Authors: Frankie Robertson

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I’m fine.

Her voice was steady.

The men?

Celia watched Ragni give Utta an approving nod, though his expression was grim. She’d never seen him like this before. But then, he’d never been betrothed before, either.

Two are down,

Ragni said.

Brol is dead and Tocshe is beyond Che’veyo’s ability to heal.

Two dead
! Celia sat down abruptly, trying not to feel the old horror.

We can’t stay here,

Fender said.

Those Loki spawn could send another wave at us. And next time they’ll send more of them. I would.

Rovdir appeared and stood close by Utta, his arm bandaged.

Where in Niflheim did they come from? We checked the back. There’s no opening!

You forget. The underground is the Dark Ones’ home. It answers to them,

Baruq said.

Rovdir turned an angry scowl on him.

Then why did you bring us here? You set us up!

Say that again, you mangy giant, and I’ll cut your throat as I did that Dark One’s! Would you rather have frozen out there in the storm?


Ragni said.

Build up the fire. We decamp at first light.

Fender opened and shut his mouth with a snap. Ragni put his hand on Fender’s shoulder and lowered his voice.

I know. But I think going into that storm at night is a greater risk than staying here for a few more hours.

Yes, my lord. But we all stand watch. No one sleeps.

Do you think any of us could?




Dahleven narrowed his eyes at Magnus. The other Jarl had joined him before breakfast, and now they sat tucking away the last of their meal in the family dining hall. For the moment they were alone.

do not accuse you, Dahleven. No doubt you’ve heard these rumors for yourself. But I wanted you to be prepared. If you don’t find Eirik’s murderer soon, people will begin to speak these ugly whispers openly.

Dahleven spread a dark smear of purple jam on a wedge of golden bread. For just a moment he wondered why his father had even bothered to try to substitute the rule of law over lordly whim. Apparently, all people wanted was a scapegoat and a quick execution. No matter that there was no clear
of who killed Eirik. And if no culprit was quickly found, why then, it must be because Eirik’s liege lord ordered his death.
Baldur’s Balls
Perhaps I should let them think so. It might make some of the fools watch their steps with me a bit more closely

He took a bite and chewed, barely tasting his food.

Thank you, Magnus. Unfortunately, the investigation has provided few clues so far. My healer informs me that Halla should be well enough for questioning this afternoon, however.


The servant who was poisoned along with Eirik.

Very good. Let’s hope that sheds some light on this.

Magnus paused and stroked his beard. Clearly he had something more on his mind.

Dahleven forced himself to wait.

He had a thousand things clamoring for his attention, not the least of which was his worry over Celia. Why had their dream been cut off? Was she all right? Lord and Lady, he hated feeling so helpless! But there was nothing he could do about it. Nothing. That didn’t stop him from dwelling on it while he waited for the older man to speak.

Neven and I have been friends a long time, Dahleven. And now we’re family. You know, don’t you, that you can call upon me?

Magnus put up a hand.

I’m not trying to undermine your authority. Baldur knows I don’t need another Jarldom to govern. That’s not what this is about. I know that stepping into a father’s boots is never easy, but you’ve taken up the reins under circumstances more difficult than most. This is a tricky time for you. You can’t be seen to lean on anyone. I understand that. All I want to say is, know who your friends are, and make use of them.

An unexpected lump rose in his throat and Dahleven swallowed it before he spoke.

There’s no need for you to convince me of your intentions, Magnus. Your friendship to my father has been as sure as snow, and I’m grateful you extend it to me. Be assured I will call upon you if there’s need.

He rose and offered Magnus his hand. Magnus’s grip was strong and steady.

They had just left the dining hall when an armsman arrived with a message.

The servant Halla is dead, my lords.

Dahleven shared a look with Magnus. The woman had been recovering, but now no Truth Sayer would be able to verify Halla’s tale. This required attention.

Would you care to join me, Lord Magnus?

Indeed I would, Lord Dahleven.

They found the Healer Helbreden leaning over Halla’s body at the bottom of a long ladder in one of the bolt holes. Quartzholm had at least two dozen escape routes that led down into the tunnels. A guard held a lamp aloft. The smell of death mingled with that of lantern oil, dust, and stagnant air.

She’s dead, my lord.

I can see that. What killed her?

Obviously, she was trying to escape before she was questioned,

Father Vali said as he approached. He was Wirmund’s acting second while Ragni was away.

Or perhaps someone killed her before she could reveal who guided her hand,

Magnus suggested.

