Forbidden (5 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Forbidden
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Slowly she opened her eyes to find Austin watching her, his face buried against her cunt, his tongue concentrated right on her clit, licking over her fingers. It was intense, too much for her to take, and she slumped against the pillows, turned her head away from his gaze.

Her moaning increased, grew louder as the orgasm bore down on her, and she tried to catch her breath. Her legs trembled, her toes curling into his shoulders, she rubbed her clit faster, his tongue mimicking her movements until she fell apart. Her free hand moving to clench at his hair, tugging on the ends hard.

The orgasm rippled and flowed through her, her entire body shuddering, her pussy clenching rhythmically. She tried to push him away, her flesh too sensitive, too agitated by the intensity of her climax.

Austin wouldn’t let her escape from his grip. His mouth gentled, as did his tongue, and he helped bring her down, his big hand stroking the back of her thigh slowly. His tongue lapped at her and the low rumbling sounds of pleasure coming from him made her sigh, relaxed her limbs until she felt like she was melting.

Oh, he was good, too good. For a man who hadn’t been with a woman in who knew how long, he knew exactly what he was doing.

He moved up her body until they were face to face and when he bent his head to kiss her, she could smell herself on him, taste herself on his lips. She didn’t care, in fact, it aroused her all over again, and she leaned into the kiss, her tongue licking at his lips.

Withdrawing from her, he reached across to the bedside table, yanking open a drawer to pull out a condom. He tore into it and sat up on his haunches, rolling the condom onto his thick length. She watched, anticipation curling through her. Absorbing the utter maleness of his movements, she grew a little weak when he started stroking himself again.

Oh, she could watch that all night, his sure fingers wrapped tight around his cock, his thumb stroking the head. She’d always been curious as to how a man really liked to be touched and though she’d asked previous partners what they preferred, they always deferred to her.

She had a feeling if she asked Austin what he wanted from her he’d spell it out down to the very last letter.

Lifting his head, he caught her staring and the wicked smile that curved his luscious lips made her heart flutter like a wild thing. Slowly he came back over her, sleek and dangerous like some sort of animal ready to devour his prey. She waited, breathless as he positioned himself over her, his cock nudging against her pussy, his hands pressed on the mattress on either side of her head.

“You like to watch.” It wasn’t a question so much as an observation. He was one hundred percent right.

“I love to watch.” She reached out, rested her hand against the center of his chest. His skin was hot, damp, his body hard, and the wild beating of his heart thumped beneath her palm. “I love to watch you.”

He kissed her, quick and hard, before lifting his head again. “Maybe you could watch me sometime. And then I could watch you.”

She’d had the orgasm of a lifetime not five minutes ago and already her pussy ached for him, her clit throbbed for his touch. His words, the way he looked at her, all of it a heady combination that told her she was in way over her head.

And she liked it.

“I’m sure that could be arranged,” she got out just before he shifted, his lips wrapping around her distended nipple. All words, all thought flew out of her head as she gave over to the sensation of his mouth on her breast, his hand cupping her other breast, thumb playing and tweaking her nipple.

Michaela groaned, her hands sinking into his thick, soft hair, holding him to her as he continued his hungry assault on her breasts. They were small, she’d always been a little embarrassed with their size, but Austin didn’t seem to mind. He drew his thumb and index finger together to give her nipple a hard tug just as he bit down on her other nipple, and the zing of fire that shot through her made her buck against him.

Good God, that hurt. And felt so good at the same time. He gentled his touch, his lips and tongue playing first with one nipple, then the other, and he lifted his hips, his cock thrusting against her, making her writhe beneath him.

“Please,” she whispered, restless, needy and desperate for him to be inside her.

Austin lifted away from her, sitting back on his haunches once again. Gripping his cock with one hand, he guided it over her pussy, circled the crowned head around and around her clit. She moaned, arched into him, her insides going liquid at the heavy lidded, sexy expression on his face.

“Austin.” He glanced up, his smoldering gaze meeting hers, and her voice went breathy. “You’re teasing me.”

“You like it.” Again no questioning in his tone, just a statement and damn his hide, he was right.

She fucking loved it. She couldn’t wait for whatever else he had planned. And when he entered her, rammed himself inside her, she opened her body to him, her legs going wide, her arms holding him close. He held himself still for a moment, his cock pulsing, filling her, physically and emotionally, and she was suddenly overwhelmed. He pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, expelling a long, steady breath as if he’d held it for hours.

Nerves jangled within her at the importance of this moment. The fact that her friend and roommate, one of her favorite people in the entire world, was with her, naked in his bed, well, it was major.


