Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1) (17 page)

BOOK: Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1)
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I’m not sure that I should feel relieved about him looking into all the details of my trip, but he did make me late by not waking me up in time.

“I got his number from your phone.” He slid his large warm hand behind my neck and lightly massaged the area.

“I have a passcode on my phone.”

“I hacked it.”

“What? That’s illegal.”

“Sue me.”

“No more surprises, Jordan. Promise?” I asked, as I answered an incoming text from Jenna saying that she missed chatting with me yesterday and hoped for success on my trip. She also said to check my email when I have time.

“The year you were born for a passcode. Really, Zoe? I could have hacked that in my sleep. I reset it with a new passcode. No one will hack into your phone now,” he said as his thumb worked its way over my neck.

We pulled into the private terminal at Hobby Airport and did the whole security thing then headed onto the tarmac to board the airplane. A pretty middle-aged flight attendant greeted me.

“Good morning, and welcome aboard, Miss Caine,” she said as I headed to the seating area of the plane.

I took in the opulence of the aircraft and could not be anything but impressed. The interior was dark beige with light cream leather seats. The top of the seats sported Jordan’s company logo. There was dark wood throughout the aircraft, which complimented the elegant interior. It was obviously top of the line in comfort and had as many amenities as space would allow. I slid into one of the seats and Jordan took the one beside me.

“Let me guess. You’re going to San Francisco as well?” I asked, since I had no idea that Jordan would be going with me.

“Affirmative,” he replied as he secured my seat belt.

“Don’t you have like a job, you know, a company that needs your attention instead of traipsing across the country with me?” I demurely crossed my legs and looked out the window.

“No, I don’t have a job. I own the company which has its perks, such as traipsing across the country with my girlfriend.”

I whipped my head in his direction and he looked right at me.

“Your girlfriend? When did that happen? Because I don’t remember a conversation where we decided that this thing that happened last night between us will be repeated, much less agreeing to exclusivity in sexual intimacy.” I responded. But then again, he may just have been kidding and wanted a rise out of me.

“Oh, make no doubt about it, Zoe. What happened between us last night will be repeated again and again and…well you get the picture. And since you made a promise to me last night that you are mine, then I will do everything in my power to ward off any asshole that tries to make a pass at you.”

There was a dangerous glint in his eyes but I was not ready to let this go. Hell no. He just got back from Europe, waltzed his way into my life and my bed, and now claimed that I was his girlfriend.

“I did not say that I was yours. I said that my pussy was,” I said defiantly.

“Same difference. Every part of you is precious to me, but your pussy is precious and delicious.” His hands reached over and rubbed my thighs pushing my skirt up to mid-thigh. “And now it is mine, so don’t get any foolish ideas otherwise.” His jaw was set and there was not a hint of smile or playfulness on his face.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Dawson, but a package was delivered for you. On your instructions we were waiting for it, so now we can take off.”

Jordan thanked her and put the large manila envelope on the seat across from us.

The plane taxied out to the runway and soon we were off with Houston growing smaller in the distance below us.

“Is there Wi-Fi on the plane?” I asked.

“But of course,” Jordan said as if that was a silly question. He moved to the other side of the aircraft that had four chairs and a conference table. Touching buttons on a side panel, a flat screen TV and two flat screen computer monitors gently rose onto the table. He turned the TV channel to Bloomberg television and turned on the computers.

I moved to sit in a seat across from him, then navigated through to my email.

Just then the flight attendant wheeled in a silver tray loaded with food and drinks.

“Nice spread,” I said, picking up a glass of juice and sipping on the cold tangy liquid.

“I ordered your favorite omelet,” Jordan said as he took the silver dome lid off one of the plates.

My mouth watered at the site of the succulent food. I dug in to my omelet with bacon, onions, peppers and cheese. I took a few moments to appreciate the fine bone china plates and cups. Everything had Jordan’s company logo on it. I looked across at Jordan to see him staring at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing. I just like to watch you eat. I like that you enjoy food, like real food, and not try to pretend you’re not hungry. I also love feeding you and sometimes even get jealous of the food in your mouth, wishing it were my cock you were sucking on.”

