Forbidden (2 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Forbidden
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Pull out her vibrator and have a little one on one session once Austin left for work.

She paused at the door, a frown curling her mouth downward. Yes, it was confirmed. She’d definitely entered into the I’m-a-pitiful-loser realm. Who knew she would get there so fast at the mere age of twenty-five.

The apartment was quiet when Michaela entered and she closed the door, heard the unmistakable sound of the shower running coming from Austin’s bathroom. Probably washing off the scent of sex before he headed to work.

Michaela winced. God. She really needed to stop.

But this was perfect. She could sneak by and lock herself away in her bedroom. He might not even know she was home and she could avoid him, though that normally wasn’t her style.

She really didn’t want to see him after he had had sex with Brad. Just the idea of it kind of freaked her out, why she didn’t know. She’d never been freaked out by it before, and he’d had his share of dates over in the time they’d lived together.

You know why. Because you’re jealous and you wish you were the one having sex with Austin, not Brad.

Yes again, a futile thought on her part. Lusting after a man that wasn’t interested in her or her entire gender. Oh, he’d claimed he was bisexual to her before, more than once and that he’d had a few relationships with other women, but she didn’t believe him. He’d been only with men since they’d met. Had never shown much interest for any woman besides the occasional Victoria’s Secret model, and they didn’t count in her eyes. Babies and senile old ladies thought they were beautiful so, of course, he would too.

She shook her head as she walked down the short hallway, pausing at the open door of Austin’s bedroom. It was clean, though the bed was sort of a mess. Kind of made, kind of not. Like someone—or a couple of someones—had rolled all over it.

Ugh. Yeah, she needed to get moving and quick.

“Hey. I thought I heard you come in.”

Michaela nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Austin’s deep voice. She turned in his direction, grabbed hold of the doorframe for support when she caught sight of him.

He was standing in front of the open bathroom door, steam pouring out of the doorway, his skin and hair damp and only clad in a towel. The towel clung low to his lean hips, revealing acres of skin she would gladly explore with her hands and mouth and tongue.

She swallowed hard, searching for something to say while he stood there, one dark brow cocked, his fingers clutching the side of the towel. It looked ready to slip off. She was tempted to walk up to him and tear it off.

What would he do? Laugh and smack her butt with the end of the towel? Get an erection and jump her bones?

God, she wished.

“I saw Brad.” She swallowed again, noticed a sketchy expression slide over his face. “Did he come over?”

“Uh, yeah, he just stopped by to drop something off. He couldn’t really stay. Why, did you, uh, talk to him?” He looked uncomfortable, and she wondered why.

 “No, he didn’t even see me. He was across the parking lot.”

The relief on Austin’s face was clear, and he took a step closer to the bathroom. “Ah yeah, that’s too bad.”

Okay this was weird. “Don’t you think you should dry off? Don’t you need to be at work soon?” She needed to get him away from her and quick.

He smiled, revealing perfectly straight teeth, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Too cute for words. One minute he looked like the boy next door and the next he was a sex god, and she wanted to beg him to fuck her. “Yeah, I do. What are you doing tonight?”

She shrugged, wished like hell she had a more exciting answer. “No plans. Just hanging out here.”

“You should come out with us after work. We’re going to a new club tonight,” he suggested as he walked back into the bathroom.

“Right, you so don’t want me there.” She followed him, she couldn’t help herself, and she stopped in the doorway, watched him as he studied himself in the foggy mirror.

His gaze met hers in the reflection. “Why not? You need to get out and have some fun. Sitting around here drowning your sorrows in ice cream is not the way to spend a weekend.”

“I’m allowed some mourning time,” she said defensively. A little pissed he had mentioned the ice cream bit.

“That guy isn’t worth the amount of time you’ve mourned. Trust me.” Lifting his arms, he slicked his dark hair back with both hands, the towel slipping lower with the movement. If it went any lower, she’d catch sight of bare ass and her gaze dropped, hoping for a slip.

“You’ll be getting off too late anyway. I’ll probably be asleep by then.” She inwardly winced, wishing she hadn’t used the term getting off. How awkward could this get? And why did everything have to turn sexual when it came to Austin?

“I’m done by midnight at the latest, just when the clubs really start hopping. Come on, you should go.” He smiled, his gaze locked on her in the mirror, his hands linked at the back of his head. In this position his biceps bulged, his chest puffed out. He wasn’t overtly muscular, but he was long and lean and she found his body incredibly sexy.

