Four (Their Dead Lives,1) (36 page)

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A slimy spike impaled Kale’s shoulder. He fell on his back and a tentacle dug deeper in his flesh. He squirmed underneath, crying out, “Stop!”

The tentacle let go. Kale grabbed his wound.
This thing is an idiot,
he laughed.

“What’s funny?”

“They were on the yacht with me, asshole. Why didn’t you take them then?”

The dark fell silent.

I’ve already outsmarted it?
Kale let his shoulder go for a second, only to realize his hand was soaked in blood. He quickly applied pressure again.

“Your friends, ever since that day at the well, they’re not the same.”

“Yeah, so what? I already knew this, even if they don’t believe.”

“You don’t speak now, boy. You listen.”

“Or what?”

“Or I slice your feet off.”

Kale quickly fell silent.

“Good. Now then. You encountered a part of me that day. You encountered a part of me on the yacht.”

“The Embracer.”

Whatever Kale was in (maybe a room, maybe a well) shook violently.


“Yes, the Embracer. Only a part of me. Your friends were in the process of becoming my new Embracers. That is, until you rudely interrupted.”

Kale fought to keep himself from speaking.

“You see, Kale. I can raise the dead. I can consume the living, but, what your friends are now, well, I don’t know what they are. A transformation has never been cut off before, and I can’t find them.”

“If you’re supposed to be some kind of super intelligent’re pretty dumb, bro.”

A shriek ripped in Kale’s ears. He pressed his hand and stub against his head, rolling around, blocking the digging noise. Tentacles wrapped around his ankles and flipped him in the air. SLAM. Did he hit the ground, a wall? He was lost in this darkness and his body cracked on impact. Tasting his own blood, he asked wearily, “Why am I here?!”

“Because, Kale, you’re normal like the rest of your breed. You’re not like those friends. You’re a pathetic helpless animal I will send to the slaughterhouse. Your world is done. It’s mine now. I’m the Eradicator of Life and you, Kale, you’re my next Embracer of Death.”

There was hope in Kale. He didn’t know why, but he felt himself strong and he said, “You won’t win. We will fight back.”

“You’re naïve, boy, plagued by your movies and your books. There’s no happy ending here. In a few days I have controlled more than half of this world. There’s only one threat in my way now.”

“My friends...”

“Yes, boy, but you will help me find them. You will help me remove them from the equation. Together, this world will be ours.”

“I won’t do it!” Kale launched up, but being too weak, quickly fell to his knees. He heaved in place. “I-I can’t.”

“You will. I will help you.”

“I’m without a choice here?”

How did this happen? How is this possible? We were supposed to be heroes. Perhaps there is a chance in all this. Perhaps this is my real chance to do good. Maybe if I play along, maybe I can outsmart this thing.

Kale waited for it, this alien on his planet, this Eradicator of Life. And it said,
“One always has a choice.”

Play it cool,
Kale told himself. He was his only ally now, and he knew he needed to be brave. He stared into the heart of darkness, wondered if eyes were looking at him. Was anything really there? He said, “I choose death over helping you. Kill me now.”

“No. This will hurt.”

Heat increased. Pressure increased.
Shit, did I play it too cool?
Kale squirmed, raised his one fist, and spun around, searching for an impending attack.

It whispered
, “Embrace me, boy.”

“Go to hell!” Kale spat at a dark shape hovering over him.

The Eradicator of Life swung, ripping Kale’s back, slamming him to the floor. He crawled with shaking limbs as an icy tentacle slid underneath him. Cold and damp, it wrapped up his chest, around his neck, broke his ear canal, slid into his skull, and whispered,
“I am hell.”

episode four




A weak lamp gave his dark office a shaded orange glow. Muted flickers appeared before his tired eyes. In a desk drawer, he touched a flashlight, along with a silver single-action revolver.
What have I done? What the hell have I done?
It was the day the Vaults had opened. But something had gone wrong.
They’re all dead? How can they all be dead — or undead — or whatever.
out. Nothing could ever fix that, he knew.

There was a muffled knock on the office door. Addison raised the flashlight without turning it on. He pulled the revolver’s hammer back. “Who?”

“It’s me. Brody.”

“What do you want?”

“Checking on you.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.”

The door creaked open and Addison shined the flashlight at Brody’s face. “Leave me alone.”

Ignoring this, Brody slipped into the room, resembling a cherub in a suit. “This isn’t your fault.”

Addison snorted. The flashlight stayed on the desk, lighting the ceiling. He leaned back in the dark, keeping the revolver on his lap and opening another drawer. A joint stuck between his lips. “Want one? I’ve got a few rolled for this

“This isn’t the right time. Tell me you’re not drinking again also?”

I blacked out twice in one weekend and he thinks I’m an alcoholic?
“The world is ending and it’s because I opened the Vaults. If I want to drink or light up or blast off with some white pony, I’m fucking doing it.”

Brody’s silence equaled disappointment. Not that Addison cared. “You never knew what would come out. No one did.”

Smoke blew off his lips, flying over the light. “I suggest you go enjoy yourself, Brody. I brought about the apocalypse.”

Brody stayed in place, plump and soft in his stance. “I’m leaving. It’s not safe here. You should do the same.”

“I’m not staying, but I’m also not going with you.”

“Where will you go?”

