Forbidden Flowers (42 page)

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Authors: Nancy Friday

Tags: #Women's Sexual fantasies, #Erotic Fantasy

BOOK: Forbidden Flowers
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Couples can dance, in many ways … costumed; naked; in dim light making love as they move to waltzes, tangos. There are rooms where a handsome, naked masseur pleasures me with massage … his skill matched by his enjoyment of his job.

There is a large room where men and women walk about, exposing their bodies while they sip champagne. They fondle and examine each other in the manner of enjoying tasty canapés before a banquet. This is entertaining to me, because most of the men have erections – a room filled with erected penises is a 287

dream room come to life. What fun to see so many shapes and sizes – to give one a little tweak, another a nice rub … . A certain type pleases me most. We all have our preferences. Occasionally, a man will slip one to me … right inside. Then I can tweak or rub him with other than my hand. We are a parade of beautiful bodies, engaged in little dancing and fondling movements. No ugliness here. No pot bellies, pendulous breasts, no wrinkled skin (cosmetic surgery corrects all those things by now; I think it was Marlene Dietrich who said, nudity is easy for the beautiful; difficult for the ugly). If one wants to grab a quick orgasm, one can, but there's more to come. Sometimes you just can't help getting carried away. Fulfillment is a delight at any given moment, titillating those who are not directly involved. I couldn't help myself for a moment there; he just popped it in while we were dancing, and we spilled champagne over my breasts (we got rather active and excited), so I think I'll go bathing … . The pool is languidly warm; I swim like a fish after playing in the cooling fountain. Beautiful men swim by me with erections like fish nosing into the crevices of my body. One pokes gently at my backside while another teases my pubes. The silhouettes of our bodies look graceful with the underwater lights shining. The lights turn rose, then blue, then green, then gold … then rose again. I spread my legs for the pleasant sensation of catching fish … my breasts are being stroked by wet slippery hands. Erections swim at me from every direction … I think I've caught a good one. He is strong enough to hold me above water while I squeeze his penis up inside me. The water froths and bubbles. The water has a delicious Jacuzzi movement – waves pulsing and lapping, inside and out. I'm a bit of a glutton, but this is one gluttony that never makes you fat … Again … just hold it there another moment. I can hear applause. They applaud me, and I applaud myself. It's clever to be such a glutton … I could do it again and again … but then I'm not trying out for the Olympics or anything. Big deal. I'm just here to enjoy myself.

The invitation comes from a most interesting man – the impresario of my favorite Pleasure Place. He has a lot of style and is rather jaded. They say he has a special, room where the most extraordinary things take place. Rumors are that he's so used to 288

all this, it takes something quite beyond the ordinary to please him. He's a bit of a voyeur of course (but that's fun and allowed


Looks a little bit like Humphrey Bogart … George Raft …

Rudolph Valentino … and maybe Alonzo Cludish (he was twenty-first century, so anyone reading this, twentieth century, wouldn't know whom I was talking about), Marcello Mas-troianni – of course, Marcello in 8½ would do quite well … .

The impresario this particular fellow … all jaded and Don Juanish, it is said, has a room where women come, and go out of their minds with desire. He has a machine, they say, where twenty-four-hour-orgasms are produced and used to write the most crashing symphonic music (his son, a composer-conductor of great genius takes credit)… That is, you see, if he can drive a woman crazy enough in this room of his, the elec-tronic impulses of her agony-ecstasy are reproduced in musical form. It's just a rumor, what he can do … but of course it's scientifically possible.

His invitation has nothing to do with music. It seems, on the surface, to be purely part of his own lucrative business. (He is the businessman, his son the genius. Sort of a Godfather thing

… .) What he wants, he says, is that I become a giantess for a week or two. He can extend the cellular structure of my being (sexual and otherwise) to as great a degree as he wishes by the use of a new machine he has purchased. I can be enormous; mountains for breasts … a vagina like Carlsbad Caverns … .

I don't get it …. What's the point?

Men have never fulfilled their real sexual desires, he explains. They dream of crawling about like hungry worm-babies in mountainous, squishy breasts … and then they would like to go further … be sucked into the soft, deep caverns of the womb. God knows, it was the best heaven they ever knew … .

We've never been able to give anyone this opportunity before.

The machine I bought for you cost me a billion.

Why me?

