Forever Summer (27 page)

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Authors: Elaine Dyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Forever Summer
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“Good evening ladies and gentlemen.  I’m sure Pablo has explained how this will work.  The purpose tonight is to introduce you to my future wife.  We will answer a few questions as long as they are respectful and not too personal, and then we’ll allow pictures to be taken afterwards.  Then, you’ll all be escorted off the premises, so that we may enjoy our engagement party in privacy with our family and friends.  You may begin asking your questions.”


“Señorita Alvarez, is it true you and Gabe met when you were hired to tutor his daughter?”


Summer smiled.  “Yes, that’s true.  Of course, I knew who he was, but we met when I agreed to work for him.”


“What exactly are your credentials, other than being beautiful?”  Summer could feel Gabe’s hand tighten on her waist, taking exception to the question and the tone with which it was asked.


“I have a bachelor’s degree in education and a Master’s degree in bilingual education, and I’ve worked in the capacity of bilingual education program consultant for several schools, school districts, and countries, including here in Mexico.  In fact, I invite you to Google me,
.”  Several reporters laughed at her parting comment, and the next question was asked.


, do you still plan on teaching Marisol now that you’re engaged?”


“We haven’t really discussed it, but probably.  I plan on spending a lot of time as a family, so some of that time might as well be educational.”


The same reporter who’d asked her about her credentials broke in again.


“Señorita Alvarez, is it true that your father is Diego Alvarez of Argentina, and that you have been disowned by your family?”  Summer was stunned, and Gabe was furious, but before either of them could respond, Diego stood up and approached the microphone.


“I am Diego Alvarez, Summer’s father.  I have no idea where you got your information, sir, but Summer has never been disowned and never will be.  I am exceedingly proud of my daughter in every way conceivable.  I love her, have always loved her, and will always love her.”  He bent and kissed Summer on the cheek before he returned to his seat.


“Gabe, how does Marisol feel about getting a new mother?”


“My daughter is ecstatic.  As a matter of fact, she played quite the matchmaker between us.”


“Summer, how do you feel about stepping directly into motherhood?”


“I couldn’t be happier.  I love Marisol very much.  We’re a very happy family.”


“Summer, you and Gabe seem to have had a whirlwind romance.  Could it be that you’re pregnant, and that is why you’re marrying so quickly, or is there another reason for your promotion from tutor to fiancé?”  This from the same reporter who’d bordered on being offensive about her family and credentials.  Gabe called for Javier, but Summer’s father beat the head of security to the reporter, standing next to him threateningly and telling him it was time for him to leave.


“One moment, Papá.  I’ll answer the man’s question before he leaves.  You, sir, obviously came here tonight in hopes of uncovering some great secret.  Your questions are baseless and rude, but I’ll address this last one before you’re escorted from our home.  Gabe and I did have quite a whirlwind romance.  Contrary to what you seem to think, we didn’t date while I was tutoring Marisol during his tour, although we did afterwards while on a family vacation.  We’re very much in love, and I hope someday we are blessed with more children, not only for us and so that Marisol will have some company, but to fulfill the requests of our parents who have ordered some blond grandchildren to go with our beautiful brunette.  I hope we can deliver eventually.  At this time, however, we are not expecting any of those requested additions to our family.  I’m afraid if you’re looking for a story, you’ll have to be satisfied to make it an epic love story, rather than the sordid affair you’ve suggested inaccurately.  Now, Papá, you and Javier may escort our guest off the premises.  Gabe, did you want to add anything before our guest leaves?”


“I only wish to tell him he will no longer be welcome in our home,
.  Anyone who insults the woman I love has no place here.  To put to rest any conjecture suggesting otherwise, I’d like to add that I was the pursuer in this relationship, not Summer.  As a matter of fact, I had to work very hard to win her heart, and I will always be grateful to her and to God that she is in my life.  I love her more than life itself, and I will tolerate absolutely no disrespect towards her.  It’s getting late.  We have time for one more question, and then we’ll stay another ten minutes for pictures before you leave.


“Summer, we know you are a bilingual educator.  Do you, in fact, speak any Spanish?”


Summer smiled at Pablo, sure that he’d planted the question, and launched into a brief history of her Argentinean and American heritage.  In Spanish.  When she finished, the crowd of reporters applauded.  Pictures were taken, and they had about half an hour to prepare for the party and to form the reception line.  They sent word to the nanny to bring Marisol down.


While Summer checked her hair and makeup one last time, she saw Javier signal to Gabe for him to come over.  They had a brief conversation, and Summer could see that whatever it was about did not set well with her fiancé.  Afterwards, he looked downright ominous.  They finished talking, and Gabe returned to Summer’s side to escort her into the large ballroom, where the party was to take place.


“Trouble, babe?”


“Not at all,
.  Just aggravation.  It would seem that the reporter we had escorted out is a personal friend of Celia’s.  Javier made the connection when he told the man we’d be lodging a complaint with the paper he represents and suggesting that he check his sources a little better next time.  He responded that his source was a childhood friend who was completely reliable and continued on to say that he got information on our Spanish location from the same person while we were on vacation.  Celia again, no doubt.  If it wasn’t for the fact that she was coming with her family, I would deny her entrance.”