“Is it a gay club?” She felt bad for asking, but she had to know. The last thing she wanted to do was watch him hit on or get hit on by a bunch of beautiful boys.

“Nope. Scarlett told me about it. It’s a huge place, some sort of warehouse downtown, and they play great dance music. I really want you to meet Scarlett. Say you’ll go. You can meet me at the theatre and we’ll make you up, and then we’ll all hit the club. Come on.”

“Make me up?” Oh, boy. Now he wanted to change her look because he didn’t think she was pretty enough. She needed to put an end to this right now.

“Make you hot.” He dropped his arms and turned to face her, grasping the side of his towel once again. “You’re going.”


“You are. Meet me at the theatre at eleven thirty. Say yes, Michaela.”

Well, when he commanded her like that how could she resist? “Fine, yes.”

His smile grew. “You won’t regret it.”

She didn’t think she would.

Chapter Two

The club was busy. The line to get in wound all the way around the side of the old industrial building. Michaela shivered when the surprisingly cool late summer breeze hit her, and she wished she had something more substantial on.

Austin’s friend Scarlett had helped her dress, allowing her to rummage through the heaping closet that she kept at the theatre. Scarlett was nice, pretty in an exotic way that Michaela would never be but had always yearned to look like.

Long, dark curling hair, tilted espresso brown eyes and lush red lips, Scarlett looked like some sort of gorgeous hippie of yesteryear. Flowing skirts and gauzy tops, layers of necklaces that clanked noisily when she walked, Scarlett even wore a tinkling ankle bracelet that sang an endless tune with her every movement.

She found Michaela a jersey dress that looked straight off the disco floor of Studio 54. Electric blue with spaghetti straps, the fabric draped over her breasts, crisscrossing to tie at her right hip and with a full skirt that ended at the knee. She’d never worn anything like it before, and she felt kind of ridiculous.

“Do I look stupid?” she whispered in Scarlett’s ear.

“You look beautiful,” Scarlett whispered back, a smile curving her ruby lips. “I bet you’ll garner a lot of attention tonight.”

Michaela nibbled on her lower lip. She didn’t necessarily want to catch a bunch of attention tonight. She’d rather catch just one man’s attention.

But he wasn’t interested.

She was nervous. She couldn’t help it. She’d gone out to clubs before, mostly with her girlfriends though she’d also gone out with Austin. Tonight there was something going on, though, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. The energy between her and Austin had shifted, subtle but definitely there.

The sexual energy had amped up. The way he looked at her, his blue eyes smoldering when they landed upon her more than once when she first came to the theatre. The appreciative whistle he gave when he first caught sight of her in the dress had warmed her from the inside out, sent her pulse skittering and her clit throbbing.

And then when he’d made up her face, oh my. Having him so close, the constant touching, the gentle grazing of his fingers on her skin had nearly been her undoing. His warm breath had wafted across her face, minty fresh and making her tingle, anxious.


She glanced up, watched Austin approach with Trevor, another friend and coworkers, walking at his side. Austin’s smile grew when his gaze lit upon her, and she allowed herself to admire him unabashedly.

He wore skintight black jeans that emphasized his long muscular legs, heck, every glorious part of him, and a vintage gray Bowie T-shirt covered with gray and white rhinestones. His black hair was spiked in the back and swept across the side of his face. Black eyeliner rimmed his eyes, smudged heavily, and it emphasized the sparkling beautiful blue. He was completely not her type yet she looked at him and her entire body yearned to get closer.

She noted she wasn’t the only one checking him out. Appreciative glances were cast his way from both men and women as he walked past the line of hopeful club goers, and Trevor was certainly nothing to sneeze at either. Two gorgeous, well-dressed males were bound to attract a lot of attention on a Friday night.

Great. It was pointless to think she even had a chance when he strutted around looking like
, good enough to eat and lick and suck…

Well, forget it.

Michaela returned his smile as he came closer, taking a deep breath in hopes of calming her nerves, easing her restless mind. He reached for her, his hand cupping her bare shoulder, sending currents of electricity throughout her body.

“Come on, we can get right in,” Austin said, leading Michaela out of line as he shot a smile in Scarlett’s direction. “Drake’s working the door tonight.”

“Ooh, Drake.” Scarlett batted her eyelashes, and Trevor laughed. “I wonder if I could get him to buy me a drink too.”