“I talked to Sofia before we lost the phones, before we lost everything. She’s waiting for me.”

“You can’t go to her.”

“Why not?”

“Those things are out there, Addison, looking for us. What if she isn’t Sofia anymore?”

Addison puffed again, obstinate. “She is. She has to be. We had something once, way before I was recruited for this idiotic operation. I have to see if that still exists.”

“What about the architects? What about your superiors? They’re all dead and you know what killed them.”

Addison stood. “You say I can’t trust her but what if you’re one of them? How can I trust you?”

“If I’m an Embracer, you’d be dead already.”

Addison slammed his fist on the desk, dropping his joint, and swung up the flashlight. He tucked the revolver in his slacks and walked straight to Brody. The chubby man stood two inches shorter. “I’m leaving. I’m getting her. I’m going into hiding. I’m going to drink and smoke and screw around and maybe,
just maybe,
die a happy man.”

“So hide and wait for this to blow over, this is your plan?”

Addison’s response was filled with quiet laughter, “This is not blowing over. We’re already done. I, I at least want to have sex with Sofia first.”

“I can’t believe you. At a time like this, you act like a child.”

Addison grabbed Brody’s shoulder. “We’re friends. I want you to be safe. Come with me. We can hide out in a cabin and live, man,

Brody turned his face away. “I can’t. I have to try and save this world.”

“How will you do that?”

“You know how.”

Addison let him go. “You want to put the fate of the world in

“There was never a choice.”

“How can you know?”

Brody’s cheeks puffed out. “An evil force is here and everything has an opposite. Those boys are that opposite.”

Those boys
are four rich, spoiled brats.” Addison turned the flashlight out the office and down an abandoned hall. The supposed safe house had been abandoned by most. “I’m out of here. Good luck to you, Brody.” He pushed past him but Brody stopped him, grasping his arms.

“Do me one favor. One favor, and then it’s your life.”

Addison looked through his fogged glasses. “Well, do tell.”

“If you pick a cabin to hide in, go to Michael’s in southern California.”

“Michael? You mean Maniac Mike?”


He’s crazier than me.
“Sure, I remember it. Ha, Mike was always nagging for us to go there. But why now?”

“I’ve arranged for someone to meet us. But that’s not my first stop. If you could go, and see the delivery through, I’d be grateful. Mike is already there, I sent him a few days ago.”

Now this sounds like a trap. No one can be trusted. I know this. But alone with Sofia in a cabin...anything goes. I like that idea.

“When will you be there?”

“If a week passes, I never will.” Brody nudged toward the desk. “You still have the boys’ files?”


“Good, take them.”

Addison sighed. “Brody, I don’t know if—”

“You can do this.
were the one who made the Vault code. You were the one who opened them all. You can help me save this world. This is what you always wanted, Addison.”

Be the man I want to. Sofia would like that.
“Who am I meeting there?”

“An older man. His name is Nasir. Very nice guy. Maniac Mike will fill you in, but you’ll know the package when you see it. Take the files and go. Quick, quiet, and alone. Be safe.”

But not alone, first I must reach Sofia.

They shook hands slowly, feeling the weight of this agreement. “I wish you the best, my friend. I’ll see you soon.” With these parting words, Brody Vitaly left.

Addison packed a satchel with his joints, ammo for his revolver, a bottle of bourbon, and several protein bars. The last thing he searched was his safe containing only a manila folder. He stared at it for a brief moment before lowering his head.
This is crazy. And I have looked into the eyes of crazy.
Still, he took the folder, dropped it on the desk, and opened it with steady fingers.
Brody believes in higher powers, in opposite forces sent to our world. He believes in fantasy.

Addison spread the four dossiers across his desk, and holding the flashlight in his mouth, he examined their photographs.
Alec. Jeff. Kale. Scot

Hours later, Addison ran across a corporate building’s rooftop. Hunched over, he held Sofia’s hand as they raced to a luxury helicopter. Two men in suits stood outside the aircraft, unaffected by the whirring blades above them. One of the men slid the cabin door open.

Addison let Sofia in first then followed. He strapped himself in a leather chair next to her. “I really do hate helicopters.”

The two men in suits sat silently across from them.

“You’ll be fine, Addy.” Sofia reached for his hand. She was in her mid-thirties, had caramel skin and thick black hair that hung to her shoulders.
Exotic. Beautiful.

The helicopter eased off the rooftop, taking to the air. Nerves ran wild in Addison’s hands. He stared at the two men. They each had thin, tinted glasses. Leaning over to Sofia, Addison whispered, “Who are these bozos?”

“After the Vault architects were murdered, my company hired them for our protection.”

“But you had nothing to do with the Vaults.”

Sofia turned away. “Not entirely true.”

No. No.
Addison yanked his hand from her. “Tell me. Tell me everything. Now.” He thought about the revolver tucked in his slacks under his jacket. He thought about Brody.
Has she already betrayed me?

“We helped finance the project. There was more profit to be made than just saving the human race.”

Addison looked back at the suited men. They were statues. “You tricked me here, didn’t you?”

Sofia leaned closer, staring at him with her golden eyes. “Trick you? You contacted me. You told me to wait for you.”

“And why did you wait?”

“Addy, really?” Sofia rolled her eyes and turned away. “You’re paranoid.”

“I have every reason to be. I’ve been tricked from day one. You know this.”

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