Force of Knight Magic (20 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #Shifter

BOOK: Force of Knight Magic
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Theresa hated that this woman was her mom.
She’d disappeared right after Theresa had been born and everyone, including her
had thought she was dead.
Theresa now wished she was too.
Her mom was also her sister thanks to Suzanna Reeves, the woman that she’d accident
ly killed that day long ago.
She was
the maker of them both

“I had left your father after you were born.
I didn’t want to be your mother then
what the fuck makes you think I want to be now
I’m not going to help you any longer.
You are on your own—

Before she could move out of the room where they’d been talking Theresa had the woman pinned to the wall.

“You’ll do as I told you or else.
You know as well as I do that I’m stronger and much better at this killing fun than you.
You either keep them off my butt or so help me
I’ll make sure everyone finds out who and what you are.”
She dropped the woman
stepped over her
stopped and turned back to her.
“That cushy job you have will only be there for you as long as I keep my mouth shut
om, so I’d be nicer to me if I was you.”

Theresa was still laughing as she walked into the rain.
Humans were ignorant and she loved playing with them.
They also served as a way to stop thinking about the problems that Anye had just laid at her doorstep.
Throwing back her head and laughing, Theresa thought about what the old vamp would think if he knew that the very person he was working for was also trying to have him killed.

Theresa didn’t know why he didn’t kill her at the crime scene.
He’d had the opportunity.
Well, he would have i
he hadn’t tried to save that stupid cop.
She skipped along the sidewalk and thought about him and the woman.
She’d found out just last night that the other woman was a wolf.
Theresa giggled at that.
Who would have thought there were werewolves
much less vampires

Theresa knew she was stronger than either of the people from that night.
First of all
she fed well when all they did was play at feedings.
She thought about what the woman’s blood would taste like and felt herself grow moist from the thought.
Reaching between her legs
she lifted her skirt and slid her fingers into her slit.
Leaning against the building nearest to her she began masturbating.

People stopped to stare at her, especially men.
She didn’t care. In fact
she loved it.
She watched as a man stopped and rubbed his hardening cock while he licked his lips.

“Show me your titties,” he told her softly.
He didn’t come any closer
but he did reach into his pants.
“Show me them.
I want to see you play with them while you get yourself off.”

She wanted him closer to her
but knew if she told him to that he would only come without her. She’d only had sex once before
she’d been made a vampire. And after that night had figured out that
the men of this time would have sex with about anything.
Doing as he asked
she lifted her shirt up and began squeezing her boobs.
Before long
there was a crowd of people around them, all of them doing pretty much what she and the man were.

“Come for me
little girl.
Come on
Comeoncomeoncomeon.” She hated when men or women told her what to do
but she needed the relief that only sex and killing gave her.
Before he could ruin it completely for her
she came.
Then watched as those around her did as well.
The man had his cock out and was squirting all over himself and the people next to him.

She honestly didn’t understand sex.
It was fun for a few minutes
but after that who cared
She’d been with one person who had wanted to hold her after and pet her.
She’d killed him for that.
she changed her thought. She’d not killed him only for that
but for being near her when she’d been hungry
but that wasn’t her fault either.
She’d not asked to be a vampire
. E
ven though she loved it, she hadn’t asked for it.

She was moving toward the sidewalk again when she caught a scent she’d smelled before. Of the older vampire
if she wasn’t mistaken. She looked over across the street and saw the cop, the one from the hotel. Smiling
she was about to cross the street when she saw another person going toward him.
Stopping by the tree about twenty yards away she listened to them talk.

“…to the other side of the market.”
The new guy who smelled really pretty looked around before continuing.
“You have to stay off the streets.
She will know who you are now and that’s not going to go well for you. Come back to the pack house with me and we’ll do everything in our power to make sure you aren’t dinner for some ass with fangs.”

She nearly stepped to him and killed him
but didn’t.
She saw
of her gang and motioned for them to stay where they were.
All she needed for them to do now was move in for the kill before she got what she needed.
They backed away and she nearly smiled.
She loved being a bad person.
She turned back to the two men when she realized she’d missed something.
Something important
she just knew it. But
couldn’t think what it was.