“Austin.” He opened his eyes, his searing blue gaze burning her from the inside out. “This, um, I don’t want this to ruin our friendship.”

He smiled. “Too late.” He bent his head down to whisper in her ear. “In case you didn’t notice.” Another pause. “I’m inside you.”

“Oh, yes. I—” Her breath hitched as he went deeper. “I noticed.”

He began to move in earnest. Propping himself up on his hands, he moved within her, pulling almost all the way out before plunging back in, over and over again, faster and faster. “Wrap your legs around me,” he urged and she did, her legs snaking around his trim hips.

Already another orgasm grew within her, trembling low and deep in her belly. She ran her hands over him, her fingernails scrapping lightly, and he shivered, she felt it beneath her touch.

“That feels good. You. Feel.” He punctuated each word with a thrust. “So.” Another thrust. “Fucking. Good.”

Oh yeah, so did he, he felt amazing. Like nothing she’d ever experienced. His cock stretched her, filled her to the limit, to the point where she didn’t think she could take much more and then he’d surge deeper, making her cry out, her limbs shaking, her head spinning.

Her clit throbbed, her orgasm teasing her, and she reached for it, strained beneath Austin. When his sure hand snuck between their bodies, his finger twirling around her clit, she exploded.

This orgasm was even more intense than the second one, longer, turning her into a shivering mass of flesh. Her belly, her pussy and clit throbbed and pulsed, her inner walls clenching around his cock, and he groaned, drove himself so deep inside her she cried out from the intensity of it all.

“I’m gonna come,” he whispered and she encouraged him, her hands pressing against his ass. She swiveled her hips, drawing him deeper, tightened her pussy around him and then he was coming. His body shuddering, the sound of his gut-wrenching groans loud as he thrust once, twice more before slumping against her in a heap of exhausted man.

She held him close, her legs falling away from him, her arms sliding around his waist. His heart pumped fast and strong, matching hers beat for beat, and she smoothed her hands over his back, savoring the play of muscles that shifted beneath her touch.

This was dangerous, this moment right after sex. Too intimate, bringing them too close. She suddenly didn’t know how to deal.

She didn’t know if she wanted to deal. Panic flared within her, and it took everything she had not to push away from him and flee to the safety of her room.

It had been the most intense sex she’d ever shared with another person. And she didn’t know if she could take it.

Chapter Five

Michaela stared listlessly at the notes she’d just written. Her yellow legal pad blurred in front of her and she stifled a yawn behind her hand, not wanting to offend her boss by appearing bored at their weekly Tuesday meeting.

She worked at a car dealership in the business office, handled the accounts payable desk and normally she looked forward to going to work. Her coworkers were fun, she enjoyed flirting with the salesmen out on the floor and her actual job, though sometimes monotonous, did give her a sense of satisfaction.

It certainly wasn’t her life’s dream job but she made decent money and paid the bills. At least she wasn’t miserable.

But today, she felt a little miserable. And a lot tired. Staying up most of the night and into the early morning getting her brains thoroughly fucked out by Austin had something to do with it. Sneaking out of his bed without saying goodbye had a bit to do with it as well.

Ah, she was such a bitch. She didn’t even leave him a note. Just slunk out of his bed like some sort of common slut, took a hurried shower, threw some clothes on and got out of there. She was lucky she wasn’t late to work.

Everyone droned on in the meeting, going over sales figures and losses, discussing what next month’s strategy was. Usually she was alert, full of one, maybe even two Starbucks grande iced mochas by now and offering ideas wherever she could. Today, she was lucky to keep her eyes open and when her cell phone vibrated in her blazer pocket, she whipped it out, saw the text notification that appeared and opened the message.


You’re a naughty girl.


Her cheeks went hot and she shoved the phone back into her pocket. Was it wrong that those four words brought a rush of awareness that flowed through her body and landed right between her legs? Of course it was from Austin and that bastard, he knew just how to get to her.

he know anyway? It was as if he was so completely attuned to her he could read her mind, her every next move. The way he touched her last night, God. She couldn’t even begin to describe how good it had all felt.

Her cell vibrated again and she checked it a bit more discreetly now, not wanting anyone to see.


Want to be punished?


Okay, yes she kind of did want to be punished. She liked the way he asked versus just telling her she was going to be punished. As if he was trying to figure out what she wanted. A shiver slithered down her spine as she hit the reply button and punched in three simple letters.




She sent it off and waited, anticipation coursing through her, and she shifted her legs, crossing them at the ankles. He took forever to answer, probably only ten minutes though it felt like an hour, and when her phone finally vibrated again she quickly took a peek at it.


Take off your panties.


Huh? Her brows furrowed in confusion. Why would he want her to take off her panties? Yes, it was kind of hot to suggest but she could think of endless other ways he might punish her.

