Forbidden Flowers (31 page)

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Authors: Nancy Friday

Tags: #Women's Sexual fantasies, #Erotic Fantasy

BOOK: Forbidden Flowers
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Well, by then, I was thirteen years old and as hot a bitch as could be found. Ted told me to be careful who I fucked, as I could get a disease. When Ted left for training, I was without a fucking partner. One day, I had fantasies about my grandpa and that he fucked me. He lives about ten miles from our house, but visits us often, so I decided to ask Gramps about coming to his house for a day. That worked out, same day I left my panties off after I got to his house (he lives alone), and he soon found out, because I made it a point to let him get a look at my cunt. That afternoon, he told me he was going to give me a bath, as I was needing one. He did, and our sex life began.


He sure enjoyed my body, and my tits were becoming big.

Well, now it has been ten years, and Gramps and I still have our sex. He taught me cleanliness, hygiene, and care of my period, keeps my cunt shaved, and loves to fuck. He and I go down on each other; he taught me to suck cock. And when he gets a notion he gets a new sex toy, dildo, vibrators, double-end cocks, so my girl friend and I can stick it into our cunts and play around. Gramps found her when he was at dinner, and she loves to stay as a lesbian. When Gramps comes to our house (Sue and I live together), we sure give him pleasure. He fucks one of us and sucks the other cunt. He has always given both of us the best in fucking, sucking, finger-fucking, vibrator, or, may we say, just a lot of sex fun.

Forgot to mention I am a dress designer and do a great deal in designing exotic gowns. Some I design are about as bold as can be to expose titties, ass, and some are designed to expose the cunt. When I do fitting, I have the lady stripped, so I can hold the breasts for measurements or to fit around cunt. Several times I have excited them to a point where they want me to play with the tits and cunt. A few have asked me to strip, and they have gone down on my cunt. Guess my shaved cunt must excite them. Yes, I have sucked a few cunts and tits. Gramps and I are enjoying our sex life. He did not have to ask me to suck his cock, while showering together, I just could not resist taking his cock and sucking it. He invited both of us to go to see
Deep Throat,
and after we got home, we bet Gramps one of us would be able to take every inch of his huge cock and swallow the head. Well, we surprised him by being able to do just that. Fantasy has never entered my mind. I suppose you could say I live my fantasies as they come into my head.

Gramps has fucked us both in the asshole. My roommate had a cousin visit us from San Diego, and what a wild fifteen-year-old she was. She had a cunt on her one-hundred-eight-pound body that we shaved and gave her a suck off, and she responded by doing our cunts the same. So, Nancy, guess in my sixteen years, I have had as much of a variety of sex, never wear panties, and love to spread my legs so the guys can get the bulge of a hard cock and then leave.


Now use my letter or throw it out, but I know now that women are not only willing to tell their story about the sex they enjoy, but love to read of other cunt action.

When Gramps and both of us are in bed we never feel a bit bashful to suck a cunt while being watched.

Our dog gets his share and he can lick my cunt as he is doing right now while I am writing. After I get fucked, I love to spread my legs in the shower. I piss a stream anywhere it goes.

Gramps sits down in front of me when I piss standing and I piss all over him, and he sucks me dry.

Enough said.


I can't tell you just how comforting and reassuring it was for me to read your book. I had for the past three years harbored a secret guilt, because I found so much pleasure in reliving in my fantasies the extremely satisfying pleasure I experienced when I was abducted in a shopping center parking lot by three men, taken to an extremely secluded house in the suburbs, and raped. It was more than just rape, really. It was sexual enslavement for about eleven hours, and it is that – the enslave-ment, the subjugation – I found so thrilling then and which I not only fantasize now but, thanks to the understanding and indulgence of my wonderful husband, have turned into a way of life. Perhaps you can understand the sense of guilt I have been suppressing – until I read
My Secret Garden
– because I

enjoy his domination over me and my regard for him as “my lord and master.” (My girl friends, most of them more into women's liberation than I ever could be, laugh when I use that phrase and feel I'm making a little joke when I use it, but I'm much more sincere about it than they could ever realize.) First of all, let me say that I had been rather inhibited in my sex life prior to that night I was abducted, but I wasn't a virgin.

