper, which probably had more to do with the amount he’d spent on Rose than anything else. But the money would go to her, and he would have paid ten times that amount to make sure her financial troubles were secure, and that she was his.

The only problem was how would she react once she realized he was the one who’d bought her, and that he’d arranged it so that she was here tonight?

Chapter Two

ose hadn’t seen
who bought her, and aside from the man that took her from the stage and escorted her to the limo she was currently in, she hadn’t seen anyone else. The limo came to a stop after driving for so long that she had wondered exactly where they were going. She looked out the tinted window and saw the massive wrought iron gates barring entrance. Rose saw the driver enter something into a keypad built into a stone podium, and then the gates opened slowly, soundlessly. She continued to stare out the window when the limo started moving forward, and within seconds, the massive home, or more accurately, estate, came into view.

The lights made it appear to glow, and the sheer size and brilliance of it made her realize whoever had bought her for the night was more than well off. Of course, she’d known that going into this, because only a wealthy man, or so she assumed, would have the kind of funds to purchase a virgin for the night.

The limo came to a stop, but she was too focused on the massive entrance with scrollwork covering the glass and stonework, that she didn’t know her door had been opened until the driver cleared his throat.


Rose swallowed, feeling her heart race, her pulse in her throat jump, and her palms start to sweat. She’d been bathed in rose water, rubbed down with oils, and even though she smelled and felt incredible, the very real possibility that she’d pass out climbed higher and higher.

Climbing out of the car, she had nothing with her, no bag, no personal possessions. Aside from the white, form-fitting gown she wore, clothes would not be needed. She was here for only one reason.

Bracing her hand on the door once she was out, Rose stared at the double doors again, her throat tight, her mouth dry.

“Miss, are you okay?” The driver asked; his voice was emotionless.

She glanced at him, saw he held a stoic expression, and found herself nodding. She made her way toward the front doors, moving farther away from the limo, and felt like the ground would open up and just swallow her whole. Rose miraculously found herself standing right in front of the double ornately designed doors.

Fear and anticipation coursed through her veins as she lifted her hand to grip the knocker. A shiver skated through her. It was the beginning of fall, and a chilled wind swept through, moving the tendrils of her hair around her shoulders, and causing her flesh to tighten. It wasn’t just the cold making her feel the chill, but also what waited for her on the other side. Rose took a deep, calming breath and gripped the knocker.

She brought the knocker down on the door three times and then took a step back. After a long, grueling minute, the door finally opened. Her breath halted as she stared at the man on the other side, a man she knew all to well.

She was staring at her boss, Jaxon Caldwell.

He wasn’t wearing
one of his trademark three-piece suits. Instead, he had on a pair of loose-fitting slacks and a dark button up shirt. He appeared almost normal and non-threatening, but she wasn’t fooled. She knew how he was at the office. The few encounters she’d had with him, the way he’d stared at her, assessed her as if he waited for her to screw up always had her on edge.

Oh, he still had that dominating air about him, that cocky, self-assured persona that screamed he wasn’t about to have anyone above him. Not in any way, shape, or form. But his expression was relaxed, as if he enjoyed her standing before him, knowing what he was going to do to her.

That had her sobering even more, had her pulse jumping, her hands twitching at her sides.

Is that cocky air about him how he is when not at the office?

He smirked, just a lift of his mouth, the corner rising with a self-satisfied look.

She licked her lips; the sudden arousal that pulsed inside of her at standing in front of Jaxon was just as strong as the fear and hesitation.

“I’ve been expecting you.” His voice, deep and husky, had Rose picturing all sorts of wicked things. He stepped aside and let her pass.

Oh, God.

Once Rose was inside, she was transfixed by her surroundings. Marble and dark wood surrounded her and ornate detailing and filigree accents decorated the banister, doors, and even the ceramic tile floor. Looking up, she saw the seemingly endless ceiling and the chandelier that dripped with crystals.

As she stared at his face, took in the hard planes of his masculinity, the dark swatch of his hair over his forehead, the strands slightly disheveled, let her know he wanted the two of them in just this way.

