For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1 (2 page)

Read For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1 Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #romance, #science fiction romance, #alien romance, #dragon romance paranormal, #scifiction romance

BOOK: For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1
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Jett grinned at his

What fun
is there in that? Besides, what if she were to say

Santil watched as his
childhood friend sprinted down the dark tunnel, shaking his head in

could she say no? No one
has to you. Beside even if she did, you wouldn't

chuckled as he talked to himself before jumping back up onto the
ledge and leaning back against the rocky side so he could stare out
at the bright sky waiting patiently for his friend to

Chapter 2

Tia stared in disbelief at
the unconscious figure lying on the dark red moss. The stories
flowed through her mind in vivid detail. She would never forget
them. They were a part of her. The legends spoke of a beautiful
goddess with hair the color of white gold
would return life to their
world. Several generations ago, giants from a distant world came in
great ships and took the small creatures that
on the minerals in the
. The creatures, in
left their
the planet causing the growth of the huge mushroom

When the last of the
creatures were taken, their world began to die as there was
to fertilize the seeds buried deep
the sands. The vasts forests of
mushroom trees withered and died. The great storms that frequently
developed grew worse because there were no forests to buffer their
winds. Soon, the sand began swallowing everything. What was worse
was the giants had brought with them great worms that attacked
Tia's people, killing most of her clan. Their only hope of
salvation was to seek the protective walls of the rock caverns.
Over the last ten generations, they had developed their world until
it was the beautiful kingdom that lay before her. Her body trembled
as her heart jerked uncomfortably in her chest. Her last wish had
been to see her people free to go to the surface but she never
believed that it would happen in her lifetime. Now, she
knew that the gods had heard her desperate plea
and were giving her this last gift before she died.

What do you think,

asked quietly as he studied the still figure lying on the

Should I
order it destroyed?


Tia cried out, looking at him in
horror before remembering he did not have the knowledge that she
did, at least not yet.


she said in a quieter

She has
been sent by the gods and goddesses. She is the one. She has the
knowledge to heal our world above so that we may live once more in
the brightness.

Tamblin looked at Tia in
disbelief before turning his head to look down at the figure
was now beginning
to stir. He raised his hand in a silent command for his soldiers to
be ready for anything. He would order the sharp spears, laced with
the poison of the Guardians of the
, to strike if the creature
tried to attack. How could the Gods or Goddesses send such a large
creature as their salvation? He had listened to the stories his
mother had told Tia when she didn't think he was listening. He
could not see the stories in his head like his sister could but he
knew they were important.

Tamblin pushed Tia behind
him when the creature slowly sat up. It was obvious the creature
was female. She had many of the same features as their females did.
He watched suspiciously as she blinked several times before she
glanced around her. His soldiers had taken to the
ir and were making careful
s around her, keeping just far enough
away to stay out of her reach but close enough that they could
launch the spears if need be. He straightened to his full height,
refusing to cower in fear.

Hello,” the golden
goddess said with a soft smile as her gaze settled on him and his

Tia stepped nimbly around Tamblin to
get a closer look at the giant female but stopped at the husky
sound of her voice. Tamblin moved swiftly next to Tia, scolding her
to stay behind him. Tia ignored her brother. She knew deep down
that the golden creature wouldn’t hurt her.

She will not harm me,”
she hissed out to her brother. “She is the one! I know it.” She
could see the images in her head of the golden goddess her mother
told her would come to save their world.

Tamblin fought the urge to bundle his
sister back up onto the flying beast and lock her away in the
palace where he knew she was safe. He knew she was sick even as she
tried to hide it from him. He could see the tremor in her hands,
the weight she had lost, and how she had trouble breathing at
times. He feared if she got too excited it might bring on an
attack. He glanced worriedly from Tia’s face to the creature who
was sitting quietly waiting for them to respond to her.

Tamblin reluctantly nodded his head.
He knew deep down that this was something he could not deny his
sister. The golden goddess kept her hands on her thighs and waited
as Tia slowly approached her. Tia tilted her head again, her ears
twitching to and fro when the creature spoke again. She might not
understand her words but she did recognize the gentle


Tia stepped cautiously closer,
reaching out and touching the larger female with the tips of her
long green fingers. She smiled when the creature remained still.
Feeling more confident, she moved a little closer.

Her heart pounded erratically when the
female slowly raised one of her arms. She froze in fear, wondering
if she could have been mistaken. As much as she was confident that
this was the creature the stories told of, she was still unprepared
for the size of it. Tia watched as the female slowly lowered one of
her hands down onto the soft moss, palm upward. Tia looked back and
forth between the palm and the creature’s eyes before making the
decision to trust her instincts.

