Forever Viper (36 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

Tags: #paranormal erotic romance

BOOK: Forever Viper
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I wait for his answer and when it didn’t come I timidly look at Juan, pleading him with my eyes for help.

Juan leans forward and rubs Noah’s back, “Noah.”

Noah’s head snaps up and distress pours out of him in waves, “I’m not going to say I like your choice, but it’s yours to make and I respect that. I want you with us all the time, is that so wrong?” He sighs and then says, “How about a compromise? Let me figure out a way to protect you, for my own sanity.”

I nod my head and mouth ‘Thank you.’ His lips are suddenly on mine sealing the deal. Juan coughs and we pull apart, “We need to leave to feed before dawn.”

He stands and Noah does too, pulling me up with him. Two pairs of arms surround me and our love flows between us all. I suddenly remember my conversation with Monica and jerk my head up to peer at Noah, “I hope you don’t mind, but I said Monica and Hans can stay until they find a place of their own. I also said I would ask you about a job for Hans.”

A smile starts to spread across Noah’s face and he says, “That’s fine, they can stay and leave that with me, I will see what I can do for Hans.”

I kiss him for that and then twist in his arms to kiss Juan, “So I guess I will see you Tuesday then?”

He smiles, “Yes, you will, it’s a date.”

After a few more kisses goodbye and a squeeze of my ass from Noah, they leave and I stroll to bed a lot happier than I have been. The next day I get a text from Lara saying she will be around tonight and will bring the drinks. I tell Monica she is coming and she says she is visiting her sister and the baby with Hans, but will be back. I ask her to try and be nice to Lara, but she laughs at me and says, “I’m always nice.”

Lara turns up with a couple of bottles of wine. She looks as beautiful as ever, she takes a glance around and looks disappointed, “Where’s Noah? I haven’t had a chance to catch up with him yet.”

What do I say? Bloody hell! Why me?
I tried to be honest by bending the truth with my answer, “He’s still not 100% and needs a little more time. He told me he will be home in another week.”

She seems to be let down by my answer, but I quickly change the subject to work and once again apologize for my absence yesterday. The wine flows and she brought the subject around to Viper and asks me if I have seen the headlines today. I hadn’t and her eyes glazed over as she continues to tell me about Cruz and the woman who said she was carrying his baby. It turned out Noah was right and Lara told me the papers claimed she was paid off. Lara then proceeds to talk nonstop about how good looking Cruz is. She whispers to me, “If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone.”

I do the sign to mean cross my heart and hope to die and have to pick my jaw of the floor with her next words. “I slept with Cruz once and he’s good, very good.” I'm not sure if I wanted to know any more, but that choice is taken away from me as Monica and Hans made an appearance. The night is filled with more wine and laughs as Hans is one funny guy. Even Monica behaves herself.

A taxi is called to take Lara home and I end up making a drunken phone call to Noah, begging him to come and make love to me. The next two days dragged on; nightmares plague me. I would dream of Juan going up in flames and Jacob hurting me, but I talk to Noah and Juan about them which helps a lot. Work keeps me busy on Monday and Tuesday is drawing to a close. I keep watching the clock waiting for it to strike 5 pm so I can get home and hopefully, Noah and Juan will be waiting for me.

I smile when I walk up the driveway as I feel the familiar heat that tells me my men are here and I start to run. I trip over my own feet when I open the front door, but that didn’t stop me. I walk faster to get to them and when I enter the lounge Juan is sitting talking to Hans.
Sorry Hans but I need this.
I run over to Juan and fling myself at him. I find his mouth with mine and let him know how happy I am to see him. I need air so pull away first and whisper into his lips, “I’ve missed you so much.”

I get back a, “Me too.”

I can hear Hans laughing and then his voice, “You know the rules Peppa, no hanky panky unless it’s on a bed.”

I shake my head laughing and mutter, “Sod off Hans.”

Noah’s voice comes next, “Here I am, slaving away in the kitchen and my woman can’t be bothered to come and give me a ‘hello I have missed you too’ kiss.” I roll my eyes and give Juan another kiss and push myself away from him to stand and stroll away in the direction of the kitchen.

