Fort Morgan (43 page)

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Authors: Claudia Hall Christian

Tags: #paranormal, #serial fiction, #strong female character, #uplifting, #denver cereal

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Did you hear they were
married?” Katia’s eyes gleamed with malicious glee.

Bestat sighed.

You should tread very
carefully, Katia,” Bestat said.

I should. . .”
Katia said. “Do you have any idea who you’re speaking

I’ve spoken with your
mother-in-law,” Bestat said. “She was unaware of your campaign to
destroy Ms. Delgado’s career. Further, she had no idea that, in her
name, you forced Ivan into virtual servitude for a

Katia turned to face Bestat.

Your mother-in-law has
spoken to her homosexual son,” Bestat said. “She has told him that
she is willing to stand by him while they speak to his

Bestat turned over her wrist to look at her

That should have happened
a half-hour ago,” Bestat said.

Katia’s phone beeped twice.

I’d guess that is your
husband telling you the news,” Bestat said.

You had no right!” Katia

You requested that Ms.
Delgado’s guardians attend this meeting,” Bestat said.

She turned her head to look at Katia.

I am one of her
guardians,” Bestat said. “So is Seth O’Malley.”

O’Malley?” Katia’s voice
rose a bit.

Sissy’s sister is a
guardian, of course,” Bestat said. “You know Otis? He’s an old
friend of Ivan’s.”

Katia’s head went up and down.

Otis will be in
attendance as well,” Bestat said.

Katia swallowed hard.

He’s always liked me,”
Katia said with a little too much confidence.

Have you met his new life
partner?” Bestat asked.

Katia’s eyes went big.

Yes, he is off the
market,” Bestat said. “Now, we cannot affect the contract you
tricked Ivan into signing, but we will not stand by as you destroy
a talented young woman’s career.”

You have no idea!” Katia
said. “He groomed her to be his. . .”

Bestat’s head turned again to look at Katia.
Bestat sighed. A thin puff of smoke came from her mouth.

You know full well that
the only reason that he said he was married to Sissy so that a
dying girl wouldn’t have to go to the hospital alone,” Bestat

That’s not what
for the
night said,” Katia said. “And she was there.”

Bestat reached into her pocket and took out
a USB drive.

It happened in front of
my home,” Bestat said. “This is the security tape. You can see him
hesitate, and then make a decision. You can also see that Sabrina,
the ballerina you referred to, was hysterical. You should also know
that she’s been deemed an unreliable witness by the

Katia stared at Bestat.

You have awoken a
sleeping dragon,” Bestat said through her teeth. “Be careful that
you do not get eaten.”

The elevator doors opened. Bestat walked off
the elevator, leaving Katia in her wake.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-seven

Why are you

Friday early morning — 2:12 a.m.

New York City, New York


Sissy awoke with a start as a wave of pain
came over her. She automatically looked to the couch where Sandy
had been sleeping, and glanced at the chair where Delphie had sat.
For the first time since she was admitted to the hospital, Sandy
and Delphie weren’t there. Abi was gone, too. The doctor had said
that, in order for Sissy to be released early, she would have to
make it through a night alone. After all, if she couldn’t make it
through the night alone in the hospital, where she had twenty-four
hour care, how would she make it at home?

Sissy was determined to get out of this
hospital. She stared straight ahead. Counting the holes in the
sound tile above, she tried to figure out why she wanted out so
badly. Leaving the hospital meant she was leaving New York. Leaving
New York meant leaving her dream of being an apprentice ballerina.
Sissy heard her door open and close. She pressed the button on the
bed so she could see.

Don’t,” Ivan said. “You
need to be flat.”

In typical Ivan fashion, he took the control
from her and laid her flat. She touched his hand.

I’d rather see you,” she
said in a low tone.

His eyes flicked to her face.

Why are you here?” she

As if it were working out the question, his
left eyebrow moved up and down.

I. . .” he
stared. He set the bed control down. He gave her a slight smile.
“I’m sorry. I treat you like a child.”

You do,” Sissy said
almost as a sigh. “I’ve been a child most of the time you’ve known

Ivan eyes scanned her face.

And you are not a child
anymore?” Ivan asked.

Sissy looked away from him. Unsure of what
to do, Ivan watched her face.

I don’t feel like a
child,” Sissy said after a few minutes. “I. . . remember
dying — being outside of my body, and my dad. . . Delphie
and Abi have done these. . . shows of your

My life?” Ivan

Some of it.” Sissy made a
small nod. “I’ve known you my whole life, and I don’t know you at

Big mysterious Ivan,” he
grinned. “I am, at my very heart, completely boring.”

She smiled.

I. . . I feel
like I used to see things as they related to me,” Sissy said. “Now,
I’m starting to see bigger things. I’m starting to understand the
world outside of me. You, me. . . I mean, for all the
times I thought about dying, tried to kill myself,
and. . .”

Sissy shook her head with such fervor that
she gasped in pain. She panted for a moment before her eyes
returned to him.

I don’t want to die,”
Sissy said.

I’m glad,” Ivan

I want. . .”
Sissy’s eyes flicked to his face and she stopped

They looked at each other for a while. Sissy
looked away first.

Are you coming to
Denver?” Sissy asked.

I cannot,” Ivan

As if she were in pain, Sissy gasped. Tears
fell down her face. As he’d always done, Ivan grabbed her hand to
stabilize her.

