For the Night: Complete Box Set (24 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

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‘Getting filthy?’


‘It’s just so wrong that it’s so right. I’ve never
had such a high.’

‘So sex doesn’t normally give you a high?’

‘It does with you, Logan,’ I sighed. ‘But Eoin
isn’t exactly blessed in the cock department, or with knowing how to use it, or
his fingers or tongue for that matter. As I can’t have you all the time, I need
to get my kicks some other way.’ I pushed my shoulders back as he worked on
them, expertly. He really was one amazing guy.

‘You don’t think you should have settled with a
guy who gave you those kicks instead of going to look for them elsewhere?’

‘Why? I have his money and the celebrity
lifestyle, then I can pay you or have affairs for the kink, kicks and filth.
Either way I win all around.’

‘I guess you do. Roll over,’ he ordered as his
body weight lifted from me. I turned between his thighs and smiled as I saw him
looking at my pert breasts, thank God for the miracles of modern surgery. He
slowly worked on each finger, pressing his thumb deep into my palm and then
lightly over my wrists and I felt my skin prickle with a warm electric
sensation, before he moved up my arms, then did my shoulders and collarbones,
then slowly moved the sides of his hands down between my breasts and I let out
a soft moan. The corner of one side of his lips curved up into a sexy, cocky
smile. He knew exactly what effect he had on women, I wondered how that must
feel, to know there wasn’t anyone that was immune to his charms?

‘Have you ever fucked a guy?’ I asked. Ordinarily
the thought of guy guy was a complete turn off to me, but thinking of Logan
getting it on with someone equally well hung and sexy was very arousing. That
was a potential scenario for our next meeting.

‘No,’ he replied quickly with a frown. ‘I’m all
about the woman. There’s nothing sexier than a woman with curves, tits and an
arse and that hot, moist pink flesh that I can lose myself in for hours.’

‘I thought you loved anal? You enjoyed fucking
mine early, it was sensational.’

‘It’s hot sometimes, but I just love a clit that’s
super responsive.’

‘Any clit would be super responsive just looking
at you, let alone having you touch or lick it,’ I sighed as I clenched my pussy
tightly at the thought of him taking it in his lips and teeth, sucking it,
flicking it. I squirmed my hips as I bit my lip.

‘Someone’s getting horny again,’ he observed as he
worked on my stomach, inching closer and closer to my breasts as my chest

‘Yes,’ I breathed. ‘I’d like another orgasm before
you finish off on me.’

‘Then I’m going to make that happen for you
Yasmin, by kneading these big tits of yours, pulling and pinching those big
brown nipples until they’re so tender you’ll be sobbing, then I’ll bite one as
my tongue licks it so well you’ll be imagining it’s your clit I’m working on
and you’ll soak yourself as you come, if you don’t, maybe I’ll reconsider
feeding you my come.’

‘No,’ I gasped. ‘I want it, I need it, I
after tonight.’

deserve it?’ He arched his dark brows
as he looked down at me then made me scream by pinching both nipples tightly
between his thumb and forefinger. ‘You just lay there like a dirty bitch and
took everything they gave you, let them pump you as you screamed and sobbed
with pleasure, let them manhandle you, one up your backside, one down your
throat, one up that well used cunt of yours and your dextrous fingers wrapped
around another two.
did all the work, you just lay there and took
it, plastered in the fruits of their labour. Your backside was so stretched you
could have taken two cocks up there tonight.’

‘Logan,’ I cried as I squirmed below him, his
fingers pulling, pinching and squeezing me, his words bringing back flashes of
the evening, making me sound like some skanky ho. He
knew how to turn
me on.

‘I’m thinking of taking you to another dogging
site in London, tying you to a tree and letting anyone and everyone have their
way with you, no condoms this time. Guy after guy will fuck you, filling you
with come until it’s pouring down your thighs, trickling out of your lips and
they’ve spread it all over your body, treated you like the cheap whore you
are,’ he growled as his fingers moved faster, in perfect timing with my
breathing and spiked pulse.

