Forever Black (23 page)

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Authors: Sandi Lynn

BOOK: Forever Black
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is what you do to me Connor, feel every bit of it.”

slid his fingers inside me and gently worked them around as his thumb circled
around me, arousing me more than I already was. The ache was getting

want you to come now Ellery, while my fingers are inside of you, pleasuring
you.” His words sent me into oblivion as I screamed out from the amazing orgasm
this man gave me. “That’s my girl,” he smiled.

him still hovering over me and his tongue circling my nipple, I reached down
and grabbed his erection, gently stroking it and feeling the wetness as I
lightly moved my thumb over the tip. He groaned, “Oh god Ellery.”

lips moved to mine as I pushed him off me and got on top. He smiled and bit his
bottom lip. I wanted to take control of him; I wanted to pleasure him as much
as he did me. I straddled him as I took him inside me, gently moving up and
down. His hands traveled over my breasts as he took my nipples between his

are so beautiful, especially when I see you like this,” he groaned.

was swelling as I moved back and forth preparing for my next release. My hands
were planted firmly on his chest as his were planted on my hips, moving me up
and down.

at me Ellery; I need to see you come.”

looked directly in his eyes as our breathing was heavy and I moved up and down,
back and forth, faster and faster. His moans grew louder as his eyes never left

come yet baby, I want us to come together,” he panted.

flexed his hips under me so he was deeper inside, I didn’t think it was
possible but he was.  He moved up and down with me as our bodies became one.

for me baby, I want to hear what I do to you.”

sent me over the top as I couldn’t hold back anymore and neither could he; one
final thrust as we both came together never taking our eyes off one another.

collapsed onto his chest and buried my head into his neck. I laid there as he
rubbed his hands up and down my back and I lightly kissed his neck, taking in
his incredible scent. Our heart rates slowed as did our breathing. He rolled me
off of him and onto my side as he faced me, pushing my hair back behind my ear
not saying a word. He didn’t need to say anything; I knew exactly what he was
feeling just by his stare and his touch. I never wanted to leave this position;
I wanted to stay like this forever.

me what you’re thinking,” he said. I took his hand and brought it up to my mouth.

was thinking about how happy I am you found me.” He smiled in the way that made
me ache for him.

told you I would find you, remember I’m a stalker.” I laughed and ran my
fingers up and down his arm.

can stalk me any day Mr. Black.”

sat up and pulled me closer so my head was resting on his chest.

did you find me?” I asked.

kissed me on the top of my head, “I’ll tell you everything and you’ll tell me
everything while we go grab something to eat, I’m starving.”

lifted my head and frowned at him, “You mean we have to leave this bed?”

darling, but trust me, we’ll be back in it soon enough.”

reached up and kissed him on the lips and we got out of bed. We redressed
ourselves and headed to the main room of the apartment.

apartment is really nice, better than the one in New York.” I hit him on the
arm as I walked past.

I like my little box in New York.”

smiled and walked to the kitchen. He stopped as he stared at the 15 bottles of
pills all lined up in a row on the counter. He picked up one of the bottles and
starting reading the label.

to explain what these are?” He asked as he gave me a pained look. I took his
hands and led him over to the couch.

in a trial study, that’s why I came out here.” He started to interrupt as I put
my finger over his mouth, “Let me finish.”

smiled as he took my finger in his mouth and sucked on it. I giggled and
removed it as I continued, “I have to take these pills every day. Once a month
I go to the hospital and get a set of 3 injections, it’s called some type of
Immunotherapy. I have to do this for a period of 3 months. Once I complete the
3 months, the doctor will test my blood to see if the cancer is gone; if not
then I will continue for another 3 months. I don’t even know if it’s going to
work,” I said as I looked down.

lifted my chin so I was looking at him, “It will work; It has to work.”

only a trial Connor; it’s the first time it’s being done on humans so right now
I don’t know what to think.”

strong Elle, you’re the strongest and most stubborn person I have ever met in
my life and if anybody can pull through this it’s you, but you have to stop
running away from me.” I took his hand that was stroking my cheek.

know; I’m just so scared.”

grabbed my hands and turned them over as he looked at my tattoos and lightly
kissed each on. “Don’t be scared, I’m here and I’m going to help you through
this. Even if this trial doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter because I will fly you
around the world and find you the treatment that will work because,” he took in
a deep breath, “I love you Ellery Lane and I will protect you.”

streamed down my face as I heard the words that he never spoke to anyone
before. I hugged him as tight as I could and whispered into his ear, “I love
you to.” His fingers wrapped around the bottom of my shirt as he gently lifted
it off me. My heart started racing as he leaned me back on the couch and we
made love.

