Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) (37 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)
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“Later….right now I just want you to hold me.”

He tightened his arms around her. “There is nothing I would rather do that this.”

After a few minutes Bailey pulled back and looked up at him. He saw the moisture in her eyes and knew she was fighting to maintain control. Looking around he settled on the solarium for privacy and taking her hand led her away from prying eyes. Once inside he pulled her over to one of the benches that overlooked the garden outside. The sun was filtering through the window and its warmth was a welcome relief from the morning chill. He took Baileys hand in his and waited till she was ready.

“My grandmother knows….about us.” She finally said.

He felt a sudden surge of doubt by the way she said it. As if she had come to a decision behind the closed door and didn’t know how to break it to him.

“I figured she did…I’m sorry, I should have gone with you to face her.”

“No you shouldn’t have.” She said and he felt the pressure squeeze his heart.

“Have you changed your mind….about us?” He asked fearing her answer.

Bailey looked up at him and the look on her face removed the pressure and filled him with joy.

“No!” She said reaching up to stroke his cheek. “
I have never….been this close to anyone nor felt such joy.” She smiled. “I want to savor every moment we have till we take our vows”

Holding her hand he turned his face and kissed the inside of her palm then held her hand in place against his cheek as he looked at her.

“I was afraid she would change your mind.”

“She tried.” Bailey admitted. “First she reminded me of my duty and honor and when that didn’t work she tried to make me doubt you.”

Beckett frowned as he wondered what she was told. Did she have the same reaction he did when Macy tried to instill doubt in him? If so, why had she chosen to trust him? Bailey pulled her hand from his face and as she stood she pulled her other hand free. Beckett missed the contact but when she began to pace he let her be knowing she needed to talk and any contact between them might hinder her ability to speak. She told him everything; from her grandmothers disappointment in their actions the night before at the gallery and what happened afterwards to her expectations of them for future appearances. Bailey also told him about Regina’s past, the true bloodline of her uncles and the reason her grandfather was so harsh on her father. He heard the pain in her voice as she retold her grandmother’s broken heart from a tragic love affair. He now knew why she wanted to protect Bailey because she saw her ex-lover in him. She expected him to be as callous and leave Bailey after toying with her heart. He realized now he not only had to convince Bailey he was serious about their relationship but he would also have to convince Regina. When she had finished he noticed some of the weight had been lifted from her. He was please she defended him and had chosen to defy her grandmother. He needed to make sure she was never sorry for the choice she had made.

Walking over she stood before him and he pulled her down on his lap. With one arm to support her he reached up and cupping her face brought her lips to his. He was soft with his kiss, moving his lips slowly over hers. When her lips parted he slipped his tongue inside
enjoying the dance her tongue did with his. Slowly her need shifted and her kiss demanded more. He willingly obliged as he added pressure bruising her swollen lips. Beckett broke from the kiss when her hands began to tug at his shirt.

“Not here.” He said hoarsely.

They were at too great a risk of being discovered and while he never minded the risk of being caught he knew the damage it would do to Bailey especially with her younger brother and sister under the same roof. He looked around the room and noticed the storage closet in the corner. He stood up lifting her in the process. When they reached the door he was reached down only to find the door locked.

“Damn” He cursed and was about to turn when Bailey shook her head. Reaching up she found the key resting on the door jamb. “How did you know?”

“Trixie told me.” She smiled as she slid the key in the handle and opened the lock. “Grandmother was worried the kids might get into things so she ordered certain doors to be locked then had the keys put out of their reach.”

Beckett looked up at the door jamb as she replaced the key. “She doesn’t know kids very well does
she; we’d just pick the lock.”

“Not every kid is like you and your brothers.” She smiled as he carried her inside.

Setting her on the ground he looked around for a light switch then shut and locked the door. One wall was covered with shelves filled with gardening tools and bags of fertilizer. The far wall had a double door refrigerator, counter space and a sink. Along the third wall was a long table partially filled with pots of flowers in varying stages.

“On odd place to put a fridge.”

