Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8) (21 page)

BOOK: Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8)
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“It doesn’t need to be hard, Juliska. I realize you’re a little freaked out right now because of what happened when you were attacked. But with time you will learn control. I have faith in your abilities, even if you don’t, yet. So, Pajak… not such a creepy little gift after all, is he?”

She frowned. “Why not a bunny? Or a lady bug?”

“Don’t think so. I don’t like bunnies. Or small insects.”

She shook her head. “The great and mighty Grosvenor fears bunny rabbits…”

“I guess everyone fears something.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Hers was not the spider making a home in her hair though.

At least not right now. It was the fact that it was almost time for her to return home, to the island. To go back to her life. Would she be welcomed back and just slide into her old life? Was Eddy waiting for her?

Her fears surfaced later that night in her dreams. And the next night. And each night that followed leading up to when she’d leave for the island. The dreams were getting so awful she began to fear going to sleep, however, could not seem to keep herself awake. She was restless and yet exhausted. The dreams didn’t feel like visions, and she did not believe they were.

Just dreams. Nightmares. Her fears burrowing out of her subconscious like any normal person. And no dream was exactly the same, but each ended the same way.

An uncontrollable killing rampage when her vampyre side awakened with a need that could not be quenched. The first few dreams she killed her family. Then the next few, she killed Eddy. After that, she killed just about everyone on the entire damn island leaving behind a pile of lifeless corpses.

And right at the end, the dreams got super bizarre. There was one person left alive, an infant, which she held in her arms like it was her most prized possession. And then she burst into flames and when the fire went out, the infant was gone and she was on her knees looking over all the destruction she’d caused.

These dreams nagged at her day and night.

Even with the gift and promise of help from Fazendiin.

She feared returning home. Not just because she might hurt someone.

She was coming up on six months away. And her family, and Eddy, they had no idea if or when she’d return. She’d even given Eddy an out, a chance to move on with his life. What if he had? What if he’d met someone else… it was a thought she almost could not bear. Going home was not going to be as easy as she thought.

Eddy had once called her intuitive… he wasn’t wrong. She was sometimes, but more often than not, her gut feeling was correct. It had been wrong in the case of Fazendiin though, so maybe since she had been wrong before there was no reason to worry now.

She was going home a changed woman. Life on the island would never be exactly the same again. Part of her was excited by that fact, and the other part of her was scared out of her wits.

She sat up and swung her legs out over the edge of the bed. That stupid nausea had returned. Thankfully it never lasted long, but she was growing tired of it.

At breakfast, Fazendiin kept looking at her funny and she finally put down her fork and stared at him.

“You seem very agitated this morning,” he noted.

“Hm. Yes. Well…”

“Feel like sharing?”

Apparently she did.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m exhausted but I couldn’t possibly sleep right now. When I do sleep, I’m having wacky dreams that I can only describe as disturbing. I feel like if someone wanted to pick a fight with me this morning I’d take them on, or maybe even instigate the fight. I’m not a fighter! I may have a bit of a temper, but I don’t start fights. I just feel… weird. Not normal.”

“Are you still getting those bouts of nausea?” he asked her, concerned.

“Yeah, that too.”

“Have you ever been sick before?”

“No. I’ve always been lucky. Very healthy. Never even had a cold.”

“Are the dreams why you’re not sleeping well?”

“Yes,” she admitted. “At least I think so.” She proceeded to explain her nightmares to him. “I guess I’m worried I will fail and hurt someone. Maybe even kill someone.”

“I’m not sure how to alleviate those fears, Juliska. I think this is something you have to work through on your own.” He opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it and stopped.


“After breakfast, I had something to tell you but now, I’m worried it’s not the right time.”

“For what? Just tell me.”

“You are free to go home.”

” She let out an even breath. She knew this moment was coming and still felt unprepared.

“I have taught and shown you all your parents desired, plus a few things. Their wishes are fulfilled. Now, the choice is completely yours Juliska. You can go back to the Svoda. But I would never force it upon you if you chose not to. It seems, if you examine your dreams, you do have some fears over doing so. And to be frank, I understand these concerns. They are valid. What happens if they discover what you are? I cannot answer that. At the same time, they are not the Svoda of old and raised you as one of their own.”

She nodded, understanding.

“I do want to go home,” she whispered. “I need to.”

“I did not think you’d choose otherwise. You have family there. Friends. Loved ones.”


“Then it is the right choice for you.” He paused, looking at her evenly “There is one last offer I can make you. I wasn’t going to because it seemed clear to me you’d say no. And you may still, and that is perfectly acceptable. But I will offer just the same. All your fears could be alleviated by doing one thing…”

She froze for a moment, already aware of what he was going to say.

“I won’t lie and pretend I haven’t thought about it,” she answered before he even finished. “Being immortal has its pluses, especially for someone like me.” 

” he assumed.

She faltered. “But… I’m not sure.”

“Fair enough. There’s still plenty of time. It does not have to be today. Or even before you go home.”

“It’s a big decision, I just need more time. I was thinking maybe once I feel things out back home…”

He nodded in agreement.

“This may sound stupid, but I’m assuming if I say yes and become immortal, it’s not something I can take back, right?”

“It is final. So be certain.”

“Okay. I will think on it. Very hard.”

