Forgive Me, Alex (35 page)

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Authors: Lane Diamond

BOOK: Forgive Me, Alex
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About the Author

Lane Diamond is the pen name for David Lane. He grew up in Algonquin, Illinois, where he graduated from Harry D. Jacobs High School in 1978. After a short college stint, he served in the U.S. Air Force at Ramstein AB, Germany, 1980-1982, and at Lowry AFB, Denver, CO, 1982-1983. Then it was on to real life. For more, please visit his
Lane Diamond's website

Lane Diamond is also Co-Founder and Executive Editor of
Evolved Publishing
, an indie publisher focusing primarily on the eBook markets, and structured as part publisher, part authors' cooperative, part self-publishing on steroids—but all author-centric. For details, please visit the
Evolved Publishing website

Find more from Lane Diamond online at:




This book would never have happened were it not for the help of several people.

I must thank my little brother and his lovely wife, Darren and Rhonda Lane. Without going into all the gory details about my life taking a twisted turn, presenting me with unexpected hurdles, let me just say that Darren and Rhonda saved me. They're the real deal—fine people who understand that good deeds matter most. I love you guys. Thank you.

When circumstances changed and I needed someone else to step up, my "brutha from a different mutha," Steven Zerkel, came to my rescue. Friends don't get any better than Steve. Thanks, Mano.

Several people had a hand in helping me work out the bumps in this story. I'm always amazed at how we writers, no matter how good we might think we are, fail to see some of our own foibles. As I've long told my editing clients, it's rather as the old saw tells us: "Forest? What forest? I don't see no stinkin' forest. All those darned trees are in the way!" We all need a little help seeing past our trees to the forest within.

Author Michael A. Gibbs was the first to provide some helpful feedback. In particular, he pointed out that I needed to shift back in time one critical scene. What a difference that made in the emotional impact of the scene! Thanks, Mike.

Then my business partner, D.T. Conklin, provided an objective pair of eyes. He spotted not only the little mistakes I was blind to after so many revisions, but provided a reader's perspective to help me make some tough changes. We writers so often, as a lawyer might say, "Assume facts not in evidence." If it's in my head, then surely it's in the reader's head. Well... no. This is one of the great services an editor provides, and one of the key reasons we all—each and every one of us—need editors. Thanks, Dan.

I was struggling with a good cover for the book, both conceptually and in its execution. Enter Joshua Evans, who took my original concept, shrunk it down, wrapped it in a larger, better concept, and executed it to perfection. Young Mr. Evans is a sold thinker, and a creative force to be reckoned with. Thanks, Josh.

Finally, let me say thanks to the entire Evolved Publishing team, even if they didn't help with this specific project. They're terrific and talented people who inspire me and give me great hope for the future.

I'm sorry if I've left anybody out.
What's Next?

Tony Hooper will return to action in the second half of 2012, in
The Devil's Bane
, a sequel to this novel. Beyond that, anything is possible. Stay tuned.

Lane Diamond hopes also to make a few more short stories available in 2012.

His days are quite busy with his duties as Co-Owner and Executive Editor for Evolved Publishing. He thinks 2012 will be an exciting year, as new authors, editors and artists join the team, and book releases come faster and faster. Watch for Evolved Publishing's second bi-annual Short Story Contest, which opens for submissions in mid-February 2012, and for the anthology it produces,
Evolution: Vol. 2
, due out in June 2012.

Some of Lane's other work:

EVOLUTION: VOL. 1 (A Short Story Collection)

10 Stories by 10 Authors, including
by Lane Diamond. Edited by Lane Diamond and D.T. Conklin. Available at



Psychological adventure available at


WIND TUNNEL – A Short Story

A feel-good South American adventure available at


PARADOX – A Short Story

A science fiction psychological adventure available at
, and FREE at
Barnes and Noble



A science fiction psychological adventure available at
, and FREE at
Barnes and Noble
, Apple (soon),


THE HOBBY – A Short Story

A creepy horror story available at


Don't miss these other books from Evolved Publishing, each of which Lane Diamond had the pleasure of editing. (Click on cover to go to Amazon product page.)

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