“It’s for her bulbs.” Bailey explained as he lifted her up on the table. “After they bloom you need to store them in a cold place till it’s time to plant. This is where her gardener forces them to bloom which is why her house is always filled with flowers no matter the season.”

“And where did you learn about this?” He asked as she pulled his shirt off.

“My mother, we used to have to dig up the flowers every year.” She smiled as he pulled her shirt over her head. “She would store them in the bottom drawer of our fridge.”

“Why not leave them in the ground?” He asked as his fingers grazed over the top of her bra before dipping inside. He
watched her face as her nipple hardened between his fingers before moving his lips to her neck. He couldn’t help but smile when she found it hard to find her voice as he nuzzled her neck.

“Uh….” She sighed. “If you leave them….oh God.” She moaned losing her train of thought.

Beckett continued his trail up her neck and back to her mouth. He played with her mouth, teased her lips then pulled back to enjoy the effect. Her lips were swollen, her face flushed, her eyes darkened to a deep amethyst. Fighting to control his own desires he looked back at the flowers.

“Why did them up?”

Bailey scrunched her forehead much the same way he had seen Tristan do when he was concentrating. She followed his directions to the flowers.

“If you leave them in the ground they multiply but they lose their size and color. This keeps them at their

Beckett was still looking at the flowers when he reached behind her undoing her bra. When it fell to the floor he turned to see her perfect breast displayed before him.

“I like how these bloom.” He said running his thumb across her nipple. “They fit perfectly in my hand.” He said as he cupped first one than the other. Bailey arched increasing the pressure as he stroked her buds till they felt like tiny pebbles beneath his finger. Dipping his head he planted kisses across the soft swell before taking one nipple in his mouth. She moaned in pleasure as she threaded her fingers through his hair. Beckett took his time wanting to enjoy every moment he had exploring her body. With her breast still in his mouth his hands slowly stroked her rib cage before moving lower till he reached the waist band of her jeans. When Bailey removed her hands from his hair and moved to undo her jeans he pushed her hands away. Looking at her he undid the button then after lowering her zipper he lifted her with one arm while his free hand pulled her pants off her hips. Sitting her back on the table he slowly dragged her jeans down her legs pausing only long enough to slip off her sandals before her jeans joined them on the floor. As he stood he left a trail of kisses along one calf while his other hand ran a finger up the other. When he reached her thighs she parted them slightly allowing him access to the sensitive skin inside.

Bailey ran her hands over his shoulders and down his arms leaving a trail of fire wherever she touched. As he moved closer to her apex
he could smell her excitement and sliding his finger beneath her panties felt the wet dewy musk that clung to her soft hairs. He didn’t bother to remove her panties they disintegrated with one pull. Her breath caught when he slid his tongue over her nub and he felt her thighs tremble beneath his hands. Pulling her folds apart he buried his mouth around her licking, nipping, sucking till she swelled. When he slid first one then two fingers inside she arched moving her hips closer to increase the pressure. Shifting her hands behind her she placed her feet on his shoulders giving her the leverage needed to move her hips in rhythm with him. He moved his fingers now to her rhythm as his mouth and tongue continued to attack her spot. When he felt her walls constrict around his fingers he thrust deeper as she suddenly shuddered calling out his name when the first wave of her orgasm exploded. As the waves rolled over her he lapped up her juices.

now he undid his own jeans as he kicked off his shoes. Dropping his jeans and briefs next to hers he stepped between her legs and taking her hand he guided her to his shaft. Her fingers slid around his girth gently applying presser as she began to pump. He retook her mouth driving his tongue inside letting her taste the mixture of her juices with his natural taste. Her fingers felt like fire and ice alternating as she slid her hand up running her finger over his tip. He needed to feel her heat and grasping her hips he watched as she guided him inside. He entered her slowly and once inside she wrapped her legs around his waist giving him a deeper access. Baileys hands rested on his shoulder while his remained on her hips As his hips began to move she looked up to meet his gaze. He started slowly despite his need. He wanted to make her come again before he found his release. Moving slowly he slid in and out of her and with each stroke he paused watching the frustration on her face. She tried to buck her hips but he held her firmly in place. He knew the long slow strokes were heightening her reaction and he took his time.