When I walk in I frown and my eyes flicker around the room searching for Noah. I suddenly sense a rush of air and find myself up against the kitchen wall, legs wrapped around Noah’s waist and his tongue wrapping around mine. He grinds his hardness into my crotch and I moan into his mouth. His mouth suddenly leaves mine and his eyes shine with humour. “Now, that’s a welcome home kiss.”

I slap his chest and say, “I can’t wait for you to do that every night.”

He smiles, “I have a lot more planned than just kisses.” Before I can even answer him, Noah rests me on my feet and says, “Sorry sweetheart, but something’s burning.” He rushes over to the cooker and starts stirring something in a pan. Watching Noah work away in the kitchen causes my heart to swell with happiness; this is my future and I can’t wait to get it started. Noah makes small conversation with me, asking about work and Lara while he dishes up my food and I’m soon tucking into a Coq au Vin.

A squeal comes from the lounge and I hear Monica say, “Oh my god! Hans! Really?!”

Noah laughs, “I guess Hans just told her he is now working at Devils Records as my manager.”

I drop my fork along with my jaw and jump on Noah, hugging him to death and kissing him silly and saying, “Thank you” between each one. I sit back down with the biggest smile on my face, but then notice Noah’s has taken on a serious look. “Hans has agreed to run the day to day things for me and the important matters can wait until I awake. With him being a wolf, I have asked him to keep an eye on you as you are only across the road. I know you think I’m being stupid, but I need to do this so I know you’re safe.”

I smile at him. I know he only wants to look after me and if Hans watching over me puts his mind at rest, then I’m not going to argue. I laugh while I say, “You were expecting me to fight you over this weren’t you?”

He nods his head while laughing and I pull him closer to me. “I love you, Noah Blaise. I hope in time you will see I don’t need to be protected and I understand the Jacob situation has bought this on. I’m glad in a way it’s Hans as he won’t make a big deal of it. So stop worrying and let’s go and spend some time together.”

I take Noah’s hand and lead him into the other room. Monica soon has me in a hug excited for her man. When she lets me go I take a seat on Juan’s lap and Noah sits next to him taking my feet and placing them on his lap. That’s how we remain for the rest of the night as we talk and laugh about anything and everything. When Monica and Hans leave us to go to bed I ask Noah how he is getting on. I find out that Juan has taken him to a pub and he did very well at controlling his blood lust. Juan seems pleased and said if he carries on this way, he is certain Noah can keep it under control.

I move myself from Juan’s lap to sit in Noah’s and I gaze into his stunning brown eyes. A tear forms and falls down my cheek, then another one follows. But it’s not with sadness that I shed them it’s with joy, “I’m so proud of you Noah. I can’t wait to spend my life with you both. Only three days and nineteen hours to wait, not that I’m counting or anything.”

This causes Juan and Noah to both burst out laughing and they let me know through their kisses that they are both as desperate as I am for Saturday to come. Once again we say our goodbyes and I get a good hold of their dicks declaring they are mine and better be ready to show me how they can use them Saturday night. I'm promised I will be walking like John Wayne the next morning.

For the next three days I would find a red rose on the pillow next to me with a note telling me they both loved me. The days and hours until we are together again are printed in bold numbers right under that. Saturday morning I find another rose, but this one is attached to an envelope. Written on it is, ‘Home is where Peppa is’ and underneath that in big bold letters is, ‘I’M COMING HOME SWEETHEART.’ Tears stream down my face, today is the day I get my men back for good.

I open the envelope and inside I find a ticket for the O2 gig tonight and a VIP pass. There is also another note telling me that Jade will pick me up at 7:00 pm sharp. I scream with pure happiness and even bounce up and down on the bed like a teenager going to her first concert. I share my joy with Monica and Hans. Monica even dances around the room with me. They tell me they have a few houses to look at today and that they have booked a night away in a hotel so I can have some privacy tonight. Of course, I tell Monica almost everything so she knows tonight is huge for me.

I'm so nervous for tonight, I'm constantly fidgeting and find myself pacing a few times. And, the amount of times I need a wee is unbelievable. I prepare for the night by taking a bath and making sure that the bits that needed shaving ended up all smooth. I curl my hair and put on some colour lip gloss, a bit of mascara and some blush. When it comes to what to wear, I want to be comfortable so I choose a pair of jeans that show off my curves and a black silk, thin strap top that has a lace front that covers the chest area. And I match the outfit with black kitten heels.