Fazendiin smiled compassionately.

She would say yes. It was just a matter of time.

And he’d already given her the gift, so now, it was just waiting for her to realize how much she wanted and needed it.




Another night of sneaking into Juliska’s room.

Fazendiin made certain she was sleeping soundly.

He’d not come in to give her nightmares… not tonight.

He had other plans, an examination to do. Tonight he needed to check on her child.

He was stringing her along at this point. He’d planned on letting her leave right after returning from her travels. But not until he witnessed the pregnancy moving forward, like it should. Each time he checked, it was close. So close.

Whatever had happened during her transformation into immortality, it had slowed the pregnancy, but now, since she’d fed, it had showed progress and moved forward.

Each night, just a little more.

He did his examination and grinned in wickedly delighted anticipation.

The pregnancy was moving forward just like it should. As if conception had just occurred. What a strange phenomenon.

In a few weeks, Juliska would discover she was pregnant and she needed to be home before then.

He could not wait to see what became of this child.

They were certain to be extraordinary. The most unique child ever born.

And now that he knew the pregnancy was healthy and moving forward, he needed to make Juliska Blackwell sick. A fake sickness. It would be entirely in her head, but she’d experience it as though it were death itself knocking on her door. It would make her crazy, and do crazy things. And there would be only one solution to fix it… to make her immortal.

His hand swiped across her forehead.

He turned and left the room.

It was nearly done. The last step before he let her return home. Fazendiin strode into his private quarters. He went to a corner where there was an oblong mirror draped in a dark, thick cloth. He uncovered it. This action called the person who kept its counterpart. But she might be busy and need a few minutes to answer.

However, just a moment later a face began to materialize in the glass.

“Master,” she nodded in greeting. “What can I do for you this fine night?”

“Tanzea. You look well.”

“I do my best.”

“Juliska will be returning soon. Are you ready?”

“Of course. Everything is prepared, Master.”

“Perfect. And how is our other project coming along?”

“Excellent, Master. Since the Svoda’s quest ended so abruptly,” she snickered, “and the plans for expansion postponed indefinitely… causing upheaval has not been difficult.”

“You’re confident this woman you chose, Amelia Cobb, is the right person for the job?”

“Yes. She’s perfectly oblivious. The seeds were planted and I barely even had to water them. She did it all on her own. Started a little rebellion she has. Amassed quite the feisty following. They are demanding that the Banon allow them off the island, peacefully, or they’ll fight their way off. They want to start their own clan.”

“Nicely done. Looks like this Amelia is easy to persuade.”

“Just needed a little nudge from her old mentor…” Tanzea let out a malicious laugh. “Her goals are lofty but her ego, loftier… and her followers, they don’t even care what she believes in. They just want change. They are an oppressed people looking for a new way of life.”

Fazendiin grinned, satisfied with the news. “And her relationship with Juliska, from the little she has shared with me, is tenuous at best.”

“Yes, Master. That is what I have seen as well.”

“Good. You have served me well.”

“It is what I live for. Master.” Tanzea bowed again.

“Do you think the current Banon will agree to Amelia’s departure?”

“No. At least not without conflict first. He’s adamant they work out a peaceful agreement.”

“Good. I’d like to see it fester a little more. Juliska is not quite ready yet to be the next Banon. But she will be, soon.”

“The pregnancy is stable then?” Tanzea questioned.

“Yes. Are all your arrangements in order for the child?”

“Almost. Just a few small things to line up. By the time she knows she’s pregnant, I’ll be ready.”

“Good. Good. It is vital everything work out perfectly. She cannot keep the child, but it must come to term.”

“As you wish, Master.”

“That is all for now.”

Her face dematerialized from his mirror. He draped the cloth over it again.

Sowing the seeds of discord was so easy. Too easy with such weak minds. He had a lot of plans for this Amelia Cobb and her lofty ego.

He’d give her access to all she wanted and in return, without even realizing it, she’d give him exactly what he needed.

A way to get Juliska on his side once and for all.

A way to finish off the rest of the Grosvenor before they got wise enough to plot against him.

He laughed at the very idea… he was so far ahead; it was of no consequence whatsoever. Still, he wanted the pests gone. They were hardly competition, but a menace to his plans nonetheless.

Fazendiin stepped out of his private quarters and went into the study where his mother’s frame waited in the stained glass.

“Oh, Mother. What a satisfying day.”

thing have you done now, Son?”

“Oh nothing in particular.” Like he’d tell her. “Just my general ability to be so many years ahead of my enemies.”

She tossed him a fake smile.
All but one…
she wanted to tell him.

But this was not her secret to share.




Time suddenly seemed to move quickly.

When before, Juliska wanted time to hurry, it dragged. And now, there just wasn’t enough of it. She was packing. Preparing to go home. She’d bought many things while on her excursion around the globe, plus Fazendiin had given her many things, her closets stuffed full… and he’d insisted she take whatever she wanted.

She got tired of packing and stared out of her window.

Her window…
this was her room now.

How odd, compared to her first week here.

Outside, everything was decaying and brown. The leaves had fallen leaving the trees bare. A layer of frost glistened, but it didn’t add any warmth. The outside temperatures had dipped below freezing for the first time, meaning another long winter had arrived.

BOOK: Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8)
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