Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One (16 page)

Read Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One Online

Authors: Yana Guleva

Tags: #vampire, #love, #paranormal romance, #free, #series, #powers, #werewolf and vampire

BOOK: Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One
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Amabel? Did you just….”
Kierce said in surprise. I tried again to move my finger, and this
time it was more than just one. “Oh my god, you did. Oh Amabel, I
knew you’d wake up. I knew it! Tae! James! She’s awake!” Kierce
screamed in excitement. He took my hand and squeezed it tightly.
“It’s okay my love, I know you’re here. You can rest now. Soon
you’ll be up in no time.” He told me. I heard Tae and James running
in the room.

What happened?” Tae

She’s awake! She moved her
fingers. She’s awake!” Kierce screamed in excitement.

Oh thank goodness. It’s
okay Amabel, sweetie. Get some rest.” I heard my brother

Amabel, can you really hear
us?” Tae asked. I again, moved my fingers. I wanted Tae to come
closer so I could feel his skin. “Oh my Amabel!” Tae yelled,
running to me. He grabbed my hand and leaned in to kiss me on the
cheek. “I can’t believe this. Oh Amabel.” He said softly, and I
could hear him rise into tears. “I thought I lost you.” He told me
in a whisper. I didn’t want him feeling like this, but I had no
choice but to rest right now. Knowing that my loved ones think I’m
alright now, I relaxed my muscles and my mind traveled elsewhere.
Somewhere unimaginable.

I could see Tae looking at
me, with such anger within him. His eyes narrowed, and his eyebrows
closed in. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but nothing came
out. I looked over to my side, hoping it wasn’t me he was looking
at that way, and saw Kierce. His smile wide, while he looked at me
instead of Tae. I noticed I wasn’t wearing my usual clothing. It
was strange. Something a hunter would wear. I had black leather
pants on with a tight shirt that showed off my chest. I noticed my
hands and they weren’t my usual color either. They were pale, just
like Kierce’s. I looked back at Tae with such fear, and saw my
reflection in his eyes. I looked like pale stone. I was not human.
I was a hunter. Was this really happening? Have I picked Kierce to
be with? How could this be? I loved Kierce very much but I would
never give up being a watcher. I was the only one left to make
peace on this world. Without me, hunters would roam free and do
whatever they please. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t happening.
Please let this be a dream that would never come true.
You abandoned me.
I heard
Tae say without moving his mouth. He was still able to contact me
through his mind.
What do you mean
I asked him.
You abandoned me! You chose him over me! You chose someone so
pathetic over someone you were supposed to bonded with! This wasn’t
supposed to happen!
He screamed in my mind.
No, this didn’t happen. This wasn’t true.

Chapter Twelve - Lust and Hate

Tae!” I woke up screaming.
I was back into the place I remembered. Tae’s home, my home. I
started crying, picturing what I have just dreamed. I couldn’t
believe such a thing could happen. Me reacting this way made me
think I wanted to be more with Tae than anyone. I felt like I
wouldn’t be complete without him.

Amabel! Are you okay?” I
heard Tae screaming, running into the room. Of course it was Tae
that would catch the voice of my sound first. He was bonded to me.
Without me, he would be completely empty. No emotions, no life. So
how could I possibly do such a thing to him and change into a
hunter? I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. What if I did though?

Yes Tae.” I answered, with
tears rolling down my cheeks.

What happened? Does
something hurt?”

No Tae.” I told

Then, why are you crying.”
He asked me more worried now.

Just a dream. I’m

Well I’m glad you’re okay
my love. You’re finally awake. Can you fully move?” He asked me.
With that, I tried to slowly get up and it came with ease. I had no
problem moving or talking. I was fully recovered.

How long have I been out?”
I asked him. Curious on how long I really have been sleeping since
even the last time I heard them talking to me.

About three weeks, I
believe. It has felt longer than that, so I kind of lost

You look like hell.” I told
him. He really did. He had bags under his eyes like he hasn’t slept
for days. His cheeks were sunk in, and his face had a pale look to

I know. I.. haven’t been
eating or sleeping normal. That’s all.” I knew there was more to
it, but I really didn’t want to make this any worse. I was okay
now, and wanted Tae to get some rest.

