Forever and Almost Always (10 page)

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Authors: Amanda Bennett

BOOK: Forever and Almost Always
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“If you don’t stop now, I’m going to cum, and I
want to cum inside of you.”

He motioned for me to come up to him, and I obeyed. I kissed all the way up the length of his body, as I made my way to his mouth. When my lips were just barely hovering over his, he pushed his hand through the back of my hair and pulled my head all the way down. Our lips crashed together and he began to ferociously kiss me, as though he couldn’t get enough. I raised my hips as he continued to explore my mouth, and slowly pushed myself down onto him.

It hurt at first, but the pleasure of it all, outweighed the pain. With a few more movements, I slowly sunk all the way down onto him. I moaned into his mouth and he did the same. I took this as a sign to keep going, so I did. I clutched his face with both of my hands as I moved myself up and down his rock hard cock. I started to speed up the rhythm, when his hands moved down to my hips, stilling me.

“Just give me a second.”

I nodded, and then reached behind me to grab his balls. Just as I made contact, he let out a low growl, “Okay, go.”

A smile formed on my lips as I sat straight up and moved faster with every passing second. His hands flew up to my bare breasts, pinching and teasing my hardened nipples. I moaned in pure ecstasy, as I could feel myself getting closer to the edge, again. This time I was going to hold off so the both of us could come together. I didn’t have to wait too much longer, because a few minutes later, he was sitting with me, sucking on my neck as I bounced up and down on him.

“Are you ready?” He whispered between labored breaths.

All I could do was throw my head back and moan. He pushed himself into me harder with every pump of his hips and seconds later, we were both screaming out each other’s names. His head fell to my breasts as we both tried to slow our breathing. I couldn’t move. My entire body felt like Jell-O, and it was amazing.

“You okay?” He panted.

“I’m better than okay. You?”


A wide smile spread across my face as I slowly moved off of him and laid on my side. What we had just experienced together, was something I never felt before. Even when I thought I was madly in love with my high school love, sex was never like this. I had never felt so entirely connected to another, until now.

Dax slid out from under the covers, making his way over to his closet. I watched his every move as his muscles contracted and loosened with every move he made. His ass was firm and it lead up to that amazingly sculpted back, I had caught sight of the day he was moving. I was busy enjoying the scene playing out in front of me, that I didn’t even hear him clear his throat, trying to get my attention.

“You wanna go smoke?”

“Yeah.” I replied before throwing the sheets back from my fully naked body. I stood slowly, and took my time pulling my very tiny panties back on. I could feel his heated gaze on me the entire time, and that made me happy. As I pulled his button up shirt on, I made sure to button each one, slowly and meticulously as I stared right at him.

“You know, if you don’t hurry up and stop doing that, I might just have to take you again, right now.”

“Oh, is that so?” I winked, as I buttoned the last one.

He came sauntering over to me and just the close proximity of our bodies, literally took my breath away. “Let’s go.” He kissed my lips quickly, and then grabbed my hand to lead me out to the backyard.

I could hear a few voices as we made our way down the hallway, but I could’ve sworn it was music or maybe even the TV. To my complete embarrassment and surprise, it was Wilton and a couple of his friends. I quickly pulled Dax in front of me like a barrier, but it was too late. Everyone had already gotten an eyeful of my clothing, or lack there of.

“Hey, we were wondering when you guys would be done.” Wilton teased as the entire room broke out in laughter.

I gave a small wave, and then made my way out the back door. A couple minutes later, Dax joined me with a devilish grin on his face.

“And what is that look for?” I asked in between taking a drag from my smoke.

“Nothing really. I just had the most amazing sex, with the most amazing woman. Can’t a guy be happy about that?” He chuckled.

“I suppose so.” His lips landed on mine for just a brief second, and then they were gone. “You’re a tease.” I laughed.

