Forever Hers (21 page)

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Authors: Ednah Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Forever Hers
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moves, Noble,” Vince corrected him. “
is Japanese.
is Chinese.”

“Can you bring an opponent down with your bare hands using either technique?” Ron asked.

Vince scowled. “Yes.”

Ron smirked. “Then they’re the same thing in my book.” His focus shifted to Eddie. “So, you see, detective, we are all here to help, except him,” he pointed at Chase, who was still flirting with Amy. “He came to meet her.”

“No, he said he
her,” Ken added.

“Stop giving him a hard time,” Vince cut in, glancing at Eddie. “Just because your aunt thinks you’re perfect for each other doesn’t make it true.”

Eddie laughed even though he wasn’t amused. “Did you guys rehearse this on your way here? That sounded awful. Tell your wives to stay out of my business.”

“Told them he would see right through us,” Ron added then got up to put his bowl in the sink and grabbed his beer. “Let’s get down to business, guys.”

“Not before he tells us where to put the mats and punching bags,” Vince said, standing too. “Baron said the gazebo might be a better place for hanging punching bags, but I explained to him you’d asked for the free standing water ones.”

“We’re using the garage. I’ll show you.” Eddie left the house with Vince and Ken. Amy and Chase were still talking but in lowered tones though Eddie wasn’t sure whether it was because Raelynn was now asleep on her lap or something else.

“Do you want me to take her inside?” Eddie asked.

Amy flashed a glorious smile. “Would you? Thanks. She gets heavier every day.”

“I can take her inside for you,” Chase offered.

“I got her,” Eddie practically snarled. He wedged his hands between mother and daughter, accidentally grazing Amy’s breasts. She sucked her breath and her eyes flew to his. He felt her nipples harden. The kiss they’d exchanged two nights ago came back to taunt him with the force of a tsunami. Clenching his teeth, he picked up Raelynn and marched toward the door.

Irritation licked at him. Everything about Amy made him edgy. She was like an itch he couldn’t get rid of but was so pleasurable to scratch. No matter how many walls he erected and fortified, she still stormed through them with a smile, a laugh, a touch. She made him feel things he’d never felt with a woman before.

Then there was the kiss. Hot. Intoxicating. Mind-numbing. He’d meant to have a little taste of the forbidden, but he hadn’t factored in his response—the blood pounding through his veins and shooting straight to his groin, every muscle in his body clenched with need. The deep-gutted response had felt so good it had hurt.

“I’ll turn it down,” her voice interrupted his thoughts as she rushed past him to fold back the bedding. He hadn’t realized she’d followed him inside. The snug material of her white denim Capris stretched across her buttocks in such an inviting way Eddie’s eyes crossed. He started to sweat. He had to get out of here.

He placed Raelynn down on the bed and turned to leave.


“What?” he snapped and Raelynn stirred. They both reached out to calm down the child. Their hands touched, his large one covering her smaller one. His pulse shot up, the rush of sexual energy engulfing him. His eyes met hers. A man could drown in those eyes and die happy.

“Are you okay?” Amy whispered. “I asked you a question but you didn’t seem to hear me.”

“I’ve got a lot on my mind.” He took off and didn’t realize he hadn’t asked her what she wanted until he was in the living room. Eddie muttered a foul curse. Damn her for making him want her.

Ron, the only one left inside the house, looked at him and grinned.

“Not a word,” he snarled and kept going.


Amy wasn’t sure what to make of Eddie’s reaction. He’d looked at her with so much anger. What had she said or done to cause him to react like that? Was it because he’d accidentally grazed her breast? She crossed her arms, feeling crappy when she had no reason to.

She could handle anything he threw her way. She’d grown up being ignored by her parents and found a coping mechanism. Granted her attitude and smart-mouth had catapulted her head first into trouble, but they had also gotten her out of a lot more. She could also handle his cold and hot temperament because, to put it bluntly, she had faced that too with her ex and survived. White hot anger was a different story, especially since it made no sense.