‘Yes, yes,
, I want that, I so want
my … next … fantasy,’ I gasped between breaths.

‘You’ll come so many times Yasmin, that you’ll
pass out and I’ll leave you there, let all that come dry on you, then I’ll
untie you and make you crawl back to the car on your hands and knees naked. Is
that what you want? Show me how much you want it, come. Now,’ he ordered. I
could picture it, I could feel it, I
it. I screamed as my climax
hit me full force and my body arched up off the bed as I gazed at him wide
eyed, then collapsed back onto it trying to catch my breath.

‘O please organise that,’ I whimpered. ‘I need you
to finish off on me, I’m dying to drink you Logan, don’t make me wait any
longer,’ I begged.



If she seriously thought that I was arranging
another of her filthy fantasies she was sorely mistaken. Watching her getting
off on my talking down to her filled me with horror, it was degrading. Mum
would be mortified if she knew how I really made my money, but to find out I
was treating women disrespectfully? She’d bloody kill me. I was open minded,
but I had lines that I didn’t want to cross, that didn’t do it for me, and
Yasmin was now several lines past that point. The sooner I wrapped this up and
left, the better. She really wasn’t going to be happy when she tried to contact
me again and got no response. I took a deep breath and pulled myself out of my
boxers, my flaccid cock should be a perfect indicator of how unattractive she
was to me when she was like this, but she was somewhere else, distracted
imagining her fantasy as she waited for me to spill all over her. I frowned as
I heard my iPhone ringing, it was my escort business line only and that
ringtone was James, he’d only ring if there was an emergency. I jumped off the
bed tucking myself back in, with Yasmin protesting behind me as I grabbed my
phone and answered it.

‘Sir, if you can’t leave the house immediately by
a rear exit, then please find somewhere to hide. Mr. Taylor’s Ferrari has just
passed through the gates.’

‘What?’ I uttered, horrified. ‘He’s supposed to be

‘We can discuss the inconvenience of his last
minute change of plans when you’re safely back in the car, not having been
found in bed with his wife.’

,’ I muttered as I started grabbing
my discarded clothes.

‘You’ll need to climb over the wall surrounding
the estate, I’m parked on the grass verge opposite the gates. Might I suggest
you hurry?’

‘Understood.’ I cut him off and shot a look over
at Yasmin sprawled naked on the bed, her fingers wedged up her cunt already.
‘Your husband’s on his way up the drive. How do I get out?’

. You’re joking, right?’ she gasped as
she sat up. ‘He’s not due back for two days.’

‘Well it seems there’s been a change of bloody
plans,’ I shot back. ‘Exit? Where is it?’

‘Crap, I just heard the front door, if he comes
straight up you’re too late, he’ll see you trying to leave the room. French
doors over there, quickly, there’s a little balcony you can hide on while I try
and distract him so you can sneak past to the bedroom door.’

‘Bloody great,’ I muttered as I strode past her,
my kit gathered against my bare chest as she quickly wrapped a towel around
herself. I opened the doors and stepped out, pulling them behind me but leaving
them slightly ajar and tucked myself against the wall, out of view. I knew
coming back here was a mistake, I’d never gone back to a client’s house, and
this is why I booked hotel suites. But she’d been insistent they were having a
golf weekend away, with a night in the city tonight. I heard raised voices
drifting through and had a horrible feeling I was going to be out here all damn
night. I carefully put my shoes down and tied the laces together, quietly
pulled on my trousers, then my loose shirt and hung my shoes around my neck. I
looked over the edge of the balcony and decided to risk it, and hoisted myself
over the wrought iron railings.
Thank God I had strong arm muscles
, I
thought as I dangled myself from the metalwork, then dropped to the ground.

‘Fuck!’ I cursed as I landed awkwardly and my
ankle turned. I hobbled barefoot around the edge of the house, and groaned as I
realised I’d left my socks behind, at the edge of the damn bed. I figured I
couldn’t do much about them, that was Yasmin’s problem, I needed to get out of
here in case he found them and came looking for me. I wasn’t going to risk
messing around with my shoes, so I tested putting weight on my foot and gritted
my teeth as I jogged down the drive. The wrought iron gate looked an easier
option than the wall, so I chucked my shoes through the gap and jumped when
James suddenly stuck his head around the brick pillar.

