Read Force of Nature Online

Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #paranormal;Romance

Force of Nature (22 page)

BOOK: Force of Nature
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Nothing like that. We just wondered…that was very strange, don’t you think? That you’d meet him after all you—”

“Listen to me, you ignorant prick. I did not meet with Solomon. My wedding pictures were… You know what? Fuck you. Get out. You said you’d keep me safe, you did not. You said that I’d be okay that you needed my help. Well, now that Solomon got away, you need someone else to pin this on and I got news for you, you slimy bastard, it’s not going to be me. Now unless the next words out of your mouth are, ‘I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Force, for messing up your wedding,’ then you, sir, can go to hell.”

He stiffened and straightened his tie and jacket before answering her. “You cannot just threaten the Federal Government, young lady. That is—”

“Austin? Would you please be a dear and throw this pompous ass out? I don’t think I can take anymore of him.”

Austin stood and stretched his neck then lifted his arms over his head in a full body, almost lazy flex of muscles before he smiled, and not a friendly one either. He took one step as he answered her.

“Yes, love, it would be my—”

Aguilar was out the door before Austin could finish. When the door clicked shut, she looked at Austin and tried to be upset with him, but he looked so disappointed that she burst out laughing.

~Chapter Twenty-Two~

Phil watched CJ sleep. He’d been in the room twice now and both times she’d had company.

He’d asked Austin if he could have a word with her alone and the wolf had told him yes. Phil grinned when he thought about how disgruntled Austin had sounded.

He needed to tell her what he’d done to Solomon. Well, not actually tell her what precisely what he’d done, but the general idea. He’d already told Austin, the man deserved to know, but with CJ, he thought he’d play it down a bit. When she cleared her throat, he looked up at her again.

“You look like you might be contemplating the weight of the world and how to get rid of it.

Are you all right?”

He took her hand before answering. “Yes. Just waiting for you to wake up. You snore, did you know that?”

“I most certainly do not.” He helped her shift in the bed so that she was facing him. “What is it, Phil? Something is bothering you.”

“I wanted to make sure you knew that I loved you. Dearly. Though I’d rather you didn’t tell your husband that. He’s a mite possessive.” He grinned when she snorted. “Also, I have to tell you what happened.”

“You killed Solomon.”

He looked at her, surprised. He knew she was a smart girl, but this really threw him off a bit.

“Yes. Yes, I did. How did you…Austin told you.” He looked to the door and wondered if he could find the man and kick his ass before the man woke up.

“No, he didn’t. You were the only one who could have because Austin never left my side.

He would have done it, but you did.” He was nodding before she finished. “You did it because he shot me, didn’t you?”

“Yes. No one hurts my friends. I went a little…I didn’t do it very clean either. I shouldn’t have let my temper rule my—”

“I don’t care how you did it.”

Phil looked at her again. He must have looked as shocked as he felt because she burst out laughing. He frowned at her.

“The man hurt you and you can laugh. Not very nice, young lady. Now tell me you forgive me and I’ll go now and let you rest. I guess you’re going home tomorrow.”

“No.” He started to ask her why not when she continued. “No, I mean I want to know how you did it. I want to know that he got what he deserved. You can’t sugar coat it either. Tell me.”

He started to tell her she was better off not knowing, that he’d gone mad with anger, that he’d acted like the animal he’d always knew he could be, but he could see the look in her eye and found he needed to tell her.

“He’d shot you before I could react enough to pull you out of the way. I should have…” He stopped when she growled at him. “Okay. You do know that you sound like Austin when you do that, don’t you?”

“Stop stalling and tell me. I’m tired of people treating me like I’m some sort of fragile child that needs to be pampered. When I want to be pampered, I’ll fucking ask for it.”

Phil laughed and kissed her hand before he nodded. “All right, but it’s not pretty. Solomon had just shot you when I snatched him up. I’m not sure which one of us was more startled, him or me. But before I knew it, he and I were in a field several miles from the nearest human.”

“You can move really fast because you’re a vampire, right? And I guess you’re strong too. I guess I should have known that…I’m sorry. Go on.”

