Force of Knight Magic (22 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #Shifter

BOOK: Force of Knight Magic
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“What if they have the same maker?
I mean the daughter and mother.
What if the two of them were made vampires by the same psychopath and Theresa killed her?”
Phil looked over at Holly as she continued.
“Your dad said there were a lot of unexplained deaths.
We’ve pretty much figured out that this Reeves person was responsible for most if not all of them.
Who’s to say that she didn’t just happen upon the daughter and changed her without knowing who she was?”

“She’d know as soon as she tasted her
but I like where you’re going.”
Phil got up to pace and think.
“Okay, assuming that they have the same maker
that means if I could get a small taste of Anye
I’d find the daughter. But that would be damned near impossible
especially if she caught on.
Then there is the whole—

“You go near that broad and I’ll chew your dick off and serve i
up at the next pack meeting.”
Rolland laughed at Holly’s outburst
but he covered his cock.
“You think I’m kidding?”

I don’t.
But I’m pretty sure we can think of more productive ways to keep me from biting her.”
Phil walked toward her and spoke to his brother as he did.
“Rolland, go home and lock the door on your way out.”

He heard his brother laugh and then the door shut.
Phil continued toward Holly as she moved away from him on the couch.

“We have a lot of things to go over yet.
I mean
that rogue isn’t going to stop anytime soon.”
She moved further back.

“I want to see you naked.
Take off your clothes and lay down on the couch for me.
I need to taste you again.”

She stopped trying to get away from him and stared up at him as she shook her head. “It’s my turn. I want to see you naked and suck your cock until you come.
I haven’t had a lot of opportunity to do that to you.”
He moved closer to her when she reached for him.
“Come here
Phil, let me have my way with you.”

He pulled his shirt up over his head and tossed it on the floor.
Holly ran her finger down
his pants before she moved to his belt.
As she unbuckled it he thought about her mouth taking him and his cock ached to feel her.

“I’ve thought about this all night,” he told her. “But my plan was to take you outside.
I was going to press you against the nearest tree and fuck you.”
She pulled his belt free of the
and then kissed his navel. “Christ
love, that feels good.”

She twirled her tongue in his crevice then rubbed her cheek over his covered cock. He laced his fingers into her hair as she unbuttoned his pants.
She moved the zipper down the teeth one at a time and he was ready to snarl at her to hurry when she finally reached into his pants opening and fisted his cock.
Even before she had him free of his opening, she had her mouth over his engorged head.

“Humm,” she hummed
and he threw back his head.
He looked back down at her when she shifted off the couch and onto her knees in front of him.
“I want to feel you fuck my mouth.
I know I have to swallow you to have you fit
but all I can think of is having you fuck me this way.”

He couldn’t answer her. He nodded, about the best he could do with her where she was.
As she moved his pant legs down and off him he watched her lick him, suck him
and fondle his balls.

“Roll them in your mouth,” he told her in a strangled voice.
“Take my balls in your mouth and suck them too.”
She did as he asked and he moved as gently as he could against her cheek with his cock. He wanted to ram
deep in her throat
but was afraid of hurting her.
He was thicker than most men and well endowed.
He guided her head back to his cock when he’d had about all he could take of his balls being in her mouth.

She caught on quick. Before he could teach her how to take him deep in her throat
she was wrapping her hands around his ass and helping him fuck her.
With his hand in her hair
he moved it so that he could see each time his cock moved in and out of her.
Her eyes were closed
but he could feel her excitement, smell her arousal and
he could almost come like this with just her mouth on him.
Lifting her by her hair, she let his cock go and he growled when she tried to take him again.

Then over the couch.
Lean over the back of the couch and hang on. I’m going to fuck you.
Hard, fast
and quick.”
He wasn’t kidding.
He knew that as soon as he entered her he was going to come. He only hoped she was a
ready as he was or she was going to be slightly disappointed.

She stripped out of her clothes so quickly that he was a little saddened.
But as soon as she was naked
standing before him
he was glad for her years of practice of stri
ping down to shift.

She stood behind the couch and he moved up behind her.
When she opened her legs wide he could see her juices as they streamed down her thighs.
He wanted to lick her clean
but knew that if he did, he’d have to bite her and he wanted to feel her pussy tighten around him as she came.
Fisting his cock
he moved the head in her juices as he leaned over her.

“You are wet enough that I could fuck you for hours and you’d not be sore.”
She moaned and he nipped at her shoulder.
“My cock is so full that I can’t wait to feel it come inside of you deep.”

