Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) (2 page)

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Authors: Loribelle Hunt

BOOK: Freedom (Delroi Prophecy)
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He nodded at the grim warrior who’d stuck with Kareena since the shuttle had taken off.
“You’ve met Roarr Idis.”

Kareena looked him over wondering if the name fit. So far he’d been silent. She turned back to Falkor.

“How did you know where we were? Why did you come?” And while she was thinking about it…“Do you know who the other telepath with you is? He’s dangerous.”

Oh, don’t worry about Sergei. He’s harmless.”

Kareena choked off a laugh at that ludicrous pronouncement.
“Sure he is.”

He’s one of us. And we were there because Janice and Sergei want to be free. We figured we’d have to destroy Tel to do that.”

All you did was cut off the serpent’s tail,” Zola said, her voice raspy from disuse.

Perhaps,” he said. “But the confusion will last long enough for everyone to disappear.”

Kareena snorted.
“I hid for years. They always find you.”

On Earth.”

She hadn’t considered another possibility.
“What are you suggesting?”

Offering actually. Asylum,” Falkor said. “On Delroi. We strictly control which Earthlings are allowed on planet. Tel won’t sneak past us now that we’re looking out for them.”

She exchanged a look with Parker. The offer was more than tempting. They’d fought against Tel for years, secretly, always running and changing identities. If they stayed on Earth they’d be killed as soon as they surfaced. Her abilities might be dead at the moment, but she knew Parker had drawn the same conclusion. Kareena didn’t know if she could trust these Delroi warriors, but she couldn’t see another option. She ignored the regret she felt at fleeing, at betraying her father’s legacy, and chose life. Freedom. He would want her to, wouldn’t he?

“I’ll go.”

So will I,” said Parker.

They both turned to Zola for her answer. They knew little about the other woman. She’d been part of the inner workings of Tel for years before defecting. Kareena had no idea what had turned Zola against her own people, what guilts weighed on her conscious, but it didn’t matter. People like them, assassins and rebels, learned young not to share personal information that could one day be used against them. There were other ways to learn a person’s character. They’d survived the Tel prison together. Zola had distracted the guards from them more than once, put herself in harm’s way for them more than once. It wasn’t exactly friendship that had forged between them, but there was trust and there was loyalty. If Zola wanted to stay on Earth Kareena would join her. She thought Zola might chose to stay and fight, but finally the other woman nodded.

“Okay,” she said. “Delroi it is. For now.”

Was it her imagination or did Roarr heave a sigh of relief? She didn’t imagine her own. They all needed time and space to recover, Zola most of all.

“What about the drug they gave us?” Zola asked the healer. “Do you know what it is or how long it will last?”

We’ve I’ve analyzed it. We haven’t seen anything like it before, but I think it should begin to wear off in twenty-four to thirty-six hours. It will vary by individual. There may be some effects that last a few days, but I think you’ll all be fine.”

Kareena was relieved. They’d been on the drug so long she was afraid it might have permanent side effects. She tried to hide a yawn behind her hand, but no one could miss it. Damn, would she ever feel strong and rested again?

“Roarr will show you to your quarters when you get released,” Falkor said. “He can also show you the mess hall. If no one’s on duty feel free to help yourselves.”

Thank you,” Kareena spoke for all of them.

Falkor nodded, moved back to Janice, cradled her in his arms and left the medical bay with her. Kareena blinked, not quite sure what she was witnessing, but the tender way he handled her was so at odds with his severe expression, she couldn’t help but stare. He’d called her mate. Weird.

The healer spoke to Roarr and she tried to clear her head and pay attention. “They’ll be here several hours. Probably overnight.”

He nodded.
“Of course. I’ll have a meal brought.”

She hadn’t been the least bit hungry until they mentioned food. Now her stomach growled and cramped, and she tried to remember the last time they’d been fed.

“Just broth for now,” the healer said. “I have that here.”

She sighed. There went her dream of real food, but the doctor was probably right. Better give her stomach time to adjust. She was feeling queasy enough with all the recent activity. An hour later, one IV bag down, and the rich thick broth drunk, she curled on her side and let exhaustion take her.

She was the only patient left when she woke, but in the dimmed lights she could see a large man slumped in the chair across from her. He was instantly alert when she sat up.

Feeling better?” Roarr asked.

She pushed the light blanket away, grimacing at a smudge of dirt when she did.
“I will once I get a shower and clean clothes.”

He stood and gestured her to join him.
“All arranged. This way.”

He led her through a series of corridors to what he called Section A, the guest quarters she guessed. They finally ended in what looked like a large living room kitchenette combo she’d see in any city apartment on Earth. Except for the long glass wall that looked out over the planet below them. It was a mind boggling view and she stood a long time looking at it. It was so surreal. She’d gone from being a prisoner to a guest on a spaceship in a handful of hours.

“Kareena?” he asked softly. “You’re the first door on the left.”

She shook her head, trying to banish her awe, gave him a slight smile and went on her way. She was disappointed when he didn’t follow but shrugged it off. Why had she thought he would? She’d apparently lost her marbles in that prison. She took a long hot shower. When she got out, she pulled on the clean sweats someone had left for her, then she searched for scissors.
What several months ago had been a cute pixie cut was now a shaggy mop. It had to go. Looking into the mirror she set to work. When she was satisfied, she cleaned up the mess and went back into the bedroom. Suddenly weary, she collapsed on the comfortable looking bed. And dreamt of a silent sexy warrior, who had no business invading her subconscious, and the decadent, wicked things he could do to her.

