Forever (This #5) (41 page)

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Authors: J. B. McGee

BOOK: Forever (This #5)
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Sam promised she’d stay in her room until I told her she could come out so we could have some time alone for me to tell Bradley. We make our way to the living room. “Can you get me a few ginger snaps?”

“What’s your sudden infatuation with ginger snaps?” He smirks.

“‘Tis the season.”

I fumble behind the garland for the switch to turn the camera on while he’s not looking and when I see the red light, I know we’re good.

Sam was supposed to put his gift where he usually sits on the couch. My eyes wander to the spot, and it’s there. “Hurry and come snuggle with me on the couch for a minute.”

He laughs. “And what’s up with your urge to be snuggled this morning? I’m not complaining…” Carrying a cup of coffee and the entire box of ginger snaps, he comes around the corner.

“I love to snug—”

“What’s that?” He motions for the wrapped box next to me.

“I don’t know. I thought maybe you put it here last night after I went to sleep.”

He shakes his head. “Maybe it’s Sam’s.”

“Or maybe Santa brought it.” I smile. “It has your name on it.”

His brows furrow and he puts his mug on the coffee table. “Weird. You didn’t have anything to do with this?”


He undoes the corners first, then the back, careful not to rip any of the paper. That’s my meticulous Bradley. The picture on the box comes into view. It’s a red stocking on the left, a green stocking on the right, and in the middle a striped and polka dotted mini-stocking with a baby bear sticking out of the top. On the top of the ribbon that hangs the ornament it says, “…and baby makes three.”

His eyes widen. “You’re ready to try?”

I shake my head.

“I’m confused.”

“We don’t need to try anymore.”

If I thought his beautiful blue eyes were wide before, I haven’t seen wide. Those perfectly arched black brows reach to the sky and he flashes the biggest smile of dazzling white teeth before me. “You’re pregnant already? How is that possible?”

I swallow back the nausea that doesn’t care it’s Christmas or that it’s one of those moments you wish you could relive on all the bad days. “The pill isn’t 100 percent effective is what I’m told.”

He pulls me into his arms and squeezes me, then our lips lock and he kisses me like his life depends on it. Our tongues dance and swirl. He tugs on my bottom lip. “How long have you known?”

I smile. “Give me a minute to cut off the camcorder. You wanna tell your baby or babies hi?”

He waves. “I can’t wait to meet you.” He freezes. “Wait. Did you say babies?”

I giggle and press the red button to stop the recording. Perfect way to end that. “I did say babies. I’m not sure yet, but…” I sit back beside him. “The day after Ryan’s accident when I went to the bathroom before you told me about Joe, a nurse stopped to give me the news in that very same conference room.”

“Oh wow.”

“And she told me the numbers were really high considering when my last period was.”

“What does that mean?”

“Sam says the numbers are supposed to double every day, but if you have multiples, the numbers are a lot higher than the doubles. Mine are apparently through the roof. But I kinda refuse to believe there are more than one until I see a doctor.”

“And have you seen a doctor?”

I shake my head. “They can’t see me until after the new year. I was glad for that because I wanted you to go with me to that first appointment.”

“Absolutely. I’m relieved I didn’t miss it. That’s a lot to process, Gabby. I’m so happy, though. And this…” He points to the ornament. “It’s so perfect. The stockings, it being the first ornament you ever bought me, all of it.” Tears well in his eyes. “I just can’t even put into words how much I love you and how thankful I am to get to spend forever with you…” He puts the ornament down, places both his hands on either side of my face, and brings me into a kiss. Our tears bounce off the box in between us. The box that represents the life we made out of our love.

“Knock, knock. Can I come in?”

“Um. Give us a minute,” Sam says.

“Us?” I giggle. “Did Joe spend the night?”

“Yep. We’ll be right out.”

“Okay. Hi…” I exaggerate the i. “Joe.”

“Hi…” He does the same thing. “Gabby.”

I walk back to the kitchen where Bradley’s basting the turkey. “Did you know Joe spent the night last night?”