My fantasies, even then, centered around the slave-girl theme. I have always read novels and seen movies in which the beautiful heroine is bought at a slave auction by the handsome Roman commander or the ancient Egyptian prince or something 214

like that, but always kept them more or less in check when I fantasized myself in the situation (although I did use them when I masturbated). But that night opened a whole new world for me sexually, and eliminated virtually every inhibition you can dream of.

Parts of that night still remain a blur to me. I was so frightened for a large part of it, especially the early part when I didn't know exactly what was happening and was beaten – though not too hard – until I agreed to submit and be obedient – and toward the end, when I wasn't certain that they would ever let me go. But in between, I slipped into my fantasy and actually became that slave girl I had fantasized about. I lived the role. It was as though I had been transported back across the ages to ancient Rome or from reality into a novel or movie.

It is this that I recall vividly now in incredible detail, four or five of the things that happened to me especially which thrill me just to think of them now and which I fantasize about constantly and which my husband duplicates as well as possible, but without the terrifying brutality of that night.

I was twenty-three and single. I had my own apartment and was working as a receptionist in a law office and was doing some fashion modeling part time in the evenings when I could.

They took me as I was getting back into my car after buying groceries at a supermarket. They just shoved me into my ,car onto the floor in the rear and drove off with me. There were three of them. One was about twenty-five or twenty-six, and was the leader or, at least, the one who told the other two what to do and who gave most of the orders to me. He was very soft-spoken and suave, but extremely firm and commanding. The other two were still in their teens, I suppose. One was a huge guy, dark and hairy and very strong. The other was very good-looking, blond, and had very smooth skin.

They drove into a garage and pulled me from the car into the house. I don't remember too much of what happened – I was just so terrified, but they stopped hitting me, and I agreed to do whatever they wanted and had slipped into my slave-girl fantasy role, these are things I remember with incredible detail and which I fantasize about still.


I was still fully clothed, and I was made to stand in front of the two younger ones as the older one walked about me, touching my hair lightly, my face, my breasts, my throat. He kept talking, telling me how pretty I was and how much he was going to enjoy fucking me. He began unbuttoning my blouse and finally slipped it over my shoulders, commenting on how beautiful my skin was and how nice my tits were. He ran his finger lightly over my shoulders and circled my breasts and finally touched the tip of my nipples. He brushed them with the knuckles of his hand and took them between his finger and thumb and rolled them very gently, embarrassing me by telling the other two that my nipples were becoming erect. It was such a pleasant sensation I couldn't avoid squirming, and he commanded me to be still. I began crying quietly. I remember distinctly when he put his hand under my skirt and began stroking the insides of my thighs. His voice sounded so dirty when he told the other two that I was “creaming through my panties.” But, oddly, I loved the sense of humiliation. He finally made me take off my skirt and my panties “very slowly, so we can watch your tits as you bend over.” Then I had to stand naked in front of them and turn slowly, so they could look at me. And I knew exactly how that heroine slave girl in my fantasies felt as she was being auctioned.

I was lying on the floor and the big one was lying across me, perpendicular to my body. He was toying with one nipple with his hand and licking the other. The older one told the young blond one to lick my cunt. The older one lay down next to me and began kissing my face and stroking my hair. All the sensations were driving me out of my mind. I have never before – or since – had so many fantastic things happening to my body at one time. I couldn't concentrate on one. I tried to ignore them, but I couldn't. I'd try to think of something else – how much I hated these men – but then the blond one would suck on my clit and flick it with the tip of his tongue, and I would just feel him and what he was doing, and then the big one would circle my nipple with his tongue, and then the blond one would move his tongue very rapidly back and forth across my clit. They kept saying things like, “You like to have your clit 216

sucked, don't you?” and “You like having your tits and your cunt licked at the same time, don't you?” I'd try to ignore them, but there was no way in the world you can ignore the moist warmth of a soft mouth gently, persistently exciting your clitoris. I tried desperately to suppress having an orgasm, but the older one kept encouraging me. “Go ahead, baby, come, baby, come. You love it.” And I came. It was so deep and intense. ; It was fantastic. (I get hot just thinking about it and writing this letter. I'm wearing ben-wa balls – those gold little Japanese balls you put inside your cunt and which vibrate when they click together and I've been unable to keep my hips still while I'm typing this and have had an orgasm while I'm typing. It's great.)

