Forbidden Flowers (40 page)

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Authors: Nancy Friday

Tags: #Women's Sexual fantasies, #Erotic Fantasy

BOOK: Forbidden Flowers
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Well, I guess I've gone on long enough. I hope that I've been able to add something useful to your studies.

P.S. My husband has read this letter and has approved my sending it to you.


I've just finished a wonderful experience – reading
– and am taking advantage of your request to send on further experiences.

It was great to know that I'm not alone in fantasizing, or in actually using four-letter words, which I now love. In your sequel, I hope you will pay more sympathetic attention to lesbian relationships, which changed my own life.


For background – I am thirty-eight years of age, married fifteen years to a wonderful man whom I love dearly, and we have three lovely children. My dear husband paid every possible attention to me during our marriage, and made every effort to give me sexual satisfaction. Over the years, he fucked me constantly, entered me from the rear, went down on me, gave me hours of foreplay, all to no avail. No matter what he did, I simply couldn't come. Incidentally, I was a virgin when we married. He tried being gentle, rough, raped me in the middle of the night, and nothing helped. I enjoyed being close to him, and during any sex, I'd start to lubricate, get soaked, and then I'd dry up. By the time he'd come in my cunt, I was just waiting for him to finish.

My husband was frantic to make me come, the darling, but of course he was enjoying me less and less, as he felt very selfish coming when I didn't. Then he brought some magazine featuring male nudes in an effort to arouse me, but they did nothing for me. When those failed, he brought home some girlie magazines, the porno types, featuring lesbian sex acts. I found those exciting, and told him so, so he had me read them, and then he'd go down on me, or fuck me, and while it was more exciting, I still couldn't come.

After some weeks of this, my husband told me that his opinion was that our problem was that what I subconsciously wanted was sex with a woman, and, as he put it, this might open the dam. When I objected, he reminded me that our own sex acts were getting more and more infrequent, and he admitted to me this was because he preferred to masturbate rather than subject me to the torture of being aroused and then frustrated. So I asked where one would find a woman, and he laughed and said that if I opened my eyes a bit, I'd see that a certain very dear friend of mine was more than casually interested in me.

Well, for several weeks after that, I watched her very carefully each time we had coffee together, or went shopping, etc., and little by little, I became convinced that my husband might just be right. My girl friend, who was also married and several years younger than I was, certainly displayed more interest than I had noticed. I noticed, for one thing, that each time we 275

met, her eyes went over my figure from top to bottom, with special emphasis in the area of my tits, which are a firm 37.

Now that I'd been alerted, I noticed also that as we'd have coffee or lunch, her eyes were much more on my chest than on my face, and I concluded that my husband had read the signs correctly. Also, I began to look her over, and found her very sexy-looking. I began to fantasize what it would be like to really make love to her. I practiced, in my mind, and really enjoyed it.

Then, little by little, she introduced the subject of sex, and after a while lesbian sex, which she said she practiced and loved.

When I asked if this didn't lessen her pleasure with her husband, she said that, quite to the contrary, it added to her marital relations. She (let me call her Ethel) told me her husband knew and fully approved, and had in fact joined her and her girl friend at times, and that these experiences stimulated both of them to better and wilder sex. At one point, she told me out-right she was propositioning me, that I was the sexiest-looking female she'd ever seen, and had always wanted to go to bed with me. Incidentally, she was a believer in earthy language, and what she actually said was that she wanted to suck my tits, go down on me. My husband had never used such language with me, but I found myself quite excited when she talked about “fucking, sucking,” etc., and I also enjoyed her references to tits, cunts, cocks, pricks, asses, etc.

Briefly, my husband continued to encourage me to try sex with Ethel, with whom I finally made a date to, visit at her home one morning when her husband would be at work. My husband, whom I'll call Bill, was delighted for me. In fact, before he left for work that morning, he subjected me to some foreplay, ended by going down on me only until I began to lubricate. Then he said, “Now you're Ethel's,” kissed me and left.