“Beckett…” she moaned. “Please….I need …”

“What do you need?” He growled against her lips. “Tell me...”

“I need you…please.”

“Not yet.” He said moving his lips to her ear lobe. He nibbled on it and she gripped his shoulder harder. “Let go Bailey…don’t fight it.”

“I can’t

“Yes you can.” He said retaking her mouth as he began to move faster.

He fought to hold himself back wanting to feel her release and finally when her body convulsed and her juices rushed over him he let go pumping deeper till he finally tensed, closing his eyes he released his seed deep inside. Bailey collapsed against him and he wrapped his arms around her in support as they both tried to regain their breath. Finally pulling back he looked down at her face still flushed with their passion.

“We should get dressed;
Tristan and Alexis are probably looking for you.”

“I know.” She sighed.

“Still want to go riding?” He asked as he reached down picking up their clothes. When she looked at the remains of her panties he just smiled. “I’ll buy you a new pair.”

“I don’t know….I might have naughty thoughts of what you could do between my legs
while we’re riding.” She teased.

Beckett looked at her raising one eyebrow not mistaking her intention as he pulled on his jeans.

“This could be fun.” He grinned wickedly.


Bailey stood before the mirror examining her appearance. She did not recognize the woman that was before her. Regina had arranged for her personal hair dresser and make-up artist to assist in Bailey’s appearance. Her hair was pulled up with a few wisps artfully pulled out to frame her face. The make-up was seamless enhancing her natural beauty without being overpowering. The smoky shades around her eyes made
her violet color pop and the fresh tint of blush and lip gloss gave her the illusion of innocence. The lavender gown clung to every curve of her body leaving nothing to the imagination. Even with her three inch heals she knew Beckett would be taller than her as they greeted the guests below. A week had passed since their first night together and Bailey couldn’t remember her life before him. Each day was filled with work and secret rendezvous. Sometimes they would share a kiss in the break room; other times Beckett would find a way to pull her into a closet or empty office where they could do more. He would leave her little notes that would pop up on her computer randomly, flowers in her drawer and once even a written note the role of toilet paper in the restroom. When she had asked him what he would have done if someone else had found it he had told her he would deny it. Bailey slipped in screen shots on his power point presentation to his brothers, left a receipt for her underwear in his briefcase with a photo of her in them and once during a board meeting she had deliberately wore a short skirt that revealed her garter when she crossed her legs. She made certain to sit where only Beckett had a view than proceeded to taunt him as he went over his figures. Trent must have caught on because he commented about the temperature in the room rising after Beckett finished.

Their nights had been filled with appearances and they had no problem presenting the image of a young couple in love. Bailey knew she was in love with Beckett but was unsure of his feelings for her. Neither spoke
about that. They spoke of what their lives were like growing up, the differences between her being an only child most of her life as opposed to him growing up with four brothers. The pressures she felt after first her father’s death and then her mother are, of her trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. He talked about competing with his brothers in everything from schoolwork, to sports to the family business. She was surprised to find this vulnerable side of him when he seemed so confident in the office. Trent was always better with his hands, Justin with the sales, Ethan with the paperwork. Beckett was the designer. He could look at a building no matter what shape it was in and visualize the final product. He left it to his brothers to make it happen. Often he could be seen swinging a hammer or knocking down a wall with the rest of his brothers but knew Trent was the artist when it came to the final product.

Their nights had been spent in each other’s arms. Some nights they were gentle and slow as they learned to master
each other’s body. Other nights were heated and intense where neither of them seemed to get enough of each other. As with the first night, no matter which room they occupied they would separate before the sun rose. Tonight they would make their engagement official and to mark the occasion Beckett had presented her with a diamond pendant. A simple oval cut diamond suspended on a delicate chain. She was fingering it as she looked at her reflection. Since coming to her grandmothers subtle changes had occurred. She had added a few pounds but Beckett assured her they were needed. The dark circles under her eyes and the constant worry lines on her forehead were gone. Her eyes were no longer fatigued but bright and clear from the happiness that consumed her. Even Tristan and Alexis had improved. Both enjoyed their school, Tristan had made a few friends and no longer relied on Alexis for companionship. Alexis had a list of admirers and never came home without either a note or flower from some boy at school. Beckett had teased her telling her he planned on marching down to the school to set those boys straight and she had just smiled telling him his brothers had already done so when they picked them up from school. Tristan’s new doctor was trying him out on new steroids and Beckett had found a therapist who was working with Alexis on her dreams. At that moment her life was perfect and she refused to look ahead to the future. She had two more weeks of bliss with Beckett before it came to an end and she planned on enjoying every moment.