They took turns fucking me after that. I was still exhausted from being licked into having an orgasm and was in almost a dream, but I remember so many of the sensations.

Each one of them was different and felt differently inside of me and on top of me and fucked differently. I know I came again several times. I can't remember how many times each of them fucked me or with which ones I had orgasms. The older one fucked me first, I remember. He put his prick deep into my cunt so that he was pressing very hard against my clit. He barely moved. I remember pressing my cheek against his shoulder and feeling the hardness of his prick inside me, filling me. When I moved my hips, he commanded, me to “just lie still. Just lie there and feel my prick in your cunt. Just lie there and get fucked.” I remember feeling an orgasm welling up inside me in spite of everything I did. I actually wound up asking him to please, please, fuck me, please let me come. I know that eventually I was thrusting as hard against him, trying to fuck him, as he was me. I actually was fucking the man who was raping me and enjoying it tremendously. The young one fucked me very rapidly, I remember, and I remember putting my legs around him, he was so slender. The big one fucked me more than once, I know: I just remember staring into his chest.

It was a curiosity to me, then, just how differently each one felt and how, each moved. That, in itself, I find exciting. (I had slept with only two other men before that. I was a virgin until 217

my junior year in college, when I was twenty. I didn't like or dislike that experience. I was too curious then, I suppose. I slept with one other man three times after that. I had hoped that we would be married, but we broke up. I had dated the man I later married twice before being abducted, but we had never gone to bed together.)

We all rested for a while, and then the older one said he wanted to watch me sucking the blond one's prick. I had never sucked off a man before and was frightened. He threatened to cut off my tits and flashed a knife, and I finally agreed. But the blond boy either was reluctant or was pretending to be. The older one put the tip of the knife at my throat and said he would give me fifteen minutes “to have that kid come in my mouth.” The boy was sitting on a sofa, and I went to him thoroughly terrified. I got on my knees, but he pushed me away.

The older one said, “Coax him. Make him want it.” And I found myself sitting next to him, playing with his cock, and kissing him, trying to brush my nipples against his lips to make him hot and whispering into his ear and begging him to let me please suck his prick. I was encouraging him to put his hand between my legs and was spreading my legs to make it convenient for him and telling him how wonderful I would make it feel if he would let me suck his prick. In the background, the older one kept saying, “Ten minutes left…” Finally, the boy consented, and I got on my knees between his legs. I remember how hard and firm his prick was and how the smooth skin seemed to slide over the hardness of his shaft.

When the older one said, “Five minutes, baby,” I was sucking and licking desperately, frantically. One of them – I don't know which one – pulled my hair away from my face so that the older one could watch “his prick going in and out of my mouth better.” I had never – sucked a man before, but the thing I remember most about my feelings at that particular moment was that I couldn't remember ever feeling as female as then. I was thoroughly aware of the ultimate symbol of masculinity directly in front of my face, in my mouth. I was aware of the power and strength of these men over me. It wasn't just my femininity I was aware of, it was my femaleness – if that can be clear. I 218

enjoyed sucking his prick immensely, and I enjoy being made to suck my husband's. When the boy came, I felt a sense of mastery in being a woman. I felt complete. I enjoyed it so much.

They kept me for several hours after all this. I had to wait on them, serving them pizza – they actually sent out for one, and one of them held me in a basement family room when the delivery boy arrived, with a knife at my throat (they suggested giving me to the delivery boy as a tip) – and I had to kneel after serving them wine while one of them poured wine into my mouth. I was ordered to fuck them as they lay on their backs. I don't think I came again, I was exhausted, I guess. And I became frightened as time passed, and there was no move to let me go. Finally, they allowed me to dress, and they drove me to about a block from my apartment and let me out. They parked my car back in the supermarket parking lot, and I got it the next day. I went home and bathed and slept straight through for eighteen hours after I got home. I never called the police about it.

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