Freedom at Midnight (91 page)

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Authors: Dominique Lapierre,Larry Collins

Tags: #History, #Asia, #India & South Asia

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also Gandhi, nonviolence

doctrine and communal killings, 25-

28, 232-33, 384-86 communication with masses,

24-25, 251-52 and Congress Party, 24, 34,

58, 60, 117-18, 139-41,

228-32, 426-27, 440-41,

497-98, 504-5 fasting as a weapon, 24-25,

73, 355-60,431-34,438-

41, 447-63

funeral of, 510-21

health of, 73-74, 436-41,

443-44, 447-63, 504 Hindu extremists' hatred

for, 318-19, 416-18 and Indian independence,

26-27, 57-59, 60-61, 71-

73, 183, 397 his inner voice, 27-28, 61,

192-93 jail, prison sentences, 54-

55 , 60-61, 69-70, 72-74 and Jinnah, 120-22 London sojourns of, 50-51,

67-70 medical ideas of, 46-47,

151-52 and Mountbatten, 103-11,

183-86, 191-93, 217-18,

370fn., 429-32 and Nehru, 103, 141 noncooperation, 58, 60 nonviolence doctrine, 24,25,

26-28, 53-58, 60-61, 70,

416, 417, 426, 494, 532 Pakistan visit planned by,

427, 430-31, 464-65,

473, 487-88, 494, 500 and partition of India, 26-

27, 110-11, 118-19, 140-41, 176-77, 184-85, 190-93, 278-79, 449-50, 459, 460

personal hygiene of, 46-48,

59 Pilgrimage of Penance, 27-

28, 46-49, 65-67, 77-83, 465

prayer meetings, 24, 48, 49, 278-79, 317, 350, 386, 424, 454-55, 487, 494, 495 and princely states, 155 punctuality of, 46, 185 Punjab visit planned by, 360 and refugees, 232-33, 382-

86, 392 religious principles of, 34 and sacred cow, 33

Salt March, 61-62, 67, 69,

462 sexual abstinence of, 50, 53-

54, 78-83 silent days of, 186-87, 344-

45 South African sojourn of,

51-56, 534

and spinning wheel, 58-59,

118, 228, 230, 279, 389,

461, 505, 509, 532

and Untouchables, 70, 116-

17, 217, 381-82, 449, 458

and women's rights, 78,

439-40 and World War I and H, 56, 70-72 Gandhi, Ramdas, 514,518,520 Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 68 Ganges river, 128, 257, 302-5,

320, 519-20 Gangetic Valley, 13 Gardner, Erie Stanley, 497,499 Gateway of India, 1-2, 56, 83,

534-35 Genghis Khan, 29 George m, King, 64 George V, King, 1, 42, 67, 68,

83, 310 George VI, King, 37-41, 86, 173, 216, 218, 323-24, 409, 513 the Royal Assent, 234-36 Germany, 44, 70, 291 Ghaffar Khan, Abdul, 136 Gilbert and Sullivan, 250 Gilgit, 412

Gilliat, Maj. Martin, 517 Gneisenau (Ger. battleship),

148fn. "God Save the King," 121 Godse, Asilata, 451 Godse, Gopal, 437, 446, 451-52, 455, 463-77 passim, 485-86 arrest, trial, punishment, 522, 524-25 Godse, Nathuram, 319-20, 414-16, 435

assassination fiasco, 471-89

passim background sketch, 419-23 migraine headaches of, 422,

468, 473 plot to kill Gandhi, 435-38, 441-47, 451, 455, 463-69 passim second attempt to kill Gandhi, 485-509 passim trial and punishment, 522-25 Golden Temple, Amritsar, 225,

226-27, 245, 280, 314 golf, 19

goondas, 298-99, 357, 559 Government House, Delhi, see

Viceroy's House Government of India Act of

1935, 70 Gracey, Maj. Gen. Douglas,

406-7 Granth Sahib, 225, 391, 460,

528 Gurdaspur, 326-27, 378, 411 Gurkhas, 251, 285, 298, 336,

372-73, 379, 396, 534 Gurudwaras, 294, 298, 337 Gwalior, 13, 386-87, 491-92,

524 Gwalior, Maharaja of, 159-61,

163, 167, 168, 387 Gymkhana Club, 221,265,285

Habibullah, Lieut. Col. Enaith,

209 Haimchar, Noakhali, 77, 82 Hamid, Abdul, 349 Harijan (newspaper), 82, 350 harijans ("children of God"),

116, 455 hartal, 56-57, 58, 511 Hastings, Marquess of, 14 Hawkins, Capt, William, 11-

