Forever (This #5) (48 page)

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Authors: J. B. McGee

BOOK: Forever (This #5)
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To Chad. Thank you for not complaining on the nights I stumbled into bed at crazy hours because the words seemed to flow more in the evening, during our time, than any other hour of the day. Thank you for being accepting of this sexy cover, abs and all. Thank you for being interested in my success. Thank you for picking up the pieces when I got so sick, I required a week in the hospital. While I hated being so ill, I enjoyed having you home. It did nothing but motivate me to try my best at writing in hopes one day you can go back to being a stay-at-home dad. I love you, and I know I say it in every book, but I couldn’t have picked a better husband and father to our children than you. Thank you for all you do for us. You are as selfless as they come.

To Noah and Jonah. Thank you for understanding that I needed to write and supporting me. Noah, your excitement for my word count helped me finish this book. Thank you. I love you!

To Katie Ashley. For two years you’ve said to just write a whole book—to finish one of the many partials that were sitting on my computer. You said it didn’t matter if it was crappy because crappy is better than nothing. When I started writing again, your words kept me going when I doubted myself. You’ve never allowed me to give up, and I can’t thank you enough for believing I could do it when I didn’t think it was possible.

To Deb Hart. We make a really incredible team. Once again, this book wouldn’t be what it is without our many brainstorming conversations. Your friendship to me is priceless. *winks* Thank you for always being available to read my snippets as I write them, even when they are totally out of order and kind of make no sense at the time.

To April Holm. I’m so glad we’ve grown closer. I love hearing your feedback. I love you’re brutally honest with me, and if something doesn’t sit right, you’re not afraid to tell me. Thank you for being excited to read as I write. Your nearly immediate feedback and yearning for more kept me going and helped me finish on time.

To Becca Dawn. Surprise. Thank you for spending so much time trying to help me with a plot twist my characters wouldn’t allow me to use. Your insight into the blood type and donation process helped me with the new plot twist. And also, thank you for explaining how many hours medical students work and that phase of Sam’s life. Thank you again.

To Amber Goleb. When you stepped up to help me and be my PA, I thought my head was going to explode. I was near the point of a massive panic attack. It’s been two years since I did this, and I’d forgotten how much work goes into a release, especially a last minute one. Thank you for your countless hours of making sure readers got my message this book was coming, for refusing to let me talk myself down, and believing in me.

To Karen Russell. Thank you for always being the last read before I let this go into the world. Your eagle eyes and feedback always prove invaluable.

To the bloggers who signed up for the cover reveal, the release blitz, and the blog tour, I can’t thank you enough. Being gone in this industry for two years is like starting over. It’s been so uplifting to be welcomed back with open arms. Your support means so much to me.

To you, my reader. It’s been over three years since Broken was released. My plan had never been to do more than three books when I started the series. It was called the This Trilogy. But somehow in the excitement and writing, the characters kept telling me more stories. Then, they stopped. For two whole years. I tried to write their stories even though they were ignoring me, but it just wasn’t right. So, I tried to be more patient. For part of those two years, I doubted my ability to even tell another story from start to finish. Somehow, in October, the block went away. The words started flowing like a rainstorm on a hot summer day. I know you expected three more books, and in a way, I have over promised and under delivered. But I want to thank you for reading this book, for not giving up on me, and for supporting me through two of the hardest years of my life.

Connect with J.B.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38


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