She took a tentative step forward,
stopping when Tamblin hissed out again in alarm. Shaking her head
at him, she climbed up into the open palm. She couldn’t resist
running her slender fingers over the warm flesh of the creature. It
was soft and smooth – almost comforting. Tia glanced up and watched
as the beautiful golden haired goddess nodded to her before
carefully raising her hand, lifting Tia up into the air. Tia stood
up, holding onto one of the long slender fingers for balance and
looked around her. Slowly, her people began to kneel down in
reverence of the creature and Tia’s courage to communicate with it.
Only when her brother knelt as well did Tia turn to face the
goddess who came from above with a smile on her tiny



Jett slipped out of the
dark passage and climbed down until he could see what was going on
more clearly. The passage opened
out near
the smallest waterfall and onto the ledge that ran along the edge
of it. It would be a quick climb down to the balcony of the palace
where he often saw the slender green female standing and looking
out over her kingdom.

His eyes suddenly widened in concern
when he saw the huge golden giant sitting in the middle of the red
moss field. A low growl escaped him and his hand tightened on the
short sword he carried at his waist when he saw the creature
lifting his bride. His lips drew back to show his small sharp teeth
as he fought the urge to attack it. He would if it harmed the
female he knew belonged to him. He didn’t care how big it was, he
would destroy it.

Moving along the side of the cliff, he
nimbly began the climb down until he was a few feet above the
balcony of the palace. He pushed off, landing silently on the
spacious ledge. He turned as he landed, his knees bent and one hand
stretched out to balance him before he stood. Moving into the
shadows, he watched as the events below unfolded. He had to hide
behind the thick curtains when three of the armed soldiers returned
briefly to the palace only to return to his bride and the creature
holding her in the palm of its huge hand.

Jett watched as his bride presented
the creature with a glowing, red stone. He sucked in a breath when
he realized he could understand what the creature was saying after
she placed it around her neck.

My name is Ariel,” the
creature replied with a soft chuckle.

I am called Tia.” Jett’s
breath left him in a hiss of painful desire when he heard Tia’s
name for the first time. He leaned forward trying to get a better
view. “I am the Keeper of the Stories. This is my brother, Tamblin.
He is our leader,” Tia replied in a silky voice that sent waves of
heat rushing through him.

Jett smiled, Tia – a beautiful name
for a beautiful woman. He continued to watch from his viewpoint,
gaining confidence that the creature meant no harm to his bride or
her people as he listened to her talk. He debated whether to follow
when the creature stood and Tia, Tamblin, and many of his soldiers
moved away but decided against it. They would return, of that he
was confident.

No, now would be a good
time to explore my bride’s home and pack a few things that she
might need,
he decided.

Jett moved silently through the empty
palace, exploring one level after another until he came to a room
he knew must belong to Tia. He let the long curtain doorway fall
behind him as he gently touched the delicate fabrics hanging on the
walls. He breathed in, inhaling her fragrant scent. It made him
think of the wild flowers that bloomed briefly after the heavy
rains. He ran his tawny fingers over the silky woven lengths of
cloth that she wrapped around her body. He couldn’t help but
imagine what it was going to be like when he unwove it from her
slender frame.

Scooping up several long lengths, he
quickly bundled them up so that they would be easy to carry. Inside
of the bundle, he rolled the comb she used on her bright red hair
and several delicate hair combs. He would have to make her more.
Combs made from the sands were beautiful and would look good
against her silky strands. He pulled back the last tapestry hanging
on the wall and discovered shelves filled with carefully rolled
scrolls. Pulling out the one on top, he walked over to the low
table in the center of the room and unrolled it. Inscribed on the
thick fiber paper were images depicting different scenes. Each was
done with delicate strokes filled with the same vibrant colors that
reminded Jett of his beloved. His eyes moved to the writing below
them. He frowned as he concentrated. It was difficult but he was
slowly able to decipher the words. They were in the ancient
language his mother and father taught him when he was


What are you doing?”
Tia’s outraged voice sounded from the doorway. “Who are you? How
did you get into my rooms?”

Jett had been so absorbed in
deciphering the scroll and the tale it was telling that he had let
his guard down. Now, instead of him having the element of surprise,
his bride did. He took a quick step back from the table. He
couldn’t help but grin as his bride, upset that he had been reading
her scroll, made the mistake of marching over to the table instead
of calling for help or running away.

The moment she was within his reach,
he wrapped his arms around her trembling body. “Do not fear, my
heart. I have not come to harm you but to claim you,” he breathed
out in her ear.

Tia jerked in surprise, her eyes
widening as she stared up at him startled. “What do you mean -
claim me?” She asked bewildered.

