Formidable: Shifters Forever Worlds (Ever After Dark Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Formidable: Shifters Forever Worlds (Ever After Dark Book 1)
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sabel had sat
across from Gio the entire meal, but her tigress had been in charge of Isabel’s emotions. She wanted Gio with such an urgency, she couldn’t put the fork to her mouth. She couldn’t concentrate on the conversation. She had one thing in her mind, and one thing only. She wanted him to claim her, to make her his, while she laid claim to him.

She wanted forever. She wanted Gio.

Wanted him forever.

And Ever.

When he’d suggested she go with him as her family went to the other wing, her tigress had leapt to accept, but there’d been no need. Isabel was already eager to be with her alpha.

* * *

s soon as
the door to his room closed, Isabel grabbed Gio by the collar and pulled him close. This woman was beyond sexy. His tiger roared for her tigress. He dropped his head, his breathing rapid, his pulse pounding in his veins, his desire a primitive beat that demanded he claim his mate.

With every breath he took, he sucked in her breath, merging with his, her essence deep in his lungs, coursing through his body.

She wet her lips, tongue darting from one corner of her full mouth to the other. The sight of that made him strain and his tiger roar. He gripped her tighter.

She winced. He released her a bit, not letting her go, being careful not to hurt her.

He looked into coal eyes with a gold fire behind them. Her lips parted slowly, as if in anticipation. Her breathing halted, as though she were holding it.

His chest seized with desire. Gio pushed her backward against the door with his body until he was holding her prisoner against his own body. He knew he should take it slow, but slow was the last thing he had in mind. Not now. Now that she’d shown him her passion.

The world faded around him. The craving he had for her put them under a spotlight.

Only Gio.

Only Isabel.

Just the two of them.

Nothing else mattered. Wrapping his other hand around her neck, he pulled her close, until her nipples pressed against his body, insistent beads that begged for attention.

His mouth took hers, claiming her, branding her, needing her. His demanding tongue parted her lips, plundering her mouth the way he wanted to do to every part of her body.

He clenched his jaw muscles to fight back the urge to take her with his tiger’s ferocity. Her nipples were hard, pressing against his chest, making him think of touching, licking, kissing, and many other things he wanted to do. Yearning pummeled at his soul with a fierceness he’d never felt before.

He almost didn’t recognize the groan that came out of his mouth. “I want you.” He’d never wanted a woman like he wanted Isabel. Urgency colored his voice with a hoarseness that showcased his desire.

Isabel locked eyes with him while he slid his hands under the neckline of her top, pulling it low on her shoulders, leaving her exposed to his heated gaze. He traced the lace of her bra, pulling on it with his fingertips, dragging it down closer and closer to the peak begging to be touched. The scent of her desire rose, infiltrating his senses, taking control of his need.

She pushed closer, her breasts pressing into his chest while she reached behind her back, and with a deft, practiced move, she flicked the bra loose and shrugged it off.

Two full mounds with dark tips stood at attention, pebbled, ready for his mouth and hands. He cupped their fullness while he thumbed her nipples, tracing circles around the dusky flesh. Isabel released a moan, her head thrown back slightly.

Lowering his head, Gio closed his mouth over one nipple. Her moan became louder, urging him to take her by the ass and pull her body firmly to his. His hardness pressed against her with insistence.

Isabel’s hands moved with a wildness that stunned him as she dropped her pants in haste.

With one hand twisting and turning her nipple between his thumb and fingers, Gio’s other hand dropped down, over her stomach to her hip, making tiny circles above the waistband, tracing and teasing her velvet skin. With each second, the aroma of her arousal increased, infusing every fiber of his body.

Isabel unbuttoned his pants, then tugged at his zipper and eased him out with a speed that fired his desire. She pushed him toward his bed, straddled him, pressing down on his erection, her moist panties the only barrier that kept him from the target he coveted.

She squirmed.

He groaned and pulled her against his hardness.

The heat of her sex pressed on him, and her eyes were glued to his as she reached down and fingered the center of her panties, where the outline of her sex was clearly visible, lips deliciously defined.

“Mmmm.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her index finger as it traveled along her panties, teasing her mound. His finger joined hers, then replaced hers, moving back and forth with purpose.

Isabel twitched when he hit the spot. She leaned back, enjoyment on her face, her hands behind her, propping her up. He studied her voluptuousness, feasting on the sight of her. Isabel’s body arched, her breasts thrust forward and her nipples dark, and sexy against her full mounds.

She rocked her hips on his hardness, pushing him to limits he couldn’t stay away from if he’d wanted to.

She pulled on the bow of her panty over one hip. The fabric gave, separating, allowing him to see the trimmed treasure she’d barely been able to hide behind the semi-sheer panties.

Isabel grabbed his shoulders, her sex almost touching his cock, making it jerk in reaction. The heat of her sex teased his dick’s sensitive head, making him painfully harder. She pressed down, spearing herself on his cock as he filled her.

