Forever Until Tomorrow (War Eternal Book 5) (13 page)

Read Forever Until Tomorrow (War Eternal Book 5) Online

Authors: M. R. Forbes

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Adventure, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Space Opera, #Time Travel, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Forever Until Tomorrow (War Eternal Book 5)
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"Okay. Let me just tell you-"

"I can't right now, Michael. Thank you for everything you're doing to help. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I'll ping you back when I'm done, and then you can drop the bomb on me, okay?"

"Okay. Be careful."

Katherine disconnected, heading down the steps into the Hyperloop tunnel. She had to run to make it to the pod on time.

Whatever Michael had, she had a feeling he was wasting his time trying to find a connection that wasn't there. Even so, she appreciated that he was thinking out of the box.

Hopefully, Colonel Mitchell Hogarth would have something to offer.

First things first.


Reggie picked up a french fry and shoved it into his mouth, chewing quickly, swallowing, and repeating. He couldn't remember the kinds of foods he had eaten before, but he was certain that none of them tasted as good as this.

How could anyone forget anything with so much delicious, salty flavor?

He didn't see Detective Lyle enter the diner. He didn't know the man was there until he appeared on his left and slid onto the booth seat across from him.

"Nice place, isn't it?" Lyle said, motioning to the decor. "Can you believe we used to make things that looked like this?"

Reggie eyed the diner. Red leather bench seats, lots of chrome, and waitresses in powder blue dresses and white aprons. Now that he was paying attention, it did seem out of place.

"Ancient history," Lyle continued. "The food hasn't changed all that much though."

The waitress stopped at the table.

"Hey, Carson," she said.

"Joan. I'll have whatever he was having."

"Three orders of french fries?"

Carson laughed. "Maybe a burger to go with one order."

"Sure, Detective."

"Three orders?" Lyle said to Reggie.

"I've been waiting for you. I can't pay for this."

"Of course, you can't. Let's cut to the chase, Reggie. You know something. I know you do. I can see it in those eyes of yours. They're experienced. Veteran."

"You aren't going to believe me."

"If you thought that, you wouldn't have asked me to come."

"Maybe I would have. I'm desperate."

"What happened to you the night you were found?"

"I don't know."


"I'm not bullshitting you, Detective. I don't remember. My name? I don't know that either. The nurses at St. Mary's named me Reggie. Hell, I don't even know why. Was it in the report you read?"


"What I do know is that I was sitting in the hospital for twenty years. Then I saw a report on that terrorist attack in New York and I had to get out of there. I've been having nightmares since the day they brought me in. Visions of darkness and death and silence. They're connected to the Dove. I don't know how, but they are."

"Maybe you just think they are because you know your history? A mysterious figure found the same night the XENO-1 crashed? You're already confused about your identity, it would be an easy step to take."

"Yes, it would. And up until the point that I got into that car and it started to drive itself with me trapped inside, up until the point that it dumped me in the river, I was thinking the same thing. Wondering if I really was crazy, and if I were creating a fictional world around me to support my beliefs. Unless you're a figment of my imagination, I'm ready to rule that out."

"I'm sure I'm real," Lyle said. "But a figment would say that, too."

"I didn't want to tell you back at the station because I need to know if I can trust you. If I tell you the rest, will you help me?"

"I can work with the department to arrange-"

"No," Reggie said, cutting him off. "Not the department. You. Only you. Forget about your position as a St. Louis Detective. I want to talk to the Marine."

Lyle was frozen as he considered. Reggie knew he would cave. His curiosity was going to win out. So was his patriotism.

"You want to trust me?" Lyle said at last. "I could get into a lot of trouble by trusting you."

"Someone tried to kill me today. Yes, you could."

Joan returned with the burger and fries, placing it in front of Lyle. He didn't touch them.

"I have a wife to think about," he said.

"I understand. If you can't help me yourself, maybe you can at least help me get to New York?"

"Why New York?"

"I need to speak to Major Katherine Asher."


"She's a pilot. She's supposed to be on the crew of the Dove for her maiden voyage. She was injured in the attack."

"Why do you want to talk to her?"

"I don't know. I feel a need to ever since I saw her name."

"How do I know you don't want to hurt her?"

"You don't. I don't even know that. If you help me, you can stop me if I do."

"That has to be the most backward request I've ever heard."

"I'll say it again, Detective. Someone tried to kill me today. They did it by hacking a system that you say hasn't been hacked in forty years. They've been looking for me for twenty years, and they located me within a matter of hours. Whatever I'm not remembering, I have a feeling it's important. At this point, I'm starting to wonder if losing my mind was an accident."

He said it before he thought it, as though a subconscious truth had suddenly bubbled up to the surface. He paused then, catching the reverberation of the idea. Was he right?

Lyle stared down at his burger for a minute before returning his attention to Reggie. "Fine. You win. If you are mixed up in something monumental, I don't want to be the one that let you slip away to do it."

"Thank you, Detective. You won't regret it."

"I know it's cliche, but I already do. So, tell me what you know and we'll go from there."


"So the car was talking to you?"

Lyle took another bite out of his burger, and then lifted the shake he had ordered to go with it.

