Force of Nature Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 4) (51 page)

BOOK: Force of Nature Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 4)
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Chapter 11


He was nearly awake when he felt her stir beside him. Phil reached for Holly, but she pulled away before he could get a good hold on her. He assumed she was headed for the bathroom and closed his eyes again. The next time he opened his eyes he nearly came up off the bed.

Her mouth seemed to be everywhere, his thigh, knee, calf. Before he could beg her to move upward and not down, she took his cock into her mouth.

“Mother fuck, yes,” he shouted out. Wrapping his fingers into her hair, he leaned up on one elbow and looked down at her. When she grinned at him from her position he laughed. “Come up here and let me kiss you. I want to feel you slide that luscious pussy over my cock.”

She released him with a small pop, but didn’t move to where he’d asked her to. “I want to taste you. You just lie back and let me have my way with you. Then, if you’re really good, I’ll let you fuck me.”

He was going to fuck her anyway. But he let go of her hair long enough to pull the pillows over and behind him. He didn’t think he’d last all that long, but he did want to watch her. She went back to her task and he let himself go with it.

She nearly had him coming down her throat twice. Once when she’d swallowed him, when he touched the back of her throat. The second time was when she cupped his balls in her hand and rolled them before leaning down and taking them one at a time into her mouth and licking them. He begged her to please either finish him or move up so he could taste her too.

He moved her around so that she was now in the same position he’d been in. He didn’t have any more control than he’d had when she’d sucked him, but he was certainly going to try and make her pleasure last a bit longer. Leaning down, he took her bent knees and put them over his shoulders. He could smell her arousal.

“Phil, please. I’m so close. Can’t I please have a little climax right now and—” Her scream tore from her and he grinned.

“You were saying? Come again, love. Come for me so that I can drink my fill of you and play.” Phil moved his mouth to her clit and licked it lavishly. “Hummm, delicious. I want more, Holly. Give me more.”

Taking her pussy into his mouth, he suckled hard while he laved her clit with his tongue. The hard nubbin seemed to be begging him to bite it and he so wanted to oblige it. Pulling it into his mouth again, he pressed his finger deep into her sheath and felt her rise up off the bed. When her hands laced into his hair he closed his eyes and reached for her through their connection.

I want to drink from you here. I want to bite you in your thigh and drink while you come. Christ, love, I need to taste you.

“Please,” she begged him. “Please, I want you to fuck me. I need…please, let me mark you as mine. Phil, I need to make you mine.”

He raised his head and then crawled up her body. She was panting now, her hot breaths touching his skin as he made his way to her throat. He licked her pulse and then raised his head to look down at her, his body no more than an inch from hers.

“You mark me and then I mark you. I need to claim you as well. You’ve no…. Tell me what I need to do. Tell me whatever it is you need from me.” She nodded and he watched her wolf move over her skin. She didn’t shift fully, but he saw a sheen of fur ride over her before she got her wolf back under control.

“She wants you. I’ve never…women are the only wolves I’ve seen claimed. I don’t…I know I have to bite you during a climax, but that’s about all I know.” He grinned at her blush. “You claim me and I’ll…I’ll speak to Mom tomor—”

“No, tonight. We’ll do this tonight. When I come inside of you, you bite me with your wolf.” He could feel his own beast beginning to fight for control. “When you’ve let her go, bite me, but make it deep. You’ll have to tear into my flesh to make it true. Understand?”

Holly nodded. “And you? How do I become bonded with you? I want this for us both. I think we both need this.”

“We do. I will bite you when you come. When you are finished marking me, I’ll feed you my wrist. Drink from me and we’ll both come again. I’ll make sure of it.”

“I don’t think I’ll need you to do much more than come in me. I’m so ready to explode right now that I can’t breathe.” He couldn’t have agreed more. “Please hurry. I’m so close, Phil, I think I could come as soon as you enter me.”

That’s what he was hoping for.