“He started begging me not to hurt him. I knew he was a wolf, I could smell him. I watched him shift to a partial wolf before I tore into him. Literally tore into him. I felt the beast in me rise up when I thought of you bleeding and I ripped him apart. He was…I did it fast, tearing his body apart until there was nothing left of him. Then when I had his heart in my hand, I drank from him.”

He’d not meant to tell her that part, but he’d been seeing him tear the man apart and forgot he’d meant to tell her only that Solomon was dead. When she didn’t say anything, he looked up at her and could see the tears in her eyes. He didn’t want her to be upset with him, but before he could tell her so, she spoke softly.

“I’m sorry you had to do that, Phil. I thank you for it, but I’m sorry. No one should have to live with what that and I want you to know that I love you very much for what you did for us, for Austin and me.”

Phil simply stared at her. Never in all his lives had he ever met a woman like her, and doubted that he ever would again. He kissed her hand again and then did something he’d not done for centuries.

“I am an old and powerful vampire, CJ. One of the few that has the power to change a human from mortal to immortal without changing you to vampire. I will offer you this boon as my friend for both you and Austin so that you may have many, many years together and beget many children together. I offer this to you because I would spend eternity with you both as my friends.”

She smiled at him. “I’ll ask Austin. I’m sure he’ll have an opinion about it. But for now…are you all right? Will you…can you live with what you did for me?”

“Yes, love. Yes, I can.” He hugged her to him and then stood up. “I hope someday that I meet a woman like you. Maybe a little less bossy and opinionated, but other than that, just like you.”

He left her then as he could hear someone coming down the hall and with a quick sniff of the air, knew it was Austin.

He was going home. Phil needed to get away from the Forces for a few days, especially Holly.


CJ watched Austin come into the room. He walked like a man on a mission. She glanced down at the watch they’d given her yesterday along with her ring and she was surprised that it was nearly two in the morning. She smiled when he came in the room and kissed her.

“You’re awake. Ah, Phil’s been here. I can smell him on your skin.” His tongue lapped at the area where Phil had kissed her cheek. “I wish he’d not mark you like he does. I know he can’t help it, but you can’t drive me crazy like that.”

Her skin seemed to come alive when he touched her. She moaned softly when he licked the area behind her ear then nipped at her lobe. His own moan felt warm against her skin and she reached up to pull him to her mouth. When they pulled away, neither of them was breathing very well.

“You keep that up and I’m going to go against all my own rules and take you right here. I’d like nothing better than to fill you with my cock hard and fast. And when you smell like you do…” He buried his nose in her shoulder. “All hot and wet, I can’t help but want to taste you as well.”

Her body shivered and she felt it expand. “Austin, I want you now. Do you think we could make love without being caught?”

He growled, something he seemed to do a lot, and reached up and unsnapped the gown from her shoulder. “We shouldn’t, but I need to taste you. I need to come inside of you and hear you scream out my name. But we can’t. You don’t know how to come quietly so you’ll have to suffer. Unless…” When he didn’t finish, she wanted to scream at him.

“Unless what? Austin, don’t tease me like this. I need to feel you inside of me like a woman needs chocolate. Tell me.”

“I don’t want to hurt your belly, but I can make you come. Would you like that? Would you like to come, baby?” He was moving his mouth along her collar bone and toward her breast. She wanted to beg him to do whatever it took, but before she could answer, he took her nipple into his mouth.

His hand came over her mouth just as she took a deep breath. He didn’t press hard, but he did make her remember to be quiet. When he suckled hard at her nipple, she nearly came up off the bed.

“Austin, please. I need you. I need more of you.”

He shifted on the bed and settled between her legs by sitting on his knees. “Lift your gown up. I’m going to be gentle with you but you have to come fast. I’m not sure I’ll last long if I don’t taste you.”

His voice sent shivers over her body and she felt her pussy gush. She lifted the gown slowly and was glad that after her shower earlier she’d put on her prettiest panties. His breath catching had her wanting to tease him a bit more.

Holding up the gown with one hand, she ran her free hand along the top of her mound covered by the bright red lace. She nearly came when he spread her legs wider and moved to within a few inches of her pussy.

“Touch yourself for me. I want to watch you masturbate for me.”