I've been watching you … when you come here to enjoy yourself.


He watches me with admiring, appreciative eyes. There is something fascinating about the dark wisdom of jaded, knowing eyes. I like them better than questioning, worried ones.

Watching me? (Little old me … .)

Yes, and I'm sure you'd really enjoy this, and I would enjoy your enjoying, and so could hundreds of others. Picture yourself … an enormous giantess. Your body a universe. Each man a phallic symbol. You are the sea, and they can swim in you.

You are the moon rising above them. Your tremendous orgasms shake the earth. People would like to see that … feel the tremors. Can you imagine?

Something is missing, I say. Who could satisfy me now? A penis the size of the tip of a used toothpick? And can you picture how ugly my skin would be? Pores that would look gutted by the acne of meteorites. You ever see pores under a magnify-ing glass? I don't want to be a monster.

That would be a simple thing to correct with the machine.

We can program it to make your skin as smooth as you wish.

You will be entered by a team of scuba divers. Their equipment is not the clumsy old-fashioned kind that would be irritating and in the way. Think of it … penis-sized men struggling up into your depths – as many as would please you. You would be the first woman in history to experience orgasms by the entry of the entire body, and being, of a man into your tunnel of love.

You can return to normal size anytime you wish.

Listen, I say, the contractions inside my vagina during orgasm might squeeze a poor little man to death….

No, that's not possible. They would enjoy the sensation of your orgasm over their entire bodies – it would be a sexual rebirth.

First of all, on this night when I'm to become a giantess –

the greatest sex goddess of all time – I get to pick the vaginal-astronauts of my choice. All fine specimens, muscular, strong-looking, possessing my favorite type of cocks. I choose more than I figure I'll need, just for the fun of choosing. Then, because there is no inside building large enough to contain a giantess, we go outside into a very lovely, starlit, moonlit night.

We won't need any spotlights, I say. The moonlight is just perfect (I'm still a little worried about how my skin will look). I 290

step inside the designated few acres of space and walk to the center. I'm wearing a lacy, push-up bra and little panties. Because on my body they are as much a part of my cellular structure as are my fingernails and hair, they will enlarge with me.

The machine is beamed on me; its rays feel rather like a warm breeze. I can smell the faint odor of ozone produced by the tremendous rush of energy. I begin to grow, quite painlessly –

a pulsing sensation. I am rising up toward the starry sky. It seems. as close as a ceiling. The moon is a glowing light bulb.

I can see for miles, lights and buildings, roads and mountains, rivers and seas. Down below me, hundreds of miniature people stare upward in wonder and awe. A big safety net is being quickly constructed on my acre of space (which seems only a few feet to me now). My squadron of deep-sea divers stand ready and waiting at its edge. They are naked except for suitably shaped helmets on their heads (like the reddish tips of penises – outsized to them, but now quite suitable to me – a six-or seven-foot man, the equivalent of a six- or seven-inch cock

…). Dance music has been turned on over loudspeakers, but it is faint and far away to me. “Turn up the music, please,” I say, and my voice, louder than any loudspeaker, reverberates over the landscape. The Lilliputians below clasp their hands over their ears. The music is turned up, and I can hear the drumbeat.

I sway to the rhythm. I am a beautiful giantess-sex-goddess.

No one has ever seen anything like me before. I pull down one side of my bra, exposing a soft white mountain of a breast. I draw down the other side, and two heavy, mountain-breasts swing over the crowd, joggling as I dance. Some of the little men (overcome with the sight, it would seem) faint or collapse.

I feel very heavy, but it is a pleasant, slow heaviness like slow-motion films. I have a beautiful, monstrous, symmetrical body.

I put my fingers on the top of my panties and begin to push them down. I push them down to my thighs, exposing a naked, slowly gyrating pelvis of unbelievable size. Little heads crane upward. I can see their wide open eyes and mouths. I have to be careful when I draw up one leg (I'd hate to lose my balance and step on anybody). I pull my panties off, one leg and then the other, stand with my legs spread apart. “So, Little People

… “ I whisper very softly, although my voice still echoes from 291

mountaintop to shining sea. “You've never seen anything like this before?” I rock my pelvis and spread my legs wider apart as I bend my knees. For a moment, my bed-sized clitoris is exposed above them. They jump up and down with excitement.