‘Need some assistance, Sir?’ he grinned.

‘Shit, what are you doing here anyway?’ I asked as
I grasped the railings and pulled myself up to the top of them.

‘I never went anywhere, I knew that woman was
trouble and I thought you might want to leave early so I sat waiting over the
road in case you needed me.’

‘You’re a life saver,’ I advised as I managed to
flip myself over the top.

‘I was in the Scouts, Sir. Always be prepared,’ he
nodded. I chuckled and dropped myself down, landing on the other side and swore

‘Are you ok, Sir?’

‘Twisted my damn ankle jumping off the balcony.’

‘I suggest we make ourselves scarce and I’ll pull
up and look at it, in case you need hospital treatment.’

‘I’ll be fine, thanks James, but I do wonder how
Mrs. Taylor is going to explain being naked with an orgasm flush, brown eyes
and streaked hair, plus a pair of my socks on the floor,’ I advised as we made
our way across the lane to the car.

‘Now if you’d been in the forces, Sir, you’d have
been better prepared as you’d have known the expression “Hands off cocks, on
with socks,”’ he chuckled as he opened the rear door for me.

‘Then next time I’m caught in the act it will be
my immediate first move,’ I laughed as I started to button up my shirt.


Client Evaluation


I sat back in the Merc
with my throbbing ankle up on the back seat and closed my eyes as I blew out a
deep breath. That had to have been the worst booking ever. No, in fact it was
the worst sexual experience of my life ever. I really must be maturing if the
prospect of just any old hole to fill no longer gave me an instant hard-on. I
sincerely hoped that it was just a reflection of my lack of desire for Yasmin
and her particular kinks, and
a sign that my libido was suddenly on
the fritz. If that was what got her off, fair enough, everyone had a thing that
did it for them, it just obviously wasn’t for me.

‘Do you need me to take you to the hospital, Sir?’
James asked and I opened my eyes and smiled at him in the rear view mirror.

‘Thanks, but I’m sure it will be fine,’ I nodded.
I hitched up my suit trousers and examined it with another grimace. It was
actually already swelling and turning purple. I couldn’t afford that with my
training and other activities. ‘Actually on second thoughts, if it’s not too
much trouble yes, please. I may have torn a ligament or something looking at
the bruising and swelling.’

‘I hope she was worth it.’

‘Most definitely not,’ I replied.

‘Then I’ll take you and stay with you, then get
you home after.’

‘We could be there for hours, I can get a taxi,’ I

‘If you’re given crutches I can help you, it’s no
trouble. The little blighters will be getting up at around seven so I’d prefer
not to head home before nine anyway. At least by then they’ll have worn off
some of that early morning energy,’ he smiled. I laughed, still finding it
amazing that an ex-marine was scared of a couple of toddlers.

Forty minutes later we arrived at The Royal London
Hospital and another three hours later I came out on crutches, in a plaster
cast, having sustained a simple fracture. I wasn’t best pleased, that was going
to fuck up my forthcoming appointments on the sexual front, for eight to twelve
weeks. I had a seriously busy day ahead of me in trying to reorganise all of
those. It had also been rather embarrassing explaining that I’d sustained my
injury dropping off a first floor balcony. I silently cursed Yasmin for ever
having suggested we go back to hers. I should have known better. James helped
me into my loft style apartment and made me laugh by insisting I immediately
take more painkillers. He settled me into my large sofa with my foot raised on
a footstool, made me a black coffee, which he handed to me along with a bottle
of water and a glass, then went to prepare a large cooked breakfast for me. I
insisted he do it for the two of us, it was the least I could offer. We sat on
the sofa and ate together, before he cleared up for me.

‘Right, I’d better leave. Will you be ok today,

‘I’ll be fine, thanks. I just need to do some
reorganising then I’ll take some painkillers and get to bed for some well
overdue sleep.’

