Forgotten Man, The (57 page)

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Authors: Amity Shlaes

Tags: #United States, #History, #20th Century, #Comics & Graphic Novels, #Nonfiction

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Stryker, Roy Emerson, and Nancy Wood.
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New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1919.

What Social Classes Owe Each Other
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Talbert, Roy Jr.
FDR’s Utopian: Arthur Morgan of the TVA
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Taft, Charles P.
You and I—and Roosevelt.
New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1936.

Temin, Peter.
Lessons from the Great Depression.
Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989.

Thomsen, Robert.
Bill W.: The Absorbing and Deeply Moving Life Story of Bill Wilson, Co-Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous
. Center City, Minn.: Hazelden Press, 1975.

Tobin, James.
Great Projects: The Epic Story of the Building of America from the Taming of the Mississippi to the Invention of the Internet
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Tugwell, Rexford G.
The Brains Trust
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Edited by Michael Vincent Namorato. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992.

The Light of Other Days
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To the Lesser Heights of Morningside: A Memoir.
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Our Economic Society and Its Problems.
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Warburg, James P.
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God, Harlem, USA: The Father Divine Story
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searchable terms

A & P supermarket

Aberdeen chronograph

Academy of Political Science

Acheson, Dean

Addams, Jane

Adkins v. Children’s Hospital

African Americans

Democratic Party and
in Depression
unemployment rate for

Agricultural Adjustment

Administration (AAA)


Campbell’s Montana experiment in
electrification and
federal economic policy and
Panic of 1937 and
Smoot-Hawley tariff and
in Soviet Union
stock market crash and
Tugwell’s studies of
see also
New Deal

Agriculture Department, U.S.

Alabama Power

Alampi, Philip

ALA Schecter Poultry Corp.

Alcoholic Foundation

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alice Adams

Allen, Robert

Alsberg, Henry

Alsop, Joseph

Aluminum Company of America

aluminum industry

Amalgamated Clothing Workers

Amalgamated Copper

American Bar Association

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American Dream, The

American Economic Life
(Tugwell, Munro, and Stryker)

American Enterprise Institute

American Federation of Labor

American Individualism

American Legion

American Medical Association (AMA)

American Molasses

American Newspaper Publishers Association

American Red Cross

American Society of Newspaper Editors

American Sugar


Anderson, Benjamin

Anderson, Marian

Anderson, Sherwood

Andrews, William

Angelo, Joseph T.

Angelus Temple

Antioch Press

Arizona Turkey Growers’ Association

Army, U.S.

Corps of Engineers of

Arno, Peter

Ashwander v. TVA

Asner, Glen

Associated Gas and Electric Company

Associated Press

Astor, Vincent

Atlantic Monthly

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)

Auden, W. H.



automobile industry

A. W. Mellon Educational and

Charitable Trust

Axtell, Silas

Ayres, Leonard P.





Bacharach, Isaac

Baker, Newton

Bakhmeteff, Boris

Baldwin, Roger

Banfield, Edward C.

Bank of England

Bank of Manhattan

Bank of United States

banks and banking

deposit insurance for
in Great Depression

Barnes, Joseph

Barnes, Julius


Bartlett, Fred

Baruch, Bernard

Behrman, S. N.

Belcher, William Elbert

Belgian Relief Unit

Bellamy, Edward

Benton, William

Berenson, Bernard

Berkman, Alexander

Berle, Adolf

New Deal and
Panic of 1937 and
Roosevelt brain trust and
Roosevelt candidacy and

Berle, Beatrice

Bernanke, Ben

Berry, George

Bewick Moreing
Big Book, The

Bishop, Amy Bend

Bishop, Beatrice

Bismarck, Otto von

Black, Hugo L.