“You’ve been chasing him for months, Scarlett,” Trevor pointed out as they all got out of the line and started toward the door.

“I know. He’s just playing hard to get. I’ll land him. Eventually.” The assured smile on Scarlett’s face made Michaela jealous.

Really, so stupid but she couldn’t help herself. She wished she had that sort of confidence, to go for what she wanted and damn the consequences. She’d never been so full of doubt about her choices, the way she went about her life. Preston’s dumping her had put her off center, made her question herself, and she didn’t like it.

Lusting for Austin didn’t help either. Wanting a man who didn’t want her was self-defeating. She could read all she wanted into the suggestive glances and sweet words but in the end, he preferred dick.

Yeah, blunt but she needed to think that way. Be hard on herself so she’d give up these hopeless thoughts. It was for the best.

It didn’t help that he still touched her, his hand sliding down to press at the small of her back. He walked beside her, his stride even with hers as if they were some sort of couple and she had to force herself not to think that way, not to think there was something behind his almost possessive touch.

They entered the club without a problem, Drake guiding their way with the flick of a hand. Immediately they were immersed in darkness and smoke and flashing multicolored lights. The music was loud, a heavy throbbing beat that made her insides pulse in time. She glanced around quickly, drinking in the atmosphere before they went and checked their purses, Trevor checking his leather jacket before they headed deeper inside.

The place was packed, filled with all sorts of pretty people, many of them edgy in appearance, pushing the envelope. Most of the women were dressed in revealing clothes, their flesh proudly bared, decorated with body glitter that reflected in the spinning lights. The men were just as pretty, their clothes dark, many attired similarly to Austin. Some stood around in small groups, posing with a drink clutched in their hand as they checked out those who passed by.

Almost everyone was on the dance floor where a popular tune played, the crowd yelling their encouragement with their hands in the air. It was hot, the air stifling, and already Michaela felt faintly sticky with sweat, her hair heavy against her neck.

“Drink first and then dance?” Austin tilted his head toward her, his mouth awfully close to her ear.

“I don’t know if I’m going to dance,” she started but he shook his head, his brows raised.

“Hell yes, you are. Let’s go now. We’ll get drinks later. Come on, Scarlett,” he called to his friend. All three of them headed to the dance floor, Trevor hanging back to talk with someone.

They pushed themselves onto the crowded dance floor, Austin leading them, Scarlett grabbing hold of Michaela’s hand so she wouldn’t get lost. Michaela thought she would be uncomfortable, awkward in her dance movements since she really was terrible at it, but she wasn’t allowed to even think, let alone worry.

Austin grabbed her hand and yanked her close, their bodies meshing together, Scarlett right behind her, pushing her even closer to him, and they began to dance, the three of them all in sync.

She copied Austin’s movements, impressed with his ability, the way he thrust his hips and moved his body as if he was totally comfortable, in his element. And he was. He danced with a natural grace that most men didn’t have, and she wondered at his prowess in bed.

Her cheeks heated at the thought, especially with the suggestive manner of their dancing, and she stumbled, thankful when he caught her, his hands gripping the crook of her arms and hauling her even closer, if that was possible.

“Just let go,” he murmured, so close his lips brushed her ear, and she shivered, nearly jumping in surprise when she felt Scarlett smack her on the butt with an open hand.

She glanced back to see Scarlett laughing, her eyes sparkling, her hair a wild mass of curls about her head. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Your ass is awfully cute in that dress.”

Michaela turned back to find Austin smiling at her. “She’s harmless,” he yelled above the throbbing music. “And she’s right. Your ass is cute in that dress.”

The music changed, the tempo downshifting, giving her no time to contemplate Austin’s comment. He thought her ass was cute? Who knew?

People exited the dance floor with the start of the new song, giving them more space, but Austin didn’t let her go. Scarlett moved away, turning to dance with the man behind her. Michaela was left alone with Austin, in his arms, their legs and feet tangled, their lower bodies pressed together. She glanced about the floor, noticed that it was filled with couples holding each other close.

The song was suggestive, the lyrics sexual, the beat throbbing and sensual. Austin slid his hands around her until they rested at the lowest point of her back, just above her ass, and her knees went weak at the way he touched her, looked at her, danced with her.

Like it was some sort of public foreplay and she was lost to it. She gripped his arms, slid her hands up until they linked behind his neck, her fingers teasing the hair that rested there, thick and soft, and she’d give anything to touch him, really touch him like she wanted to.