12, 312 Hector (galleon), 11, 312 Himalayas, 494-95 Hindi (language), 289 "Hind Swaraj" (Gandhi), 56

Hinduism, 28-33, 286, 290, 302-8, 372, 399, 421

personal-hygiene ritual, 307 Hindu Mahasabha, 418, 421, 437, 443, 447, 452, 483

leaders of, bid Gandhi end fast, 457, 458

offices stoned by Gandhi mourners, 512 Hindu-Moslem amity, 33-34, 120,298-99,316-17,338-39, 344-45, 358-60, 394, 417, 449-50, 490 Hindu mythology, 158 Hindu Rashtra (newspaper), 319, 414-19, 421, 425, 434_35,436-37,476,482-84, 512 Hindu Rashtra Dal, 418, 442 Hindus, 28-36

against partition of India, 9, 110-11, 129

amity with Moslems, 31-32, 34,298-99,316-17,338-39, 350, 436, 459

friction with Moslems, 8-9, 33-36, 96-97

militant extremists, 318-19, 354-55, 358, 360-61, 387, 416 et seq.; see also R.S.S.S.

mob violence against Moslems, 27, 35-36, 250, 254, 269-71, 360-62, 382-83, 387-88

Moslem mob attacks on, 26, 35, 139, 284-85, 298, 315-16, 328, 330-38, 346-50

partition of Bengal, 128-29, 147, 198, 246-47

refugees, 314-16, 328, 329-31, 341-55, 367-98 pas-sim, 423-24, 434, 441, 449-50, 494

religion of, see Hinduism Hindustan Standard, 514 Hindutva (Hindu racial supremacy), 418, 421, 489

Ho Chi Minh, 8 Hodson, William, 204-5, 396 Holroyd, Maj. W. R>, 20 Hooghly river, 35, 269, 353-

54 Howes, Lt Cdr. Peter, 75,

202-3, 382-83, 394 Humayun, Emperor, 361,383-

84 Hume, Octavian, 58 Hydar, Alia, 342 Hydari House, 272, 298, 305,

316-17, 354, 357, 358 description, 270 Hyderabad, 13, 148-49, 154,

178, 243, 399-400, 426 Hyderabad, Nizam of, 154,

167, 169, 179, 243, 297-

98, 399^00, 525 assassination plot against,

426, 435 automobile collector, 160 richest, stingiest man, 169-

71 Hyderabad Express, 16

Id el Kebir, 344-45, 424 Idriss, Col. Mohammed, 265 Imperial Hotel, Delhi, 295,

489, 491 Independence Day, 264, 268-

328 passim, 487 India

background, history, 11-15,

28-29, 126-29 British nationals in, 14-22,

96, 143-45, 256-59, 300-1,312-13,377-79,403-8

British raj, 11-15, 34, 96,

126,154, 282-83 communal killings, 35-36,

97, 138-39,284-85, 314-16, 329-66 passim, 423-24, 522, 527

Constituent Assembly, 286, 288-94, 299

discrimination against Indians, 101-2, 145, 224, 311

dominion (Commonwealth)

status, 40-41,173-74,176 Hindu-Moslem conflict, 8-9,

31-33, 96-97, 124-25,

168, 171, 221-25, 232,

244-45, 269,284-85,298,

318, 319, 350, 351, 369 independence, 7-9, 34, 37-

41, 59, 60, 102, 173, 176-

77, 294-96, 534 industrial development, 291 interim government, 227-28 national anthem, 295 national flag, 228-29, 322 Pakistan, relations with, 219,

407, 430-31, 527-28 partition, 8-9, 26-27, 34-

36, 110-11, 123-29, 134-

35, 140-42, 149-51, 187-

91, 273-74, 279, 325-28,

526-27 princely states, 148-49,153-

71, 177-82, 213-15, 237-

43, 287, 297 religions, 28-31, 289-90 transfer—need for speed,

96, 97-98, 104, 123, 132,

173-74, 219, 397 transfer of power, 9-11, 64-

65, 97-98, 193-97, 227-

28, 264, 280, 283-84,

294-96, 301, 308-11,

323-26, 396-98 India Gate, New Delhi, 320 Indian Air Force, 367, 408,

410-11 Indian Army, 15, 22, 97, 144,


516,520 British personnel, 15, 22,

332-33, 379-80, 406-^07 Indian personnel, 15, 22,

227, 265-67, 380-81 Kashmir operation, 406-8,

411 partition, division of assets,

personnel, 201-02, 208-

10, 258, 264-66, 339-40

Punjab operation, 250-52;