I showered, dressed, and drove to Ethel's. When I arrived, she was wearing just a sheer negligee, through which I could quite plainly see her tits, and the vague outline of her cunt.

When she saw my reaction, she smiled, kissed me on the lips, her tongue parted my lips and entered my mouth, and she had my juices flowing again. From here on begins the fantasy which I indulge in now whenever my husband goes down on 276

me, fucks me, front or rear, and we have a sixty-nine. When I am particularly desirous of a long fantasy, Bill will go down on me for an hour or more so that I can relive my experiences with Ethel. All these experiences, in the rest of this letter, when we lived together in fantasy, have really made my real sex life beautiful.

After a bit, she led me to the bedroom, where she first removed her negligee. Her naked body did excite me – her tits were smaller than mine, but beautifully shaped, with sexy nipples which were erect. Her body was lovely, and what stimulated me greatly was that her cunt was clean shaven. She was a beautiful sight, and looking at her, realized how right my husband had been – I found her extremely desirable.

She came to me, kissed me again, placed my hand can her tit, which I must admit felt terrific. I never expected a woman could feel so exciting, which I suppose sounds very naive.

Then she began to undress me, while I continued to fondle her tits, to my own surprise. When nay bra came off, she exclaimed over my beautiful tits, caressed them, rubbed the nipples, and sucked them till they came erect. Last off were my panties, whereupon she knelt and kissed my cunt. Then she told me how beautiful I was, that I had the most desirable body in the world, that she wanted me desperately, etc. Between her talking and playing with me, she had me going very nicely, you can be sure. It also served to make me forget that she was female, and she became just someone else who desired me passionately.

She then laid me down on the bed, laid down beside me, and subjected me to a very long period of foreplay. She kissed me from head to toe, turned me over, and did the same to my backside, turned me back, kissed me with her tongue in my mouth for a long period, sucked my nipples, lingered at my thighs, kept telling me how much she wanted me for what seemed like hours, with me getting more and more aroused by the second.

Finally, when I felt that any more would be unbearable, I begged her to get on with whatever she had in mind. With that, she smiled, turned me to lie across their large bed, my hips at the edge. Then she placed two pillows under my head, explain-277

ing that half the thrill of getting sucked off was to be able to watch it as well. She then knelt before me, spread my legs, lifted them until my knees were at my chest, and began the most incredible experience of my life. Her tongue ranged my thighs, came up to my cunt, roamed the outer lips, came down and through my inner cunt, circled the clitoris, came down again and circled the inner lips, the inner wall, repeated this innumerable times, came slowly up after I don't know how long, circled the clitoris, flicked across it, sideways, then up and down, then sucked it in between her lips, licked it rapidly now, circled it more rapidly, began to lick me faster and more demandingly, brought me up several times more, till I thought I'd go mad. Finally, she decided to make me come, and now she concentrated on my clitoris, licking it up and down faster and faster. And then it happened! I had expected that I'd soon begin to dry up as usual, but seeing Ethel's loving head between my legs, feeling her magnificent tongue in me, I found my juices flowing more and more; then suddenly, I felt my stomach muscles begin to contract violently. Every feeling was centered in my cunt, my legs went down and closed around Ethel's head, and as she continued to lick me, I felt as if I were exploding, and I began to come. My body convulsed, my hips came up off the bed, and Ethel had all she could do to stay with me. With my first orgasm, my darling Ethel just sucked in on my clitoris; in between, she licked it rapidly, and with each succeeding orgasm she sucked me in, then licked me again, etc. You must understand that each orgasm was a real convul-sion, each one forced a shriek from me, as this was the culmination of so many years of frustrated sex. According to Ethel, I had somewhere around twenty orgasms that first time, and I for one can believe it. After my last orgasm, Ethel kept her tongue in my cunt, no movement, just holding it comfortingly against the upper wall and clitoris, ready if any further orgasms occurred. After some five minutes or so, I did have one of those delayed spasms, so she merely licked the clitoris very gently till it was over.

Nancy, she was real good, but so is Bill, and the difference was in having a woman go down on you, seeing a female head between your legs. How right Bill and Ethel both were! As 278

long as I live I will never forget that first climax, and will always be grateful to Ethel.