Listen, I’m okay now,
really. I had plenty of rest. I’m going to go eat something and I
think you need to get some rest.” I told him. Hoping he would
listen to me.

Yes, you’re right. I’m glad
you’re alright Amabel. I’ve been… so worried.”

I know, everything will be
okay now though. Get some rest.” I told him, giving him a slight
kiss on his cheek. It felt amazing feeling his skin against mine.
It was almost electrifying. I got up off the bed completely, and
headed out the door. I looked back at Tae, and focused on his eyes.
He looked so restless, I just wanted him to be okay. “Sleep, I will
come back to visit you soon. It’s your turn to feel better now.” I
told him with a smile. He gave me a faint smile back, and laid down
on the bed holding the pillow I was just sleeping on.

I came out into the kitchen to Kierce and
James up on their feet staring at the room. I was wondering if Tae
took all responsibility on caring for me that they just kind of
stayed on the side, hoping I was okay every time I woke up.

Hey guys.” I said to them,
smiling. They look like they’ve seen a ghost.

Amabel!” Kierce screamed,
running to me and taking me into his arms. “We heard you scream,
but didn’t dare to go in there. Tae has been checking up on you
constantly. Actually, today was the first day in the past week he
even left the room. How are you feeling?”

I’m.. feeling good. Much
better. Just hungry.” I told him.

One step ahead of you sis.”
James said. “Come here, give me a hung. I’ve missed you. Tae
wouldn’t let your own blood go in there.” He told me

Really?” I asked. Hugging
my brother back. It felt good to finally be awake and being able to
control everything again. I felt helpless not being able to move,
or even talk.

Yeah, he was a little too
overprotected.” Kierce added. I knew Tae loved me, and no way he
was going to let anything else happen to me. He’d kill anyone who
even breathed the wrong way near me. I laughed silently in my

So what’s to eat?” I asked
them. Anxious to eat a full course meal.

Got some juicy hamburgers
made up for you!” James told me. As much as I didn’t like to eat
meat, I couldn’t wait to have some. Not eating for a few weeks made
me lose too much weight. I needed to be ready for whatever else was
going to come. I knew Luthius wouldn’t stop at that. He wouldn’t
stop at anything.

Thanks, I really need it.
Anything for that matter.” I told James as I sat down to eat with

Where’s Tae?” Kierce asked
me curiously.

Oh, I told him to get some
rest. He looks like crap.” I answered him. Both James and Kierce
knew I was right. Tae really hasn’t eaten or slept on

I’m glad you’re okay
Amabel.” Kierce said to me. I looked up at him and fell into his
eyes. They were filled with love and care. I could see that he
wanted to spend some time with me. He also missed me these past few
weeks, as I have missed him. I pictured the vision I had in my
head. Everything seemed so wrong about it, but as I looked into
Kierce’s eyes, it was so right. How could I possibly be in love
with two men at once. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t going to
happen. I knew soon enough, I would have to pick the one who I
would spend the rest of my life with. As the last watcher, I only
had one choice to make, and I had to make it only once.

Would you like to go take a
walk with me after we eat?” Kierce asked,

Yeah, that sounds good.” I
told him honestly. I wanted to get some fresh air, and Kierce
seemed like the right person to do that with. I enjoyed spending
time with Kierce, and I was looking forward to it now more since I
really haven’t seen him in so long.

I ate my lunch quick, and was ready to get
some fresh air.

Well you were hungry, huh?”
James asked me with a grin.

Ha, ha. You try not eating
for three weeks.” I said to him now laughing. I loved the sarcasm
that James had. He always seemed to make a dull moment fun. “You
ready?” I asked Kierce.

Ready as I’ll ever be.” He
told me, and we walked out of the house for our walk. I didn’t know
where we were going, but I honestly didn’t care.

