Fox, Morgan - Tempted by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (20 page)

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Tempted by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Sebastian spoke, his voice scraped harshly against his dry throat, “Thoughts of you, Brie. Your scent, your touch, they were the only things keeping me grounded. But I should’ve told you, baby. I should’ve put your safety first.”

Sebastian’s eyes squeezed shut, his face flooded with redness, a throbbing vein strained underneath the flesh of his neck. A ferocious growl ripped from his chest, and he shook his arms and legs wildly, as if trying to break free of his bonds.

Jonah pulled Brie into the safety and security of his arms, trying to guide her to stand behind him. She wouldn’t budge. Her small body molded against Jonah’s.

“Enough,” Jonah roared. “Do that shit again and I’m taking her out of here faster than you can blink. Got it?” The fierce tone in his voice told her he wasn’t kidding and would do as he warned. No matter how much she insisted otherwise.

Brie beseeched, “Sebastian, please. You have to stay calm. I’m already scared enough. Don’t allow Jonah to take me away from you. Not when you have the power to control that decision.”

Calming instantly at her soft plea, he breathed, “Oh, no, baby. I apologize, I won’t do that again. I’m sorry, really I am. I’m just so frustrated.” He looked at Jonah, eyes petitioning with his brother. He begged, “Please, Jonah, don’t take her from me. I’ll do exactly as you ask.”

“Wow,” Jonah mumbled, eyes narrowing. “That must have hurt like hell to admit.”

“You have no idea, little brother,” he grunted. “It’s tearing me apart to be like this, to feel so powerless, to be at the mercy of everyone around me.” He closed his eyes again, and tears washed down the sides of his face. She had never seen such vulnerability from him before. “Frustration is only one of the emotions I’m suffering with, but more than that, I’m feeling lost and afraid.”

“Afraid?” Jonah scowled, sounding surprised that his alpha brother could feel an emotion that made him seem weak. As if the alpha status made it impossible for Sebastian to feel anything but powerful.

“Yes, little brother. I’m afraid. I’m afraid that I’ll die before I get to hold my mate in my arms again—that we’ll never get to take our vows of marriage. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to make love to her again. I’m afraid that I’m losing everything that I hold dear in my heart.” Sebastian’s eyes glistened as he locked gazes with Brie. The struggle to fight against the emotions that ripped through him was present in his eyes and straining face, and she felt every grueling bit of it.

Watching as emotional trauma illuminated inside her beloved alpha, her heart shattered. She pushed away from Jonah and dropped to her knees, crawling towards Sebastian. Jonah grabbed hold of her hips, keeping her from moving any closer. She tossed Jonah a menacing scowl, then glanced back to Sebastian.

“Please, promise me you won’t hurt me. Promise that you’ll fight for control over whatever is wrong with you, and if you feel yourself slipping, promise you’ll let me know so I can get to safety.” She stretched to reach his hand, fingers so close, inches from touching him. “Promise me, Sebastian. Promise me, and I’ll give us both what we are so desperate for.”

“Oh, God, I promise.” He shook as his chest rose and fell with heavy, impassionate breaths. “I’ll do anything you want. I’ll even stay chained, if that’s what you need.”

“That’s exactly how you’ll stay,” Jonah grumbled. “This is not a free pass, Sebastian. Just because our mate convinced me to bring her here doesn’t mean we’re releasing you.”

“Jonah,” Brie snapped, driving to her feet. “Stop being so hard, can’t you see he’s trying? At least meet him halfway, damn it.”

Sebastian’s deep, soothing voice pulled her thoughts back to him. His tender tone oozed over her body in a comforting hold. “It’s okay, Brie. He’s right. For your safety, and the others, I should be chained. I promised I won’t hurt you, but go ahead and leave me this way, just in case.”

Brie’s gaze turned once more to Jonah. “I want to be with him. It’s up to you if you join us, but know that it’s truly what I need. I’ll understand if you don’t want to get close to Sebastian, but I don’t have a choice.”

She pulled her shirt up over her head and unfastened her bra, dropping the fabric at Jonah’s booted feet. Breasts exposed to the cool air, her nipples hardened. Her belly fired with apprehension. The anticipation of being with Sebastian, mixed with the awareness that everything she was prepared to do with him would be carefully viewed by others. Exhilaration flooded her body, and her pussy clenched.

“I’ll just turn around now,” Megan whispered.

As if she hadn’t heard the doctor, Brie’s eyes settled on Sebastian’s, his gaze warm and welcoming. Nibbling her bottom lip, she couldn’t wait to feel his body beneath hers. She desired nothing more than to hold and touch him, as she had done so many times in the past.

Next, she flipped the button on her jeans and unzipped them, sliding them over her hips along with her black silky panties. Stepping free of the clothing, she took a few short strides toward Sebastian, waiting for Jonah to stop her, but he didn’t. He allowed her to get closer, even though she could sense his nervousness and see the reluctance consuming his gaze.

She lowered herself to her hands and knees again. Back arched, she crawled up to his body like a seductive, sensual cat. Touching the crisp, dark hair on his legs, need spiking though her to ultrasensitive levels, she couldn’t believe she was about to make love to Sebastian. Her belly fluttered like it was the first time.

How close she was to him, feeling his flesh underneath the tips of her fingers. He groaned at the moment of contact. His head fell back, his cock an impressive sight as it tented the front of his pants.

For so long, Brie feared she’d never have the chance to be with Sebastian again. Their lives had grown so distant in such a short span of time. But she should’ve known better, should’ve known that Sebastian was too strong a man to go quietly into the night. He’d rather die than let her go, and that was the reason she was here. He was not allowed to die because if he did, then she would soon follow after him.