“I don’t understand this,” she finally said, her throat tight, her voice soft. Every part of her was on alert, confused, excited, and aroused. Jaxon Caldwell was gorgeous, ruthlessly so, and she was standing in his home because he’d bought her virginity.

The small fortune he’s paid to take it seemed astronomical, vulgar even. But she couldn’t lie; she was relieved that she’d gotten enough to pay off all her current debt and still have some to live comfortably for the next year.

“What’s there to understand, Rose?”

Hearing him say her name had this tingling sensation move through her. Licking her lips and continuing to look at his hard, gorgeous face, all she could do was stand there, motionless, voiceless.

“You’re wondering why I bought you?”

She nodded.

“I’m sure you can surmise why I’d want you.”

It almost sounded like a question, but a part of her didn’t think he was really asking. “I just don’t understand any of this.” Of course, as soon as she’d seen him standing on the other side of the door, a part of her had idly wondered if he’d somehow set this all up. She was all for coincidence, but the truth was this was just too weird for it not to be planned. “How is it that you’re the one who…” God, she didn’t even now how to phrase it.

Just spit it out.

“How is it that you’re the one who bought me?”

He didn’t move or speak for several seconds, but then he pulled his hands out of his front pockets, and gestured for her to follow him. He glanced at her once more, and she felt her entire body tightening. His expression was granite, and she wondered if she would ever be able to see a crack in that impenetrable demeanor. He always seemed so stoic and all-powerful. Is that how he would be in the bedroom?

You’ll find out soon enough

“Let’s sit down to dinner, and I will explain everything.” He finally spoke after what seemed like forever.

He led them into a vast dining room where a banquet table sat in the center of the room, a feast atop it, a fireplace lit with flames across from the table. The room had two chandeliers, the light from the flames licking over the crystals, creating a splash of that danced along the walls and ceiling. Once they were close enough to the table, he held the chair out for her, and after she was seated, he pushed it in gently, almost sealing her in. The scent of him invaded her senses and made her arousal so much more flagrant than her nervousness.

Her heart thundered behind her ribs as she stared down at the plate in front of her, already dressed with food. She was too nervous to eat, despite the fact she was hungry and hadn’t eaten all day.

The table was as long as it was wide and she felt isolated sitting so far from him, but she also said a silent thank you because not being so close to him might make this a little less awkward.

No. It’s still weird as hell.

There was a glass of wine in front of her, and needing a little liquid courage, she grabbed it and took a long, healthy sip from the glass. But when half the wine was gone, and she was ready to set it down, she realized she’d need more than that to get through the night. She downed the rest of the glass and returned it to the table before she made a fool out of herself.

“Please eat something, Rose,” he said in that deep voice, the one that sent a shudder through her entire body.

All of this seemed so impersonal, and he wasn’t acting as if he’d just bought her from a human auction so he could take her virginity.

But she didn’t say anything and simply stared down at her plate. The sound of his silverware clanking against the china seemed loud in the vast room. Naturally, Rose was a shy woman, reserved and sometimes timid, but she didn’t want it to be like this. She didn’t want this entire tight to be tight and business-like, but she also didn’t know what to say to make anything…better.

“In response to your earlier question,” Jaxon said, setting his fork down and looking up at her.

She held her breath, waiting to hear the confirmation that he’d panned this, had her at that auction so he could buy her. But it seemed bizarre given the fact he’d never seemed to notice her at work, never even glanced at her for more than a few seconds.

They stared at each for several seconds before he finally leaned back in the chair and exhaled. “I did give you the opportunity to be at the auction, set everything up, Rose.”

Her heart was beating so hard and fast, she couldn’t even hear anything else for several seconds.

“You planned this all.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes,” Jaxon said without looking at her again. His focus was on his plate, and he started eating again.

She at there stunned at his admission, even if she’d had a feeling that was what happened. “Why?” she asked, not about to let this go. She had to know why he’d done something so extravagant when he could have any woman he wanted.

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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