“No, I’m a previewer. They’re two totally different things. I give you a preview of what’s to come and actually do those things. A tease just wants you to think it’s gonna happen. Trust me, it

We both finished our smokes in silence, as I sat on his lap so he could help cover up my legs a bit. When everyone started clamoring out onto the patio, we took that as our cue to leave. Dax grabbed some water from the fridge, and then we headed back into the confines of his room. I wasn’t sure how the rest of the night was going to go, but I didn’t want to be too presumptuous, even though I’m sure he wouldn’t have minded. I decided to sleep with my shirt on anyway.

“You wanna watch a movie?” Dax was already down to his boxer briefs and bending over to put a movie in the DVD player. “Just a little something to fall asleep to.”

Within minutes of the movie starting, my eyes became extremely heavy and then I was out. And for the first time in quite awhile, I slept like a rock, with Dax’s strong protective arms wrapped tightly around me.


Chapter Seventeen


I woke up about a good hour, before she even started stirring. At some point during the night, she had removed herself from my embrace and turned towards me. When I had first woken up this morning, I couldn’t help but stare at her. She looked absolutely beautiful laying against my pillow, her hair fanned out behind her, and her lips parted just slightly as her intake of breath became audible. She was stunning, and I found myself not wanting to move, so I could take all of her in.

I watched as her eyes slowly started to open and focus on me. A small smile crept across her face and I immediately smiled in return.

“How long have you been staring at me? You little perv.” She let out a giggle and the sound was like music to my ears.

“About an hour. And you like that I’m pervy.” I nudged her shoulder playfully and wrapped her up in my arms. I leaned forward to place a tender kiss to her lips, but she immediately scurried away from me, covering her face with the sheets. “What the hell are you doing under there?”

“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”

I let out a loud laugh, “Are you serious right now?” I began pulling the covers away from her, until she was curled up in a ball, exposed.

“I’m so serious.”

“You realize I don’t give a shit, right?”

She lifted her head up off of the bed and looked directly at me, “Seriously?”

“Seriously.” I repeated sarcastically. “Now get over here and lay one on me.” I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her across the bed, until she was beneath me. I lowered my head and to my surprise, she didn’t pull away. She let me kiss her just the way I wanted to, and when I was done, I could tell by the look on her face that she loved it.

“As much as I would love to stay over here all day with you in bed, I better go home and check in with my mom. She’s probably worried sick.”

I leaned forward with both elbows on either side of her head, and stroked her hair back behind her ears. “You sure you have to go?”

“Unfortunately. Will you be around later?” The look in her eyes let me know that if I said no, she was going to be devastated. Even though I technically had plans, I was more than willing to break them now.

“I most certainly will.” I kissed her one last time, and then let her up so she could get dressed in her own clothes. As much as I wanted her to stay, I knew that time apart would be appreciated.

I watched her as she changed without hesitation right in front of me. I had been right all along. Her body was flawless, and looked absolutely amazing without clothes on. Something in me had changed last night. Something so small, I almost didn’t recognize it, but it was there. Now I just had to figure out how to deal with it, and not scare her off in the mean time.

“Okay, I’ll call you later.” She pressed her lips against mine and turned to leave my room, but before she could reach the handle on the door, I was pulling her back into me.

I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, and nuzzled my nose into the crook of her neck.

“You smell amazing.” I whispered, and I could feel her body trembling beneath me. “I’ll see you later, Charlee.” I let my arms fall to my sides, and then she was gone.

My body instantly slumped over at the empty space in front of me. She had only been gone a few seconds, and I already wanted more of her. I jumped in the shower and got dressed for my boring day of sitting around, when my phone started ringing.


“Hey man, whatcha up to?”

“Nothing much. Just got ready for the day. What are you doing?”

“You wanna hang for a bit?”

“Sure, what were you thinking?”

“You wanna come hang out at my house?”

“Sounds good, I’ll see ya in a few.”

I hung up the phone with Aaron and started gathering my things. I grabbed Ernie’s keys off of the kitchen counter, and made my way outside. I glanced over at Charlee’s house as I started backing out of the driveway. As much as I wanted her to call and tell me to come over right now, I was definitely looking forward to spending some time with my boys.