Get a Tracker Talent down here,

Dahleven said. He turned back to Helbreden.

So what does your Talent for diagnoses tell you? What killed her?

A blow to the head.

Dahleven looked at Halla’s crumpled body.

It wasn’t a broken neck?

Oh, yes, yes. Her neck is surely broken, my lord, and that hastened her death, but she would have died anyway from this. See here?

He turned Halla’s head, revealing a bloody depression. The neck crunched and grated as the Healer pushed it into an even more unnatural position.

This is what killed her.

So, she hit her head on the way down?

Helbreden frowned.

I can’t say, my lord. She could have been struck beforehand.

Dahleven turned to one of the guards.

After the Trackers finish, have the shaft and ladder examined for blood.

To another he said,

Examine her quarters, and find whoever was guarding her. I want to know how she got this far.

Then he turned back to the Healer.

How long has she been dead? When was the last time someone saw her?

I saw her last eve,

Father Vali said.

I saw no sign that she planned an escape. Though now that I consider it, she did seem rather quiet.

Of course she was quiet,

Helbreden said.

She had not yet fully recovered from the poison.

You saw her?

Dahleven asked.

Vali drew himself up, to the extent that his short stature allowed.

I’m assisting Father Wirmund with his investigation.

Dahleven clamped down on his irritation. Wirmund had insisted on
. But of course the Overprest wouldn’t actually do the work himself.

How many priests has Father Wirmund assigned to this task?

How many meddling fools will I have to worry about mucking up what little evidence there is
? And potentially stumbling onto the fact that he was Fey-marked.

Father Wirmund thought it best that only I pursue this. If you require more assistance, I can petition the Overprest on your behalf.

No. Thank you, Father Vali. You alone are more than I would ask for. Father Wirmund shouldn’t pull any more away from their duties for my sake.




Ragni braced against the wind that flung snow and ice crystals against the left side of his face and body, taking one slow step after another. They’d left the cave at break of day, after burying Brol and Tocshe in a deep drift. They’d come back for their fallen comrades when they could, and if the animals found them first, it would still be better than leaving them in the cave for the Dark Elves to find. The Nuvinlanders had sung Brol on to a warrior’s reward in Valhalla while they waited for dawn to come. Tocshe had taken his last breath before first light, and Che’veyo had shaken his rattle and spoken ritual words over him before they’d left.

Utta walked beside him, and he reached out to steady her against a buffeting gust. They couldn’t have stayed in the cave, but the entire group was suffering from the cold. He couldn’t feel their actual pain, thank Baldur. His own was quite enough. But their various levels of fear, worry, and grim determination pressed on him whenever he opened his Talent.

At least the path, if it could be called a path, was scoured of snow, thanks to the wind. For a time this morning, trees had cut the force of the gale, but the mountain had fallen away on that side, allowing the wind to cut at them with its full fury. Adding to their misery, they’d been climbing for the last candlemark or so. His thighs complained with every step.


Fender called from just behind Ragni, where he walked beside Celia.

We need a rest.

Ragni looked back. Radiating relief and embarrassment, Celia was already sinking down on a rock against the mountain wall that rose on their right. Fender stood in front of her, trying to shield her from the worst of the wind.

Ragni and Utta walked back to Celia.

What’s wrong?

his betrothed asked in a low tone.

Celia shook her head.

I don’t know. I thought I was pretty fit. Maybe the altitude is getting to me.

Her breaths were shallow and quick.

What’s the delay?

Rovdir asked. Then he saw Celia.

Beg your pardon, my lady, but this isn’t a good place to tarry.

I’m sorry. Just give me a minute.

Tiva’ti and Che’veyo joined the group.

Are you unwell, Lady Celia?

the Shaman asked.

No. No, I’m fine. I’m feeling the effects of the thin air, that’s all.

Ragni felt the doubt rolling off Che’veyo, but the Tewa didn’t say anything.

Baruq appeared at Celia’s feet.

Are we having a nice little chat? You didn’t quite manage to pick the worst spot for it, though. There’s a narrower spot in the trail about fifty yards further on. Wouldn’t you rather stop there?

Ragni glared at Baruq. It would be so easy to nudge the little manikin off the side of the mountain. Unfortunately, he was the only one who had any idea of where they were going.

Celia pushed to her feet.

Let’s get off the side of this mountain.

Excellent. The sooner we get to a sheltered spot, the sooner I can get my bearings.

Get his bearings

Are you lost?

Ragni asked.

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