For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1

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Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #romance, #science fiction romance, #alien romance, #dragon romance paranormal, #scifiction romance

BOOK: For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1
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From the Dragon Lords of
Valdier: Book 4.1

By S. E. Smith


I would like to thank my husband Steve
for believing in me and being proud enough of me to give me the
courage to follow my dream. I would also like to give a special
thank you to my sister and best friend Linda who not only
encouraged me to write but who also read the manuscript. Also to my
other friends who believe in me: Narelle Julie, Jackie, Lisa, and

—S. E. Smith

IMPRINT: Science Fiction

Science Fiction Romance


Smashwords Edition

Copyright © 2013 by Susan E.

First E-Book Publication May

Cover Design by Melody

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may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in
part, without express written permission from the

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this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not
to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living
or dead, actual events, locale or organizations are strictly



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Tia is the Keeper of the Stories for
the inhabitants of Glitter in the Kingdom in the Caverns. She
dreams of a life she knows will never come true for her; life
outside of the caverns for her people and a mate for herself. Hope
for her people blossoms when an unknown creature is captured at the
entrance to their kingdom even as her dream of a mate becomes even
more impossible.

Many generations ago, her world was
invaded by giant alien beings who took the precious animals that
gave life to their world. Now harsh sand covers it, leaving it
barren on top. Tia recognizes the captured female as the golden
haired goddess the legends spoke of that would renew their world
once again.

Jett is the youngest royal son of the
King from the Kingdom of the Sands. His thirst for adventure leads
him to an unknown cavern where an unusual Kingdom exists. He is
captivated by the slender, delicate female he discovers. Unable to
resist, he returns again and again until he knows he must steal her

Unbeknownst to Jett, Tia is dying. When
he steals her away from her world he expects to claim her as his
bride. Now, he must make the ultimate sacrifice if she is to
survive. He knows one thing for certain; he would do anything for
the love of Tia.

Can two hearts beat as one? Or will one
life have to be sacrificed to save another…..

Chapter 1

Tia sighed as she ran her delicate
fingers over the smooth surface of the scroll. Her eyes stared
blankly at the intricate illustrations and the symbols carefully
describing each legend. Her tiny, light green ears flickered back
and forth at the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps drawing her
out of her trance. She knew immediately who it was – her brother
Tamblin. She quickly rolled the scroll and hid it behind one of the
colorful fabric tapestries she had hanging in her room. She didn’t
want him to know that she had been writing down the stories of
their people, at least not yet. He would be deeply concerned if he
knew and become even more protective of her.

Tia closed her large brown eyes and
drew in a deep breath in an effort to calm the fast beat of her
heart. Every third beat it would stop and she was terrified it
would not start again. It was happening more often and lasting
longer each time. She opened her eyes and forced a smile onto her
face as her brother swept aside the long curtain door of her

Tia, I have need of you,”
Tamblin said in his deep, rich voice. “A creature has been captured
at the entrance to our caverns. It is very large and strange

Tia tilted her head and frowned. “Why
do you need me? Surely you do not expect me to give you my
permission to kill it?” She asked scornfully. “You have never
bothered to ask me before!” She pointed out, reminding him of the
few times when an unknown creature wandered into their domain only
to be killed within moments by the Guardians of the Cavern, two
large Were Beast with poisonous saliva and barb-like

Tamblin glared at her before
straightening his broad shoulders. Even though he stood no taller
than twelve inches tall, he was still taller than most of the other
inhabitants of Glitter. As their ruler, he guarded the kingdom and
its populaces with a fierce protectiveness that Tia knew she should
appreciate more. A soft sigh escaped her. With her, he tended to be
three times more protective, rarely letting her travel anywhere

Tia,” he said, drawing in
a deep breath to calm his frustration. “This creature is different
from anything I have ever encountered before. The Guardians alerted
us and we were able to render it unconscious before they attacked
and killed it. As Keeper of the Stories, I thought it would be wise
to seek your counsel first before I ordered it destroyed.” He
paused a moment and his eyes softened as he studied her. “I do
respect your guidance, sister.”

Tia lowered her eyes and blinked
several times, ashamed of her unreasonable criticism. “I will come.
Where is the creature now?”