All of them wicked. All of them wonderful.

Her phone buzzed again, and she checked the inbox.


Call me in fifteen minutes.


Hmm. Something was definitely brewing. Luckily enough, the meeting was winding down and within ten minutes, she was walking out of the boardroom. Stopping off in the bathroom, she hurriedly took care of business then decided to hell with it. Moving fast in case someone came inside, she pulled off her panties and stuffed them in her blazer pocket.

She’d made such a mad dash when she got dressed this morning she hadn’t really paid attention to her underwear. Just grabbed them and put them on. Did he want to check them out somehow? They weren’t that exciting. Pale pink cotton and lace, they were nothing extravagant.

It felt downright naughty walking around without any panties on though. The smooth fabric of her skirt rubbed against her bare ass and she grew self-conscious, worried that she might give a coworker a flash of something if she didn’t watch it.

Michaela went to her desk, saw that the voicemail light on her phone was flashing. She checked it, thinking it might be Austin but it turned out to be one of the vendors she’d contacted yesterday returning her call. Settling the receiver back in the cradle, she turned to her computer where she checked her email.

Really, she should just call him and get it over with. There was something about it, though, the anticipation, the worry, the knot in her stomach when she thought about talking to him. What would he say, what did he want from her? She hadn’t expected him to continue this game. She thought last night might end up a one time moment and then they’d go back to the same ol’ relationship/friendship/roommate thing.

Of course, not like that could ever happen after everything they had shared last night. Talk about an intense sexual experience. She’d never come so hard in her life and multiple times on top of that.

Maybe this could turn into a game they could play for a while. It sounded fun. Better than fun. She’d never had a fuck buddy. All of the men she’d been with she’d felt committed to, in a relationship with.

Not that she didn’t feel committed to Austin but really, this wasn’t much of a relationship. They were friends, yes but that was it, or that’s what she told herself. This was definitely all about the sex.

And what delicious sex it had turned out to be.

Glancing about the office to make sure no one was paying attention to her she grabbed her cell phone and punched in Austin’s number. He answered on the top of the fourth ring, almost letting it go to voicemail, and she wondered if he did that on purpose.

“That was longer than fifteen minutes.”

“Well hello to you too.” She paused, waited for him to say something but he was silent. “I’m at work, Austin. I was in a meeting. I couldn’t get away.”

“Can you get away for lunch?”

“I think so.” She glanced at the time on her monitor. “It’s almost twelve already, I had no clue. What time did you want to meet?”


It took almost an hour for her to get to work during the morning rush hour. It would take a half hour now. “Won’t twelve-thirty work better for you?”

“Michaela.” He was quiet for a moment and she swore she could hear him breathing, soft and even across the line. “Did you take your panties off?”

She looked around again, thankful everyone was doing their own thing. “Yes.”

“You’re a good girl.” She swore she heard the grin in his voice.

“I don’t feel like a good girl.”

“Why not?”

“Walking around like this.” She crossed her right leg over her left, her sensitive pussy tingling with the movement. “It’s rather—arousing.”

“That’s the point.” His voice lowered an octave, deep and sexy, reminding her of what he had sounded like when he whispered in her ear last night. “I’m in the parking lot.”

“You are?”

He ignored her question. “Come down here at noon and meet me at my car.”

A thrill rippled through her. “Which parking lot? Are the salespeople bothering you?”

“I’m in the back lot, the employee lot. Come down here, Michaela. At noon.”

“All right.” Her mind raced. What did he want to do? Would he take her somewhere and get naked so they could go at it for approximately thirty minutes? But where? She had no idea where people went for illicit encounters. “Where are we going?”

“Just meet me, Michaela.” He paused, the moment heavy with tension. “And bring your panties.”

He hung up, the click loud in her ear and she slowly lowered her cell phone until it clattered on top of her desk.

It was totally wrong that her body was on high alert, ready to meet Austin in – she glanced at the clock again—approximately eight minutes. What did he have planned?

She couldn’t fucking wait to find out.


After a night of unbelievable sex, the disappointment Austin felt at waking up alone had been overwhelming. Irritating. He wasn’t one who liked to linger in bed until the early dawn. He preferred to sleep alone, no distractions, and besides he was usually exhausted after a bout of satisfying sex.

The sex with Michaela had been beyond satisfying. He had given her at least four orgasms that he knew of and he’d had two. They’d fallen asleep in a tangle of limp arms and legs, her head resting on his chest, his cheek on top of her head. Holding each other close, another thing he really didn’t enjoy post-coital.

But with Michaela, everything felt so damn right.