After I had rested awhile, lying in Ethel's arms, full of gratitude, I put my hand to her tit, which again felt wonderful, kissed her, feeling that I owed her quite a bit, then ran my hand down to her clean cunt, which fascinated me. I had never even thought about going down on a woman, had often thought that the odor or taste must be unpleasant, but with Ethel, it was different, as I didn't give these things a thought. I was so grateful I'd have done anything for her. As I proceeded with foreplay, Ethel said it wasn't necessary for me to reciprocate, that it would be enough for her to masturbate, and her husband would give her anything she required. I'm glad to say I was woman enough to insist, and I followed the type of foreplay she had used on me, although not so long. When I put a finger in her cunt, I found her very wet, which excited me to think I could do this to her. When I got around to using my tongue on her body, I loved sucking her nipples, her thighs, and, rather to my surprise, I found that her cunt not only smelled great but tasted wonderful. It was at that moment that I understood why Bill so enjoyed going down on me.

As an aside, if my typing is a bit erratic, Nancy, I've been masturbating through much of it, because the memory is so intensely exciting that my juices flow like mad when I think about it, let alone write about it. I've come twice so far, once with a finger and once with a dildo, so I can now continue.

Well, I ended that first time by sucking her off in her favorite position – I lay flat on my back, she straddled my head, lowered herself till I could reach her cunt and clitoris easily, and she kept her upper lips spread to give me full access. Also, in this position, she had me feel her tits throughout, rubbing her nipples, fondling her, etc., and right before she was ready to come, she had me put one arm around her, and insert a finger in her ass. She explained that the combination of my finger with the strain of straddling me, made for a more intense climax, and judging from the results, she was right. I just loved sucking her off, and licking her stiff clitoris was out of sight.

When I came before, I was somewhat embarrassed that I had shrieked with each spasm, and when Ethel came very violently, 279

I was delighted that she also tended to scream while coming.

When I was through with her, I felt like a million, because my first time out, I had enjoyed the greatest of all thrills – making somebody come intensely, most especially a woman, as making a man come is automatic.

Before we finished that first day, Ethel introduced me to a female sixty-nine, which I also loved, and we fucked each other, at the same time; as strange as that may sound. Ethel had what she called a double dildo, eighteen inches long, with an imitation head and balls on each end. Before our first sixty-nine, she and I had mutual foreplay for some time. Then when we were both flowing greatly, she opened a drawer and took out this giant dildo and explained its use to me, asking if I felt like trying it. By then I was ready for anything, so I said fine.

So she lay me on my back, inserted about five or six inches in my cunt, had me turn on my side with one leg raised. Then she lay opposite me, put her legs between mine and slowly worked her way into her end of the dildo. With that, she began to pump, told me to do likewise, and we developed a nice rhythm as I do when fucking Bill. It was marvelous! The rubber dildo felt like a man's cock, you could control how much you wanted, and I could watch Ethel fucking away just as I was. I'd never thought such a thing possible, but you live and learn.

Anyhow, we spent six or seven hours together that day, and Ethel made me come I don't know how many times. Before I left her that day, she'd made a woman out of me, that's for sure.

When I got home that day, I was all female. I should mention that, before I left Ethel that day, she was very concerned about my relations with Bill. After she and I had had a great deal of sex, about an hour before we were due to part, she said I must be prepared for Bill. So she gave me about an hour of preliminaries, got me lubricating thoroughly, and then sent me home!

Well, I told Bill all about it that evening, of course, and excited him no end. He was delirious at the thought that I had actually come, and couldn't wait to get to me. While we were at dinner, he kissed me, felt my tits, put his hand under my dress, tongued me, and in spite of all the times I had come with Ethel, he had me flowing again. When I felt his cock, it was hard as 280

could be, and when he fucked me well before dinner was done, for the first time in our married life, I came! Then he went down on me, and I came again. Finally I went down on him, and believe it or not, while I was sucking his cock, I myself came once more! All this I owed to Ethel!

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