“Wow” Beckett said as he stood in her doorway. “I didn’t think you could get more beautiful, I was wrong.” He smiled.

Bailey turned and felt the blush spread as she looked at him. Dressed in a Christian Dior tuxedo he looked like he had stepped out of a James Bond movie. It was tailored made to fit his frame enhancing the width of his shoulders and narrow width of his waist. Bailey visualized the rigid muscles beneath and longed to run her hands over them. As if sensing her thoughts he grinned.

“You know, we could always be fashionably late.”

“My grandmother would kill us” She replied though was tempted to agree. As long as they stood in her bedroom her bed would be too much of a temptation. “Have the guests started to arrive.”

“Not yet.” He said
“I was sent to fetch you before they do.” He said walking up to her.

He stood behind her and putting his arms around her waist looked at their reflection in the mirror. Bailey could feel the heat of his body along the length of her back and the scent of his aftershave filled her senses. She leaned back closing her eyes as his lips grazed her bare shoulder.

“You know it’s going to be murder having you so close to me and not being able to make love to you, all I will be able to think about is what you are wearing under this dress.”

Bailey opened her eyes and met his in the mirror. She smiled knowing what the effect would be when she told him.


His eyes darkened and she felt the quick intake of breath. Slowly, never losing eye contact he ran his hands down the length of her body. She felt the result as his desire pressed into the lower part of her back.

“Damn” Was all he could say. “You’re killing me woman.”

She turned in his arms and placed her hands on his chest as she looked up. “I didn’t have a choice
; there was no way to hide the lines.”

“Good thing you have an incredible body that can pull it off.” He smiled as his lips descended towards hers.

At first his kiss was soft teasing her as payback for her attire. When she parted her mouth he slipped his tongue in and she could taste the combination of his mouthwash and his distinct spicy flavor. He deepened the kiss as his hands slid lower pulling her body closer to his. She felt his need press against the pit of her stomach and knew if the kiss continued they would be late. Sensing this too Beckett pulled back and smiled.

“We will continue this later.” He promised kissing her nose
as he adjusted himself to hide the obvious.

Taking her hand he tucked it into his arm and led her out of her room and down the hallway. They stopped at Alexis’s door where she and Tristan were lost in their latest video game. They barely looked up as Bailey came in and grudgingly
accepted a kiss before getting lost in their game. As they descended the stairs together Bailey couldn’t help feel as if she was entering another time era. The staff was dressed in their formal attire after spending the day cleaning the manor from top to bottom. Flowers and candles were place strategically around the room and the sound of the string quartet filled the air. The only difference was instead of tails and ballroom gowns the men would be in their tuxedos and the women in evening dresses. Regina was dressed in a long black evening dress and despite her age could still turn a few gentlemen’s heads. She smiled approvingly as they approached her.

“The gate just called and the first of your guests have passed through. Your parents will play host in the ball room and your brothers have graciously agreed to escort any single females.”

“A task I’m sure they will enjoy.” Beckett smiled as he looked at Bailey.

“You will greet our guest as they enter but when I tell you I want you to lead Bailey into the ballroom where we will make the announcement and you will share the first waltz.”

“A waltz?” Bailey asked.

“Yes.” Her grandmother confirmed.
“After the first dance you should be prepared to dance with our guest until dinner is announced. You and Beckett will lead our guests outside where the tent has been set up. After dinner the dancing will continue back in the ball room but the music will be more to your taste. It will not be necessary for either of you to continue dancing with our guests but I do expect you to use common courtesy in the matter.”