“Please, Phil.
I need to feel you inside of me.”
She moved her ass back to his cock and tried to reach for him between her legs. Her hot fingers grazed his tiny eye and he felt his balls tighten up to his body.

Guiding his cock to her entrance he moved in and out of her to just his head.
She moaned again and he wrapped his hands around her hips.
He saw her grab the back of the couch and hang on.
Phil couldn’t wait any longer. He slammed into her deep.

“Mother fuck,” he shouted as he pistoned into her.
She met him stoke for stoke as he took her and as soon as he felt his cum rush to fill her
he leaned down and bit her shoulder deep.
Her climax screamed from her.
He reached around to her clit and pinched as he suckled hard
bringing her to another powerful climax.

he told her through their link
“Come again for me.”
As she came for the third then the fourth time, Phil fed from her.
Her rich
thick blood filled him in ways nothing ever had before.
When he’d had enough he licked her wounds closed and then bit his wrist to give to her.
As soon as she wrapped her mouth over his vein he felt her come again.
too, even as spent as he was
came again, his body exploding inside of her as she milked him dry.

When Holly collapsed over the couch back he pulled his wrist away and sealed the wound.
He leaned over her without strength for several minutes wondering how on earth he’d lived this long without her.
When he thought he could carry her without dropping her he lifted her in his arms and carried her to their bedroom.

He watched her sleep after he’d lain her down and crawled in beside her.
She was curled to her side with her right hand under her cheek.
He moved her hair from her forehead and she sig
ed gently.
Phil was in love with this woman, had been for nearly five years.
She moved closer to him and spooned into his body. Wrapping his arm around her waist
Phil closed his own eyes.

He wanted to catch this rogue and then he was going to make it his li
s work to make sure Holly was happy.
He decided that he was going to take her away for
a while
. Somewhere she could run when she wanted and they could make love anywhere they felt like it.
He made a mental note to talk to her about her job.
She needed to let her family know what she’d been doing.

He had a moment’s thought about the man, the one who’d
to kill her that day
and yawned.
he realized she’d worn him out.
Tomorrow they would talk. Tomorrow
they’d have a family meeting and they’d get everything out in the open.


The meeting the next morning wasn’t going well.
Holly looked over at Phil and decided that she was going to smack him.
He was grinning like a loon and she knew it was because Austin and Gordon were pissed off. She put two fingers in her mouth and whistled.
Everything came to a halt.

“Now that I have your attention, I would like to finish.”
CJ giggled and Austin glared
but they didn’t speak.
“I have been working undercover for nearly nine years.
I’m very good at what I do. So good
in fact
that I have been promoted eight—

“You’re a hired killer,” Austin exploded again.
“You kill people for money and you expect me to think just because you’re good at it that I’ll just—

“So help me
if you say anything that even sounds like I need your permission to do it
I will show you just how good at my job I really am.”
Austin’s mouth shut with a snap and Holly continued.
“As I was saying.
I’m very good at my job.
Not just the killing part
but the tracking, the way I get to the heart of the matter before I finish up.
I’ve been on several jobs where all I did was track.
And no, before you ask
no one knows what I am.”

At least she didn’t think they did.
The text she’d received this morning had her thinking that someone on the inside knew she was wolf.
She ran her fingers over her pocket where the phone rested and wondered if she should have told Phil.
Then dismissed the thought
. H
e had enough going on right now without her adding to it.
She looked over at Dallas when he spoke.

“Who is it you work for actually?
I’m assuming that it’s something in the government.
Any initials that will make me know something more?”
She grinned at his wink.
“You know you can tell me.
I’m gonna find out soon enough anyway.”

“No. And you won’t search either.
Not yet at any rate.
Leave it be for now.”
She sat down on the arm of the chair Phil was sitting in.
“But I do need your help.
Not really so much your help as
I need
you to keep an eye out.
I think maybe I might be being followed.”
She waited for the shouts and wasn’t disappointed.
She let them go on for a few more minutes then simply put her fingers in her mouth to whistle again when Phil stopped her with a hand on her thigh.

“They need this.
One thing I’ve learned over the years with this group is that they do better with arguing. I believe it’s their way of dealing.”
They both watched them and when they calmed a bit, Phil continued.
“The person who is looking for her drives a dark SUV.
He’s the one that hit her a few days ago.
I have a bit of information on him and the best part is that he’s been dead for several years.
Same as your sister.”

Holly was surprised by that. She knew that she was declared dead in the company, but she also used an alias, even within the company.
No one knew her real name and she had made sure they didn’t know her family either. That was what had scared her so much about the text.

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