Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One (4 page)

Read Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One Online

Authors: Yana Guleva

Tags: #vampire, #love, #paranormal romance, #free, #series, #powers, #werewolf and vampire

BOOK: Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One
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Amabel my love!” The werewolf
cried, “Run!” How can I listen to him and run when it seems like he
was the danger. I listened, and I ran. The further I got, the less
I felt the pain. I ran until I couldn’t breathe anymore. As I
stopped to take a break, I look up, and there is Kierce. He is
standing there, looking at me, smiling fierce and



Can’t..breathe!” I said. Trying to
get up, looking around. I was home? How on earth did I get home?
Did Kierce bring me, and if so, where is he?

I walked downstairs to my mom talking to my father. I
haven’t seen him in days.

Listen, I am not getting her into
this. This is why we were gone for so long from here. I came back
here being told it is safe. I don’t want to hear that the damn
lycan is back!” She spoke so angry. Lycan? What did she mean by
that, and came back? I didn’t know we lived here before. Maybe that
explains my visions of that glacier and the man that I keep seeing,
which now came to me about as a werewolf. This is all too

Mother, what do you mean we came
back here?” I need to know what it going on.

Oh! Amabel! You’re awake honey! Are
you alright? I’ve been so worried!” She did seem worried, but I
still wanted answers.

Mom, please, tell me what’s going
on. Do you know why everything just went black when I was out
with.. Kierce. Oh..” Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.

Honey, you need to listen to me.
Stay away from that area. I don’t even know who this Kierce guy is.
He brought you back here saying you fainted while he took you to
see the lake. Is that true?” She asked. It was true, but he missed
to tell her the part that he left me there.

Well, yes, it is true, but don’t
question me mother. Not before you answer me. What do you mean by,
we came back here to live?” I demanded to know. “Have we lived here
before?” I asked.

Honey, when it is time, I promise I
will tell you. Until then, don’t you worry about it. Just please
stay away from that area. From now on, you need to come straight
home!” She spoke so angrily.

Ma, I’m 18, how long do I have to
listen to you telling me to do things with no explanation? I can’t
live out here sitting at home all day! I need a life!” I know I
shouldn’t talk to her that way, but I am so frustrated. I grabbed
my coat and ran outside. I didn’t care what she had to say right
now. If she didn’t give me explanations, then I didn’t have to
listen to her.

This time, I ran and kept running. Before I could
think of where I was going, Kierce caught my eye. He was sitting
down the street, almost like he was waiting for me.

Amabel! Are you alright darling?
Your mom seemed so angry when I brought you home. I was worried and
didn’t know what to do.” He said, not looking as worried as he

Yes I’m fine. So can you tell me
what happened?” I’m so furious right now with everything. He seems
surprised by my demand to know about that night.

Oh, yes my darling, I took you to
see the beautiful glaciers and the colors, and then.. I kissed you,
and we heard a howl, and you just fell.” He said it so innocent,
but I can feel that there is more. There is so much more. I can
feel he’s hiding something, since I clearly remember he left me
there by myself. It was something about the wolf, the werewolf, or
as my mother said, the lycan.

Don’t you worry about a thing
darling, everything will be okay” He said calmly, coming closer to
me, intending to hug me, and I gave in. His beauty over took me,
and I fell into his arms. That lycan will pay.

Did you just say something?” I
asked, clearly hearing Kierce saying something about the lycan,
whatever that even was.

Oh, no darling, I didn’t say
anything.” He answered. Strangely, I felt more hatred towards him,
like he wants to bring pain and horror, but I didn’t understand
why. Nothing makes sense right now. Not even the fact that I still
feel so attracted to him.

I should head home.” I spoke. Not
even thinking, I turned around and started to head back.

Darling” He spoke so alluring. “I
will wait for you tomorrow, I bring you no harm. I promise you
that.” His words calmed me down. But the feeling I had inside was
too much. It didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel right at all. I
turned around and headed home. Not wanting to speak to my parents,
I headed straight to my room. I collapsed on my bed, and fell
asleep with comfort.

