Read France Restored: Cold War Diplomacy and the Quest for Leadership in Europe, 1944-1954 Online

Authors: William I. Hitchcock

Tags: #History, #Europe, #France, #Western, #Modern, #20th Century, #Political Science, #Security (National & International), #test

France Restored: Cold War Diplomacy and the Quest for Leadership in Europe, 1944-1954 (71 page)

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Page 241
90. Bevin's remark was reported in Younger to Franks, June 5, 1950,
Series 2, 1: 5455.
91. Executive Commission of June 15, 1950, MRP papers, AN, 350 AP, box48.
Chapter Five
1. Leffler,
A Preponderance of Power,
36190; May, "The American Commitment to Germany, 19491955"; LaFeber, "NATO and the Korean War: A Context." On American policy in favor of German participation in European defense, see Acheson,
Present at the Creation,
43540, and McGeehan,
The German Rearmament Question,
2. Bruce to Acheson, September 1, 1950,
FRUS, 1950,
3: 1384.
3. Bérard to Paris, telegrams of July 7, 9, 24, and August 4, 1950, MAE, EU 194955, Allemagne, vol. 67. The State Department did approve a request from McCloy to allow the Germans to raise a 10,000-man mobile unit with "effective weapons and training" (Byroade to Acheson, July 23, 1950,
FRUS, 1950,
4: 699700).
Office of Economic and Financial Affairs, August 7, 1950, MAE, EU 194955, Allemagne, vol. 67.
August 5, 1950, MAE, EU 194955, Allemagne, vol. 67.
Central Europe Office, August 10, 1950, MAE, EU 194955, Allemagne, vol. 67.
7. André François-Poncet to Paris, August 19, 1950, MAE, EU 194955, Allemagne, vol. 67; Adenauer,
27478. Adenauer made his demands for a police force public in a
New York Times
interview, August 18, 1950. McCloy too thought Adenauer "was engaging in his usual pressure tactics," but McCloy also believed that Germany "has lost some inner strength that in my judgment must be restored by new manifestations of Allied strength" (McCloy to Acheson, August 18, 1950,
FRUS, 1950,
4: 7069).
8. Adenauer,
27883; Bérard,
Un ambassadeur se souvient,
9. Bevin to Oliver Harvey, September 5, 1950,
Series II, 3: 914; and Gordon Walker to U.K. High Commissioners, September 9, 1950, ibid., 2425; Bullock,
September 6, 1950, MAE, EU 194955, Généralités, vol. 88.
BOOK: France Restored: Cold War Diplomacy and the Quest for Leadership in Europe, 1944-1954
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