“Let's see it again . . again . “ I can hear them crying in little voices like mewing kittens. “Please, Great Sex Goddess …

show us again!” I fingertip my labia apart for a few seconds, smiling down on them. The moisture of my excitement creates drops of falling rain. Giant Goddesses do everything on a grand scale.

“Well, my cocky astronauts …” I whisper to my crew. “Are you ready for your journey?”

This starts a flurry among them. They scurry about under the safety net, carrying metal parts. In a minute, they've fashioned a towering (to them – only loin-high to me) erector-set steplad-der between my legs; I watch them clamber up. The first and fastest cock-man reaches the top, and I pick him up and press his naked little body against one of my great breasts. He squirms and rubs himself into the flesh appreciatively. When I take him away from my breast, I see that his adorable toothpick-tip-sized prick is sticking straight up. “You darling little things you … “ I whisper (loud as a foghorn) and ever so gently, hold him up to my mouth, licking him all over. His legs spread and kick delightedly in the air while my big wet tongue licks his loins and bottom. I fit his tiny cock like a pencil tip between my lips. He hangs on to my loose-hanging, twenty-foot-long hair, and I can hear little groans and moans coming from under his helmet while I suck as if his cock were a small straw, wriggling my tongue against it. In a few seconds, he collapses limply in my hand, and I can taste a few miniature drops of semen on my tongue. My other cock-men have reached the top of the ladder by now and are probing and examining my giant clitoris. It tickles quite pleasantly. I spread my legs to make the most of it. “Ummm …” I murmur echo-ingly. They certainly know their business. Some of them may have been special masseurs before this adventure. “Well … “ I whisper to the limp one in my hand. “Do you want to go on with the others, or do you need a breather?” There are noises 292

from under his helmet I can't quite hear. I put the phallic tip into my ear. “What did you say?”

“I said I want to go on. rd like to be the first one in if I may.

A big step for mankind, and myself as well!” I repeat these brave words in a whisper for the crowd's benefit. They applaud – an oddly squeaky little sound. I put the cock-man back on the ladder top with the others. “He's first, remember. After all he got to the top of the ladder first.” His phallic-tip helmet enters my cavern smoothly. Then he seems to get a bit stuck, pushing hard with his feet against the ladder. He is a bit broad in the shoulders for a cock. I have to help a little – turning him this way and that until his shoulders work through. I can feel the pressure inside me of his squirming and pushing upward.

It is quite an extraordinary sensation. “Wow … “ I say, forgetting the Lilliputians' delicate eardrums, but most of them are too wonderstruck and excited to bother covering their ears.

They've all undressed by now and are empathetically imitating myself and the cock-men. The women with wide-spread legs and rocking hips; the men shuddering and wriggling as if trying to squirm into my body. My number one cock-man has disappeared, but I can feel him working inside me like crazy.

By God, I can tell you, a broad-shouldered cock with arms and legs is something else!

The next one needs some assistance, too. I'm getting so steamy and ready, I shove him rather violently into me when he gets stuck. The two of them fill me up. If they keep wriggling like that, I'm going to come any minute. My torso is shaking all over the place. I jerk my hips, and my feet jump a little, shaking the ground. But now the second one has disappeared after a moment of legs sticking out and kicking. I do like to have something stretching apart the opening, rubbing my clitoris. I assist a third, as far as he'll go, which is just about right. Penis-head inside and broad shoulders where I need him outside.

With the three of them overflowing my insides and moving like snakes or fish, I'm almost out of my mind …. It's going to be an orgasm to shake the earth; I hope I don't hurt anything … or anyone… . But I've gone this far, and it's going to have to come

… . “Look out!” I say, like a crash of thunder. I dance wildly, 293

and the world shudders and shakes. The moon-bulb in the sky jiggles, and the stars whirl around. It's coming, and it's going to be big; oh, so sweet and big!

The first orgasm expels a cock-man like a ping-pong ball into the net. I don't stop, but just keep working at it, and the second jolt sends the second man whirling out like a trapeze artist. I've got one good one left … I can feel him moving from the depths of my insides like a hearty eel. I can't help screaming with the pleasure of this last one – shudders in my whole body that make trees sway and rocks come rolling down mountains. As I complete my giant orgasm, number one cock-man shoots forth from my inside Pleasure Place; his darling little prick is ejaculating a tiny fountain of semen into the air.

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