Chapter 32


emerged from the bathroom as I was putting my shoes on. “Nice touch by the
way.” I spun around and looked at him.

touch?” I asked.

throwing your phone in the trash at the airport in Michigan.”

crinkled my nose, “Yeah I knew you would trace it so I had to get rid of it. By
the way, how did you find me and why did it take you so long?”

smiled, “Do you want the truth or do you want me to tell you what
want to hear?”

looked at him from across the room and cocked my head, “Huh? I want the truth.”

laughed, “Ok, but you need to promise me you won’t get mad at me,” he said as
he walked towards me but kept a distance.

bit my bottom lip and narrowed my eyes, “Ok, I promise.”

actually found you in less than a week.” He could see the anger brewing as I
clenched my jaw and moved it back and forth.

you promised.”

swallowed hard, “Continue.”

need to remember Ellery, with the kind of money I have, I can do and find out
just about anything. I will hand it to you though, I loved the way you paid off
the girl at the ticket counter to put your ticket under a different name, but
unfortunately she liked my money more.”

you sneak.”

laughed, “Shall I continue?” I shook my head and crossed my arms.

get mad at me for what I’m about to tell you,” he nervously said as he ran his
hands through his hair. “I had my tech guy hack into your computer through your
IP address.”

breathing became heavy as my eyes widened in disbelief. “That’s when I saw you
were looking up a Doctor Murphy, so I did some research and that’s what led me

clenched my fists and walked towards him, he put his hands up in front of him,
“You promised you wouldn’t get mad.”

was before I knew you hacked into my computer you stalker.”

grabbed my wrists as I approached him and held me back, “I really don’t want
you slapping me again that really hurt.”

you don’t have to worry about me slapping you; I’m going to punch you instead.”
He laughed and kissed my fists and wrapped his arms around me.

me one more thing,” I asked.

do you want to know baby?”

you knew in less than a week I was here, why did you wait so long to come?” The
pain in my voice was apparent and he knew it as he sighed and looked at me.

didn’t want to be found so quickly and I was giving you time; did you really
think I would let you spend your birthday alone?”

looked at him and smiled as I buried my head in his chest. Tomorrow was my 24

walked hand in hand to the beach as he spread out the blanket over the warm
sand and I set the basket on it.

know, we could have just gone to a restaurant?”

smacked his arm, “I love the beach and nothing is more romantic than having a
picnic here.”

smiled as he put his arm around me, “Sex on the beach is just as romantic; can
we do that to?”

skin ignited when he said that as that familiar ache appeared, “Look around the
area my dear; there are children around.” He laughed and opened up the picnic
basket, took out a strawberry and seductively fed it to me. I moaned as I bit
into it.

you keep doing that it’s not going to matter if there’s people around here, I’m
going to take you right here and now,” he whispered.

smiled and bit my lip, “Down boy, there’s plenty of time for that.”

ate, talked and enjoyed the warmth of the sun. I leaned over to kiss Connor
when a little girl, about 5 years old, came and tapped me on the shoulder, “I
can’t find my mommy,” she whined.

does your mommy look like?” I asked her. She rubbed her eyes with her small
hands. “Her hair is like yours.”

that certainly narrows it down,” Connor said. I shot him a look and he shrugged
his shoulders.

on sweetie, let’s see if we can find her but first what is your name?”

tilted her head and closed one eye, “Chloe.”

to meet you Chloe, I’m Ellery and this is my friend Connor,” I said as I shook
her little hand. Connor looked at me and then at her small hand that extended out
to him.

to meet you Chloe,” he smiled.

way he shook her hand made me melt inside, so gentle and pure. I got up and
took her by the hand and motioned for Connor to do the same. He got up and took
her other hand as we walked her up and down the beach. I heard a woman yell
Chloe’s name. Connor and I turned around as the small woman with blonde wavy
hair came running up to her and hugging her tight.

you scared me.”

stood up and looked at me and Connor, “Thank you so much for taking care of

was surprised when Connor spoke out. “No problem, but you need to keep a closer
eye on her.” She shot him a look and took Chloe by the hand and walked away.

that wasn’t very nice.”

sighed. “Look at her, she looks all of what 19 or 20? She shouldn’t even have a
kid; she’s still a kid herself.”

wasn’t sure where that came from, but I had a suspicion it had something to do
with his sister. We walked back to the blanket; he spread his legs and pulled
me in between them as my back laid into his firm chest.

very last memory I have of my mom was at the beach. I think that’s why I love
it so much; I feel closer to her when I’m here,” I softly said as I stared out
into the blue ocean.

tightened his grip around me and kissed the top of my head, “Tell me about your
memory.” I lifted my head back as he leaned down and kissed my lips.

was our last vacation before she died. My dad took us to the beach because she
wanted to see the sunset over the water. I remember her sitting in a lounge
chair with a big floppy straw hat on and big white sunglasses. I was building a
sandcastle and just as the sun was starting to set she called me over to her
and had me sit on her lap. She pointed to the sunset and said, “See that
Ellery, there is nothing more beautiful than the sun setting over the ocean
water. I want you to remember something for me, if you ever feel sad or lonely
or need to talk to me, come here and wait for the sun to set and I’ll be here
with you.”

lifted me up and turned me around so I was facing him. He stroked my face with
the back of one hand while the other was around my waist. “Memories are our way
of holding onto the things we love, and I plan on making the most beautiful
memories with you.”

stared into his enchanting eyes as I leaned over and softly kissed his moist
lips. I could feel him harden beneath my thighs. “I love you Connor Black,” I

hardened our kiss as he ran his hands through my hair. “I love you to.”

jumped up and took his hand, pulling him behind me. “Where are we going?” he
asked as he adjusted himself.

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