He slid into her slowly. He’d hoped that would take the edge off, but all it did was make his balls tighten up around his throat. He moved slower, entering her inch by inch until he had a little more control. When she nuzzled his neck and then licked, Phil moaned. Christ, he couldn’t hold on.

“Bite, love. I’m coming now, bite me.” She licked him again and sank her canines deep.

His cock surged deep. He couldn’t have stopped now if his very life depended on it. The harder she bit him, the harder it seemed his cock rocked into her. He had no control, none, and when she licked him again, screaming out his name again, he knew it had to happen now. Giving her his wrist, he took her throat and bit hard into her jugular. The first warm mouthful of blood slid into his mouth as she wrapped her legs around his waist and drank from his open vein. He’d never even felt her bite him.

The connection between them could be likened to a snap of a rubber band. He didn’t have to reach for her to know that she’d felt it too. They were one. They were one couple as vampires and he knew that she and her pack were now one with him. Phil Campbell was well and truly mated.

He sealed the wound at her throat, knowing that he’d left a visible mark on her, and assumed she’d done the same to him. He’d heard that a truly mated couple would feel as one, but he’d never known it could be so overwhelming. He felt her every emotion, her every thought, and even her every fear.

“I will never hurt you. Never. You’re mine to protect, to love, to honor. I would rather meet the sun than to harm you. I love you with all of my being.”

She moved his hair from his forehead and smiled at him. “Not much of a threat considering you’re a day walker.”

He kissed her hand as he stared down at her. “I love you. I will for all of my days. And as my mate, that will be a very long time for the two of us.”

“What does that mean for us? I mean, I know that you will live a long time, but because I have mated with you, does that mean I’m a vampire too?” She shifted on the bed and he let her. “I was wondering about children…can we have them?”

He moved to lie beside her and held himself up on his elbow. She was flustered, he could tell, but knew enough not to laugh at her. When she huffed at him, he simply looked at her breast while he answered and immediately saw the mistake in that. Her nipple puckered under his scrutiny.

“We’ll live forever. Or as forever as one can who is an immortal. We can be killed, of course, but if we’re very careful, we can live for as long as we want.” He didn’t think several lifetimes would be enough. “As for you being a vampire, I don’t know. Probably not. I’m only half vamp; my father is a made vampire and my mother full-blooded. She turned him after they met and he nearly died from an accident he’d been in. They were in love anyway and it was a simple matter of her changing him when he got hurt.” He took the hard peak into his mouth for a quick bite and let it go when she growled at him. “Children. Would you like some?”

“Yes, I guess. I don’t think I ever thought I’d meet anyone so…can you have children?” He knew she realized what she’d said after the words were out of her mouth. “I guess that was a stupid question. Of course vampires have children. You’re here, aren’t you?”

“Yes. While vampires have children, they’re very rare. There are nearly two hundred years between my brother and me. And there are nearly four hundred between him and my sister. I’m the baby. My parents have been together nearly a thousand years and you’d think they were newlyweds the way they act sometimes.”

“I want children. I think I do. Not right now, but someday. Right now I’m too…I’m worried what my company will do whenever I tell them I want to quit.” She shifted over to her side and he spooned up behind her. “I took an oath. I’m not sure what they will do to me when I leave their employment.”

Phil thought she had reason to worry before, but not now. She didn’t realize it just now, but she was going to be much harder to kill or to even harm than she’d ever been. He kissed her shoulder and then rested his head on her.

“I’ll protect you. You just leave them to me and I’ll make sure they understand that to piss you off is to piss me off, and I think I might be a bit scarier.” She giggled and then settled down. He felt her body relax by degrees until she was asleep. He moved out of the bed and to the bathroom to dress. He had to go and find Myles and make sure he was all right.


Holly heard him leave. She wasn’t surprised that he did. Maybe a little hurt, but not surprised. He was worried about Theresa and what she might do to the household. Well, he wasn’t really worried about Theresa, she supposed, but at what she might do if they pissed her off. Holly had felt his nervousness about Myles and knew that was where he’d gone. As she started to get up and get dressed her cell phone rang. Holly knew from the tone it was her brother Austin.