His hands splayed, gripping her butt, and he pulled her into him as he ground against her. She returned the favor, her pussy throbbing, her panties soaked and his erection nudged against her, shocking her. Michaela glanced up to find Austin studying her, his expression dark, sexy.

Oh good Lord, it was as if her every dream was coming true but still she doubted it, doubted all of it. Maybe he was caught up in the dancing, the atmosphere. Hell, maybe he forgot that Michaela was a measly ol’ girl and he wasn’t interested in girls.

She didn’t know. But there was no denying that erection. And it was large. And impressive.

Very, very impressive.

The song ended and he relaxed his hold on her, his hands loose at her sides. She sprang free, suddenly uncomfortable, and she ran a hand through her sweaty hair to hide her shaking fingers.

“Want to get something to drink?” He watched her carefully, his expression closed though she saw the lingering heat in his eyes.

Michaela nodded, didn’t say a word, and he took her hand, leading her to the back of the club where a cluster of tables and booths surrounded the gargantuan bar. A group of his friends were seated in a large booth, including Trevor, and they joined them, scooting in so close that Michaela was plastered to Austin’s side.

She wasn’t complaining. His hard thigh pressed firmly next to hers, his body heat ratcheting up her internal temperature another one hundred degrees.

God, it was hot. She lifted her hair away from her neck with both hands, wondered why she hadn’t put it in some sort of ponytail and then she felt a faint breeze waft against her sensitive skin.

Michaela turned to see it was Austin, his beautiful lips slightly pursed, blowing across her neck, cooling her down, heating her up. Her sex tingled, her breath caught in her throat when he did it again and she felt the little hairs at her nape move, tickling her.

“You looked hot,” he said when their gazes met.

“I…am.” In more ways than one.

His mouth curved upward, just on one side, a rather secretive smile that said he knew exactly what she referred to. The air was heavy, and not just from the heat, but with sexual tension. It crackled around them, gave her courage, gave her hope that maybe she wasn’t imagining this.

A waitress appeared with a tray of drinks for everyone already at the table and they took turns telling her what they wanted, Austin dropping a ten-dollar bill on the tray to hurry the order. Michaela thought she might die of thirst and was thankful when someone offered a spare glass of water. She gulped it, savoring the cool liquid sliding down her throat, and when Austin nudged her, she offered the glass to him, which he took gratefully.

How could a man arouse her by drinking a glass of water? She had no clue but it was happening, watching Austin’s lips curve around the edge of the clear glass. He tipped his head back and drank. Throat working with the movement, his Adam’s apple bobbed with every swallow. His neck was tanned, strong and corded with muscle and her mind drifted.

Back to earlier in the afternoon when he’d stood in the hall draped only in the towel. The smile on his face, his hair wet, his skin wet from the shower…

She shivered and he caught it, slowly setting the glass on top of the table. He reached for her hand, his fingers curling around hers.

“Don’t tell me you’re cold.”

She was damp with sweat, her heavy hair stuck to her head, and she had a feeling she probably looked terrible. “I’m not.”

His eyes darkened, his other arm slid across the back of the booth seat and his hand landed on her bare shoulder. She held her breath, waiting for his next move.

What was he doing? What was she doing? And why did he look at her like that? As if he wanted to devour her in one bite, consume her, do things to her that she only imagined in her darkest fantasies.

Michaela reared back, desperate for some distance. Okay. Her imagination was running on overdrive. He wasn’t looking at her like that. And his fingers weren’t stroking her shoulder either. No, it was all in her vivid imagination.

“We’re headed to the dance floor,” Trevor said, interrupting her thoughts. “You two going with us?”

“We’re going to stay here and wait for our drinks,” Austin answered for her, giving her shoulder a little squeeze.

“Have fun.” Trevor gave them a little wave and the entire group from the table followed him out to the dance floor, leaving her alone with Austin.

“Are you having a good time?” he asked once everyone left.

She nodded, traced her finger down the edge of the sweating glass of water. She didn’t want to look at him, was afraid of what she might find there. “I am.”

“You’re a liar, you know.” His voice was soft, hot and melting all over her, and she glanced up, caught him studying her, his head tilted toward her.

“What do you mean?” Had he realized her secret? Did he know how much she’d lusted for him lately? Embarrassing if he ever found out.

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