Leave it to Jordan to discuss crude anatomy even around a dinner table. I smirked at him.

“I can’t always have your cock in my mouth. There were and still are other useful things I need to put in there, such as food,” I replied as I smiled at the silly conversation.

“Yeah, well a guy could wish, right?” he responded as he dug into his own breakfast.

Sitting back after doing justice to the great offering of food, I sipped on strong black coffee and took in Jordan’s appearance once more. He was simply gorgeous. It was that simple and I was slowly realizing just how much he has accomplished. He was admired for his astute and aggressive business sense, making not only himself a load of money, but his investors as well.

Jordan was reading a page on the computer of the
Wall Street Journal
. Suddenly he looked up and caught me staring at him. A smile lifted the edge of his lips as he leaned back in his chair and sipped his coffee as well. We settled in a few moments of companionable silence, each lost in our own thoughts.

The flight attendant quietly picked up the plates, reloaded the tray and headed back to the galley. I went back to reading my personal email. I clicked on the one Jenna sent and gasped, my eyes going wide in surprise.

Chapter 17

“Oh my God. Oh my God,” I repeated, as I hopped up and down in my seat. Looking at Jordan, I turned the screen toward him and showed him the image that caused this excited reaction from me.

“Look, Jordan!” I exclaimed, as he stared blankly at the screen.

“I’m sorry, babe, but I have no idea what that is, but it has obviously made you happy…or sad, since you’re crying now.” He got up and knelt beside me pulling me into his arms.

“Oh, Jordan. It’s a photo of a positive pregnancy test. Jenna is pregnant! That’s why she wanted me to read my email and call her.” I sniffled as I explained what the lines on the stick meant. “I can’t wait to land so I can talk to her.” I blotted my eyes with the napkin.

“You can use this phone on the airplane.” He indicated the small sleek phone at my elbow. “Or your cell phone. This is a private jet, so we get to travel and communicate a little differently from the commercial airlines. Not as many restrictions,” he explained.

I immediately picked up the phone beside me and placed a call to Jenna, who answered right away. We were both laughing and crying at the same time.

“Jenna. You’re going to be a mom and I will be an aunt.” It dawned on me that I would have a niece or nephew and I couldn’t wait.

“I know. I’ve been feeling off for about a week and this morning I woke up puking. I knew right then. So I took the test and showed David and we haven’t stopped crying since,” Jenna said. “I don’t mind being sick at all because it means that I’m pregnant. David is calling the doctor. Hopefully I will be able to see her today or tomorrow. I think I’m about five or six weeks along.”

Jenna made a three-way call with Aunt Suzette. Right away she was frantic with worry.

Between her bouts of joyful tears, Aunt Suzette said, “I will head to Austin today, Jenna. I want to make sure you take care of yourself.”

“Oh, Aunt Suzette, your baby is having a baby,” I said to her, and all of us started with fresh tears of joy again. Jordan sat quietly beside me but with a smile on his face as he rubbed my legs and held my hand. We parted ways with a promise to reconnect sometime tomorrow.

“OK, pretty lady. It’s time for your nap. We still have a couple hour’s flight ahead of us.” Jordan led me to the back of the aircraft. We passed another set of chairs and a small sofa. The rest of the airplane had a wall with a door. Opening the door, Jordan ushered me in ahead of him.

The space was a small bedroom with a full size bed and a small bathroom in the corner. It was stocked with all the creature comforts one could imagine for traveling comfortably.

“This is nice; like exquisite, yet comfortable nice,” I said.

“I’m glad you like it. I had it custom built a year ago with you in mind,” Jordan said, as he took off his jacket and hung it behind the door.

“You had what made?” I asked.

“Why, the airplane, of course,” he said nonchalantly.

“Wait. What?” I was trying to wrap my head around what he said.

“I had this airplane built a year ago and I thought that you would appreciate a soundproof cabin so I can fuck you and introduce you to the mile high club. I know you’re a screamer, and you can scream all you want in here.”

As if talking about buying a car with leather or cloth interior, Jordan continued. “Not only that, but I thought you would appreciate all the workspace it offers for trips we would be making and room for family and friends as well.”