“Can you come over? CJ is having a bad…she thinks she’s a terrible mom because little Austin has a rash and Jane is colicky. Mom isn’t here either.”

“So I’m your last resort. I see how it is. Mom is gone so you call another female to come in and save your ass.” She started laughing when he began sputtering. “Relax, Austin. I’ll be there soon. Where is Mom anyway?”

She started pulling on clothes when he answered. “Some meeting at the library. They’re having a block party in a few weeks and Mom is supposed to be in charge of the food. CJ told her to go and I thought it was okay. What do I do now, I ask you? CJ is bawling her eyes out, the babies are crying. Connor left here an hour ago saying he was moving out. And Dallas is…what the fuck is wrong with you?” Holly laughed again. “I don’t think this is the least bit funny. I’m the alpha, for Christ’s sake.”

“Yes, you are. And you’re mean and scary too. Why, I’m sure that everyone within a mile radius of you is shaking in their boots just thinking about how bad you are.” Holly laughed when he growled. “Oh grow some balls, you big baby. So what, CJ is crying. It’s normal because she’s is a new mom, deal with it.”

Holly was going out the door to Phil’s house when she remembered something else. She wondered if she was being followed and if she should be more cautious from now on about her company and the rogue. A thought to shift and run over crossed her mind, but she decided that she’d take the roundabout way there and see if she was being followed.

“I’m dealing with it. You should have more respect.” She heard the baby crying get closer to the phone. “I don’t know what to do with you, buddy,” her brother said in the phone. “Your aunt Holly is a bitch, but I love her.”

Holly got into her car and laughed all the way to the end of the drive as she made a right out. As she reached for Phil to let him know where she was going she changed her mind. No sense in pissing him off if she didn’t have to. Besides, she wanted to prove to him that she was the nicer person in letting him know where she was going when she left the bed.

Be careful. I think there are others about. Theresa might have a crew or whatever she might call them. There are some notes in this list that indicates that Gregory was aware of them as well.

She smiled. A woman like Theresa would have a crew. It would make her feel like she was more than she really was, just a stupid girl without anyone to keep her in line.

I’ll be careful. And watch that you’re not being followed.
She looked around again.
They could be anywhere at any time.

He told her he hadn’t driven over, but would be more careful. After telling him she loved him, she closed the connection. She could still feel him there, but it didn’t feel intrusive.

She didn’t see anyone at first, but by the time she had gone five blocks in her car, she knew she was being followed. Holly started to reach for Austin, but she called out to Phil through the link she’d used earlier.

I’m being followed. I don’t suppose you had anything thing to do with it?
She drove a full block before she turned down another street.
It’s a black sedan. I don’t remember seeing whether or not the rogue drove a car.

I wouldn’t count on it. She was only just a teen when she was turned and her family wasn’t all that well off. Where are you?
She could hear the concern in his voice and tried not to let it distract her from keeping under control.

I just turned onto Wilson. Do you know where that is?

Yes. I’m going there now. I have that cop with me. He and I are in the car now. I’ll see what I can do about having him let me out so that I can get there quicker. Stay on Wilson so I can find you.
She felt him touch her mind deeper and she let him.
Holly, please tell me you’re armed.

Yes, but like you, I have a lot of humans in the way that would be witnesses if I have to turn and shoot the sucker.
She glanced in her mirror and saw that the car was gaining on her.
I have to try and lose this guy before he gets me cornered somewhere.

Her heart felt as though it was in her throat, but she took several deep breaths. When the SUV was within a foot of her bumper, she turned into a driveway. She was glad that she’d been paying attention. One house down had kids playing in the yard. As he slammed on his brakes, she jerked the shifter into reverse and pulled back onto the street going in the opposite direction. The larger car had to turn slower as the street was lined with cars parked on both sides.

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