He glances up, his blue eyes wide. “It’s just a morning full of surprises, huh?” He grins. “A Christmas full of firsts. Our first married, our first as parents, my first morning waking up with my brother.”

“It’s also a Christmas of lasts.”

His head bounces back. “How so?”

“That’s why I wanted to snuggle this morning. Next Christmas I’m sure we’ll wake up to cries. This is the first and only Christmas we’ll have as just us.”

He puts the baster down. “I hadn’t even thought about that. And we’re not even alone. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not. The people in this house are my favorites.”

“Mine too.”

I hear the sound of the door opening. Joe has on jeans and a navy shirt. Sam’s wearing her pajamas from last night. Both look completely content. “Merry Christmas, you two.”

“Merry Christmas,” Joe says, wrapping his arms around Sam’s waist. That’s a very pleasant sight.

“Merry Christmas.” Sam is all smiles. “What’s for breakfast?”

I hand her my box of ginger snaps. “Cookies. They’re the ginger variety.” I wink.

“They’re the perfect variety then.”

“I hate ginger snaps,” Joe says. “They used to feed us those at daycare when I was little.”

“Good, because we weren’t sharing,” I say.

Bradley walks over and chuckles. “I’m sorry, Sam. I know you just got him back and all, but I need him a second.”

She shakes her head. “No, go ahead. I plan on keeping him for more than a second this time.”

Joe releases her and Bradley wraps his arms around him. “Seeing you this morning would be the best thing to happen to me if I hadn’t just found out you’re going to be an uncle. Have I mentioned how happy I am you’re legit my brother?”

Joe’s eyes rake me up and down. “Really? An uncle? Are you shitting me?”

I look at Sam, knowing he’s going to be more than just that. I tilt my head as if to ask if he knows. She gives me a quick shake and mouths, “No.”

My shoulders shrug.

Bradley laughs. “You’re also my brother from another mother who will be here shortly to ridicule your potty mouth.”

Joe rolls his eyes. “I’m not gonna lie. I’ve got some pretty good anxiety about today.”

Sam sighs. “You’re not the only one. Whose idea was this again?”

“The older, not so wiser, brother.”

“How many times do I have to tell you we’re practically twins?”

Joe shakes his head. “You’re older. And don’t even try to say it doesn’t matter. So, are y’all telling people today about the baby? I don’t wanna accidently put my foot in my mouth.”

Bradley and I look at each other and shrug. He says, “We didn’t discuss that. I hope you don’t mind I told Joe.”

“Of course not. Sam already knew.”

“Oh dang. I didn’t think about that, either. Wait. How long have you known?” He points to Sam. “You’re supposed to be my secret keeper not hers.”

“I’ve known pretty much since Gabby found out.”

“I was sick and scared. But I’m not anymore. Scared that is. Sick, oh yeah.” I hold up the box of ginger snaps. “The breakfast of champions.”

Bradley chuckles. “Wait. Is this why you were so sick at the hospital.” I look at Sam, whose eyes bulge. “Nope. That was food poisoning.” A little white lie is okay, right? Especially when it keeps an important secret.

Joe kisses Sam on the cheek. “Look. I’d love to hang around, but I need to go home, shower, and change my clothes.” He pulls her close. “I’m assuming you’d like to do the same.”

“Well, I’m already technically at my temporary home. But showering and changing clothes sounds nice.”

“Do you wanna come to my place and get ready there? Give these two some time alone?”

She looks at me, and I smile. While they are my favorites, since this is our first and last Christmas just the two of us, I’m appreciative.

She nods. “Give me a minute to grab my stuff.” Sam prances off to her room.

“So,” Bradley says. “Everything’s good with you two obviously.”

Joe grins. “Didn’t you tell me something about having no control over my heart or my dick at the hospital?”

Bradley winks at me. “Sorry.” He shoves Joe. “Man, don’t say that word around my wife.”

He laughs. “Sorry, Gabby. Anyway, you were right. She took it a long time ago, and I don’t ever want it back.”

“When are you gonna learn I am older and wiser.”

Joe’s mouth gapes. “Make up your mind, man. Are you older, or not?”

Bradley smirks and shakes his head.

Boys. Brothers.

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