She gasped and the sound of her exhilaration shot a burst of adrenaline and desire through Gio. Taking her shoulders, he pushed her down, his shaft buried deeply inside her.

Her eyes flickered gold as her tigress responded to his tiger’s desire. Isabel took him in deeper, her muscles flexing, tightening, teasing him, pulling him closer to a whirlpool that threatened to throw him over the edge.

Grabbing her ass, he pushed her off, then lowered her back on, relishing the feel of her as her body sucked him back in, gliding against her juices and velvety flesh.

* * *

sabel panted
, closing her eyes, caught up in the sensations that were flowing through her body.

She rocked her hips, riding Gio, tilting and angling her body until she was feeling him strike every part of her.

Gio raised her up, almost completely off, then he dropped her onto his shaft, plunging deeply, impaling her with a long stroke that pulled a low moan from her and pushed her to new heights.

With a fierce groan, Gio moved them both and had her on all fours, ass up. He drove into her with a primal growl, then pulled her up, driving his teeth into her neck, right above her shoulder.

She climaxed, feeling him deeply inside her. Wave after wave took her to new heights, each one better than the one before.

“Mine. Always. Forever.” His voice was gruff with emotions.

“Yes,” she replied, her voice almost a growl, a sign her tigress was at the forefront.

Gio’s heat flowed inside Isabel as his bite delivered a different kind of heat throughout her body.

* * *

didn’t ask
if I could bond you,” Gio’s tone was even, not giving away any uncertainty, if he even felt any.

“I would have said yes,” Isabel responded.

He’d bonded her in the middle of their passion, as they both climaxed, he’d bitten her neck and laid claim to her, marking her as his to all the shifter world.

He’d not planned to give her a chance to leave him, but a part of him hoped she was willing.

Encouragement coursed through him that she admitted she’d have said yes.

“You’ll be with me forever, wherever I go.”

“Unless you make it so I can’t be,” Isabel responded.

A shiver ran over his flesh, a sense of doom drifted across the room, but he shoved it away. He wouldn’t let anything drive them away.



eeks later
. Northern Greece, along the Macedonian border.

io and Isabel
, Veila and Vax, and Gio’s security team were at a different villa, but not in Rome. Tito and Federico hadn’t come with them.

Gio had changed his mind about returning to the city for a while. He wanted to spend time as a family, away from interferences, so he’d took them to northern Greece close to the Macedonia border. In the denseness of the forests, far from anyone, the Tiero family was tight knit and becoming closer.

Isabel relished her time with Vax and Veila, and she’d taken on the role of caring for the little ones, a task she enjoyed.

She wanted them to know how much she valued them and that their place would never be in jeopardy within the Tiero family, though she and Gio would have children.

And soon, she thought, as she felt her abdomen, still hiding the fact she was carrying Gio’s child. She’d been uncertain about how and when to tell the children, so she hadn’t even told Gio yet.

She’d hidden the scent of her pregnancy with block, but knew that she couldn’t keep the secret for much longer because the little one would soon have an audible heartbeat to shifter hearing, even when it was still a tiny baby within her body.

She stretched in bed, pushing the covers off. Her body felt like a furnace these days.

She waited for a response from Gio but got none.

She switched subjects. “Do you think we could stay here in northern Greece? I think it would be a good place to raise children.”

“Children, huh?” He turned that dark gaze her way, melting her heart the way it always did when her alpha looked at her. “My hearing is better than most shifters, even. I heard its pulse last night. A tiny whisper of a sound while you slept.” He took her hand in his.

“It?” She frowned at him, a tiny frown, for ruining her surprise.

“The baby,” Gio said with a smile.

“What shall we name him?” She knew it was a boy.

He raised a brow. “Rafael.”

“And call him Rafe?” She’d always loved that nickname.

Gio frowned, then his forehead smoothed out. “We could. If that’s what you want.”

“Rafe.” Isabel let the name roll off her tongue. “Vax will make a great big brother.”

“He’d better.”

Isabel allowed herself a small headshake. “That’s not the way to get Vax to work with you.”

“He’s too headstrong.”

“Look at you, saying that about him, when he’s so much like you.”

Gio planted a small kiss on her forehead. “Promise me you’ll never leave me.”

“Promise me you won’t push me away.”

His dark gaze was unreadable. “I would never want to push you away. You’re my mate. The only one I want.”

Isabel touched her lips to his. “Let’s keep it that way.”

Gio place his head on her abdomen, listening closely. “I’m pinning hopes on him.”

“You mean him and Vax.”

His eyes were almost obsidian. “Vax is half Vanessa’s, also.”

Isabel studied him. “I trust you to do the right thing.” And she’d be there to do her best to temper the relationship between Gio and his intelligent, strong-willed son. As best she could.

Gio kissed her stomach, then lifted and planted his lips on hers. “I don’t want to know what I’d ever do without you,” he said into their kiss.

Isabel lowered herself on the bed, brought him down next to her. “Show me.” Her voice was a growl.

His tiger flashed silver in his eyes. His lips claimed hers.

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