She’d snuck out of his bed, and he hadn’t even heard her. He’d reached for her upon wakening, found his bed empty and hell if his heart hadn’t felt empty too.

He was damn pitiful, mooning over a woman. He’d been lusting after her for so long he thought by finally having her it would get her out of his system.

It didn’t work. And he was fooling himself if he believed that was his true intention. He’d wanted her, and he knew once he had her he’d continue to want her.

And continue to have her. He was just enough of a cocky bastard to believe that.

Sending her the text message had been his plan to rile her up. It worked. The thought of her up in her office in some prim skirt suit like she usually wore with no panties on had his cock surging against the fly of his jeans. He should be spent, worn the hell out, yet all he could think about was getting inside Michaela.

Now he waited, and he hoped she was a little late. That way he could punish her, draw it out, drive her crazy, drive himself a little crazy too.

He had a feeling she’d like it. That she could take whatever he dished out. That maybe she
him to dish it out.

She was bad, his Michaela. Naughtier than he thought she would be. Or maybe he just brought it out in her. He had no clue.

He certainly wasn’t complaining.

At five minutes past twelve, he watched her exit the building, a harried expression on her face, the hot early afternoon wind blowing tendrils of hair all around her head. She wore a navy blue blazer and matching skirt with a pale yellow tank top beneath the blazer and she shrugged out of it, curling the jacket over her arm.

Oh, damn she looked good, the skimpy top skimming her slight curves, the cut of her skirt making her ass look amazing.

He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her.

She approached his side of the car and he rolled down the window, the blast of hot air smacking him in the face. “Sorry. Had to take a phone call.”

He cocked a brow, going for macho asshole. “You’re late.”

“I know.” She brushed the tangled hair away from her mouth. “I’m sorry.”

“Get in.”

Michaela rounded the car and got in on the passenger side, her scent filling the close confines of the car immediately. He breathed deep, held it in, savored her unique sweet scent and then he glanced down at her lap.

“Did you bring the panties?”

Nibbling on her lower lip she nodded, patted her right pocket. “I did.”

“Show me.”

Slowly she reached into the pocket and drew the flimsy material out until her hand was in front of him, the pale pink panties in a crumpled ball in the middle of her palm. He stared down at them, arousal smacking him swift and hard at the sudden vision that swam in his head of her completely bare beneath that skirt.

And that she was mere inches away from him. It would only take him five seconds to reach beneath the fabric and touch her silky hot flesh.

Austin took her panties, shoved them into the front pocket of his jeans before reaching for her, resting his hand on the inside of her thigh. Her skirt had slid up, revealing her slim thighs, and he allowed himself the pleasure of stroking her skin once, twice, his fingertips tingling.

A little whimper escaped her and he looked up into her face, saw the needy expression there. She was just as turned on as he was, maybe more so.

“You want me to touch you?”

She nodded, didn’t say a word.

“Want me to get you off with my fingers stroking your clit?”

Another muffled whimper, another furious nod of her head.

He withdrew his hand from her thigh. “I’m not going to. That’ll be part of your punishment.”

“Oh God.” Her voice was strained, her breathing accelerated, and he marveled at this woman sitting next to him.

Who knew she’d be this unbelievably hot? He’d had his suspicions but he hadn’t expected this.

He decided to push her further.

“Can you sneak me in up there?” He nodded toward her work building.

Her gaze met his, green eyes wide before she glanced at the building. “Where?”

“Somewhere private where no one can walk in on us.” He reached for her chin, grasped it between his fingers so she was forced to look at him. “I have a task for you.”

“A t-task?” Her voice trembled, and she moistened her lips with her tongue.

Austin held back the groan that wanted to spill. “Mmm, hmm. You’re good at tasks, right, Michaela? You’re doing them all day long at work.”

“Okay.” She paused, a little hitch in her breathing when he stroked the soft skin of her jaw. “What’s my task?”

He leaned in close, the better to relish her response. “You’ll see. Now will you sneak me in or not?”

“I can. But we have to go now.” He released his grip on her and she opened the car door, scrambling out as quickly as her high-heeled shoes would take her.

Austin followed her, admiring the swish of her hips, the shift of her ass beneath the tight skirt. Her long legs were sleek and smooth, her feet encased in sexy shoes, and he marveled at how easy it was to be aroused by her.

After years of being with men, she just did it for him. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman turned him on so much. And not only was he attracted to her, but he also liked her. Considered her a good friend.

Which meant he was treading in dangerous territory and putting himself at risk. Was he fucking crazy?

For her, yes.

She took him around the side of the building and they entered through another door by her punching in a code on a keypad. She waved him inside, her expression anxious and he went in, both of them walking quietly up the stairs.

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