I pulled up to Aaron’s house about twenty minutes later, and realized that everybody else was here as well. Trevor pulled up next to me, just as I was getting out of the truck. “What’s going on?” I shouted over the roar of his motorcycle engine.

“Nothing much, bro. How’d it go last night?”

How the fuck had
heard about it? “Who told you?”

He cut the engine to his motorcycle and now all I could hear was his loud boisterous laugh. “Aaron and Wilton.”

“Nice.” I rolled my eyes at him. “It was good. I like her.”

“That’s all you're gonna give me? Man you suck.”

“I know.”

We both hiked up the twenty-seven steps to Aaron’s high-rise apartment. When he opened the door, we realized it wasn’t just us guys hanging out. Rachael and all of her little minions had decided to crash apparently. I said a quick hello to Aaron and a couple of the other guys, and then made my way into the kitchen. I was trying to avoid Rachael at all costs, but apparently she had other things in mind, because she came strutting into the kitchen seconds behind me.

“Well hey there, Dax. Didn’t think you’d be coming by today. Thought you had a
last night. Must not have gone very well, huh?”

“Rachael, back off. I don’t need any of your shit today.”

I grabbed a beer from the fridge, and made my way out to the living room where everyone was hanging out, watching some of the others play a video game. I plopped down on the couch next to Trevor and instantly rolled my eyes, when Rachael walked in and eyed the seat next to me.

“Dude, scoot over a bit please. I really don’t want her near me.” Trevor did as I asked and Rachael went to go find a seat somewhere else, while I breathed a sigh of release.

After my third beer, and still no call from Charlee, I decided I would have one more. The thought never even crossed my mind that she may not approve of who I was hanging out with, until Aaron opened his big ass mouth.

“Hey Dax, your girl know you’re over here?”

I took one last pull from my beer, before responding to his inane question. “No, I didn’t know I had to tell her everywhere I went, and she’s not my girl.”

“Apparently, she’s not one for surprises. At least that’s what Taylor told me.”

“So how long have you and Taylor been talking?” This was the first I was hearing about it.

“Since that night at your house. We’ve just been talking.”

“Yeah, I bet.” I laughed.

“Ha ha, well at least I have a girl that

The room broke out in oohs and aahs, as Aaron and I started taking jabs at each other. “Yeah, but have you slept with her yet? Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“Dude, even if I had, I wouldn’t tell all of these fuckers.” He pointed around the room and stopped when his eyes reached Rachael. Her eyes were watery and I knew that at any moment, she was going to start crying, and I couldn’t deal with that shit.

“I’m outta here, man. See you guys later.”

Every one shouted a good bye and I walked right past Rachael and out the door. I could hear footsteps behind me, but wasn’t sure whose they were, until I reached Ernie’s truck.

“Dax?” Thank god it was Trevor.

“What’s up?”

“You wanna just hang out at your house for a bit? I don’t have shit to do today, and I really don’t want to head home right now.”

“Yeah, that’s cool. I’ll meet ya there.”

I took off in the direction of my house, when the guilt began to catch up with me. The guilt of making Rachael cry. The guilt of talking about how I had scored with Charlee last night. Hell, just the guilt of being a total asshole. I could only hope that word didn’t get back to Charlee, before I had a chance to explain.


Chapter Eighteen


“Girl, I’m telling you. It was seriously one of the best nights I have ever had. And what happened afterwards was, unbelievable.”

“That’s amazing, Charlee. I’m so happy for you. Well hey, I have something to tell you.”

Anytime those words came out of Taylor’s mouth, I knew to be cautious of what she was about to tell me. “And that would be?”

“Well, Aaron and I have been talking quite a bit lately. We haven’t hung out or anything yet, but I think things are headed in that direction.”

“That’s awesome Tay. Have you told him about Katie yet?” The line went silent for a minute, and I knew I already had my answer. “Taylor, you know you have to tell him at some point right?”

“I know, Char, but right now just doesn’t feel like the right time to tell him. Maybe when we actually start hanging out.”

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