Forever Black (24 page)

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Authors: Sandi Lynn

BOOK: Forever Black
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see,” I said.

took him to a lighthouse I noticed earlier in the day at the end of the beach.
I prayed the door would be unlocked as I turned the handle and it opened. I
turned to Connor and smiled.

what are you doing?”

shut the door and pulled him by his shirt into me, kissing him passionately.

said you wanted beach sex. Well, this is the best I can give you right now. We’ll
call it sex in a lighthouse on the beach.”

growled and then his face lit up. “You kinky girl,” he said as he pushed me up
against the wall.

hands moved up my shirt and to my breasts as his tongue explored my neck. I
unbuttoned his pants and took him in my hand. He moaned as I ran my hand up and
down the length of him. He easily took down my shorts and panties and slid his
fingers inside me to make sure I was ready for him. He wasted no time as he grabbed
himself and entered me, not gently, but rough and with such force it made me
scream. He moved in and out of me what seemed like at the speed of light as he
savagely kissed me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head with one
hand as he took the other hand and pulled my leg up to his waist. His roughness
was something I never experienced before and it made me wonder if this is what
sex was to him with other women. My body shot up in flames as he brought me to
the point of no return. I moaned his name as he commanded.

me you want me to fuck you; I want to hear you say it.”

obliged by telling him what he wanted to hear. He gave one last hard thrust as
we both moaned and came together. He buried his head in my neck as he let go of
my wrists and I held him tight. As our breathing slowed, he lifted his head and
brought it to mine.

never cease to amaze me.”

smiled, “Let’s get out of here and go home.”

Chapter 33


referring to us going home is bittersweet. Connor walked over to the easel and
looked intrigued by my painting.

have to say Ellery, you are a very talented artist; this painting is stunning.”

walked over and slipped my hands in his back pockets and put my chin on his shoulder.

you. This is my glimpse of a future; it looks so peaceful there.”

very beautiful, I suggest you keep it and don’t sell it,” he said.

kissed him on the cheek, “Maybe I will.”

paused for a moment as I looked into the depth of my painting, “I was going to
tell you, ya know.”

reached for my hands and brought my arms around his waist, “Tell me what?”

took in a sharp breath, “About coming here and seeing Dr. Murphy. I wanted to
talk to you about it that day but you were so angry; I heard you on the phone,
in your office, with Ashlyn.”

looked down, “I’m sorry, I never should have said those things to you, I was…”
He couldn’t find the words he needed to say, so I interrupted him.

need to tell me about her Connor, we can never move forward if you don’t and I
think I have a right to know.”

turned around so he was facing me and pressed his forehead against mine, “I
know and I will just not tonight baby.”

was starting to wonder if he was ever going to tell me because if not, I would
have to find out for myself and that was something I didn’t want to have to do.
I sighed as we headed to the bedroom.

awoke to the sensation of my neck being covered in small light kisses. I smiled
as I rolled over to view the sexy man who was sending shivers throughout my

Birthday baby,” he smiled as he lightly kissed my lips.

interlaced our fingers and nestled into his chest, “Thank you.”

amazed me how fast things changed. I was dreading this day not too long ago for
the fear of celebrating alone. Not that I would celebrate because it was just 8
short years ago that I was diagnosed with cancer the first time and here I am
facing it again, but Connor being here made things better; he made me feel safe
and happy.

move,” he said as he swiftly got off the bed. I bit my lower lip anxiously
waiting for his return.

only dark gray pajama bottoms he strutted into the bedroom holding a tray. I
could do nothing short of holding my breath as I looked at his perfectly
chiseled chest and his exposed hips as his bottoms hung so perfectly below them.
Connor Black knew he was a sexy man and he didn’t have any trouble letting me
know. He sat the tray across my legs and sat down next to me. With a grin that
went from ear to ear, I looked down at the scrambled eggs, bagel, fruit and
bacon that sat before me.

when, where?”

laughed as he took my fork and stabbed the eggs, “Since you didn’t have
anything besides eggs, I headed down the street to the café.”

smiled as he opened his hand and handed me my daily dose of 15 pills; needless
to say I rolled my eyes. He picked up the fork and brought it to my mouth as I
graciously removed the eggs from it.

are amazing,” I smiled.

grabbed the fork from his hand and shared my eggs and bacon with him. A happiness
grew inside me I never thought could exist. I was too happy and it scared me;
it scared me to death because all I kept thinking was nothing lasts forever and
I never wanted this feeling to end.

time,” he smiled as he reached one arm under the bed. He pulled out 3
beautifully wrapped boxes and then removed the tray from my lap.

love presents,” I squealed.

expression on his face was of pure bliss. He was just as happy in this moment
as I was. He handed me the first box and I carefully unwrapped it. My mouth
dropped as I pulled a new iPhone out of the box.

phone number is the same as your old phone; you know the one you threw away?”
he smirked. “Who just throws away their phone?” he shook his head.

playfully smacked him on his arm, “I’m crazy remember?”

laughed and kissed me on the head. I turned the phone on and instantly there
were text messages from all my friends wishing me a happy birthday.

text from Peyton read,
“Happy birthday bitch, nah, you know I love you, call
me soon, we have a lot to catch up on.” By the way have lots of birthday sex
you deserve it.”

shook my head and laughed. Connor knew how Peyton was so he didn’t even ask
what she said, he could just tell by my reaction.

took the phone from my hand and set it on the bed while he handed me the next
box. I smiled as I bit my bottom lip anxiously unwrapping, excited like a child
on Christmas morning, the perfect silver square box. I removed the top and
inside sat a stunning silver bracelet with the infinity symbol encased in
diamonds. I gasped as I ran my finger along the diamonds.