“I’m sure she’s beside herself.  She wanted you for herself, you know.”


“Yes, I know, but I have never returned her feelings.  We dated a few times when we were teenagers, and that was enough for me.  You have no reason to be jealous, I assure you.”


“Jealous?  No, not jealous.  Possessive, maybe, put she has nothing I want or admire.  She ignored Marisol, and she reminds me of my step mother.  I don’t like her, but I’m not the least bit intimidated by her.  I have a feeling we’ll eventually have a showdown.  In fact, I’m looking forward to it.”


“May the best woman win.”


“She already has, Gabe.  I’ve got you.”


Chapter Fifteen




Marisol stood between Summer and Gabe, who were flanked by their parents, and helped greet people as they entered the ballroom.  Summer was astounded by the sheer number of people she met.  After about an hour, she was ready to take a break, and Gabe was about to escort her and Marisol to their table when Marisol pulled at her hand.


“Isn’t that Carlos, the cousin who took you on his motorcycle?”  Summer looked up and smiled as Carlos, with their grandmother on his arm, walked in along with Luisa and Yolanda, all dressed beautifully, Carlos in a tux.


Gabe looked at Summer and felt his heart swell at the happiness he saw written so clearly on her face.  She looked up at him with tears of joy in her eyes and greeted her family warmly.


, I’m so glad you came.”  She hugged and kissed the elderly woman, then moved on to her cousin.  “¿
Y Marcos


“Your fiancé extended the invitation to include him also” - he looked over at Gabe and smiled his appreciation – but he was busy, and I knew there would be press here.  I didn’t want to take a chance that you might be embarrassed.”


“Carlos!  You should know better. 
Por Diós
!”  That eyebrow was raised again, a sure sign that she was aggravated, but before she could continue to scold, Gabe stepped in. 


“Carlos, we haven’t formally met.  I’m Gabe Rodrigo.  Summer tells me that you and your grandmother made it a point to keep in touch with her over the years.  She has told me that you and Marcos have shared many good times with her.  Please be assured that you and Marcos are welcome in our home and at any and all events we have in the future.  I don’t care what anyone else has to say about it.  One thing, though.  If you wish to take Summer with you somewhere, do you mind not taking your motorcycle?  You are welcome to use any of our cars at any time, or you can take the limo and driver.  Even after I knew you were her cousin rather than a love interest, I had nightmares of an accident.”


“Of course, Señor - …”


“It’s Gabe.  You and your
are my two new favorite people outside the family for your care and love of Summer. 
Mi casa es su casa
.”  The two men embraced, and Gabe kissed the hands of the
and Luisa and Yolanda and introduced them all to Marisol and his parents and finally passed them on to Diego who embraced them all.


“How wonderful to see you here, my son.  Gabriel, you are responsible for this family reunion?”  Summer’s grandmother smiled at Gabe as she asked the question.


“He is,
.  He went to invite Papa in person and brought him back with him after he gave Gabe his blessing on our marriage.”  Summer’s love for Gabe was clear as her eyes shone with it after her comment.


“You are a good man, Gabriel Rodrigo.  I am pleased that my granddaughter has accepted your proposal of marriage.  I also add my blessing to that of Diego’s.”  Like a queen, she smiled at Gabe and leaned her cheek over for his kiss and did the same for Diego, who kissed his mother and escorted her to the family table.


Summer beamed at Gabe.  “I love you.  Thank you.”  Gabe kissed her cheek.  The last people they greeted were
Señor y Señora
Chavez, Celia’s parents.  Gabe introduced Summer to them, and they shook her hand and patted Marisol’s cheek.  Both were civil, but whether or not it was Summer’s imagination, she thought there was tension in their greeting.  As they were passed on to Gabe’s parents, Araceli stepped forward and kissed Celia’s mother’s cheek.


“How wonderful to see you, Norma and David.  Isn’t our daughter-in-law beautiful?  We already love her as our own, and Marisol considers Summer her mother already.  I know you join us in welcoming her into our family, being our oldest friends.”


Celia’s father smiled and offered his good wishes, but there was still reticence on the part of Celia’s mother.  “It certainly happened quickly, didn’t it?  I’ve always thought that taking your time was best in matters of the heart.  Building on friendship is such a solid base for romance.  I hope moving so quickly won’t be a mistake.”


Araceli smiled again, this time not nearly with as much warmth.  “When you find the right person, time is irrelevant.  Joachim and I are the perfect example, as we were introduced, dated and were married in well under a year.  I suppose Gabriel takes after his parents.  Do have a wonderful night, won’t you?  And Celia?  Surely she came to wish her childhood friend well in his marriage?”


is here somewhere.  She must have gone to refresh herself.  She’ll be by soon, I’m sure.”  As they moved on, Gabe winked at his mother.


“Nicely done, Mamá.  I wonder if Celia will dare to show her face tonight.”


“Count on it,
.  Knowing Celia, she will make a last stand before she admits defeat.  Thank God you’re getting married to Summer.  The thought of having Celia as a daughter, not to mention as a mother to Marisol makes me ill just to think about it.”

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