Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One (15 page)

Read Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One Online

Authors: Yana Guleva

Tags: #vampire, #love, #paranormal romance, #free, #series, #powers, #werewolf and vampire

BOOK: Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One
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I looked at Tae and James, and their eyes
were filled with amazement. Without a word, I stepped out of the

Amabel, we need to get out
of here. Hop on my back, we run faster than you.” James told me. I
didn’t listen. I felt the watcher inside me. I felt all the power I
had at that moment, and I wasn’t going to pass it up. I started
walking into the woods, straight for the hunters. I could smell
their skin, and the human blood they drank. I could feel it running
through their veins.

Amabel no! You haven’t
fully enhanced your abilities! Amabel!” I heard Tae scream. I
didn’t care. I couldn’t feel anything but fury. As I walked I felt
the ground shake. I didn’t know if it was me or the thunder that
came from the sudden storm. I could feel my eyes getting wider, and
my veins pumping blood. My heartbeat got louder, as well as the
hunters’. They were close, too close.

You blood sucking demons!
Get out here, now!” I walked to a stop. I could hear their breath,
yet I saw no one. “You lousy bustards. What, are you too scared to
come out?” I screamed towards them. They were coming out, and I got
a wide smile on my face. This wasn’t going to be just a

You want me? Come and get
me!” I screamed. They lined up in front of me. I could see about
ten. I gave another smile.

Little girl, little girl.”
One of the hunters said smiling. “Will it be you against us this
lovely night?” He added.

No, it will be you against
two lycans, and the last watcher. So walk away before it’s too
late.” Tae said, stepping in with me, as well as James. With Tae on
my left and James in my right, this was going to be better than I
thought. Still feeling the watcher within in me. I was ready to

Well then, I declare this a
war.” The hunter said, who seemed like the leader of them all. With
a smile on my face, I felt it all within me. I looked to each of my
sides, and saw Tae and James change. Tae with his black and white
fur on my left as before, and James with his brown and black fur on
my right.

Oh, it’s on.” I told the
hunter. The tension between us blew off the charts. With a simple
thought and a clenched fist, I brought one hunter to the ground. I
had no remorse for any of them. I’ve never even seen any of their
faces before. If they were going to kill us, I was going to fight
right back. I saw the other hunters looking at the one I put to the
ground, and for my enjoyment, I crushed him slowly. With their eyes
in surprise, they looked back at me and seemed ready to attack. I
saw Tae and James run at them. They took out two more with no
problems. The other seven seemed stronger, and were helping each
other to fight off Tae and James. Suddenly, the hunters did not
look the same as before. It was as if they turned into something
else. Their pale skin was now a grayish color with red veins
popping out of every inch of their body. They did not look human,
or any hunter. They looked like straight creatures.
I heard Tae
scream to me in my mind.

What do you mean? What are
they?” I asked out loud. I didn’t know what these things were. They
were stronger, and completely hideous.
They’re called Staggers! They’re not like the rest of the
hunters. They are vampires straight from hell!
He screamed in my mind. The name or the ugliness didn’t bother
me. I guess their teeth gave them the name. They looked like
kitchen knives. Sharp and silver. I needed to help Tae and James. I
couldn’t just stand here. Before I could do anything, I heard Tae
howl in pain. They tore completely into his arm. I could see the
flesh through his skin, and the blood pouring out of his arm. I
couldn’t bear the howl. The pain he had. The pain that
felt he had. I could
feel my tears rising in my eyes. These staggers will get revenge.
Without any rain, without any lightning, I took my own energy and
pushed it towards the stagger that hurt Tae. As he flew up in the
air, and hit the tree, he lit on fire. I see Tae weak but still
fighting. James and him are watching each other, and tearing the
staggers apart. With another force of energy from my body, I pushed
it towards a stagger that was on top of Tae, and he flew off
exploding in the air. I felt a chilly flow throughout my body, and
saw a glow surrounding me. The next stagger I saw, I tried pushing
out more energy towards him. This time it wasn’t a bolt that blew
him up or burnt him. A bright yellow light came out of my hands,
and pushed the stagger thought out the woods. It tore down hundreds
of trees. I put down my hands when I could see him no more. I once
again looked at Tae and James, and they were growling as lycans at
the last few staggers. Without them approaching them, they turned
around, and ran off. With the chill in my body still remaining and
the light around me, Tae and James took notice. They looked at each
other and back at me. As they changed back into human, I felt as if
I still needed to fight. I still needed to get this all