Jordan was slowly undressing me.

I was dumbfounded with all this information. I had a lot of questions, but then again, I was saving up for a come to Jesus session about how sure he is about me—us.

“You have a sinfully gorgeous body and I am shamelessly addicted to it.”

I stood naked in front of Jordan as he kissed me. I looped my arms around his neck.

Easily he picked me up and placed me on the plush white down comforter. I sank into the cool bedding as he quickly undressed. Jordan stood at the side of the bed as I gazed unabashedly as his perfect manhood. His cock was long and hard.

He moved his hand up and down his length. I reached for him and he moved closer to my mouth. Flipping onto my front, I knelt in front of him, as he remained standing. I took his beautiful cock deep into my mouth, and unlike last night when I slowly pulled him to the back of my throat…I sucked him fast and hard. The taste of his essence was like an aphrodisiac on my tongue.

Jordan braced himself on the ceiling of the airplane as I sucked him off.

His velvety smooth skin slid in and out of my mouth. I increased my suction and held his dark pink balls in my hand, playing with them as I added pleasure to this moment of wicked ecstasy.

Jordan groaned above me as he took in the sight of my mouth, and my tongue on his cock.

“Ahh. Fuck.” His breath hissed through his teeth. Jordan moved his hips toward me and held my head in place. He fucked my mouth with his cock. “I’m coming, babe.”

I was more than ready to taste him. The pleasure he received from my mouth was music to my ears as he let out a low growl, emptying his load of cum into the back of my throat. Greedily, I swallowed and continued to suck him off, making sure that I got every drop from his generous cock.

Slowly, Jordan pulled out of my mouth.

I licked my lips and looked up at him with a smile on my face.

“Greedy little wench. You will be the death of me with your blowjobs, and what a way I would gladly go.” Jordan lay beside me on the bed then pulled me into his arms and tucked my head under his chin.

I threw my leg over his hip as he slid a hand over my ass and between my legs. With leisurely strokes, he rubbed my pussy on the outside, enjoying the smoothness of my skin. Over and over he touched me as my body started to squirm, wanting more. Sensing my need, he pushed a finger inside the wet engorged lips of my sex that was begging for action. Adding another finger to the mix, Jordan continued with his slow assault on my sensitive flesh. He increased the tempo and my hips undulated with the actions of his hand.

I was getting mindless with need and about to tell him to fuck me already when I felt his hard as wood cock on my leg.

Suddenly, Jordan got up and put on a long white robe, saying he’d be right back. He left the small cabin and was back in a few seconds. He locked the door behind him. I saw that he was opening the manila envelope that the flight attendant delivered to him earlier before takeoff.

“These are my test results.” He handed me papers with lab results.

I quickly scanned to see all negatives and reached for him. “You held up our departure to get your test results delivered?” I asked, although not at all surprise that he was able to obtain his test results from his physician.

“I have never had sex without a condom. You are the only person I ever wanted to go bareback with.”

“Even when I was in college you used a condom.”

“I didn’t want to slip up and get you pregnant. I wanted you to finish your studies.”

“Come. Make it happen,” I said, reaching for him.

“I explained my reasons for requesting my records to Dr. Richards this morning.”

I laughed at his ridiculousness. Trust Jordan to be totally unconventional and go after what he wanted, which was one of the reasons why he was rich and successful. If there was a way to make something happen that he deemed important, Jordan would do it.

“Knowing that I was getting ready to pursue you, I readied everything in my life to make sure you had no reasons to resist me. Having you back is of utmost importance to me, Zoe.”

I blinked away the tears as he cupped my face in hands. Swooping down, he kissed me fast and fierce. I felt my pussy clench in anticipation of feeling his cock in me.

“Now, where was I?” Jordan leaned me back on the bed and knelt between my knees. Spreading my legs, he looked down at my smooth bare and now glistening womanhood. “Just fucking beautiful.” Jordan took my hand and placed it between my legs. “Touch yourself,” he said. His eyes narrowed to slits as he watched me slid my fingers over my warm bare pussy.

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