Chapter Three – Shocked


Amabel my love! Don’t listen to
him! Don’t listen to his lies! It will all be clear soon! Amabel….
My love… I never left you… my only one.. Don’t…”



I woke up, again gasping for air. I hated hearing
this man’s voice and tearing up into shreds. The pain was too much
for my heart to bear. I’ve never felt true love, why so sudden do I
feel such pain, almost like my one true love is broken, trying to
find his way to me. No, this is all nightmares.

Honey, are you awake yet?” My
mother called out to me. I should talk to her I suppose.

Yes, I’m awake, you can come in.” I

Amabel, we need to talk, don’t you
think so?” She asked.

I suppose, but I haven’t been
feeling too great mom.” I answered, with a little hope that she
won’t lecture me too much.

Yes, I suppose I know why that is.”
She said, worried, almost pale to her face. That was pretty
strange, since she is as tan as I was. The only difference was our
hair. Hers is black, straight, slick and long while mine on the
other hand are deep burgundy curls. I never knew how that happened
since my father’s hair was also black and nothing close to any type
of purple.

My father came in, looking just as worried. This was

Honey, you have to be careful being
outside. There is… a wild animal out on the loose and it can be
dangerous. Also, try not to talk to that boy, I don’t get a good
feeling about him” She said. That’s it though? An

Mother, what did you mean by, that
lycan?” I asked, clearly showing her I knew more then what she was
telling me.

We’ll talk when you get back from
school. I think you need a clear head today. You have that test to
take. Breakfast is on the table. Go eat honey.” She held it back,
and I could tell by the fact that my father left the room. He
seemed angry that she didn’t tell me what I needed to know. I’m
honestly happy she didn’t. I can’t handle anything right now. I
keep thinking about that man from my dreams. That sweet voice that
I feel so much love from. That body that I cannot put a face to,
and also that body that turned into an animal.

I ate quick and headed to meet Vessa, Zayley and
Arcell. I miss their friendly faces and the jokes. I don’t want to
tell them about Kierce or the wolf that I have seen at the lake by
the glaciers. Not yet anyways.

Hey stranger!” Vessa called

Where were you yesterday?” Zayley

Sorry guys, I wasn’t feeling too
great.” I answered honestly.

Yeah right, you were with that new
guy Kierce, huh!” Arcell shouted, laughing at my reaction. It’s
probably funny, since I stopped with my mouth dropped almost
wanting to say something, but didn’t.

You’re just so damn funny!” I said
with more sarcasm then anything. “I honestly wasn’t feeling good
guys, I promise.” I said truthfully again, because I really wasn’t
at my brightest yesterday. Today is going to be much better. Kierce
didn’t meet me where he has before, and that was already better. I
didn’t want to deal with the mixed emotions of hatred and lust at
the same time.

The school day flew so far, and I haven’t seen Kierce
even once. Maybe today was finally going to be normal. Lunch came,
and I spoke too soon, as always. There was Kierce, standing by the
lunch room doors, looking at me. I had the urge to get up and go to
him, but the voice inside my head came back. Amabel, my love.
Please don’t go.. Stay here. I need you here… my love. It kept
fading and coming back. I knew that voice though. It was safe. It
was the voice of the man, my werewolf from my dreams.

I looked back at Kierce, and his beauty drew me right
to him. I got up without a word, and went to him. He left the lunch
room, as so did I. He walked out of the school, and down the
street. I followed. He walked down the familiar road, straight to
the lake, and straight to the glaciers. I’m beginning to think
weather this place really does mean something. He stopped, and
turned to me.

Amabel.” He said. Without saying
another word, he grabbed my waist, pulled me towards him and
started kissing me passionately. This was no regular kiss. I felt
his warm lips and breathe more and more. The kiss grew deeper, with
my body fully electrified. He pulled me up so my legs were now
wrapped around him, and kissed me deeper.

