Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) (3 page)

Read Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) Online

Authors: Loribelle Hunt

BOOK: Freedom (Delroi Prophecy)
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He was hard and throbbing. She stroked her thumb up the pulsing vein on the underside to the head, swiped at the pearl of pre-cum there with her thumb and lifted it to her mouth as she met his gaze. His eyes widened, glowed as if fevered, and she was so feeling that. She couldn’t remember ever being this needy, this desperate. She was afraid if she didn’t get him inside her soon she’d combust. Worse, she might when he was inside her. She almost pulled away, but he held her hips.

Don’t tell me you’re backing out now?” he whispered.

Had he sensed her moment of misgiving? Whatever. It was gone. She yanked her shirt over her head, and then shimmied out of her pants and underwear, before reaching for his cock again. He shoved his pants down and lifted her, turning so her back was to the wall. Then his hand was between her legs, spreading the lips of her sex, fingers pushing inside to test her readiness. She would have told him that was unnecessary if she’d had the power of speech.


A warrior born to any other clan on Delroi wouldn’t allow her the aggression she’d shown, but as he’d always known, he was different. If it wasn’t their first time together, he might have let her continue, seen how far she’d go. Seen how brazen desire would make her. But it turned out he wasn’t that different after all. He had to dominate her. He had to claim her the way only a mate could claim his woman. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. He’d never wanted a
, but now that he’d met her he couldn’t imagine living without her. That didn’t scare him. Her current condition did.

She was fragile, too thin and malnourished and probably weeks away from full recovery. For now, he ignored the bruises. They threatened to incite a fury that didn’t belong in the room right now. Yet, he couldn’t temper his instincts. He couldn’t bank the heat raging between them.

“Damn, Roarr, what are you waiting for?” she whined.

He ground his teeth together. She wasn’t helping that control at all, rolling her pelvis, trying to impale herself on his cock. He slid his arms under her thighs, moving her higher and holding her legs apart. Controlling her movements so she couldn’t ambush him with that sensual little slide again.

“Now,” she ordered.

That just wouldn’t do. He’d allow aggression. Wanted to hear her pleas. But demands? Not in this. He thrust into her hard and froze when he was buried balls deep in her tight cunt. She gasped. Her eyes widened with surprise and a hint of trepidation. She wiggled as she adjusted to his width and girth, and finally settled with a long yearning sigh.

“Ready?” he asked. He was hanging on by a thread, chanting a constant reminder to himself to be careful with her.

Yes,” she hissed.

He didn’t give her any warning. He had no restraint left, and knowing he wasn’t going to last more than a few thrusts, he moved one arm under her ass to hold her place and his free hand to her clit. The harder he thrust, the hotter she got. Her mind was wide open and though he hadn’t bound her to him yet, the psychic bond of
was already forming. He felt her desires. Saw what turned her on. Knew with just the right touch she’d be coming with him. He flicked his thumb over her clit, then pressed down on it, rubbing in circles while he fucked her. Soaking in her soft cries until they finally ended on a long scream as she came.

Chapter Three


The first thing she noticed when she woke was being warm. She’d kept the light blanket close during the night, but she didn’t need it with Roarr wrapped around her. Still feeling loose limbed and satiated, she turned around to face him. She wondered if the inhibitor drug had finally worn off. She followed her instinct to let her senses expand, to take in her surroundings and his mood. Her powers were back, and she actually regretted that.

She lifted her face to look into his eyes. They were hot and possessive. She couldn’t read his thoughts. He had natural shields that were damned good. But for some reason—especially when she was touching him—though it wasn’t a major part of her talent, she could
his emotions, sense his intentions, as if they were her own. Like he was sharing them somehow. He meant to claim her. Meant to keep her with him. What was she? A damned war prize?

Her first instinct was to flee. She finally had her freedom back. She wasn’t giving it up. But she was sick of running. She was a mature independent woman, who’d just had the best sex of her life. Did she have to give that up so soon? Not if she could help it. She’d explain things. Surely he’d understand. He wasn’t the first man in her life and wouldn’t be the last. If she felt a twinge of regret over that, oh well. Life was a bitch.

“What?” he asked, a slightly suspicious, slightly resigned look on his face.

You know this is just fun. This isn’t serious.”

His expression closed down and he no longer projected his emotions.
“Is that right?”

Yes,” she said. Firm and resolute. “I just got my freedom back. The last thing I need to do right now is get involved.”

You’re already involved,

Well, this was going well. She sighed.
“I think you’re looking for something I can’t give you, Roarr.”

They were interrupted by chimes. She frowned.
“What’s that?”

My communicator,” he grumbled, rolling out of bed.

He walked naked to where he’d left his clothes piled near the wall and she couldn’t help but stare. The man had a very fine ass. He grinned over his shoulder at her and picked up his pants, dragged them on. Then he pulled the small device from his pocket and opened it. She guessed it was like a cell phone and had a display screen. He grunted, but didn’t tell her what it
said. Instead he flipped it closed and returned it to his pocket, then sat in the desk chair and pulled on his boots. Next came his shirt. She was disappointed they wouldn’t be continuing their tryst, but maybe that was for the best. He stood up and gave her a grin that was pure sin.

Don’t worry, baby. We’re a long way from over.”

When he pulled her to her feet and kissed the hell out of her, she melted, almost wishing things could be different. It was bad enough she’d left Earth and the mission her father had left in her hands. She refused to add Roarr to her growing list of regrets.

He pulled away and tapped her ass.