Black Canyon project (Hoover Dam)

Black Tuesday (Oct. 29, 1929)

Blair, Johnson Henry

Bliven, Bruce

Blondell, Joan

Blum, John Morton

Board of Tax Appeals

Bohemian Grove



Bonbright, James

Bond Club of New York


Bonneville Dam project

Bonus Army

Borah, William E.

Borsodi, Ralph

Boston Herald

Boxer Rebellion “Brace Up, America” (Willkie)

brain trust

Brandeis, Louis

Brebner, John Bartlet

Brecht, Bertolt

Briand, Aristide

Broderick, Joseph

Bronstein, Lev,
Trotsky, Leon

Brookings Institution

Brophy, John

Soviet trip of

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers


Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

Bruce, David

Bryan, William Jennings

Bureau of Internal Revenue

Bureau of Reclamation

Burlingham, Charles

Burroughs, F. S.

Business Week

Butler, Nicholas Murray

Butler, Pierce





Campbell, Marcus B.

Campbell, Thomas



Capone, Al

Cardozo, Benjamin N.

Carman, Harry

Carnegie, Andrew

Carnegie, Dale

Carnegie Steel

Carpenters’ Union

Casa Grande, Ariz.

Catchings, Waddill

Catledge, Turner

CCC Road

Cermak, Anton

Chamber of Commerce, U.S.

Chandler, A. J.

Chasanow, Abe

Chase, Harvey

Chase, Stuart:

death of
election of 1928 and
election of 1940 and
New Deal and
Roosevelt brain trust and
Roosevelt candidacy and
Soviet trip of
stock market crash and
TVA and
writings of

Chase Bank

Chautauqua, N.Y.

Cheever, John

Chicago, Ill.

Chicago Times

Chicago Tribune

child labor



Christadora House

Christian Science Monitor


Churchill, Winston S.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

civil rights movement

Civil War, U.S.

Clark, Bennett “Champ,”

Clay, Henry

Cleveland Trust Company

closed shops

clothing industry

coal industry

Cohen, Benjamin

Cohen, Meyer

Colby, Bainbridge

Colby College


Collins, Tom

Colorado River dam project


Commerce Department, U.S.

Bureau of Foreign and Domestic
Commerce of
Division of Simplified Practices of
Hoover’s expansion of
new building for
stock market crash and

Committee for Industrial

Organization (CIO)

Commonwealth and Southern

breakup of
labor movement and
TVA and


Communist Party, U.S.

Comstock, Alzada

Conant, James Bryant

concentration camps

Congress, U.S.:

antilynching legislation and
Colorado River dam project and
Constitutional doctrine of delegation and
Coolidge Dam authorized by
Democratic control of
Edison honored by
fiscal legislation of
gold standard and
minimum wage and
Muscle Shoals project and
National Gallery and
Nazi Germany and
New Deal opposition in
NRA and
Republican control of
stock market crash and
stock market crash investigations and

Supreme Court-packing issue and

tariff and

tax issue and

World War II and
see also
House of Representatives

U.S.; Senate, U.S. conservation

Constitution, U.S.

Commerce Clause of

Compact Clause of

delegation doctrine of

construction industry
Consumer Reports

Consumers Power Company Consumers’ Research

Consumers’ Union

Converse, Florence

Cook, Nancy

Coolidge, Calvin

death of

decision not to seek reelection by

Depression and

election of 1924 and

election of 1932 and

Hoover compared with

Hoover disliked by

personality of

political philosophy of

post-presidential career of

presidency of

religious views of

Coolidge, Calvin, Jr.

Coolidge Dam

Cooper, Hugh L.


Corcoran, Thomas

Corcoran, William W.

Corcoran Gallery

Coughlin, Charles E.

Council on Books in Wartime

countercyclical actions

Counts, George

Soviet trip of

Cox, James R.

Coyle, Albert

Cravath, DeGersdorff, Swaine and


Crowther, Samuel

Cummings, Homer

Current History

Currie, Lauchlin
Curse of Bigness, The

Cushing’s Survey


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