My hands start to shake while I wait for Jade and I honestly feel sick. I kick myself mentally for being so stupid.
It’s not like you haven’t slept with them both before.
I know it isn’t only about sex, it is so much more than that. Yes, it scared me in a way because who knows what the future holds, but I'm damn sure I'm going to make it enjoyable. I am so nervous I decided some fresh air might help, so I wait out front for Jade to turn up. It isn’t long before I felt the rush of air and Jade is standing before me. We complement each other’s appearance and how excited we are about tonight. It is then I realize we are getting to the gig the vampire way.

After showing our passes to security, we are shown to the backstage area, which has dimmed lighting and you can’t hear a thing because of the crowds screams. Taking a glance around you can see random people just hanging around, some are standing next to tables which have food and drink laid out. A lot of the area is filled with a maze of equipment and wires and you have to be careful where you walked. The lights flickered on the stage and the crowd goes wild. A booming voice announces Viper and I moved closer to get a look.

I watched as Cruz, Saul and Juan run out onto the stage and the screams that ring out are thunderous. Juan’s eyes meet mine and he waves and I blow him a kiss.

As soon as Viper starts playing the atmosphere is electric, I can sense it flow through my body. Half way through singing their first song I detect arms sneak around my waist and a kiss to my neck. Noah kisses his way up to my ear and whispers, “Hello sweetheart, I hope you are ready for the night of your life.”

I twist in his arms and lean in to whisper in his ear, “I’m ready for years of my life with Juan and you.”

I place little butterfly kisses across his jaw and then our lips collide and I melt into the kiss. Noah continues to hold me as we watch Viper take the stage by storm. You would think they are the main act the way the crowd react to them. When Viper finish their set, the place erupts into screams and cheering.

As soon as Cruz thanks the crowd, Juan is running off the stage towards us. He gathers us both in his arms and places a kiss to both our lips and I can just make out his words as he shouts out, “That was fucking wild.” He takes my hand in his and pulls me away from the stage and I make sure I have a firm grip on Noah’s. He didn’t expect to be surrounded by screaming females asking for his autograph, but he did stop and he makes sure I'm standing at his side, giving a clear sign I am his girlfriend and signed away. I hear the screams as Bruno Mars starts his set and feel a little bummed that I'm not staying to watch him. Cruz strolls over and the fans soon attach themselves to him and we finally manage to get out of there.

Once outside I'm still on a high from watching Viper perform and let the world know it as I shout out, “Viper was out of this world!”

Juan laughs and twirls me in the air saying, “We were fucking amazing.”

Noah puts his arms around Juan’s waist and kisses his neck, “Viper will be playing that stage again and it won’t be as a warm up act. Now, I think it’s time to get this little lady home and have a party of our own.”

They both wag their eyebrows at me and I burst out laughing, “Who’s going to be my warm up act?”

They both answer with, “We both are.”

Juan and Noah made sure no one is around and Juan takes me in his arms and within seconds I felt the rush of air surround me and I buried my head in his chest so I didn’t lose my breath. I'm so wrapped up in Juan’s smell and the hardness of his body, images flashing in my mind of his snake tattoo and naked body, that I hadn’t realized we have stopped.

I'm brought back to the present when Noah pressed himself against my back with the words, “We’re home Peppa, for good. Our future together starts right now. It’s been too fucking long since I’ve been inside of you. Are you ready for the main act?”

The gush of liquid that floods my knickers tells me I’m more than ready. Noah takes my hand and starts to lead me away from Juan, who stands there with a big grin on his face. He soon starts to follow and he makes sure we both sense his desire, which causes my breath to hitch and Noah to groan. Noah leads us to his bedroom and once the door is shut behind me, my heightened awareness of these two men, who love me, sends a cascade of passion to flow through me and fill the air with the scent of my arousal. From behind I sense Juan step in closer to me and one of his arms snakes around my waist. He tugs me flush to his hard body and his mouth attacks my neck, his teeth gently pull on my skin causing me to rotate my hips against his hardness and moan.

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