Get it out Amabel!” I heard
James scream. “It will kill you if you keep it in you for too
long!” James screamed. I didn’t know how. I could feel it circling
within my body, but I could not get rid of it. I needed to shoot it
out, at a hunter, or stagger, anyone but thin air.

I can’t!” I screamed

Shoot it at me!” Tae
commanded me.

No! I’d keep it in and die
before I did that!”

Shoot it at me

No!” I screamed. Instead of
letting it out on Tae or anything around me. I screamed in pain as
I felt it tear up my insides.

What is it doing to her?”
Tae screamed to James.

She took out an ability
that should only be used in extreme danger. Something she should
have never taken out today!” James answered Tae.

What should we do? How are
we going to stop it?” Tae asked worried.

We can’t. Only she can.”
James told him, looking at me. With nothing left to do, and only
feeling the pain of the power tearing me inside. I screamed like I
have never screamed before. I felt the wind pick up, and the trees
almost blown to the ground. I could see Tae and James dropping to
the ground. Holding themselves down. All I did was scream. The
leaves blowing off their trees are hitting everything in sight. In
complete and total pitch blackness, I was making light. Screaming
every last breath out, I stopped with nothing left inside me.
Falling to my knees, I looked over at Tae. He ran over to me and
held me before I completely dropped.

Amabel, breathe!” I heard
him scream, but it sounded faint though my ears.
I.. can’t.. breathe.
told him through my mind, not able to speak. As Tae’s eyes filled
with tears, I fell completely into his arms.

I.. love you.” I forced
myself to say. If this was it, then those were going to be my last

Amabel, please. Find it
within you to breathe! Force it!” He screamed. Yet again, I only
heard it in faint. Everything around Tae seemed to get darker, and
all I could see were his eyes. With a few more seconds left, I
would be gone. I looked at Tae one last time, and slowly fell into



Amabel” I heard someone
say. “Turn back.” I couldn’t see anyone, nor even knew where I was.
Everything was so bright. “Who is it?” I asked. “I am no one you
need to worry about. Close your eyes my Amabel, and think of love.
Go back to your loved ones.” The voice told me. Was I dreaming?” I
don’t understand.” I told the voice. “Where am I?” I couldn’t see a
thing. It felt like I was just staring into a light and my vision
was blurred. “You being the last watcher, we give you one more
chance.” The voice said. “One more chance.” It repeated itself
quietly. “What do you mean? What happened to me?” I asked. This was
definitely a dream. “You may not use the powers of Carver until it
is time. You may not repeat the same mistake twice. When the time
comes, you may use his powers. Until then, stick to your own.” The
voice told me. “I don’t understand. You’re telling me I’m using my
father’s powers?” I asked, with more curiosity now. “You may not
use Carver’s powers, as they are not yours to keep yet. Complete
the last steps as a watcher, and you may use them at your will.”
The voice told me, but I still didn’t understand. “Why aren’t you
answering me? I didn’t mean to use his powers. And what do you mean
they’re not mine yet? What other steps do I have to finish?” I
asked the voice back. Hoping I’d get an answer. “You may not use
Carver’s powers, as they are not yours to keep yet. Complete the
last steps as a watcher, and you may use them at your will.” The
voice repeated itself, more faintly now. “We give you one last
chance, as you are the last watcher. Close your eyes, and think of
your loved ones.” The voice told me once more. Without hesitation
or any more questions. I did as it said. I closed my eyes tightly,
and pictured Tae. I thought about Kierce, my mother, and how I have
James now. With that, their faces ran through my mind. The memories
I had with them filled me with emotions. Love, lust, pain. I
lightly put a smile on, and faded into yet another



When I woke up, I was in Tae’s bed. I loved
the coziness of his house. I missed the feeling of being warm under
his covers. He always let me sleep in here, and usually slept on
the couch in the next room. I appreciated that he did that for me,
as well as for everything else.