Chapter Two


She woke with a jerk, heart racing as it had every day for six months. Gradually the escape came back to her and sank in. She was free. She squeezed her eyes shut and took several deep breaths. When she opened them again, she looked around. She’d left the desk lamp on. She didn’t think she’d ever be able to sleep in full dark again. There was a small round window, but of course she was in space. It was no help to judge the time. She had no idea how long she’d slept, but she knew she was up for awhile this time and she was hungry.

The corridor was dim when she stepped out. Night setting she guessed. Had she slept a whole day? The ship was quiet and felt empty. She went to the common room and found sandwiches and colas in a glass fronted upright cooler. Then she went to the seating area and found a deep couch to lounge in.

You’re awake,” a deep voice all but growled.

She jumped.
“Shit.” Roarr was almost hidden in a chair in the darker corner of the area. “You scared me out of my skin.”

He at least had the grace to look contrite.
“I apologize for startling you. How do you feel?”

She took a bite of ham and cheese, and snuck a look at him.

But she was a long way from one hundred percent. Which was a damned shame. He was giving her a look full of invitation and she wished she was up for it. But hell, maybe he looked at all women like that. Her abilities were still AWOL so she was flying blind. He gave her a smile that tempted her to sin.

“How long was I out?” she asked, desperate to get her mind on another subject. She’d just escaped captivity and certain death. Now was probably not the best time to get hot and bothered with an alien. Even if he was sexy as hell. Shit. She was in trouble here.

Between the med bay and now? Twenty four hours.”

“The others?”

They were up for a little while. They went back to bed a couple hours ago.” He paused. “Which is what you need to do when you finish that.”

She was tempted to ask if that was an invitation. She flushed hot, grateful he couldn’t see her in the dark. In her dreams he’d kissed her, licked her, made her come over and over.

“You have to stop watching me like that, angel.”

She caught her breath at the hungry look that came over his face and ignored the way the endearment made her heart race.
“Like what?”

He stood and approached, slowly sinking down next to her on the couch. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear.
“Like you want to throw caution to the wind.”

She didn’t wonder at his knowing the Earth expression.
“Maybe I do,” she responded softly.

He sat back, giving her space she wasn’t sure she wanted, and smirked. He nodded to the sandwich clutched in her hand.
“Finish that so I can put you back to bed.”

I’m not tired,” she said, but took a bite.

Did I say anything about sleeping?” he asked, his smooth deep voice seduction all on its own.

Damn, she hoped he wasn’t teasing. Hot sweaty sex sounded divine. Freeing and life affirming all at once. She whispered a prayer to the goddess, hoping she answered in space.

“I’m definitely not tired,” she murmured holding his gaze, watching as the green darkened and the heat intensified.

She finished eating in silence, gulped down the cola, and let him tug her to her feet. Back in her room, he didn’t give her a chance to change her mind. When the door slid shut behind them, he cupped the back of her head with one hand and tilted her face for his kiss. The move was so sudden she gasped and his tongue thrust in. It was wild and primal. Exhilarating. He claimed her, took her over, and when she was clinging to him, silently begging for more, he gentled it.

His free hand slid up under her shirt to the middle of her back and pressed her forward so the hard ridge of his cock pressed against her stomach. She shivered, anticipation making her hotter, needier. It had been so long, long before her capture, since she’d had sex. What a way to come back. She should have been nervous. She knew so little about him, but she didn’t care. She didn’t want to fight the attraction, the desire that flared up when he touched her. And he wanted her too. There was no denying the evidence of that. Indulging their mutual longing made her feel daring and she hadn’t felt that way in too long. It felt forbidden, maybe a little dangerous. Risky and more than a little tempting. When was the last time she’d given into her bad girl streak? Too long. It was too chancy in her world. But she wasn’t there anymore, was she?

Suddenly she laughed and he broke the kiss, leaned back, and gave her a look that was one part confused one part…hurt? No way. She had to be reading that wrong.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered, thrusting her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and rolling her pelvis against his. His nostrils flared and his jaw clenched. He put his hands on her hips and took a step back, then looked her up and down.

I’m not sure you’re ready for this,” he almost growled.

When she moved forward to rub against him again, he didn’t push her away though.
“I was a prisoner for six months and suddenly I’m free. It’s a little surreal, but I know what I’m doing, Roarr.”

You better,” he said, and this time it was definitely a growl.

It made her shiver. She wanted to strip him and explore every inch of his hard enticing body. The hell with restraint. It wasn’t her style. Once she made up her mind about something, she went for it. She grabbed the edge of his shirt and tugged it up, standing on her toes to pull it over his head. Bare skin. He was smooth and hard. The tattoos on his face stretched down the right side of his torso and disappeared below the waistline of his pants. She traced them. Some of the designs and flourishes were oddly feminine.

“What are these for?”

Each one represents training I’ve had. The ones on my face and neck are my clan, rank, and family symbols.”


She lifted her fingers to trace them. Fascinating. But not nearly as tempting as the hard, muscled chest she’d revealed. He held perfectly still, allowing the exploration without comment or encouragement. Slowly, she drew her hands down his face, his neck, over his broad shoulders then those oh so luscious pecs. His muscles bunched under her touch and she hid a grin. He wasn’t nearly as unaffected as he tried to pretend to be. She continue her slow exploration south, over hard ridged abs, to the snap on his pants. As she fumbled with it, she leaned forward to taste his skin, stroking her tongue over one pebbled nipple then the other. Finally the button opened, she pulled the zipper down, and slid her hand in the opening she’d made, wrapping her fingers around his cock.

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