Eddie and Ron were working on something on the coffee table, but Chase was in the kitchen, warming up the remaining soup. She wasn’t surprised. All they’d talked about the past thirty minutes was food and recipes. She’d known that he owned a popular restaurant but not that he was planning on opening another in a few months.

He scooped a spoonful, his eyes closing as he savored it. “Hmm, let me see if I can guess the ingredients. Shiitake mushrooms…dried anchovies…sesame oil…a dash of thyme.”

Amy smiled. “You have an amazing palate.”

“I know.” He grinned then leaned forward to whisper while looking into her eyes, “So when are you going to show me your recipes?”

He was such a flirt, but she wasn’t going to let him use her to piss off Eddie. The glances he kept throwing Eddie’s way said this was all a game to him. Not that she thought Eddie cared enough about her to be jealous.

Amy got up, pulled out a side drawer and retrieved three books. She placed the first one on the counter. “Soups and stews.” The second book was thicker. “Entrees and,” the third one was thinner, “side dishes.”

“Deserts?” he asked, spooning stew.

“I don’t do desserts.”


“If I make it then I’d have to eat it, so no sweets unless I have guests.”

Chase chuckled. He flipped through the first book as he ate, then pushed his empty bowl aside. “Have you ever thought of publishing them?”

Amy shrugged. “Not really.”

“Talk to Vince. His publisher might be interested.” He moved to the second book, pausing occasionally to read something before turning the page. “Ever thought of opening a restaurant?”

Amy made a face. “I don’t think I’d make a good restaurateur.”

He frowned. “Why?”

“I don’t have the time or the commitment.” Or the money. Banks didn’t loan money to broke women on the run.

“You never know till you try.”

“Maybe one day.” When Nolan was out of her life. Amy put the books away.

“If you ever decide you need a change of scenery, give me a call. I’ll
a position for you. In the meantime, let’s find Vince. He insists on showing you a few karate moves.” He grabbed her hand. “Although I was hoping you’d come out on the boat with me.”

Amy could feel eyes drilling holes into her as she left the kitchen. When she turned, both guys were watching them with an unreadable expression. Eddie was the first one to look away, but not before she saw the same bleak expression she’d seen on his face when he’d talked about his mother. She tried to wiggle her fingers out of Chase’s.

Vince and Ken were filling up something that looked like a bag with water in the garage. They’d already spread several gym mats on the garage floor.

Ken saw them first. “Stop monopolizing her time, Chase.”

“Hey, I brought her to you guys. Vince, she has three books filled with amazing recipes. All she needs is a reputable publisher.” He squeezed her hand. “Remember what I said about a position. It’s there any time you want it.”

“What are you up to, Chase?” Ken asked, eyes narrowed.

“I’m going to take out the boat,” he threw the words over his shoulder. “Want to come?”

“Nah, I’ll pass. Faith wants me home in one piece.”

“Whipped,” Chase retorted then laughed when Ken flipped him off.

Men. Amy shook her head and focused on the object Vince was filling with water. “What’s that?”

“A punching bag,” Vince explained. “It’s very good for practicing kicks. Do you really have three books filled with recipes?”

“Yes, but I’m not interested in having them published.”

“If you change your mind, let me know. My publisher is big on cookbooks and self-help books. I heard you write too.”

“Oh no,” Ken interrupted. “No talking shop while I’m around. Sit with me, Amy.” He sat cross-legged on the mat. He was flexible, his movement sensual, almost hypnotic. Amy kicked off her sandals and sat facing him.

“So, what do you want to know about Fitzgerald?”

His bluntness took her completely by surprise. “Which one?”

“The one that matters and I don’t mean Chase. He’s just trying to piss off Eddie. So? What do you want to know about Detective Eddie Fitzgerald?”

“I, uh, already know all I need to know about him.”

“Smart answer,” Vince said from behind her, his voice firm. “Stay out of their business, Lambert.”

Ken ignored him. “Did he tell you how he ignored orders from his captain, jumped on a plane with Vince and flew to the Caribbean to rescue Jade from a deranged psychopath?”