"Someone was. He didn't tell me who he was, but he asked me if the name Watson held any meaning."

"Do you think that's your name?"

"No. It isn't. Whoever this Watson is, we aren't friends. I'm sure of that."

"He's the one who tried to kill you?"


"Do you know who he is?"

"No. I know he can hack into automated cars. Or his people can. The speaker also mentioned a search algorithm that was looking for me. I think he has hooks into private systems. Secure systems."

"And what? I'm not supposed to tell anybody about that?"

"Would they believe you? Based on the ramblings of a man who's been committed for the last twenty years?"

"The facts don't lie. That's why I'm still sitting here. Anyway, what about the other name? Mitchell? Maybe that's you?"

"It could be. That's who the person driving the car thought I was. Even if I am, I know as much about Mitchell as you do."

Lyle was silent for a minute. Thinking. "We need to put the puzzle together. I'm looking at the pieces. You. Watson. Major Asher. XENO-1. The AIT. The Dove. A terrorist attack. An attempted drowning. How does it all fit? What's the common thread?"

"Someone's trying to stop something from happening," Reggie said.

"The AIT doesn't want the Dove to fly. They say it's because they're afraid we'll find more aliens, and that they won't be friendly. That we're setting ourselves up to be annihilated. Major Asher would be connected to the Dove as a pilot. Let's say you're connected to her and Watson is connected to you. Then we can infer that Watson has some relation to the AIT. Either as a member or as an outside party that is supporting them."

"That makes sense," Reggie agreed. "Except how can I be connected to Major Asher? I've never met her."

"How do you know?"

"I'm probably old enough to be her father."

"Maybe you are?" Lyle's smile was large. He had a sense of humor after all. "Seriously, you were the one who said you felt drawn to her. Whatever the reason is, that makes you connected."

"Okay," Reggie said. "So the AIT is trying to keep the Dove grounded. They attacked a party and killed a bunch of high-ranking officials, which may prove to at least delay the launch. They also came after me the moment I stepped outside of the hospital. I think the question becomes - what do I have to do with the Dove? I'm not a pilot. I'm not even remotely affiliated with it. I was at St. Mary's long before the project was ever conceived."

"Which circles you back to crazy. Except you aren't crazy. I'm convinced of that. Is it possible that someone saw the XENO-1 coming before it reached Earth? Is it possible you knew about it and wanted to go public, and they stopped you?"

"By burning my arms and leaving me half-dead in the street? Why not just kill me?"

"Maybe they thought they did?"

"No. I don't think they would have been so careless. Besides, if it were about that, why keep a lookout for me over the next twenty years? Why attack me now?"

"Then it's about the Dove," Lyle said. "There's nothing else that even starts to fit, and you can put a puzzle together by excluding pieces as well as you can by including them."

"I need to go to New York."

"Not New York. Norfolk, Virginia."


"Major Asher was transferred to the former naval base there. It's a UEA joint-operations base now that boats are outdated tech. She was admitted to the hospital there."

"How do you know all that?"

Lyle tapped the side of his AR glasses. "Former Marine. I have connections."

"The military is broadcasting her location? That doesn't seem smart, does it?"

"They got the terrorists."

"What if there are more?"

"On a military base? I think she's pretty safe there."

"Fine. I need to get to Norfolk." Reggie leaned back in his seat, reaching into the pocket of the pants they had given him. He pulled out the small box. "First, maybe you can help me with something else?"

"What's that?" Lyle asked.

"You didn't open it at the station when you took it from me?"

"Not legal without justifiable cause. Someone would have had to stick something on you."

Reggie put the box on the table and pushed it across. Lyle picked it up and opened it.

"I don't know what it is," Reggie said. "It's the only thing I had on me when they found me, all those years ago."

"This predates XENO-1," Lyle said. "I haven't seen one of these since I was five years old."

"You know what it is?"

"A data card. An old data card. They found you with this, and they didn't try to figure out what's on it?"

"Maybe they did? I didn't even remember that I had it. It could be encrypted."

Lyle laughed. "And you forgot the password? That wouldn't surprise me. Talk about a clue, though."

"Do you know how we can see what's on it?"

"Nothing made in the last fifteen years is going to be able to read a card like this." Lyle picked up his shake and took another sip, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, I think I know someone who might have the equipment to open it up."

"We should go talk to them."

"It isn't going to be that simple, Mitchell. She -"

"Why did you just call me Mitchell?" Reggie said. The name felt both familiar and foreign. It seemed to fit, but it was tight and confining.

"Because it's your name. Does it bother you to hear it?"

"You don't have proof that I'm Mitchell."

"I have more proof that you are then you do that you aren't. Look, if you lost memories on purpose, maybe associating with what you do know will help you pull them back."

"You're a doctor now?"

"If you don't want me to call you that, I won't. But it might help."

Reggie thought about it. Why should he hold onto a name he knew wasn't his? One with no meaning, handed down by the nurses at St. Mary's? Lyle was right. Maybe it would help him remember.

"No. You're right. Mitchell it is. Now, what's the problem with this contact of yours?"


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