“Okay. I’ll do that.
She won’t know what hit her when it goes down.”
Then she watched as the two of them walked away and the pretty guy laughed before he continued.
“Then when that happens
maybe I’ll think about changing you to wolf.
I think you’ll make a phenomenal were.”

She started to follow them when it hit her what he’d said.
Changing someone to a wolf
the man was a wolf. She wondered if he knew the female and decided that in a town this size it was probably a good chance.
She turned back to follow and lost them.

“Damn it.” She tilted her head and tried to scent the air when she was grabbed from behind. The man from the sidewalk held her.

“Come to me
little girl. I need some more of what you was giving away and you’ll give it to me.”
She cringed when he licked her throat.
“Oh yeah, some of that pussy will feel real good right about now.”

She didn’t even think.
Turning in his arms
she showed him her fangs.
The terror
n his face made her laugh as she struck hi
spicy blood filled her mouth from his cheek as he screamed.
When she reached behind him and felt her claws rip f
m her fingernails
she moved her mouth down his neck to his rapidly beating pulse.
By the time she sank her fangs into his vein
she’d already ripped his heart out from his chest and held it in her hand as it continued to beat for several seconds.

Dropping his dead body at her feet
she put his heart to her mouth and bit it.
The blood was still hot and she savored it.
When it started to chill
she dropped it to lie on his inert body.
Stepping over him she laughed as someone noticed what had happened and started to yell, like she’d stop when a measly human told her to.
she was getting a reaction from the humans.
Laughing harder
Theresa walked along the street thinking she’d need to find herself another
of humans and kill them.
She only hoped that she could manage it so the vampire and his friend the wolf was in it too.


Holly sat on the couch and watched the housekeeper fuss around the room.
Glancing over at Phil’s dad again
she wondered
not for the first time
how he could simply sit there and have someone wait on him hand and foot.

“You get used to it,” Phil said as he sat beside her.
“Dad and
om are from a different time and this was the norm for them rather than the unusual.
Besides, Sophie’s family has been caring for them and our family for generations.
How you feeling?”

She ignored his question about her health every
time he asked her
or anyone asked her for that matter. She moved to the corner of the couch as he moved down closer to her. She was going to have to murder him if she didn’t get out soon.
She needed the outdoors as much as she needed to breath

“She has been reading over the files with me. She is very good at intel.
You should bring her up to speed on that woman.
I think there is something off
n this entire investigation.”
His dad stood and hand
the files to him.
“Besides, I think I need to find your mother.
Holly here looks like she could use a good run,
n’t you

Mr. Campbell left the room with a chuckle. Holly looked at Phil when he laughed.
“You do know that I could have been out of this house three days ago, right?
I’m going to murder you in your sleep if you don’t let me out of here.
Even your mother is tired of me pacing.”

“That’s what I’m here for, to take you to the woods and to take you on a run.
There are things that I want to do to you and I want to have a lot of room to do it in.”
He stood up
and she did as well. “How long do you need to shift?”

She took off her robe and dropped it to the floor.
She was her wolf before the robe settled.
Phil growled and she moved toward the door and whined a little.
She needed out more than she needed him right now.

“You have to stay close, do you understand?
I have guards all over the perimeter and I don’t want one of them to get startled and sho
t you.
They know you’re here
but I didn’t…you’re a very big wolf
aren’t you?”

She had never thought of her size before now. She knew that in comparison to her brothers
she was actually tiny.
Her wolf, dark as midnight
weighed about two hundred and twenty-five pounds
about fifty more than a natural wolf.
Austin outweighed her by over a hundred pounds and Dallas only a few pounds less than that.
Even though they were the same being, her wolf and her, her wolf weighed almost twice her weight.
Austin had told her once that it was because the wolf in her form had more muscle mass
which weighed more than fat.

Holly sat down and looked at Phil. He was large but not fat.
He was tall too, towering over her five
nine by a good seven inches.
His dark hair, long and straight
hung down his back in a ponytail that she had always thought of as sexy.
When he moved
it was like watching a wave coming from far from the shore, moving in a steady yet smooth motion until it was on top of you.
he thought he was sexy.

His laughter caught her off guard.
“You do know that I can hear you
right? Sexy
Hum, I think you’re sexy too.
Very much so.”

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