‘I’ll come and call on you daily. If you need any
food shopping done, just let me know and I can pick it up and bring it around.
Don’t get up,’ he warned as he saw me struggling to sit up properly. ‘I can see
myself out.’

‘James, what would I do without you?’ I smiled
sincerely. ‘You’re a life saver.’

‘Maybe you could award me another medal, Sir. No
weight on that ankle. I’ll come over tomorrow at about ten o’clock if that

‘Perfect, thank you.’ I watched him leave and
sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. My stubble was already growing, but I
couldn’t even be bothered to get up to shave. I took out my phone and deleted
Yasmin’s file, then constructed a carefully worded email, in case tonight’s
events had left her husband feeling a little paranoid. Ian already had a
personal training website set up for me, to which the Logan Steele email address
was linked, so if Eoin did find it and tried to trace me, it would look
perfectly legitimate, while making it quite clear to Yasmin that I wouldn’t be
taking any further requests from her.

Dear Yasmin,

I wanted to thank you for all your assistance
in helping me get my venture off the ground a few years ago. I’ve thoroughly
enjoyed getting to know you and helping improve your flexibility and stamina.
Sadly, as my client list is rapidly growing, I find that I’m in a position
where I need to prioritise those who are in need of the most assistance. Given
the last few years spent with you, we have pretty much covered all bases, so I
believe that you’ve reached your goal and you’re ready to go it alone, without
any further assistance from me. You’ve reached the pinnacle of what you were
trying to achieve when we first started and I’m happy that I was able to assist
with that in some small way, but I can’t see what more I can offer you. Keep
your sessions going, practice certainly does make perfect. With my eternal
gratitude and best wishes. Logan.

I pressed send and blocked her email address, then
deleted it from my records. Yasmin was on her own moving forward with her
ventures into finding the ultimate filthy experience to satisfy her needs, I
definitely wasn’t the man for that job anymore. I sighed as I wondered how many
times she’d try and contact me to try and talk me out of my decision, or to
book me again, and wondered if Summer had tried to contact me since our booking
last week. I could never see myself getting tired of her. I wondered if I’d
been too rash blocking her email. Would seeing her again really hurt? I nearly
laughed as I heard myself ask that question in my head. Of course it would. The
first woman in years who’d got to me, that I couldn’t stop thinking about, that
I imagined I was with when I was with another client? Of course it would hurt,
having her again and watching her walk away was going to hurt like hell, far
worse than this damn broken ankle.


A week later I was sitting with my plaster cast
raised, James had just dropped off some food shopping for me and the Sunday
papers, advising that I may find today’s headline rather interesting. He winked
as he left. I picked up the paper and chuckled. Splashed across the front page
was a picture of Yasmin and Eoin with the headline “
Shock Celebrity Split.”
I read on with interest. Sources close to the couple claimed that Eoin was
seeing a top divorce lawyer in London on the grounds of adultery, evidence of
an affair having been discovered when he returned home from a stag weekend
early as he missed his wife. Sources also claimed that Yasmin was distraught.
bet she was,
I thought. No more access to his millions, and if he
granted a divorce for adultery, her settlement would likely be greatly diminished.
I wondered if it was my socks that had been the cause for their downfall? If he
hadn’t found them she could probably have talked her way out of the state of
herself, though the contacts, vajazzle and stretched cunt and arse would have
taken a lot more explaining. Either way, I kind of felt happy for Eoin. She’d
turned into a bloody nightmare and given she was fucking that many guys behind
his back, as well as contemplating the risk of going bareback, he was better
off without her.

I thanked my lucky stars to be rid of her as well,
and that my STD checks had all come back clear. While I didn’t plan on ever
seeing Summer again, contacting her to say “By the way I gave you Herpes” would
have definitely fucked up any chance I had with her. I may still be undecided
about her, but for now we were in a good place and I wanted to keep it that way
in case I ever changed my mind. At least at the moment, the door on that
possibility hadn’t been closed and that made me smile even harder, as well as
spring an erection that demanded immediate attention.



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