Authors: Frankie Robertson

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It’s not a hedgehog. And that wasn’t a cat.

My lady?

Fender was too polite to doubt her directly.

Show yourself!

Celia shook her bundle.

Show yourself to him!

The thick bodied little man-thing winced in pain, but kept a stubborn set to his jaw.

Fender looked at her as if she were demented.

She was angry now. This, or that other thing, or maybe both of them, had been spying on her for weeks. He was heavy for his size, and she had an idea.

Reveal yourself! Or we’ll see how well you float.

She wouldn’t actually drown it. For one thing, she didn’t want to give it CPR.

Fender’s gasp told her that the creature had dropped his glamour.

What by Odin’s Eye is

In a voice like a sticking door, the creature answered,

I’m a
, you thick-wit. Now let me go.





Ragni said to Utta’s maid. Katri glanced at her lady for confirmation.

You heard Lord Ragnar.

Utta gestured toward the door.

Katri nodded and left, a rather grim expression on her face. Most of the servants they’d encountered on the way to their new, connecting apartments were wearing sly smiles, or openly grinning. But Katri was gone before Ragni thought to read her.

He leaned against the closed door.

Her loyalty is commendable.

The corner of his mouth lifted in a wry grin. Utta’s maid would have to be directed to accept his commands as well as hers, but that could wait.

I’m sorry.

Utta sat in chair by the fire.

Don’t be too harsh with her. I’m glad you have someone serving you who has your interests in mind.

Ragni pushed away from the door and sat on the footstool in front of Utta.

What makes you think I’d be harsh with her?

Utta asked sharply.

Ragni smiled more fully.

Nothing, my dear. It was only a turn of phrase.

He pulled her feet into his lap. For an instant she resisted, then relaxed and let him pull off her slippers.

Who would have thought a betrothal ceremony would be so exhausting?

Ragni said as he began to knead Utta’s right foot.

Any woman who’s been through one.

Ragni snorted.

Or any man.

Tired, are you?

Utta asked.

Ragni quirked an eyebrow.


He found a tight spot on Utta’s instep and began working on it.

Oh, that’s good,

she groaned.

I’m a man of many talents.

Utta snorted delicately at the double meaning.

Our fathers hope I’m bearing by the time we wed.

She paused.

So do I.

Ragni’s brows rose.

Do you?

He grinned.

I’ll do my best.

Then, more seriously he asked,


Many reasons. Some pragmatic, others—less so.

Should I guess? Or leave your mystery intact?

Utta laughed.

Oh, do guess. It’s better if couples well understand each other.


Ragni assumed a thoughtful expression.

Pragmatic first. An early child would connect you quickly to the other women in the family. Kaidlin is crazy for babies, and Mother is anxious for another grandchild. Ingirid is less enthusiastic about the process, but would respect you for doing your duty so promptly

How am I doing?

Very well.

He already knew he’d come close to the mark by the pleased surprise that he felt flowing from her.

Now for the less pragmatic—

Utta’s feelings changed suddenly to apprehension.

Ragni’s fingers stilled.


What do you mean, what?

Why are you afraid?

You’re using your Talent on me?

Utta sat up straight, pulling her feet out of his lap.

Are you really surprised?



She sagged against the back of her chair.

I just thought you might wait. It seems so

so intimate.

How better for me to know, and understand, and learn to please you?

Utta nodded but didn’t look convinced.

Now, what are you afraid of?

He captured Utta’s other foot and began to massage.

She hesitated.

I—I just thought about—well, every woman is afraid, at least a little, of childbirth.

She was lying. The words were true enough, but underneath was something else, something she was afraid to share.
First Saeun, and now Utta
. She’d have to learn that she couldn’t hide things from him, but not tonight. He would tease her secrets from her more easily when she trusted him.

Of course. And if truth be told, every man is
of it.

How he would have paced while Saeun bore his child. His heart clenched at the thought of what would never be.

Utta smiled.

Yet babes continue to be born.

Because babies continue to be made.

Ragni managed to return her smile as his hands left Utta’s foot and began to knead her calf.

My lord—


he corrected.

Ragni. I know we’re expected

but we don’t have to. What I mean is

Utta took a breath and began again.

Her emotions were a jumble of anxiety and compassion—and deception.

I do hope for a child to come quickly to us, but we need not begin tonight. Your grief for Saeun is too new. I would not ask you to feign affection for me when your heart is raw. It would be better if we came together with light hearts and not only from our sense of duty.

Ragni’s hands stilled on Utta’s leg and he closed his eyes.
. He’d tried to keep the pain walled away during the ceremony. Now it flooded back, threatening to drown him.

He nodded. When he trusted his voice he said,

Thank you. I am fortunate indeed to be betrothed to such a wise and understanding woman.




Let me go, you ham-handed giant!

Dahleven held the bundled
at arms’s length. The creature struggled, but it was wrapped too tightly in Celia’s over-dress to get free.

Celia’s urgent summons had reached him less than half a candle-mark after she’d left. His betrothed was not inclined to dramatics, so he’d swiftly taken leave of the guests remaining in the feasting hall without giving too much cause for comment. His subsequent run through the halls might have raised an eyebrow or two, however. He’d hardly expected
, but knowing that Celia was safe made him feel almost giddy.

You were not invited, mite. You should be more polite. Now why are you here?

The little man-thing set its heavy jaw and pointedly looked away. Its skin was wrinkled and dark brown.


Dahleven gave the thing a shake. The
just scowled.

Dahleven’s hands tightened at a knock on Celia’s door.



Dahleven growled.

Celia went to open the door just wide enough to receive what the messenger carried.

Oh, so now you want me to be quiet? Well, make up your mind, if you have one. Which is it to be?

Celia returned from the door with a small metal cage. An iron cage. She set it on the table where the
could see it.

The creature stilled.

What do you mean to do with that?

What is your name, sir?

Celia asked.

opened his mouth to speak, but Dahleven gave him a small squeeze and said,


shut his mouth with a snap.

Perhaps you’d like to think about it while you rest in the cage?

Dahleven took a step closer to the table. Iron was anathema to the Fey. At best iron burned, at worst it could kill. Or so legend said.

All right! All right! My name is Baruq.

Very well, then, Baruq, I will release you if you swear on your true name not to escape.

I swear.


On my true name, Baruq, to not escape.

And to answer my questions truthfully.

pressed its lips together, but his gaze slid to the cage.

And to answer your questions truthfully.

Dahleven put Baruq down on the table.

Why are you here?

To spy on you and the lady, numb-wit.

Fender coughed and covered his mouth.

Who sent you?

Lios Alfar
. The Light Elves.


curled his lip.

Do you confide all your plans to those you command?

Dahleven looked pointedly at the iron cage.

Remember your oath, Baruq.

All right! I really
know what is in the mind of the Praefect. I do know that the Dark Ones are stirring, and the
Lios Alfar
are concerned. The Dark have their eyes and ears here and so must my masters.

The Dark Elves have spies in Quartzholm
. Dahleven’s stomach clenched.

And that other? The one you fought with?

He serves the Dark Ones.

So you’re here to watch the servants of the Dark as much as us. What do you know of their plans?

made a face.

At last an intelligent question! The Dark Ones have never welcomed your kind. They think they’ve found a way to remove you from Alfheim.

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