“Yes ma’am.” Beckett replied trying to contain his smirk.

“Is this amusing to you?” Regina asked narrowing her eyes at him.

“No ma’am.” He responded. “It’s just a little orchestrated don’t you think.”

“These things must be planned and follow a direct order. I understand your generation doesn’t hold to tradition but you will find that by honoring the older guests it will go a long way in making your presence here acceptable.”

“Then we shall be on our best behavior.” Bailey said trying to assure her grandmother while avoiding Beckett’s expression. She knew if she looked at him she would not be able to contain her

As the butler moved to the door they took their positions with Regina first, then Bailey and finally Beckett. As each of their guest walked through the door the butler announce them then Regina would greet them and make the introductions. Within the first half hour Bailey realized she would never be able to remember everyone
’s names. After an hour Beckett whispered in her ear.

“I think we need nametags.”

They had been standing for nearly two hours when Bailey froze. She almost didn’t recognize him dressed in a tux. Matt was always more comfortable in ripped jeans and his favorite team jerseys. When his name was announced she felt Beckett tense and looked up to see the frown on his face. Bailey looked at her grandmother who seemed to be studying her reaction.

“I thought an old friend would make you feel a little more comfortable.” She smiled as Matt approached. “Mr
. Driscoll, I’m so pleased you were able to come.”

“Thank you for the invitation.” He said but his eyes held Baileys for a moment before looking at Beckett.

Bailey could feel the tension between the two men as they sized each other up. As he moved to stand before Bailey there was a moment of awkward silence.

“Hello Bailey.” He smiled.

“Matt.” She smiled back. “I almost didn’t recognize you.” She joked trying to lighten the tension.

“Not quite my style.” He acknowledged. “You look stunning.”

“So do you.” She said and again hesitated before stepping forward hug him.

When he wrapped his arms around her she sighed. He was familiar, a memory of home. Despite all the bad Matt had been her constant keeping her anchored. He had been there when her father died, offered her a shoulder when her mother died. Held her hand through more hospital emergency rooms than she could remember and every time she wanted to give up he had been her rock. She stepped back and with one hand on his arm she turned to Beckett.
She wasn’t prepared for his expression and for a moment she froze till he masked his anger.

“I’m Beckett Birmingham.” He announced holding his hand out to Matt. “
Bailey’s fiancé, I’ve heard so much about you.”

Bailey felt Matt’s irritation as he took Beckett’s hand. “Matt Driscoll and surprisingly I haven’t heard anything about you.” He challenged looking at Bailey now.

Bailey stepped back to Beckett’s side feeling caught between two lives. Her past was with Matt and he would always be an important part of her life. Her future she had hoped was with Beckett but there had been no promises. When Beckett slid his arm around her waist she knew it was a silent signal of possession and she saw the way Matt reacted. She had meant to explain to Matt about her arrangement but until she knew where she and Beckett stood she didn’t know what to tell Matt. He was looking at her now for an explanation.

“Beckett, would you excuse us, I need a moment with Matt.” She said looking at Beckett.

“Your reunion will have to wait my dear.” Her grandmother interrupted. “It’s time the two of you move to the ballroom for the announcement.”

As Beckett led her away she could feel the tension in his arm
. When her grandmother asked Matt to escort her it only added to his tension. As promised his family was playing hosts to their guests and when they entered only his family sensed the trouble brewing beneath the surface. They followed her grandmother up the front of the room while Matt remained by the door. Bailey noticed the way Trent was looking from them then back to where Matt stood and she saw him frown.  She turned to Beckett to explain that she didn’t know Matt would be there but he just shook his head silencing her. She heard her grandmother make the announcement then the next thing she knew Beckett was leading her forward as their guests broke out in applause. Once in the center of the dance floor he took her into his arms and as the music began he took the lead gracefully guiding her across the dance floor. Bailey felt the rigid strength of his muscles beneath her touch as if they were a coil slowly tightening. When she looked up she saw the muscle in his jaw flex as he fought to control his anger.

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