I have had it transported
to the center of the moss field, near the river,” Tamblin said,
gently wrapping his hand around her arm. He frowned down at her in
concern. “You have lost more weight. Have you not been feeling well

Tia bit her lower lip with her sharp
teeth and shook her head. “I’m fine, Tamblin. You have more
important things to worry about than me,” she assured

Never, Tia,” Tamblin
responded quietly, guiding her out to the flying creatures they
used as transport throughout the caverns. “You will always be the
most important thing to me.”

He helped her climb up
onto the saddle that was strapped on the back of one of the
bat-like creatures that lived in the caverns. Tia leaned forward
and petted the body of the flying mammal that was covered in a
thick, dark gray fur with large, black leathery wings. The winged
animal turned and emitted a low humming noise when it saw Tia,
sharp pointed ears
flicking back and forth in affection
Tamblin adjusted the tiny
checked Tia’s saddle to make sure she was

Tamblin,” Tia said
leaning forward to touch her brother’s shoulder before he moved
away. She waited until he looked at her before she smiled. “Thank

I love you, Tia,” Tamblin
said quietly. “I only want to keep you safe.”

I know,” she responded
lightly. “I know. Now, let us see what marvelous creature you have

Tia snapped the reins on
her flying beast and drew in a shaky breath as it rose swiftly into
the air. She loved flying. She loved the freedom. Sometimes when
she had trouble breathing, she would close her eyes and imagine she
was as free as the flying beast
were. It helped to calm the panic that rose inside


Jett,” a soft whispered
voice called out frantically. “You are going to get not only
yourself killed but me too!”

Jett turned and grinned at the dark
sand-colored face rushing up behind him. “Santil, if you are afraid
of death, go back. I want to see the underground world again,” he
said with a silent laugh before turning to scoot through the narrow
opening between the dark rocks.

You want to see the
female again, you mean,” Santil growled out. “Did you not see the
huge creatures that just flew into the cave? They could step on us
and not even know it. We will be nothing but a pile of goo on the
bottom of their feet.”

Jett just shook his head.
Santil was always looking at the gloomy side of things. Jett was
the youngest son of the King of the Sand Kingdom. His thirst for
adventure had gotten him into trouble more than once but he loved
the freedom of soaring over the sands, even if it meant being in
danger of being eaten every once in a while. Several months back,
he and Santil had been flying over the sand dunes scouting for
enemy worms
had attacked
one of their military posts on the outer rim of their Kingdom. A
small pod of the damn things had surprised them. Santil had been
thrown off of his sand skimmer. Jett had engaged the worms and led
them away. Unfortunately, he had encountered a larger pod of them
and was forced to seek shelter. That was how he found the small
crack in the rocks that had led down to the most incredible kingdom
under the sands.

And that is where I found
my bride,
he thought with
Now all I have to do is
steal her away.

Jett jumped down off the
higher rock face, landing on the smooth surface. He knew the tunnel
by heart now. He had returned to it over and over since he
discovered it, watching, waiting, wanting. The first time he saw
the delicate, green female he had been entranced by her beauty. Her
large, dark brown eyes spoke of secret
he wanted to know. She moved like
the sands dancing in the wind, barely touching the surface. She
always wore a gown that was made of the colors of the sky before a
storm. His fingers itched to peel it from her slender figure. He
wanted to run his lips around her tiny pointed ears and see if his
whispered words of love would be returned.

He had no doubt in his mind that he
loved her. She was with him every single moment whether he was
awake or asleep. His mind could picture every small smile she gave
to one of the many people of her clan that came to see her. He
loved to watch her as she studied the plants and mushroom shaped
trees of her underground world. But he also worried that she would
not care for the bright world of his kingdom. He feared she would
not enjoy the sands or the fierce winds and storms that sometimes
swept over his home.

Well, are we going or are
you going to stand there daydreaming all day?” Santil asked in
irritation, jumping down to stand next to him.

Jett started when he realized that he
had been dreaming instead of walking. He turned to look at Santil
for a moment before turning his head to look down the dark tunnel.
Making up his mind, he turned back to his friend once

I want you to stay here,”
Jett commanded. “I will return in a few hours and when I do, I
won't be alone. I plan to bring my bride with me.”

Santil rolled his eyes in

Don't you think you should ask her if she is interested in
you first before you steal her away?

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