Sebastian raised his head to look at her as she slinked her way between his legs, and her fingers made quick work of his button and zipper. She struggled to take them past his ass and wide-spread legs.

“Just rip them off me, Brie,” he sensually growled, arching his hips again.

Hesitating, she shook her head. “But you’ll be naked.”

“That’s the idea, isn’t it?” She cocked a brow at him, and he smiled in return. “I was naked before someone found pants to put on me. Everyone in this room has seen me naked before. I don’t care about them. My only concern is being with you.”

She shot him a soft smile. “Yes, but I’m not going to be lying here in all my prized glory when Dominic, Reyes, Ryken, or Luken come back to check on you.” Batting her thick blonde lashes, she grinned. “Unless there’s something you’d like to tell me.”

His brow furrowed. “What, do you think my time away from you made me gay?”

She shrugged. “Stranger things have happened.”

His nostrils flared with eager breaths as desire consumed his gaze. “Kiss me, Brie. Stop worrying about everything else and kiss me. I need to feel your warmth, taste your delicious lips.” He ground his hips up in invitation. “Then after you’ve had your fill of me ravaging your mouth with mine, tear my pants off so I can fuck that beautiful body of yours.”

Her heart sang. She licked her lips. “Actually, I think I’ll be the one doing the fucking, cuffed boy.”

A slow grin lit his face. “I was never one for bondage and dominance, unless I was the one dishing it out. But I’m willing to give it a shot with you.” He waggled his eyebrows, and a devilish grin beamed at her.

“How is it that even under the strain of everything around us you still have a sense of humor?”

“Brie, you might not believe this, but whenever you’re near me and I feel you, physically or emotionally, I’m able to control myself. I’m able to calm the beast inside me—the one that’s mutating, thanks to the virus.” He craned his head forward, showing his desperation to be closer to her. His muscles strained and flexed against the hold of the chains. “You are the only thing that keeps me from turning into the monster completely. Brie, you’re special. Inside your beautiful soul, you harbor a sanctuary that I want desperately to be a part of. I need you, baby. I’ll always need you, desire you.” His eyes warmed again, and the flicker of silver lined his honey-brown eyes. Instantly she knew it was the wolf she saw reflecting in his gaze and not the infected monster. “I love you, Brie.”

She slinked the rest of the way up his body, straddling his hips and pressed the weight of her body against his firm, hard chest and abs. She claimed his mouth with a fever she couldn’t contain. Her tongue dove into the moist heat of his mouth. Moaning, enjoying the powerful taste of pure man on her tongue, she licked and nipped at his lips. The tension in her body fled as reason no longer consumed her—no longer mattered.

Losing control, she tunneled her fingers into his dark hair, massaging his scalp with eager hands. A rumble of prime male satisfaction vibrated from deep in his chest. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, ardently licking against her tongue and probing inside her mouth once more.

Wow, this man made her body burn hot. With the press of his lips, he turned her inside out, using every inch of his mouth to pleasure her. He rocked her world, with just a kiss, making her body crave passions and desires he alone could sate.

Brie felt powerful as she held this large, gorgeous man against her body, relishing the heat of his touch. Grinding her naked pelvis over his, she swallowed his groan of pleasure, tangling her tongue with his, stroking. Diving deep, exploring all the divine wetness of his mouth, she clung to him. Moving her hips in sync with her kisses, she felt her pussy getting wetter, preparing for her lover.

The coarse hair on his chest abraded her nipples, the tips hardening to a pleasurable ache. Envisioning his hands creeping up her waist, over her ribs, she gasped as the imaginary Sebastian messaged the mounds of her breasts, plucking at the sensitive tips.

He broke the kiss, his eyes darkening in response to her body, as if he could read her thoughts as clearly as she was thinking them.

“Oh, God, Sebastian, I love kissing you. The things you do to me. It drives me wild.” She nibbled the curve of his jaw, licking his bottom lip.

He thrust his hips up, keeping them tilted in an overly exaggerated gesture for her to glide down him as if he were a human slide. “Move up on me, honey. Let me lick and suck your nipples,” he groaned.

She scooted up his body, her breast above his face.

“Place that delicious berry into my mouth,” he ordered gently.

She did as he asked, and was glad she did. He sucked her until the line between pleasure and pain blurred, the ache turning into blazing gratification and leaving her hissing in response. Her head kicked back, hair falling down her back, she felt sexy, desired.

“Let me have the other one, Brie.” He licked his lips.

Rolling her shoulder, she inched her breast just out of reach, teasing him. She grinned at him with wicked, lusty thoughts on her mind. He bucked his hips again, sending her forward just enough for him to take her nipple into his mouth. He nibbled a little harder than she thought he would, but she liked it nonetheless.

“Don’t tease me, mate,” he warned.

Meeting his gaze, her body tingled as if she’d been struck by a jolt of electricity. She’d seen those eyes before. His expression screamed pleasure like she’d never imagined possible and couldn’t wait to tempt her.

“I enjoy teasing you, mate. I enjoy feeling every bit of your body teasing mine in response. What would you like to do to me as punishment, my sexy alpha?” She nibbled her bottom lip, anticipation making her heart gallop in her chest.

Staring down at him, she couldn’t believe he was ever sick with a virus. He seemed so normal, so...Sebastian. The man she loved was there with her, pleasuring her, and she couldn’t get enough.

“I want to taste you, Brie.”

“You’ve already tasted me, Sebastian. You tasted my lips, savored my breasts.”

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