Why?” Sissy

I took a contract that
would ensure I would be able to stay here with you,” Ivan said. “It
never occurred to me that they would dismiss you,
and. . .”

Kate,” Sissy

How did you know that?”
Ivan asked. “Did Delphie. . . They were not supposed to
tell you anything.”

It sounds like her,”
Sissy said. “She hates me.”

Sissy’s eyes flicked to his face.

I’ve always known that
Kate hated me,” she said after a moment.

She has married well and
is on the board of many ballet companies,” Ivan scowled.

Is that why no one would
take me as an apprentice?” Sissy asked.

Da,” Ivan

I knew it didn’t have
anything to do with Charlie.” Sissy looked away from

Charlie? Your brother?”
Ivan shook his head. “No. It was Katia.”

Just as well,” Sissy
said. Tears rolled down her face. “I’ll never dance

Sissy,” Ivan

No one will say it,”
Sissy said. “But I see it on their faces. I’ll never dance again,
and you. . .”

She started to cry outright. Unsure of what
to do, Ivan glanced at the door before bending over the bed to wrap
her in his long arms. Sissy pressed her face into his shoulder.

There is no certainty,”
Ivan said in Russian.

What?” Sissy pulled back
to look at him.

There is no certainty,”
he said in Russian. “We don’t know that you won’t dance

I don’t speak Russian.”
Sissy shook her head.

Why is that?” Ivan said
in English and smiled. “It is the language of the Gods.”

Greek.” Sissy sniffed at
her tears. She dabbed her eyes with the edge of her sheet.

Yes, this is true,” Ivan
laughed. “Greek and Hebrew are the languages of the

Ivan scanned her face, and she gave him a
watery smile.

Will you tell me what you
said?” Sissy asked. “Please.”

He looked into her tear-stained face.

I said that we don’t
know,” Ivan said with a shrug. “We don’t know if you will dance
again, and we don’t know that you won’t. Even the Oracle will not
hazard a guess. But I. . .”

He smiled at her and set her down onto the

I know you,” Ivan said.
“If you wish to dance again, you will dance again.”

Not without you,” Sissy
said. “I’ve only ever danced my best when you were with

Not true,” he said. “You
were a spectacular Irish dancer.”

How do you know about
that?” Sissy asked.

Ivan grinned.

You saw me Irish dance?”
Sissy asked. “I thought you were in New York!”

There are planes,” Ivan

Will you come to Denver
to help me dance?” Sissy asked.

Nothing could keep me
away,” Ivan said. “Two days a week and holidays. When you are
ready, we will work. Your sister has asked if I will help Charlie,

Ivan nodded.

Would be my pleasure,”
Ivan said.

Oh,” Sissy said. She
stared at the ceiling for a moment.

What is it?” Ivan

I. . .” Sissy
sighed and looked back at him. “You’ll be here. With

Nadia?” Ivan

And I’ll. . .”
Sissy said. “I don’t know if I can. . .”

She felt a flash of irritation with

Why are you here?” Sissy
asked again.

I came to ask
you. . .” Ivan stumbled. His words seemed to get stuck in
his throat. “Would you. . . I mean, I would understand if
you didn’t, of course, but I thought I should at least
ask. . .”

Sissy turned her head to look at him. She’d
always known him to be sure of himself. Tonight, he seemed almost

What is it?” Sissy

I wondered if you could
ever see me as anything other than your teacher,” Ivan

What do you mean?” Sissy

I wondered if you might
want to explore a different kind of relationship,” Ivan

I love you.” Sissy felt
the words burst out of her. “I’ve
loved you.”

You have?” Ivan

Yes,” Sissy said. “But
you had Kate and Nadia and Lisa and Yolanda and Camille and
Kathleen and Maria and the other Mary and Terry and Janet and Diana
and Liz and Adele and Jen and Jenni with an ‘i’ and Jennifer
and. . .”

Sissy stopped to catch her breath.

A whole bunch more,”
Sissy said. “That awful Sabrina just the other day.”

She looked at Ivan, and he gave her a
sheepish grin.

What did you mean a
‘different kind of relationship’?” Sissy asked.

More romantic,” Ivan
said. “Less teacher and student.”

Why?” Sissy asked. “You
have all of those. . .”

I have always loved you,
as well,” Ivan said. “Always.”

No,” Sissy shook her

It is true,” Ivan said.

You’re so formal with
me,” Sissy said. “Mean. Controlling.”

I am trying
to. . .” Ivan said. “I don’t know. I want you
to. . .”

Ivan shrugged.

I don’t want to be the
old guy who takes advantage of the young, naïve girl,” Ivan said.
“I wanted you to grow up free of the burden of my. . .
want for you.”

You don’t want to be the
pervert,” Sissy said.

Yes,” Ivan said. “They
called me a ‘pervert’ at your first eating-disorder treatment. That
is why your mother sent me away.”

My mother sent you away
so she could pocket the money for your lessons,” Sissy said in a
wry voice.

Oh?” Ivan asked. “That is

Sissy nodded. He reached for her hand

Did you starve yourself
to be perfect for me?” Ivan asked.

For you?” Sissy burst out
laughing. Imitating his voice, she said, “Ballerinas must eat for

He grinned at her imitation. For a moment,
they smiled at each other. Ivan’s smile fell, and sorrow filled his

Why, then?” Ivan

I. . .” Sissy
shrugged. “Sandy found a book that says that starving creates a
kind of insanity that supports starving. Once I was in the starving
zone, the mental illness took over.”

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