Amy blinked. She could see Eddie doing something heroic like that. “He forgot to mention that.”

“He got a two week suspension for it,” Vince added, contradicting his earlier statement. “He’s a hard ass…pardon me, Amy. He’s tough but fair and loyal.”

“Then there was the time he tried to follow Ron into a burning building to rescue Ash. Luckily, I was there to stop him.”

Vince chuckled. “I thought the firefighters stopped him.”

talked sense into him.”

“You should have tried convincing your boy instead,” Vince retorted, grinning when Ken glared at him.

“Ever reason with a crazed man? Noble thought he had lost her.”

Amy wanted to hear more about Eddie’s exploits without appearing nosy. “Sounds like trouble follows your wives.”

The two men exchanged a glance and chuckled.

“All the time,” Ken said.

“Tell her how Eddie saved your life,” Vince added.

“He was about to board a plane for some exotic locale when Faith’s ex fiancé decided I was expendable.” Ken grinned. “If Eddie hadn’t ditched his plans and stormed the place, I’d be six-feet under and my Faith…” he went silent then sighed. “I owe the guy my life. But you know what?”

Amy shook her head.

“He’s too stubborn to ask anyone for help. So whatever you are doing to chip at his defenses, keep at it. It’s working.”

Before Amy could respond, the side door opened and Eddie poked his head inside the garage. “We need your help, Lambert.”

Amy tried to catch his attention, but he was already gone. Ken followed. Left alone with Vince, Amy vocalized her protest. “I’m not doing anything to chip at his defenses.”

Vince just smiled and indicated the punching bag. It was in the middle of one of the mats. “What do you think?”

She jumped to her feet. “It looks like it might pop.”

“It won’t. The bladder holding the water in the middle is covered by a second layer made of foam. The rolling motion of the water will help you with your footwork.” He kicked off his shoes and toed off his socks. Then moving fast, he aimed a roundhouse kick at the punching bag.

So sure the bag would burst, Amy closed her eyes and braced herself for the splash of cold water. Instead, the bag wiggled and bobbed, but stayed upright.

“Always practice kicks barefoot and no brass knuckles or anything sharp on your hands or you will damage it.” He stepped back and nodded. “Try it.”

She flushed. “Ah, I really suck at kicks.”

“Most beginners say that. Imagine the bag to be someone about to hurt you or your little girl, shift your weight to your left foot for balance and swing your right foot across the bag.”

She didn’t need a second urging. Moving closer, she did as he instructed and stumbled a bit. Vince came to stand behind her and showed her what to do. After several attempts, he stood behind her, his hands on her waist.

“Move left…no, not too much. That’s better. Now raise this,” he patted her leg. “Good. Rotate on the ball of your grounded feet as you kick.”

She got it. Kind of. After more tries, he showed her how to counter a roundhouse kick. “Work on them. Now say you are hit and landed on your back, and he’s pinned you down. How do you defend yourself?

Amy grimaced. “I press the gun against his gut and fire.”

Vince laughed. “Good. But just in case you don’t have a gun, fake passiveness then act. I’ll show you. Lie down on your back.” He straddled her without sitting on her. “Say he’s pinned you down with his hand over your mouth or his elbow on your neck,” he imitated, “and is sitting on you. Bend your knees, plant them firmly on the ground and thrust upwards. Most women’s strength is on their hips and thighs. Surprise him and you will buck him either over your head or sideways. Once he’s off you, you can either take off or if you can, kick or knee him in the balls before running and calling the police. Try it.”

“Kneeing you?”

He chuckled and dimples flashed. “No, bucking me off.”

He was a big, gorgeous guy and their position was intimate, and he’d been issuing instructions in his wicked, sexy voice yet she felt nothing. No humming of her senses. No adrenaline rush or palpitation of her heart. No burning need to lean back and seek his warmth, which meant her hormones acted like sorority girls at a frat party when she was around one man—Eddie Fitzgerald. Not wanting to dwell on it, she focused on Vince.

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