Get dressed. I’ll show you the rest of the ship while I check on my men and then we’ll find something to eat.”

The offer was very tempting, but she wasn’t sure if she should take it. He was back in control and that possessive streak was leaking through his shields again. His expression changed, sobered.

“No expectations, angel. Just a tour and some food,” he said gently, as if he knew what she was thinking, understood her dilemma. She checked her shields, assured herself he couldn’t read her, and reminding herself it would be a colossal mistake to fall for him, decided to take what she could.

Sex he left unsaid, but she saw the promise in his eyes. What could it hurt? After they reached Delroi she’d probably never see him again. She nodded and reached for her clothes. When she was dressed, he produced a pair of flip flops from a closet so well concealed she’d totally missed it. They even fit.

“Where did the clothes and shoes come from?” she asked.

She couldn’t imagine a Delroi woman wearing sweats. She’d only seen a handful of their females since the invasion, but even the healer she’d see when they arrived had worn the soft almost sheer clothing that managed to be both elegant and sexy. Still, if they did wear the comfy, frumpy clothes, she hadn’t seen anyone near her size in the rescue party other than Janice, and she was a couple inches taller than Kareena. He led her out into the corridor.

“One of our other passengers helped with some fast shopping. That’s it I’m afraid. We didn’t want to linger in Earth space with fugitives aboard.”

Instead of threatening, his statement was gloating. He liked getting one over Tel. Or maybe all the people on her planet?

“Is that contempt for Tel or all of us?”

Just the bad guys, Kareena.” He slung an arm around her shoulder as he guided her down a new hall. It was so much easier to read him when he was touching her. His tone was light and amused, but he was dead serious.

There was a brief pause and then he asked curiously,
“So what do you do?”

The question startled her. She’d assumed he knew.
“I’m a telepath.”

He chuckled.
“I know that, baby. I want to know what your work is.”

That was getting a little more personal than she dared risk, because there were two answers. The job that paid the bills and the work that fed her soul. The work that had killed her father, that she’d pledged to carry on. Finding, helping, hiding people like her, unregistered psychics. People who’d prefer to live free rather than serve Tel and its secret agendas. Eventually she’d have to share some of that with the Delroi. They’d want to know who they’d rescued and why, of course. But not yet. Not until she was certain they could be trusted. She ignored the instinct screaming that Roarr could be and pressed her lips together.

“We can talk about it later,” he said, as if sensing her turmoil. He smoothly changed the subject. “I’m a clan chief. Do you know anything about our society?”

Not much. I’ve heard you have three castes and you’re divided into clans.” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “And you’re a chief?”

Yes. From the southern continent.” He pointed to his face. “You’ll know us by the tattoos. If there is any color in them, they’re from my clan. You’ve heard of our Overchief? Daggar Torfa?”

She nodded.
“He’s married to one of our colonels. A doctor.”

Right. He rules all the warriors, but every region has one ruler over all its clans that answer to him. In the south, that’s Barak Trace.”

A relative of Falkor’s?”

He nodded.
“His twin.”

Interesting. It wasn’t a low ranking or middling leader who’d rescued her and her companions then.
“Where do you fit in this?”

Barak has an advising council. Falkor is his second in command. I’m one of his advisors. My clan also mediates disputes for other clans, the guilds, that sort of thing.”

She sucked in a deep breath. So Roarr was a powerful man. A man used to getting what he wanted and he’d decided on her. She was suddenly nervous. She tried to edge away, but he held on tight and they continued to walk. It felt aimless to her, and she tried not to be conspicuous as she watched him. His gaze was sharp. He occasionally stopped to talk to someone. She doubted much ever got past him.

“So now you know what I do,” he broke the silence as they entered the mess hall and joined a line. “What about you?”

She sighed. He was obviously not going to go for a casual affair. She pressed her lips tight and tried to give him a repressive glare. He held his hands up in mock surrender.

“I’m just trying to make conversation here.”

Sure you are,” she said, and gave him the easy answer. The one that wouldn’t betray anyone. “I teach self defense classes.”

She suspected he would keep asking until she answered and maybe the response would make him back off. From what she’d seen, Delroi males preferred women who couldn’t take care of themselves, who weren’t independent like she was. If she felt a twinge of regret over that, tough shit. She knew better than to try to change a man.

“Hand to hand or weapons?” he asked with no change of inflection at all.


The line was buffet style and she picked everything that looked familiar. She wondered if she’d ever feel full again? Then she followed Roarr to a small private table tucked into the back corner of the room and looked around. The large open space was filling up, but to her surprise it wasn’t all men. Maybe a quarter of the occupants were female.

“I thought the Delroi secluded their women,” she said, unable to resist her curiosity.

He shrugged.
“Some try. Especially warriors.” He looked around. “All of the Delroi females on this ship are mated, most of them to warriors actually.”

So you don’t totally get away with that possessive over-protective streak,” she murmured. Interesting. He turned to her with a hard look in his eyes, a combination of determination and retribution and the guarantee of sex. A lot of incredible out of this world sex. The thought stopped her cold. Dude. Where the hell had she got that from?

Let’s just say we have ways to retaliate against women who scare the life out of us.”

She caught her breath. His words were more than promise, more than threat.

“And what’s that?” she whispered, stunned and enthralled by the images she caught from his mind.

She’d experimented with BDSM years ago, but hadn’t been able to trust enough to get the most out of it. He leaned close, pressed his lips against the curve between her shoulder and neck, and nipped her.

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