Forbidden (The Preternaturals) (29 page)

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Authors: Zoe Winters

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Forbidden (The Preternaturals)
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Anthony snarled. “I was hoping to kill you before the claim took effect.”

Cain ran down the hill to see what the commotion was.

“Did you know about this?” Hadrian asked.

“Know about what? In case you hadn’t noticed I’ve been busy saving the
world,” the demon leader said, glancing back up the hill where his mate looked wiped.
“And we still have to go back and get Luc.”

“Did you know a vampire who claims a guardian can’t die?”

Cain’s eyes widened a fraction. “It hadn’t occurred to me. But it makes
sense. Cole is immortal because of his link with Jane.”

“Let’s just go,” Angeline said, tugging on Hadrian’s arm. She couldn’t
get her thoughts together. She was just so grateful he was still here
with her.


Hadrian parked the car and grabbed their bags. The sun would be up in another
hour. He was wildly curious what might happen now if he went into the
sun, because he knew he wouldn’t die. Would he catch on fire but
immediately stop burning? Would he just get a sunburn? Would he still
fall dead for the day or would he be able to stay awake now?

The vampire unlocked the door to the church and pushed it open, breathing
in the earthy and welcome scent of incense. He looked back to find
his mate standing out in the rain, shivering and staring up at the
church as if it might come to life and attack her.

“Well? Are you coming in or not? You’re no longer barred from churches.”
He held out a hand, encouraging her.

“There are still wards.”

Hadrian shook his head. “With our link, the wards will see you as me.”

Angeline still seemed skeptical, but she climbed the steps anyway. She seemed
shocked when she crossed the threshold without bouncing off a barrier.

Hadrian went to the basement and put their things away, then he flicked on
the TV and kicked his shoes off and curled up in the bed. Angeline
finally came downstairs.

“We interrupt this program to bring you a live update on a truly
startling story. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more
strange, with demons and vampires and witches and were-everythings,
it turns out angels exist, too. But don’t look for rescue anytime
soon. It appears a group of terrorist preternaturals have ensured
Heaven can no longer help us. Earlier in the night angels were
banished from Earth. Live at the scene we have Sam with the story.”

The scene changed from the newsroom to the pasture they’d all been in
hours ago.

“Thanks, Janet. I’m live, standing on the very spot in which some serious
magic recently took place. Our parent studio has already had forensic
sorcerers here to deconstruct what happened earlier in the night.
It’s been confirmed that the link between Heaven and Earth has been
severed, and angels can no longer enter this plane. We’ve had
reports pouring in from priests who can no longer do the exorcism
ritual or any other form of priest-craft, and churches, once one of
the few safe havens against demons and fallen angels, now no longer
bars their entry. It truly is the apocalypse.”

“We saved you from the apocalypse. You’re welcome,” Hadrian said to
the TV.

On another station, a news broadcast showed Cary Town with a long line
of people standing outside the borders. “Mary-Anne, it appears that
therians have been disappearing. As the human and magical world team
up to fight these grisly monsters, the monsters are seeking refuge in
one of the few places that may be well guarded and protected enough
to save them from the human revolution.”

Hadrian turned off the TV and sighed. “This isn’t over, not by a long

“Did you think it would be? At least now the factions can focus on the
human and magic threat without the angels interfering. We at least
have a chance now.”

“What did that angel say to you? He whispered something in your ear when
you were trying to get away.”

“Oh. Rodolfo said he was the man upstairs.”

Hadrian snorted. “
guy is God?”

“If you can believe him.”

“And do you?”

“I don’t know what to think. I don’t even know if any of it matters
anymore. I’ll never have to go there again.”

Angeline stood beside the bed as if she were afraid to get too close to him.

“You know, you’re my mate, Angeline. This is your home. This is your
bed. That’s your TV.” He wiggled his eyebrows and said, “And
this is your devastatingly handsome vampire who may or may not still
burn in the sun. I’m excited to find out.” He patted the mattress
beside him.

She joined him on the bed, and he smothered her with kisses.

“I’m glad you’re here. I thought I was going to lose you,” he said
trying hard to stop seeing her being sucked toward the portal.

“Me? I thought I
lost you.” Her eyes welled with tears, and
Hadrian brushed them away.

“Shhh. It’s okay. You didn’t lose me. You upgraded me.”

“You weren’t so happy the last time I upgraded you.”

“I got over it. Would you like to go upstairs and desecrate the altar

“Hadrian!” Angeline said, looking scandalized.

His eyes darkened. “Go. Don’t make me ask you twice.”

Hadrian smacked her ass as she giggled on her way up the stairs. This time,
he would be on top.

About the Author

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about new releases!

Books In the Preternaturals Series:

Book 1: Blood Lust
Book 2: Save My Soul
Book 3: The Catalyst
Book 4: Life Cycle
Book 5: Forbidden

Thank you so much for supporting my work!


Cover Art: Robin Ludwig at (I think this is my
favorite cover design so far!)

Digital Formatting and moral support: Tom (Not that nobody else ever
offers moral support, but he hears more of the whining than anyone

Editorial Assistance: Karen, Michelle. Thanks, guys!

Table of Contents:

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