see also Punjab Boundary

Force Sepoy mutiny (1857), 14,

113, 204, 205, 207, 210,

284 Indian Civil Service (I.C.S.),

15-22, 91, 96, 248, 297,

327, 362, 379 Indian Empire, 213-14 Indian Independence Bill, 235-

36 Indian Kennel Club, 258 Indian Military Academy, 208 India Office, 9 Indochina, 8, 325 Indo-European incursion, 28-

33 Indonesia, 8, 325 Indore, 178

Indus river, 126, 201, 273 Ingersoll watch, 46, 107, 506,

508, 509 Inns of Court, London, 50, 99,

101, 113,120,417 Invisibles, 116; see also Untouchables In Which We Serve (motion

picture), 45 Ireland, Warrant Officer J. R.,

284 Irwin, Lord, 67 Ismay, Hastings Lionel, Lord,

96, 182, 258, 367, 397 plan for partition of India,

125, 127-28, 142, 172,

174 recollections of Army life,

205-06,207 Ismay, Sarah, 349 ivory, 157 Iyengar, H. V. R., 362, 368,

373, 384, 393

Jains, 290

Jaipur, 157, 162, 167, 168 Jaisalmer, Maharaja of, 241 Jammu, India, 171, 409-11 Jammu Mosque, 453

Jamrud, 283

Japan, 71

Jehangir, Emperor, 12, 327,

400 Jenkins, Sir Evan, 134, 221,

224, 245, 251 Jesus Christ, 54, 510, 514 jewels, 157-58 Jews, Nazi persecution of, 70,

289 Jhelum river, 400, 404, 406 Jinnah, Dina, 313 Jinnah, Fatimah, 130-31, 262 Jinnah, Mohammed Ali, 114, 122,313,397,526 assassination plot against, 243-45, 273-77, 318, 425-26,435 background, 120-22, 260-

61 and communal killings, 251 conferences with Mountbat-ten, 119-20, 122-25, 183, 187-91, 216-17, and division of India's assets, 216, 339, 445 and Gandhi, 445, 464, 514 health, 122, 130-32, 142,

428, 526 and Independence Day celebrations, 255, 261-63 and Karachi independence procession, 243-45, 255, 261-63, 273-77, 279 and Kashmir affair, 401,

405, 407, 412 and Pakistan as Dominion,

173 Pakistan dream of, 119, 122,

141-42, 281 as Pakistan's Governor General, 216-17, 280-81 and partition of India, 36, 122-26, 141-42, 147, 183-84, 187-91, 279 and partition of Punjab and Bengal, 126, 211-12, 218-19, 246, 326, 330 and princely states, 241—43

and Punjab refugees, 370 as united India's P.M., Ill,

118 veto of joint-Army proposal,

203, 208 Jinnah, Ruttenbhai, 260-61 Jinnah, Wadia, 132fn. Jodhpur, Maharaja of, 166,

241 Johannesburg, 54 Judea, 33 Jullundur, 392 Jumna river, 423, 503, 516,

517, 519 Junagadh, Nawab of, 161,243,


Kabul, 133

Kahuta, 138-39, 194, 232

Kali, Goddess of Destruction,

268, 299, 503 Kalka, India, 144 Kapur, J. L., 484fn. Kapurthala, 162 Kapurthala, Maharaja of, 157 Karachi, 13, 244, 255, 261-62, 339, 383fn., 526 independence celebration,

271-77, 279-81 plot to kill Jinnah, 271-77, 318 Karaka, D. F., 392 Karkare, Vishnu, 388, 419, 437, 442 arrest, conviction, 522-24 plot to kill Gandhi, 446, 455-56, 466, 468-73, 480-86, 499-508 passim karma, 30-31 Karnal, 340 Kasauli, 341

Kashmir, 148, 154, 171, 326, 399-413 accession to India, 408-9,

411-12 accession question, 239, 327,

401 India-Pakistan war over, 267,411-13,430-31

Moslem majority in, 34, 409 Pathan invasion, 400-8,

411-12 Kashmir, Maharaja of (Hari

Singh), 155, 169, 171,

399-412 passim character, 178, 239-40 flight from Srinagar, 409-10 refusal to yield independence, 239-40, 243, 327,