I want you Kierce.” I said.
Continuing to kiss him passionately. I didn’t care where as long as
it was now. He slowly put me down. Looked deep into my eyes, and
walked back the way we came from. Why does he keep walking away
from me? It’s like he keeps saying goodbye with his fierce look.
Again, I am left here shocked.

I decided to walk back to the school since I still
had another class left. I needed to take my mind off this. School
of course flew by and Kierce was nowhere in sight. I walked back
home after class without my three friends. I didn’t feel like being
with anyone, never mind explaining to them where I went at lunch. I
came in the house and my father was home already.

Hello honey, how was school.” My
mother asked.

Fine.” I answered, still so lost
and feeling alone.

Remember Amabel, stay away from
that kid you have been seeing. I.. don’t have a good feeling about
him. “ She said. I looked at her confused, but I didn’t care what
she had to say about him. He was no dangerous, just a little on the
odd side, I guess.


The next day came, I was surprised I didn’t have the
dream again. It was a quiet night. Hopefully something won’t
suddenly ruin the silence today. I couldn’t wait to see Kierce and
give him a piece of my mind. I was tired of him just leaving me
places. Kind of getting old now.

I got dressed, but today felt a little special. So
instead of my everyday outfit, I wore a skirt today with a nice
shirt and some leggings. My boots had a small heel on them but not
like it mattered, all the guys in my class were tall.

After breakfast I walked out of the house hoping
Kierce would be there. He wasn’t. not even Arcell, Vessa or Zayley
were there to meet me. They probably figured Kierce would. They
were wrong. I walked to school alone, and it seemed like a longer
walk than usual.

The first few classes passed, and Kierce was nowhere
in sights. For the next few days it has been the same. Zayley kept
trying to cheer me up but I just felt nothing. I felt like
something was missing. Kierce has been gone for a few days now with
no phone call or anything of that matter. I almost thought he left
town for good.


After a few more days passed, I finally started to
get some thought back in my mind. The pain, it came back. I can
feel someone’s pain so strong, or was it mine? I can’t even tell. I
don’t even understand why I feel anyone pain at all. Maybe it
really has just been mine all along.

It’s Saturday morning now, and my phone rings. It’s
an unknown number.

Hello?” I answered.

Amabel, get dressed, come outside.”
It was Kierce. He called me sounding a little worried, but maybe
that was just my imagination. I rushed to get dressed and ran
outside. He looked horrible. Standing there looking back at

Where have you been Kierce?” I
yelled more than asked.

I’m sorry my love, it was
unexpected.” He said. “My father came to get me and we had to visit
someone. I had no time to tell you.” He continued. “I would have
called but I had no phone. My father doesn’t believe in technology
these days.” He said. That was still no excuse. He just left

I just don’t understand Kierce.
Please don’t do that again.” I said. Hoping he won’t.

I promise you that, but for now, I
want you to meet someone.” He said. “Well, my aunt Elizabeth
insisted she meets that girl I have been spending time with,” he
added with a slight grin.

Oh, well. Sure, I don’t see why
not.” I was kind of excited to meet someone in Kierce’s family.
“Kierce, where is your father and mother? Will I meet them as
well?” I asked.

Uhh, no, they do not live with me.”
He said, kind of hesitant though with a certain emotion behind it.
Almost as if he didn’t want me to meet them. I didn’t care right
now though. I was excited to meet his aunt.

As I turned down the street to walk, I realized there
was a car parked on the side of the street. I haven’t seen it
before so I was more than positive it wasn’t our neighbors’’.

Is this..” I started

Yes, that’s mine.” He answered me
laughing. I kind of liked it. It was a pitch black Escalade
Cadillac. One of my favorite cars for sure. I got in it without any
questions and we drove off. We drove for a good ten minutes. I
didn’t even know this town was that big. He drove mostly through
woods though and it seemed like we finally arrived. It was the last
house on the street. It wasn’t big but seemed similar to mine in a
way. It was a two floor light gray color. I kind of liked it in a

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