Will she come back to us?”
I heard Kierce ask.

I don’t know.” Tae answered
him, in a voice I’ve never heard. It sounded depressed, and in
pain. I couldn’t feel anything he did though. That was strange. I
finally decided to get out of bed to hug everyone tightly. I felt
like I haven’t seen them in weeks. As I tried to open my eyes, I
couldn’t. They felt too heavy for me to move. I tried lifting my
hand, and again failed.

She’s been in a coma for
too long.” James said. A coma? How was I in a coma?
Tae I’m right here!
tried screaming to him in his mind. I got no response. That
explains why I can’t feel his feelings. I figured if I could open
the connection, he will hear me again. As I tried to focus on Tae,
and trying to contact him, I realized I was too weak. It was a like
a road block, and wouldn’t let me though. Oh how I wanted to let
them know I was okay.

Can you guys just leave her
with me.” Tae told Kierce and James. They did as he asked. I heard
the room door open and close. “Oh my Amabel. If only you didn’t use
that power. If only you stuck to your abilities. You would be awake
right now ready to eat dinner with us. I miss you so much.” Tae
said to me, picking up my hand and squeezing it tight. “I wish I
could have helped you. I just let you slip right in my arms.” He
added, now in tears. He sobbed in my ear, still holding my hand. I
wish I could tell him I was okay, and I was right here. “I love you
so much Amabel, oh I can’t tell you how much this hurts.” He said,
crying even more now. I tried to open my eye lids, to at least let
him know I could hear him, but failed. They were too heavy, and I
had no energy at all. It killed me to hear him crying like that. “I
can’t live without you my love. Come back to me Amabel. Come back
to me.. please.. come back..” He said, with his voice cracking and
getting quieter. There wasn’t a single thing I could do to let him
know I was here. With trying so much to make any movement, I failed
and became even more weak. I now could no longer stay awake, and
fell back into sleep. The only thing I could really manage to


It’s been weeks now. When
will she come back?” I heard Kierce ask Tae.

She might not.” He answered

What do you mean she might
not?” James now asked.

That’s exactly what I mean.
Her being the last watcher or not. She is still human, and with her
putting out as much power as she had in her, overwhelmed her. You
know this James. You
she might never wake up.” Tae said angrily, and I
heard him walk out of the room.

James, can I have some time
alone with her?” Kierce asked James.

Yes of course.” He told
him, as he walked up to me, lightly kissed me on the forehead and
left the room as well.

Amabel, I know I made you
angry before. I know I did what I shouldn’t have done. You need to
know, I love you. I’ve always loved you. My father sent me here to
lure you in, but as the fool I am, I fall in love.” Kierce said to
me with a slight giggle yet sadness in his voice. “It feels like I
have waited for someone like you all my life. Ever since a little
boy, I used to look at my father and mother so deeply in love. I
always hoped to have the same thing. My father, just like me, fell
in love with a watcher. The watcher, who was my mother, loved him
back and agreed to get changed. Can you believe that? She loved him
so much that she was going to get changed into one of us to stay
with him. She lost all her powers, and one day, the other watchers
killed her. They had no remorse. She never bit a human my father
told me. Yet they still slaughtered her like they would anyone
else. Ever since then, my father could not stand a single watcher,
and destroyed every one of them. Besides you. I wish he’d
understand how much I love you, but I guess he doesn’t. He just
wants you alive and as a hunter so you could come in handy. Since
you are the
watcher and all. I hope that never happens. If you ever decide
to change. I hope it’s only for me.” I can’t believe this. His
mother was a watcher? And why would her own kind kill her? Well, I
guess that was because she was no longer their kind. I wanted to
answer Kierce so bad, and ask him more, but couldn’t. Nothing came
out of my mouth and my eye lids were still too heavy to open.
Hating the fact that I can’t let anyone know I’m right here, I
forced at least my finger to move. I failed, but I tried again. I
felt a slight nerve go through me, and I finally moved a single

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