399-400 Kathiawar peninsula, 49, 120,

154 Kelly, H. M. S., 44-45, 91 Keynes, John Maynard, 4 khadi (cloth), 58-59, 91, 102,

118, 232 Khan, Col. Akbar, 402 Khan, Maj. Yacoub, 202, 209-

11 Khan, Younis, 211 Khosla, Judge G. D., 396 Khyber Pass, 15, 19, 63, 133,

205, 283-84, 296, 403 Kidwai, Anis, 314 Kingsway, New Delhi, 92, 517 Kipling, Rudyard, 15, 156,

268, 363 Kiwi mahogany shoe polish,

377 Koran, 28, 48, 459, 460 Kirpalani Acharya, 182 Krishna, Lord, 127 Kshatriyas, 30 Kulu, 343 Kumar, Ashwini, 375, 394

Labour Party (British), 6-7,

40, 172, 177 Lady Linlithgow Tuberculosis

Sanatorium, 341 Lahiri, Ashutosh, 476 Lahore, 61, 227, 243-45, 379, 445, 512, 531 British life in, 18 independence celebration in, 255, 280, 285, 294, 298, 313 Punjab partition, 326, 329

violence in, 222-24, 249,

285, 291-92, 298, 329,

331, 344, 350 Lakshmi Narayan, 503 Lai, Lieut. G. D., 374 «Lal, Kashmiri, 347, 377 Lai, Ranjit, 306-09, 311, 320,

324, 512, 517 Lancashire, 58, 68 Landi Kotal, 283, 296, 403 Laski, Harold, 68 Liaquat Ali Khan, 132fn., 182,

243-45, 325, 351, 370 plot to annex Kashmir, 402,

404 Life magazine, 348, 396, 436 Linlithgow, Lord, 294 Listowel, Earl of, 156, 323-24 Lloyd's of London, 157 Lockhart, Lt. Gen. Sir Robert,

228, 407

Lodi Colony, New Delhi, 361

London, 3-5, 11, 285, 417, 513

Gandhi's 1931 visit to, 68

Indian leaders' education in,

50, 113, 120 Lords, House of, 176, 234-36 Louis XIV, King of France,

162 Lucknow, 92, 204, 209, 284,

296,314,342 Lyallpur, 331, 333

Madanlal, see Pahwa, Madan-

lal Madras, 12, 297, 312 Madras Club, 285 Madura, 312 Mahabharata, 28 Maharashtrans, 479 Mahasabha, 255 Mahatma (Great Soul), 25, 56,

59 Mahishasura, 399 Mahratti (language), 442, 474,

475 Mahsuds, 133, 205, 273 Mahura, 400 Maiden's hotel, Delhi, 295

Malaya, 8

Manaran, Swami, 196-97 Manchester Guardian, 65, 462 Mandi, Raja of, 343, 377-78 Manekshaw, Col. Sam, 408 Manikarnika Ghat, Benares, -»

304-05 Manu, 28, 49, 109, 357, 438,

445, 452, 497-500, 504 amanuensis for Gandhi, 458,

459 appendicitis attack, 151-52 "crutch" for Gandhi, 436,

490, 494 and funeral rites for Gandhi, 509, 514-15, 516, 520 intimate association with

Gandhi, 69-83, 185, 354,

433, 454 at slaying of Gandhi, 506-08 Marathas, 13 Marathe, S., 444 Mariamman, smallpox goddess, 30 Marina Hotel, New Delhi,

466, 467, 475, 483 Markhai Devi, 290 Marx, Karl, 102 Mary, Queen, 1, 310, 407 Mary Adeltrude, Sister, 412 Matthews, Victor, 259 Mauryas, 127 Medical Services, 365 Mehra, D. W., 474, 478-79,

487, 506, 539 Mehrauli, 490 Melas, 320

Menon, Krishna, 9fn., 149 Menon, V. P., 150-51, 173,

241-43, 296, 362, 363-

64 mission to Kashmir, 408-11 Messervy, Lt. Gen. Frank, 222,

404, 406 Mianwalli district, 342, 389 Middle Way, the, 31 Mieville, Sir Eric, 182 Milford Haven, Marquess of,


Mill, James, 15 Mogul emperors, 13, 29, 127, 221, 319, 503 Delhi under, 294, 360, 383 see also Aurangzeb and Je-hangir Mogul gardens, Viceroy's

House, 86, 108, 147 Mohiuddin, Khwaja, 279 moneylender, 32, 330, 334 monsoon, 270, 383, 394-96 Montessori, Maria, 68 Montgomery, India, 331, 341 Moon, Penderel, 396 Morley, John, 156 Morris, Brig. J. R., 380 Moscow, 514

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