Jett chuckled at her innocent look of
confusion. He couldn’t resist leaning down and brushing his lips
briefly against hers. Her startled gasp pulled a groan from him and
he took her lips in a savage kiss that spoke of his desire. He had
wanted to do this since he first saw her several months

Tia pushed weakly against his broad
chest until he reluctantly lifted his head. “What do you think you
are doing?” She gasped breathlessly, looking up at him with huge,
confused eyes.

Jett smiled mischievously. “I thought
that was a bit obvious! I’m claiming you as my bride.”

Chapter 3

Tia didn’t know how to respond to the
larger male who had invaded her personal domain. She had never seen
anyone like him before. He was tall, even taller than her brother.
He was also not the same soft shade of green that most of her clan
was. He was a dark, tawny color with rich dark brown hair that fell
in long, braided ropes down his back almost to his waist. His eyes
were a light violet, almost identical to the water that flowed from
the rocky walls of their home. He did not wear clothing like them,
either. A blush heightened the color of her cheeks as her hands
slid over the bare flesh of his shoulders. The only thing covering
him was a pair of light brown pants tucked into a darker brown pair
of ankle boots.

I am not your bride,” Tia
snapped out, upset that she let this strange man shake her normal
calm. “You will leave immediately or I will summon my brother and
the guards!”

Jett grinned down at her, letting his
hands span her tiny waist. “Of course my lady, I will be happy to
leave immediately,” he said with a playful kiss to her

He chuckled at Tia’s outraged gasp
when he lifted her gently up and balanced her on his shoulder so he
could grab the things he had packed for her in his other hand.
Keeping his arm around her thighs, he listened carefully before
drawing the curtain leading out to the balcony aside. He jumped up
onto the ledge, balancing before he murmured for her to hang on and
not fight him.

What are you doing?” Tia
gasped again as she stared fearfully down at the long drop to the
ground below them. She tried to cling to him but didn’t have any
way to really hold on so she remained frozen. “You are going to
kill us!” She whispered hoarsely.

Jett laughed as he nimbly began
climbing up the side of the cliff to the ledge where the crack to
the tunnel was. “You haven’t been talking with Santil, have you? He
said the same thing!”

Tia frown, thinking hard before she
shook her head. “I don’t know a Santil. Where does he live?” She
asked unable to contain her curiosity.

In the Kingdom of the
Sand People,” Jett replied, pulling himself up far enough to set
her down on the ledge before he pulled himself up onto it. “That is
where I am taking you.”

Tia looked at the huge tawny figure
standing over her with her mouth opened. He really meant it when he
said he was claiming her. Her heart did a little quiver and began
to beat fast but for once she wondered if it was because of her
sickness or because of his words. She looked out over the cavern
filled with the richness of the mushroom forests and the glittering
stones that gave them life. The thought of leaving her safe world
should have terrified her but it didn’t. Her eyes moved to look up
at the powerful figure standing over hers and inside she felt a
wave of longing. She knew she didn’t have long to live. She had
resigned herself to live her remaining time quietly reviewing the
stories she had illustrated and retold. The fact that she would not
live long enough to have children of her own caused a sharp pain to
flair through her. Her death would mean the end of the line of the
Keeper of the Stories. That was why she felt it was so important to
pass on her knowledge the only way she could. Her eyes traveled
down to the balcony to her rooms. She had finished all the stories
that she knew. There really was nothing left for her here. Perhaps,
this was the gods and goddesses way of letting her see what was
beyond her home before her heart no longer beat.

Jett stepped closer to where she was
sitting and knelt on one knee before her. He brushed a strand of
her wayward hair back tenderly before cupping her chin. He waited
until her eyes once more looked deeply into his.

Come with me,” he
whispered, holding out his hand. “Let me show you my

Tia bit her lip and
studied him for a moment before she let her eyes sweep over the
cavern one last time. “I didn’t get to say goodbye to Tamblin,” she

It is not goodbye,” Jett
promised her. “I will bring you back whenever you wish to

Tia knew deep down there would be no
coming back once she left. She knew Tamblin would be upset when he
discovered her missing. She could only hope that he would
understand when he saw the scrolls and read through them. When he
did, he would discover the note she had left for him among them.
She had not planned on him finding it before her death but what did
it matter whether she was dead or not. In the end, it would not
change her outcome.

Tia turned back to look at the unusual
but handsome male kneeling in front of her and laid her trembling
hand in his strong, firm one. “I will come with you,” she breathed
out with a small excited smile.

Jett leaned in, brushing
his lips across hers before pulling her up with a joyful laugh.
“You will not regret it, I swear. I will show you the most
sites!” He
exclaimed joyfully as he wrapped his hands around her tiny waist
and lifted her up, swinging her around with a shout of

Tia laughed breathlessly as he set her
back onto her feet. He gripped her hand firmly but gently in his
and pulled her toward the narrow opening. Tia glanced back briefly
over her shoulder as he pulled her through before focusing on the
new path she was taking.

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