She slid her fingers into her panties and along the slit of her nether lips. She didn’t touch herself yet, neither could he see what she was doing, but his breath on her thighs made her bolder. When she felt his hands on her hips, she knew he was going to rip the lace from her and nearly cried out when he did it.

His fingers opened her further and she could feel her juices run down her ass. CJ knew she was soaking the bed beneath her and didn’t care.

“Slide your fingers into your pussy for me. Then feed me. I want you to feed me your cream.” She did as he asked and when his fingers suckled at her fingers covered in her wetness, she watched him. “Hummm, you taste like heaven. Again, CJ. Give me more.”

She slid her fingers deep this time, and touched her clit. The small brush of her thumb sent her body into spasms of pleasure and had her moaning. When she moved her other hand down to do it again, Austin stilled her hand with his and took her thumb into his mouth.

“Not yet. I want to be able to see your pussy when you come and if you come too quickly then I’ll not be ready.” He moved closer to her and she could feel his breath on her clit. “Come for me, baby. Fuck yourself and come.”

She moved her thumb to her clit, gathered a bit of her cream, and used it to rub on herself.

Soon she was dancing on the bed to the time of her thumb. Over and over she rubbed the hard nubbin until she could feel her climax beginning to build. But she couldn’t bring herself over the edge.

“Austin, I’m so close. Help me. Please.” He moved his fingers from her slit that he’d held open and down her ass. She nearly protested that she wanted him inside of her, not her ass, when he entered her dark hole.

The pain-pleasure sent her over the edge fast. Her entire body came from her head to her toes. There was a slight pain in her belly, but nothing compared to the climax that rippled through her. And when Austin’s mouth covered her, she came again, her legs tightening around his head until she felt him pull them apart.

“Again,” he commanded, and she did. Coming apart and then mashing together again as a bundle of sensations that had her whimper and moan. He moved up her body as she was still jerking from the incredible climax. As he unsnapped his pants and freed his cock, she leaned up, but was stayed by his hand on her shoulder.

“I want to come on you. Lower your gown and let me come on your breasts.” She did as he asked and watched, mesmerized, as he fisted his cock and a stream of pearly cum dripped from the tip. “Christ, I’m not going to last. Baby, touch yourself for me. Lift those pretty tits up for me and watch me.”

Cupping her breasts for him, she moaned when the first hot splash hit her. Rubbing her nipples with his cum, she nearly came again. When she reached out and gathered some on her fingers and took it to her mouth, she heard Austin growl at her to open her mouth.

The next stream of cum filled her mouth. Before she could swallow, he was coming again and again. His hot seed covered her face and breasts. When his fingers tangled in her hair, she took his cock into her mouth and he fucked her hard. Moaning around his cock, she took him deep, swallowing around him and tasting. Sliding her hands down to her pussy, she pinched her clit and felt the tremors of another climax take her even as he pulled from her mouth.

Austin leaned his head against the headboard above her, panting hard. CJ wasn’t sure how he’d managed it, but his thighs were on either side of her and his cock only a few inches from her mouth. She shifted her head and licked the last of his cum from the tip. She was rewarded by his cock jerking and Austin moaning at her.

“Don’t. I swear to Christ you’re going to kill me.” He moved down and off the bed. Leaving his pants undone, he went to her bathroom and she could hear water running. When he returned, he had done up his pants and had a washcloth with him.

He kissed her quickly then began to clean her up. She was too relaxed to protest and wasn’t really sure she would have anyway. He helped her change her gown and giggled when he stuffed the one she’d had on in her case she was taking home tomorrow.

“I only meant to give you pleasure and you nearly took my head off with that. What am I going to do with you when I get you home?”

“Hopefully more of that.” She laughed when he glared at her. “Oh come on, you know you enjoyed that. I loved it.”

He didn’t answer her, but did climb into the bed with her. “Behave or I’ll spank your bottom.”

She was nearly asleep when she thought of something that had been bothering her. “Austin, why didn’t you change me when I was hurt?”

He was quiet for so long she didn’t think he’d answer. “I wanted it to be because we both wanted it to happen not because it was a way to save your life. The doctor said you weren’t in grave danger, but you had lost a great deal of blood. I couldn’t, didn’t want to do it then. Not without you knowing what was going to happen.”

BOOK: Force of Nature
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