I…I love it. This is the most beautiful gift anyone has ever given me.”

took the box from my hand and took out the bracelet. He unclasped it and put it
on my wrist. “I love you, not only for who you are, but for the person I have
become because of you. This is my forever to you.”

uncontrollable tears that seemed to plague my face recently started their trail
down my cheeks, but were quickly stopped by Connors response.

no you don’t, there will be no tears on your birthday, whether they’re good
tears or not; I forbid it, do you understand Miss Lane?” I couldn’t help but
break into laughter at his commanding voice.

wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could and met his mouth with mine. He
responded, but quickly broke our kiss, “You still have one more present to

smiled as I leaned back on my pillow. “You spoil me.”

handed me the long box as he smiled. I took the box and with the same finesse,
I un-wrapped it like the others. I took off the top and stared at the voucher
inside. I looked at Connor as my eyes started to swell.

do it, no tears.”

couldn’t help it this time, my emotions were too far fallen for inside the box
were 2 tickets to Paris. As he looked at me, he gently wiped the tears from
under my eyes.

know your dream is to go to Paris, I saw it on that list you hid in your desk
and as soon as the doctor says it’s ok, we will be on the first flight there
for however long you want to stay.”

couldn’t believe he remembered what was on my bucket list from that brief
minute he looked at it. I was overwhelmed at the love I was receiving from this
man who not too long ago couldn’t bring himself to love anyone. I straddled him
and cupped his face in my hands.

you for everything, I love you Connor Black,” I said as I kissed him and showed
him for the next two hours how grateful I was.

day was perfect. All days were perfect when I spent them with Connor. It didn’t
matter if we were held up in a cave in the middle of nowhere, it would still be
perfect. Mason and Landon were taking us to a swank bar in downtown Los Angeles
for my birthday. They had it planned before we knew Connor would be here, but
he was game and said it sounded like fun.

Chapter 34


entered the bar as Mason pulled us through the crowd of people to a booth in
the back. The side we sat on was the one with the stage and a piano; it’s the
stage where the local bands perform. But there was no band playing tonight; it
was a free for all for any patron who wanted to show off their talent on stage.

sat in the round booth, Connor on one side of me and Landon on the other. A
redheaded waitress, dressed in tiny black skirt that barely covered her ass and
a tank top that was exposing her entire breasts, came over to our table to take
our drink orders. Landon and Mason ordered a couple of martinis each and Connor
ordered a scotch. I could tell Connor was uncomfortable because she was eyeing
him up and down instead of taking my order, and he was afraid of another
comment like the one at the seafood restaurant. He looked at me and could see
me gearing up to say something, so he stepped in and put his arm around me.

girlfriend will have a glass of white wine,” he smiled at her. She looked me up
and down.

I thought she was with one of them.”

shifted in my seat as Landon pulled me in closer to him. “Sweetheart, she’s
with all three of us and you should see the things she can do to us at the same
time, OMG, it’s incredible.”

gave him a dirty look and walked away as the three of us did a high-five in the
air and Connor sat there shaking his head. I leaned over and snuggled into him,
taking in his scent that already was making me ache.

be jealous sweetheart; you know I love you more.”

laughed as he took his hand that was resting on his lap, placed it on my bare
thigh and slowly moved it up my skirt, stopping as soon as his fingers reached
the lace on my panties. My body shook and shivered as he grinned. The waitress
brought our drinks and never took her eyes off me as she set them down on the

leaned over, “I think she likes you.” I laughed and took a sip of my wine.

stick to one glass tonight. I don’t think you should be drinking while taking
that medication plus you have your injections in the morning,” Connor said as
he moved his fingers passed the lace and was now touching bare skin. I jumped
at his touch.

you for your concern. I will take that under advisement,” I said with gritted

and Landon excused themselves as they saw a couple of friends across the bar.
Connor smiled as they walked by, then took my chin in his hand and turned it
toward him. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked seductively. My breathing
started to increase as he lightly rubbed the area that was now pulsating for

are you going to make me do? Come right here in the bar in front of everyone?”
I asked almost breathless.

gave me that seductive smile and twisted my hips so I was sitting sideways
facing him in the booth.

was my plan, but you have to act like nothing is happening.”

gently inserted his finger as I bit by bottom lip. I looked around the bar to
see if anyone was paying attention, but everyone was drinking, dancing and
carrying on conversations. My skin ignited and my heart raced as he inserted
another finger and began rubbing my aching spot with his thumb. “Oh fuck,” I
said as I buried my head into his neck.

wrapped my arm around him to make it look like I was hugging him as he moved
his fingers in and out. “Why are you doing this to me?” I asked as he was
starting to bring me to orgasm.

brought his lips to my ear, “Because I like pleasuring you and I know you want
it. You’re so wet Ellery.”

body was preparing enter oblivion and he knew it; he could feel it. “Remember
you need to be quiet.”

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