I realized we headed towards the lake, and
right now, it seemed like the best idea. The lake looked beautiful.
I could see the sun glaring off of it, along with the reflection of
the trees. It was warm outside, which told me spring was here. I
could hear the birds chirping and it relaxed with such ease.

Kierce, can I ask you

Sure, shoot.”

Why did you break the law,
when you know it means so much to me. You know I’m the last watcher
and that breaking the law was no exception for me. how could you do
such a thing?” I asked him with a slight anger in me. He

Amabel, I didn’t mean to. I
was in my hunting stage. I was so weak and feeing on animals didn’t
satisfy me fully. I then caught a glimpse of the human that was
nearby. I knew he was a tourist and I didn’t think twice. I didn’t
kill him, just fed on him. He won’t be changed, nor he will even
remember what happened to him. I followed all of the rules my
father gave me when he was teaching me on how to be a real hunter.
Of course I knew I shouldn’t have done it, and I realized the
moment I did. I couldn’t help it though. I could smell his blood
and… well, you know.” I could feel the sorrow within him. I knew he
meant what he has said. I guess when being a hunter, and hunting
for food wasn’t easy. It must have been hard to resist any other
time, not to mention in the action of it.

I understand.” I told

You do?” He asked

Yes, I do.” I didn’t know
how I did, but I did. It was almost like I could feel myself in the
same situation. Maybe it was because my connection with him was
open at the time. Whatever it was though, I accepted Kierce’s
answer. I believed him. “I hope you don’t do it again Kierce. I
don’t know how I would control myself if it happened again. The
anger overtook me. The watcher overtook me.”

I know. I know it wasn’t
really you trying to hurt me. I understand as well.” At that
moment, I looked him in the eyes. He understood me, as well as I
understood him. At this exact moment, I didn’t think of anyone
else, or anything else. I could only see him and I. We continued
walking along the lake, and suddenly went off our track into the
woods. The feelings between Kierce and I were unbearable. It felt
the same as when we first met. I wanted to hold him and feel his
skin against mine. Kierce felt the same way. He grabbed my hand to
stop me from walking and pulled me to him. He looked me in the
eyes, and all I could see was the gold in his which matched
perfectly with his blonde hair. There wasn’t a hint of darkness in
him. I suddenly felt the tension between us. Nothing bad, but good.
I felt the pull. Kierce put his hand under my chin, which soon
after went up into my hair. I felt something blocking me from
breathing. He leaned in closer to me, and his lips met mine. The
electrifying pull grew stronger between us and all I felt was his
lips against mine. I could picture us happy and holding hands. Both
of us pale and in control of everything. How could this be? I
didn’t know, but I enjoyed it. At this very moment, it felt like
everything filled in. I felt my body tingle, as I wanted more. Our
kiss has gotten more passionate, as we both allowed ourselves
nothing more.

We should get back.” I
suddenly told Kierce, breaking off any pull we had at the moment.
He looked at me in confusion, but I had no answers for him. I felt
just as lost as him. Something wasn’t right. “We need to go, now.
Something’s wrong.” I told him, and we raced back to the

As we came up to the wooden cabin that was
just as a home for me as Tae, I felt a strong anger coming from
inside. It was Tae’s. I realized I never turned off the connection
between us. He just read everything that was going through my mind
while in the electrifying pull with Kierce.

This isn’t good.” I told
Kierce, feeling sudden guilt and hurt. Before Kierce could ask me
why, tae ran out of the house, and turned into what he knew best.
The lycan that was filled with such soft black and white fur. At
that moment, he wasn’t who I knew. He was far worse than that. Tae
ran right towards Kierce, and bit his arm as if though it was in
the way while he was trying to run away. I felt the pain Tae was
feeling, while running away from what he loved as well as his home.
I betrayed Tae in a way I never thought I would. Even though he
knew I loved Kierce, he was not expecting me to feel what I have
felt for him. At that moment, all the connection was lost. Tae has
turned it off. He wanted nothing to do with me, now, all my
attention was to Kierce. His arm filled with wounds from Tae’s
teeth. He screamed in pain as I could hear his muscles ripping more
and more. I could see Kierce’s blood escaping the

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